First meeting with the beach [Edit]

As I'm looking at the cars, I see a man in a beach outfit with sunglasses.

Get out and look around before his gaze lands on us and walks towards us as, people get out of the cars behind his.

When they do I see Agony, Chishiya and others alongside them.

They stand in front of us as the guy with the sunglasses takes them off and says if it isn't the one and only, Janar Nobunaga as he smiles at me.

When he does I see a flash back, from my high school days with my two childhood friends.

I say wait it can't be Danma, is that you as we run to each other and hug.

I say Danma, how long has it been since we last saw each other.

He says it's been 5-6 years since we last saw each other.

As he looks over to Agony, with a suspicious look and says Agora you lied to me you said she didn't remember us.

I say Agora as I move away, and look at Agony I see the image of our other childhood friend and say wait Agora is that you.

He says ohh, it takes you seeing Danma to remember as he keeps it tough and delinquent vibes.

I ran up to him, and hugged him saying why didn't you tell me you look so different from when we were younger.

He says well, I wanted to wait til you seen Danma before saying anything.

I move away and say I see, as I go back to my group I ask so what brings you and your friends to our little abode.

Sensing the slight hostility,< he says easy we didn't come here to be hostile just to have a little talk>.

I say talk right Danma, how long have we known each other even if we haven't seen each other in a while doesn't mean that I don't know you.

Plus you and Agora also are the ones that own one in the lifetime experience at the beach, that has always been the closest in over taking my company in the beginning in the place in all fields.

Thats when Arisu and the others gasp,

The company I own was supposed to be owned by the three of us with me at the reins and these two were supposed to be at the head of the company>.

[Side note: Janar and Danma and Agony were supposed to own the company with Janar being the owner with Danma and Agony begin her presidents]

But Agony had moved in their freshman year and Danma followed a few years later.]

Usagi says that's why you didn't recognize Agony and they're not in your company.

Nodding, Danma says well it looks like we missed each other again begin that I have started my own refuge for the players of this world and also named it beach.

I say so now your intentions come out, .

So let's work together and come to an agreement for our groups won't but heads in the future.

(6 months later)

It has been 6 months, since then and we had some in games altercations and had to change our agreement to where it is now.

Even though Aceso is smaller than the beaches by 100 or 200 hundred members.

We have managed to agree that in games altercations is fine begin that the games are unknown til you join them,and any outside of the game that's led to any of our members getting into fights comes with heavy consequences.

But if anyone kills another person from either of our group the participants will face the same fate.

With that it limited the amount of fights that happened between our two groups.

Also begin that my group Aceso are the stronger ones in Diamonds, and Spades games we have claimed the territory of where those suits games appear.

As the beach group, have claimed the hearts and clubs games territory.

Not meaning that we don't take part in hearts and clubs games, but they have the right away to it if they have more people at it.

Begin it's in their territory and if they have more members there.

As it's vice versa if they join the games in our territory and when our two groups are in those situations, a high executive has to be president from each group. If only one executive is there from either group depending on whose territory the game is in the other group has to leave.

Whether an executive is present or not and also that clubs and heart games are from 10am til 6pm and Diamonds, and spades are at 7-12am our group rarely meet.

Also we have come to terms that each group keeps the card their members collect, and when we have gathered all the cards.

We come together and present our cards to each other so we can leave this world.

Now the last and final agreement is that we agreed on doing the Joker games together, begin that they come with high risk only our high executives are allowed to do them.

But we also meet at a neutral place, that we had agreed on that has become our permanent meeting place.

(Present time)

Where at our group meeting, that happens every 3 months for briefing and to discuss the members going to the Joker game, that happens in 2 hrs and the one that happens in 2 weeks.

Being that the Joker games happen 2 times every 3 months, we also give updates on how many cards each group has collected.

And the loss of members, and if we need any supplies for trade or info.

I say within the last 3 months my Aceso, has grown from 500 to 650 and for right now on supplies we are fine and for losses we have lost 20 people bringing us to 630 members.

As for info we haven't noticed any significant changes to the games, and our world where in we also have collected 10 cards 5 of diamonds and spades.

So the king for each should appear, when we have 12 cards from each suite.

For the executive members, we have 10 and I chose Usagi, Hygeia, Arisu, Chota, Karube, and Saory to come with me for both Joker games.

Finishing my report, I wait for Danma to make his for his group report.