First Joke game With the beach [Edit]

(2 hours later)

We arrived at the Arena, for the joker game I opened the doors for everyone to get off.

Getting up from the driver seat, after taking the keys out I see Danma begin the last off besides me.

I say Danma do you want to hold a group meeting, or do we talk to our groups individually before going in.

He says it would be good, to have a group meeting instead.

I nod and we get off, the bus to see the members of our group staring at us surprising us a little.

We look at each other, and I say we are going to have a meeting inside the gaming arena.

My group responded saying yes leader, as Danma group is hesitant to answer.

He takes off his sunglasses, and says well what do you say.

Responding to him, they say right as me and Danma start to walk off the bus, they make way and follow us inside.

We enter the amusement park, to see a table with phones on it.

Me and Danma grab, ours first and We turn around to face the group.

Danma says this will be, the first time we will be working as one to complete a game so me and Janar will switch leads for the two stages once we know what they are.

He looks to me as if asking, if I have anything to add looking away from him I say I know we have had rivalries in our other games but in this game though that will lead to your death in these games stages they will be on an different levels compared to the original games.

The people here, are the most talented and trusted people and members of our two groups so let go and clear this game.

Hearing an roar from the group, me and Danma make way for them to grab their phones.

After grabbing their phones, we all step to the side letting the other players grab their phones.

With me and Danma in front of, the group we hear whispers from the other players.

Like look isn't that Aceso and the beach aren't they rivals why are they together.

Another is the two biggest groups, are working together the rumors must be true then that from now on they will collaborate on Joker games.

When 4 people come up to us, Usagi, Hygieia, and Karube stands in front of me as Agony, Ann, and Kuina stand in front of Danma.

We tap them on the shoulder, and they step aside me and Danma step forward with him taking off his sunglasses.

I look at Danma as he looks at me and I ask how can we help the 4 of you today.

They look at each other and one of the girls speaks up first.

My name is Jamie and this is my sister Hailey as the boys are our brothers.

Me and Hailey want to join Aceso can we join I'm sure we would add more to your group.

As one of the brothers says my name is Jayden and this is my brother Jack we would like to join Beach we can also add to your group.

Me and Danma look at each other thinking the same thing "we knew this would happen".

Looking back to them, I say we don't mind but you do know there will be an assessment test for you to join and I ask why do you guys want to join our groups.

Jamie says me and my sister would fit Aceso because of how they are athletic and are able to assess their environment, which are capabilities that go along with the games they have control over.

But Hailey says the real reason, is because of what Aceso stands for and that we also want to be able to help and guide others to have a family that we can trust outside the 4 of us.

I say I like your answer, but like I said you have to pass the assessment test during this game.

Jamie and Hailey eyes sparkle and they say yes simultaneously and in a excited voice.

Jamie says also there's something we need to tell you but before she does.

Another group comes and they are around 25 strong.

As they grab their phones, people whisper and Hailey says thats the group that Jamie wanted to tell you about as she whispers in my ear.

Jamie and Hailey stand next to me and Jamie says this group is bad news their name is Galaxy.

One of their members spotted the 4 of them and started walking towards us.

Jamie and Hailey hide behind me as Jayden and Jack hide behind Danma.

Looking at them, we step forward with our executives behind us.

He reaches us and says hey Jamie, Hailey, Jayden and Jack did you think about our offer.

Trying to look around me and Danma, He says it's a good offer right.

I say that's quite the malice for someone, trying to recruit someone that's part of my family and also it's a great disrespect to ignore people in front you.

As your trying to recruit our family members that's apart of Aceso as I say it with hostility.

Jamie and Hailey say family members, as they start to feel giddy from what Janar said.

Sensing my hostility he backs up, and puts his hands up like he doesn't want problems, as another member from his group comes over.

He asked if there was a problem, as now everyone's attention is on us.

Danma steps forward and says I guess you are the leader of your group Galaxy that has the smaller group merge with there's making you their leader and the ones that don't you force them to disband.

I say ahh so this is the roughen group, that I've been hearing about growing at a fast rate but still under 100 people.

I say you're just a power hungry fool, that looks to control people.

Seeing that he is talking, to the two leaders of the two biggest communities, he says I'm sorry for how one of our members acted and left.

I turn to face Jamie and Hailey as i say you guys can join but if you want to have a high position or be an executive it will depend on how you do in these 2 stages of the Joker game.

We hear a ding! sound that come from our phones looking at them the system voice can be heard.

(System in female voice: Registration has ended we have 50 players the game difficulty is Joker and this game will be broken into 2 stages.)

{Author: Hey guys the first season is coming to an with in the next 2 chapter 😞 but I hope you guys have been enjoying it so far and that your looking forward to the next two. That will be filled with action,drama, romance,and sabotage.)