One week at Aceso part 1[Edit]


As I'm against the wall of the shower, and with Usagi kissing me and Hygieia rubbing my clit making me wet.

I reposition myself to where, I can finger the two of them.

When I repositioned myself, it was better for them to continue.

I moved my hand to their pussy, and slid my fingers in both of them and started moving them slowly.

As I entered and then sped up, making Usagi part from my lips and moan as Hygieia also moaned.

Usagi went back to kissing me again, as Hygieia also started to increase her speed.

We were all about to climax, as our walls started to tighten and we cum at the same time.

As I was enjoying the ecstasy, Usagi crotches down and starts licking my pussy when Hygieia turned my head to face her and started tongue kissing me.

I put my hand on Usagi's head pushing her head in more as she was eating me out, and I had wrapped my other hand around Hygieia pulling her in as I grabbed her ass.

My hand trailed down to Hygieia's ass hole, and I put one finger in pulling it out as if I was playing with it.

Making her muffle moan.

Hygeia I muffled moan Ahhh ahh and in between moans as I kiss Janar more passionately as I feel her speed up her finger going in and out of my ass hole.

I say Usagi yes yes I'm almost there as I had speed up my movement with my finger going in and out of Hygieia.

Stopping I say Usagi stand up, doing as I said I move away from Hygieia and have them stand side by side as I crotch in front of both of them.

Sensing where I was going with this, they start kissing each other as I start to lick Usagi pussy starting from her thigh to her hole making her moan Ahhh ahhh yes yes.

When I stick my tongue, in her hole and move it around as I also take it out and put it back in a teasing way.

Making her moan in frustration, but she can't complain being that her kiss with Hygeia is feeling too good.

I move to Hygieia's pussy, that is leaking her juices that is mixed with the shower water.

I lick her clit quickly then, I look up at her as I can see her shivering due to it.

She looks at me with desperation, but also anger being that I'm teasing her.

I smirk and do it again making her muffle moan, as she is still looking at me now with more of a pleading gaze.

I stop teasing her and lick her clit, as I slid my tongue down between her lower lips to as I move between her clit and pussy.

When I put my tongue in her hole her walls immediately clenched my tongue sensing she was about to cum.

I stand up and start kissing the two of them, when Hygieia moves away and starts to suck on my nipple as I kiss Usagi, I moan Ahh ahh yes yes.

I started to finger them both, as their walls started to tighten.

Usagi starts to finger Janar, making her moan more as she starts to finger me and Hygieia.

As I'm moaning, I since we're at our limits and kiss Janar with more passion as we climax.

After climaxing I move away, to catch my breath and I flip my hair back with my eyes closed, I say well i should of seen that coming and I was trying to save it for bed as I open one eye to look at them with an smile on my face.

I say I guess I win, begin that I didn't give into temptation first.

As they blush, I ask Hygieia can you go get the body soap and wash clothes.

Hygieia opens the curtains and goes to the sink counter grabbing the things.

Janar asked for before returning to the shower and closing the curtains.

I say I didn't notice, that you had brought them in with you.

Hygieia yea you must not, have seen I was holding when Usagi was helping you unhook your bra.

I walk over to her as I pull Usagi with me giving Hygieia peck on the lips.

After letting go of Usagi, I took the things from her and put them on the shower shelf to started round 3.

(1 hr later)

After me and the girls finally washed ourselves we moved to the bed.

I lay down first stretching my arms as the girls lay down, I wrap my arms around them pulling them to me as I give them kisses which turns.

Into the both of them having me tongue kiss them before drifting to sleep.

I wake up to the sunlight, flickering through the curtains.

I look at the girls that have their faces in the nap of my neck on each side.

I smile and gently move my arm from under Hygieia first, then Usagi as I get up and close the curtains.

Usagi and Hygieia wake up, I say let's get in the shower and get ready for the day.

(2 hrs later)

Were taking a break from, reinforcing the weak spots of our home by making a fence around it.

Were half way done when, we hear the sound of multiple engines from cars.

I stand up and go to the front of the hospital as i go to the main street looking, to the right first not seeing anything I look to the left.

I see nothing at first, I start to turn to head back but that's when I see an old classic 1968 Cadillac DeVille convertible and a 2014 Audi S3 sedan.

The others come out running, to me as Usagi and Hygieia stand at the side of me with the others behind me.

Usagi asks do you think they're dangerous, Janar should we get ready to fight.

Hygieia says to Janar whatever you do remember what you promised us, otherwise you know what will happen if you don't.

I say I know girls as I look at both of them, and they knod and I look forward as the 1968 Cadillac DeVille convertible and the 2014 Audi S3 sedan pull up with 5 other cars behind them.

{author: Hey guys are you enjoying the first season so far tell me what you think of it so far and after I finished the first season I will edit the first season before I move on to the 2 season so that you guys can enjoy the first season again.}