Will Janar LIVE OR DIE?/Surprise Role [Edit]

Usagi ran up to Arisu, grabbing him by the shoulders trying to look him in the eyes as he kept looking away.

She says Arisu if you know what it is tell me, we can stop her and come up with another plan.

(System female voice: 5 seconds until the game starts please all participants get ready).

Usagi says ARISU!

I walk over handing them, their VR helmets as I say babe if you put on your gear and grab your weapon I'll tell you.

Usagi looks at me, when our eyes meet She sees worry and fear in my eyes.

Usagi says what if, I say no because I know if I put this on it will be too late to change anything.

As I'm holding out both of theirs, Arisu takes his and Usagi had done the same as she does one last weak attempt at begin defiant as she took her VR.

I say babe, she looked up at me with tears still in her eyes as i say, it will be fine you may not like my answer but please put the VR helmet on as I give her a deep kiss.

With a deep passion telling how much, I love her and how much she means to me that I don't want her to die not here not in to this shitty world.

Once I break the kiss, and place our foreheads together I open my eyes, as she still has her closed with tears coming down them.

When she opens, them our eyes meet and we look into each other's eyes for a while as she starts to shake her head.

I move away going to grab, her a weapon as she puts her VR helmet on.

I turned around handing, her a weapon as she was straightening her VR helmet.

She took her weapon, and the white screen lights up saying the game has started but we hear a Ding!

But before the system started talking, I say Usagi you wanted to know what I planned if things went differently do you still wanna know?

Usagi turns to me and says yes, I do depending on what it is I will do it with you.

I say Usagi, I don't want you to die in this shitty world I want you to go back and live your life.

I want to be a part of it if I can be if you're still willing to have me a part of it.

But if I can't I will make sure, you will get back safely from this game.

Usagi says what do you mean, you want to be a part of my life when I go back? but if you can't you'll make sure I survive this.

As she starts to realize, what I meant the system speaks.

(System in female voice: The game will last 15:00 minutes and there is one more role it's called a madman. The madman can be considered an ally to the wolfs and help them win but he's also part of the sheep's. He can help the sheep's either way he can be considered to be on either team. The madman can choose their side but if the madman is killed by a wolf and if the madman is on the sheep team the wolfs win. But if the madman is on the wolfs team and dies the sheep's team wins. The wolves and the Madman will go hide when the lights go off.)

Chishiya says great this made the game harder, plus now it makes Janar's plan go from liable to liability.

Just as Karube is about to ask, Chishiya what he meant the lights go off.

When the lights are off, foot steps can be heard going off towards the forest.

But before I do, I give Usagi a kiss on her cheek before I head off.

(10 seconds after the lights came back on)

Chishiya looks around, after the lights have come back on.

Chishiya asks so who are we missing, as he looks back to the group.

Usagi has her hand on her cheek, from where Janar kissed her.

Usagi says Janar, is one of them she's other an madman or part of the wolfs and we're missing NPC1 and NPC2.

But I think she's a madman, and we have to find her first.

Chishiya says how do you know, she's a madman she could be a wolf.

Usagi says does that matter, either way that's good for us that means we can get her back on our side and just let the other wolf die due to the time limit.

Also she wouldn't want it to be unfair, between her and the other wolve

Chishiya says what if we don't find her, first because there's a chance that she could be found by the wolfs and be used as bait to lure us.

Usagi says she would never, do that she cares for us plus she cares for me too much she wouldn't give me a kiss if she wanted us to die.

Arisu gets in between them and says guys cut it out we only have 14:30 seconds, let just stick with the plan.

Chota asks what Karube was going to ask before getting cut off.

Chota says Chishiya what did you mean, when you said this makes Janar plan goes from liable to liability what changes it.

Chishiya says begin that we have to look at the wolfs without them looking at us.

So the plan could work at first, because whatever one we find all we would need to do is have them look away and let us look at them.

Saory finishes the rest for him, but now that we have a madman that can be considered on either, we can't take the risk.

Because we don't know if their a wolf or not.

There is also the fact that it alarms, everyone when someone has changed sides.

So say if we find a wolf, before we find Janar the other wolf will try to kill her.

Because it doesn't matter, if we have more people we will lose.

Usagi says, we definitely have to find her first because of that rule instead of the wolfs being on our side.

In which one of them will die, they would rather kill her knowing that she's on the sheep's team.

Karube says what are we waiting for, let's go find her as they separate as they all head into the indoor forest.

(After hiding)

I say Usagi must have understood my clue, when I kissed her.

That was the only way for me, to tell her that I'm the madman.

They must have figured out that rule, about me being on either side to where I can choose.

So the other two wolfs, will try to kill me so that either one of them will have to die.

But I hoped they would notice like I did, that someone had switched places.

Because at first it sounded like 3, people had gone to hide but you could hear one going back to the group another pair of foot steps going to hide.