Will Janar LIVE OR DIE? [Edit]

Agony say so this is a heart game, this time where either side doesn't have advantage.

Because even though the wolf, can take people from the other side the other side can do the same.

Chishiya adds in but, it also makes it a club game you have to be able to work, with whoever is on your side wolf or not.

Usagi says so you mean, that it doesn't matter who's on whose team because it can lead to that team's death.

Arisu is thinking, and then says so you guys are saying it's a mix of both suites.

And that it may appear as both, but only one team can win but in truth it's highly possible that 1 or no one will be able to survive this game.

Chishiya says well, there is one way that we all can walk away with our lives.

Karube goes over to him, and is almost in his face and says how with expectation in his voice.

Usagi reacts before, he can say or gesture anything and stands in front of Janar.

With her arms stretched out protecting her from the others.

She says no don't, even think about it Chishiya how could you even think of sacrificing Janar.

After how she saved us, and how you were just so desperate to save her.

Saory stands by her side, and says we are not sacrificing her.

Karube turns back to Chishiya, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and says how dare you even think of trying to sacrifice her.

Chishiya looks at Karube with his poker face, and says I have repaid her by saving her life.

So I don't owe her anything, if I have to choose it's my life before anyone else.

Right now where in a predicament, of where all of us can die or we can have one die to save all of us.

Unless any of you can come up with a better idea I'm all ears.

Arisu walks up to them, and places his hand on Karube hand gesturing to let him go.

Karube clicks his tongue, letting Chishiya go as he turns away.

Arisu looks over his right shoulder not completely looking at Chishiya saying, so you want to sacrifice the best hope we have to save us from this game and world.

You suggest sacrificing one of the world's top geniuses, that have led the world's top company in all fields from business and entertainment.

That's not an option, we will not abandon our friend and our best hope of leaving this world.

Chishiya says the genius that leads all companies in both business and entertainment?

Usagi says Arisu don't say anymore, and just forget even trying to touch Janar.

Or we can start the game right now without teams.

Npc 1 walks up to Usagi, and says well do you have any better ideas.

Npc 2 also comes over, and says yea or are you saying it's ok to sacrifice one of us.

So you can play house with your little lesbian girlfriend.

Usagi looks at her as if, she says one more word the game will begin.

Before the game officially starts as the 3 other NPC joins in.

As they are arguing, I try getting up and say you wont have to worry about me getting sacrificed.

As I'm on one knee, with my hand supporting me they look at me.

Usagi says, Janar you can see relief on her face and hear love and relief from her being glad in her voice, as her and Karube run to me helping me up.

(System female voice: You have 15 seconds until the game starts).

Usagi says be careful, with her arm Karube he says got it don't worry Usagi.

Usagi nodes and they walk me over, to the group we stop next to Arisu.

Arisu asks Janar are you ok?

How do you feel, do you think you can play the game and do you have any ideas.

I smile and say yea, I'm fine thanks for asking but Chishiya why do you always, try to be the bad guy in these types of situations.

They look at me, and Usagi asks what do you mean Janar.

Karube says yea why are you saying that.

I say I'll explain, later but for the game I heard a little from you guys earlier.

This game is cruel, and there isn't a way around the fact that one or some of us will die.

But there's a way to lower, the chance of all of us dying.

Chishiya cuts in and says you want to get one of the wolf's on our team meaning that one would die.

I say right but we don't choose, what wolf will join the sheep side.

The 2 wolfs get one weapon each, and get a chance to hide.

After a few minutes, that's when the sheep's go looking for the wolfs and whichever wolf is found is turned to the sheep team and gets to live as the other doesn't.

I look around to see everyone, to see what they think of this plan.

I ask, so what does everyone think of this plan this way no one's life is above another, it all base on luck for the wolf.

Chishiya says so, this game is really meant for the wolf to hide and try to have more people because if the wolfs don't have more people they die.

Arisu joins in and says, right so it's more of the sheep's are the hunters and the wolfs are prey.

I say I guess everyone is in agreement, then with this plan let's go and get our gear.

As we are at the table, I go to grab my VR helmet before my weapon, and that's when Usagi puts her hand on top of mine.

I turned my head to look, at her when our gazes met I see that she is worried and scared.

I ask her what's wrong, if shes worried about if my plan doesn't work.

She shakes her head, no that's when I noticed everyone else has the same look and came over to us.

When they reach us, Usagi says Janar you didn't mention the cruel thing of when you told us your plan to us.

I tilt my head, as if not knowing what she means by that.

I say I told you guys, the complete plan I didn't hide anything about it from you guys.

Karube says cut the shit Janar, you know what she meant by that.

I say again, Karube I really didn't hide anything from you I told you everything.

Chishiya says really now did you, what about the part if you become a wolf, and one of us doesn't find you first.

Or about the part where the wolf could kill each other before we find one of them, and they join us ending the game.

Also there's the possibility, that they will betray us and kill us so the wolfs can win.

Looking at me as he said that, and adds so you didn't hide anything from us about the plan now huh?

I bit my lower lip, and look away from them as Usagi grabs me and turns me towards her.

So we can make eye contact, even though she did I kept my head turned down a little bit with a sad expression.

Usagi says so what were you planning, to do if they planned on killing each other or betraying us huh?

Or more what if you become a wolf huh? as she shakes me to answer her.

Usagi says look at me Janar, look at me what was you planning to do if that happens or worse if you become a wolf and we don't find you first.

Still shaking me gently, but now with tears and says in her desperate voice, why aren't you answering me why Janar why.

In your condition, what can you do by yourself I turn my head to face her being, that I don't like when she is upset or crying.

Feeling that I'm now looking, at her she lifted her head and I was met with tears forming in her eyes.

As her cheeks have multiple, streaks from her tears.

I wipe them away, and let my hand rest on her cheek as she rests her cheek in my hand as she opens her eyes for our gazes to meet.

She looks at me waiting, for me to answer her questions with her eyes looking soft and full of worry. She said please...please answer me, and tell me that you have a plan for that.

I look away, and give her a quick kiss on her lips before taking my hand off her cheek and grabbing my VR helmet and weapon.

She says why Janar! why can't you answer that's when she says no...no no way your not.

Usagi says what is it Arisu?

Usagi says if you know why she's not saying it.

Saory walks up to Usagi, and says let's get our gear the game is about to start as she tries to grab her by her shoulder to turn her towards the table.

She pushes her away, and says no tell me what it is Arisu as he looks away.