Will Janar LIVE OR DIE?/ Madman [Edit]

I take my phone out, and lower the screen brightness to look at how much time is left.

There's 13:20 seconds, left on the timer I think that I shouldn't stay in one spot for too long.

Because I don't want to risk, being found by a wolf, but I also want to make it easier for Usagi and the others to find me.

I'm guessing by now, they have already split up to search for me.

I put my phone away, and I'm just about to check my perimeter but that's when I hear footsteps.

They stop in front of me, I am hiding between some bushes and a tree.

That's when I hear a female voice,.

As I hear the man speak next,< how do you know that it's Janar, that's the madman and not someone else>.

I guess that the ones, in front of me right now talking are NPC 1 and NPC 3.

NPC 3 says the way Usagi, was acting when she noticed that Janar was gone.

She gave a stupid reason, saying that she knew Janar was a madman because she gave her a kiss on the cheek but she convinced everyone she's the madman.

NPC 1 says for now, we will go with Janar is the madman being that she's friends with them.

And begin that her girlfriend is also a part of the sheep team there's, no way she wouldn't be on their team.

NPC 1 asks aren't you supposed to meet up with her after a certain amount of time? we don't want them to pick up on that you're a wolf or anything.

NPC 3 says where good on that end, we are just meant to find Janar and protect her.

So where is NPC 2? we sent her with you so that I could be able to stay with the group.

NPC 1 answers I told her to search separately, from me because I didn't want to alert them by having the alarm go off being that she's a sheep.

NPC 3 replies by saying smart let's get back to looking for Janar.

We don't want the others, to find her and if we do she could be bait.

They go their separate ways after that, I hide a little longer not wanting to be found, just after they left guessing that they would search this area.

I take my phone out, and see the timer to make sure I gave them enough time for them to do their search.

The timer says 12:00 thinking, I had given enough time.

I get up and move, from where I was hiding onto the path.

I look both ways to make sure I don't see anyone before deciding to go left.

After walking for 30 minutes, I hear someone walking in my direction.

I jumped into some bushes, with my back to the bush I hear the foot steps getting closer.

My mind goes into overtime, coming up with different ways to escape or to attack the wolf.

, I snap out of my thoughts realizing it's NPC 2, I get up.

She hugs me immediately, saying thank god you're ok I was just with Usagi.

She is desperately searching, for you after she moves away from me.

She grabs my hand, and tries to pull me in the direction she was going.

She turns towards me, and looks at me as if saying why aren't you following me.

Upon seeing my expression, she lets go and turns fully facing me.

You must have noticed or figured, out that the 2 wolfs planned something and I'm a part of it.

She grabs me by my shoulders, and looks into my eyes saying< Janar I know you, might not trust me right now but what their planning is insane they want to murder everyone>.

Even though sacrificing anyone, isn't good but with what was given it's better to lose, one person than a group.

Plus if we survive this, I want to tell you something you can doubt me.

If you want, but right now please just let me take you to Usagi.

Looking in her eyes, I don't see a hint of doubt or deceit and that she really just wants to keep me safe, I nod agreeing with her.

She smiles and we leave, from where I was hiding once on the path we break out into a sprint.

Stopping to check every corner, we stop at one corner she turns to me and says where almost at the meeting point that me and Usagi agree on.

When she turns back, to check the corner NPC 2 jumps back making me move back.

NPC 1 comes around the corner, with a look of disappointment on his face.

NPC 2 and I start moving back, as NPC 2 has her arm stretched back to me, gesturing do not come forward but to also protect me.

NPC 1 tiss's at NPC 2 saying are you really going to betray us? you could have lived still walking towards us.

NPC 2 says why would you think, I would go along with this insane plan of massacring 15 people.

I only went along, with this so I could find her before you 2 and I could get her to Usagi and the others.

NPC 1 says well you're about to be one, of them and pulls out his weapon.

NPC 2 pulls out hers too and yells towards Janar, run after you take 2 right turns you should meet up with Usagi!

I say what about you, I can't just leave you to fight alone.

She says I'll be ok, I'll meet up with you after the game I still have something to tell you as NPC1, runs up to attack her and their weapons clang together.

She says NOW GO! as she's still blocking NPC 1, I say I'll be back with Usagi to help you just hold on as I run away.

Repeating what she said, after making two right turns I will be at where she and Usagi were supposed to meet.

Making the first right and running down the path, I get tackled from the side landing on my back.

When I open my eyes, I see NPC 3 on top of me smiling saying Janar I finally found you I thought you were NPC 1.

I see the malice which is accompanied by blood lust, coming from her smile, as she looks at me.

She points her knife, towards my head as she raises it and brings it down.

I managed to move it out of the way.

This time she raises, her hands together being that she's sitting on my upper body.

I can't shake her off.

She brings her arms down, with full force as I scream USAGI HELP ME.