Armageddon (2)

At the United States space agency, the team of astronomers worked diligently to prevent the explosion from hitting Earth. It was then that, to everyone's surprise, the monitors began to show a significant change in the situation. The explosion no longer appeared to be on a collision course with Earth, and the scientists observed that the core of the explosion had disappeared.

The team of astronomers was puzzled as they could not understand how the explosion was stopped. All of Earth's defense systems were activated and all possible explanations for what happened were checked. However, no system seemed to have interfered with the explosion, and no other object in space seemed to have come close enough to deflect it.

With the unexpected situation, the team began to perform a detailed analysis of the monitoring data. They checked the intensity of the explosion and its speed relative to Earth, as well as all other relevant information.

It was at this moment that they realized that the explosion had been stopped in a way they had never seen before: there were no signs of debris or remaining particles from the explosion. It was as if the explosion had never occurred.

Being shocked, they had no time to celebrate. As scientists, their goals now were to figure out why the explosion had suddenly disappeared.




After delivering a decisive blow to Lucifer, Charles followed him and now stood before him, ready to strike again. Lucifer was still trying to recover from the previous blow, he was dizzy, and his blurry and confused gaze betrayed it. Charles seized the opportunity and landed another strong blow on his chest. The force of the impact was so intense that it created a crater that swallowed half the city. The pressure exerted by the blow was comparable to that of a asteroid striking the Earth.

On the other side of the planet, humans felt the pressure of the blow, and earthquakes occurred where they were. Everyone was wondering, "What's going on?" The sound of the blow echoed throughout the planet like a massive explosion, leaving everyone on alert.

Lucifer began to vomit blood and realized that his life was coming to an end. He tried to use his life force to avoid death, but Charles did not allow it. With his fists, Charles began to mercilessly pummel Lucifer. The sound of the blows created increasingly larger and more gigantic craters.

Other gods, like Mors and Destiny, watched the scene in shock. They did not know who that entity was that was punching Lucifer but did not dare to interfere.

Suddenly, Lucifer exploded, releasing the life force from his heart and creating a huge explosion that engulfed everything. He tried to heal, but Charles did not give him time and appeared behind him. With both fists together, Charles struck Lucifer's head, violently throwing him to the ground.

As Lucifer fell, Charles followed and held his chin with one hand, pushing his face into the ground. Lucifer crashed into the ground, creating a thunderous noise.

"Sigh, I'm liking this new body..." said Charles, smiling as he looked at the moonlight. Although his expression was demonic and frightening, he didn't care. Lucifer was bleeding and his jaw was broken in half, trying to heal quickly, but without hesitation, Charles gave him a violent kick to the head.

Lucifer's skull began to sink deeper and deeper. He tried to react, but there was nothing he could do against that overwhelming force. Charles possessed incomparable strength. Lucifer felt as if he was fighting against the uncontrollable current of a storm.

Charles smiled and used all his strength in his leg. The ground couldn't withstand the power and broke, causing both of them to fall. To Lucifer's relief, he took the opportunity to teleport to another place. However, Charles followed him and interrupted his teleportation. Now, they were in the sky, and Charles questioned, "Why are you acting like a coward, Lucifer?"

"Tsk!" Lucifer didn't respond and instead used the life energy around him to create something new, something that could compete with Charles, sucking all the life around him. His hand began to glow intensely in a green tone, and Charles was surprised at the amount of energy that Lucifer was channeling. Terrified, Charles snapped his fingers, breaking Lucifer's hand into five pieces. Without giving him time to recover, Charles appeared in front of him and punched him in the face, pushing him into the Pacific Ocean.

Lucifer sank into the sea like a comet, colliding with the nearby sailors. Meanwhile, Charles was already there, channeling all his energy with both hands. He intended to finish Lucifer off right there. Suddenly, his hand began to emit a glow similar to that of the universe. The sailors quickly began to move away from the area, feeling the intense energy being released. Charles pointed at Lucifer and released his energy completely. A powerful purple energy cannon came out of his hands and hit the sea.

Lucifer, who was still dizzy from the previous attack, couldn't recover in time. All he saw before everything went dark was an intense purple light coming towards him. He widened his eyes and tried to escape, but it was already too late...

The energy hit Lucifer and he couldn't do anything to protect himself. Upon impact, the sea around him began to disappear suddenly in a 500-meter radius. He began to sink deeper and deeper into the ground, while his existence began to fade away. Black veins appeared on his body and began to consume him. In a matter of moments, Lucifer looked like a zombie. "So, this is where it all ends?" he thought as he felt his life draining away into darkness.

Finally, when all seemed lost and Lucifer was about to disappear forever into the darkness of death, a new light shone on the horizon. It was a bright and powerful light, which seemed to have an energy capable of rivaling that of Charles. This light was Lucifer's salvation, and he clung to it with all his might, giving him the strength to escape from despair and agony...


Author's note:

What do you think will happen? Leave your comments below!

The attack Charles used is called "Infinite Void."

The power of Infinite Void allows the user to completely erase any object, living being, or information, leaving behind an empty space with no trace of what existed before. This power is so strong that it can even erase the user's own existence, leaving behind only an empty void in the space where they once were.

The user of this power can control the absolute void in various ways, such as expanding or contracting it, making it more or less intense, or even creating specific patterns of void to achieve their goal.

However, using this power comes with a great cost, as the user must be willing to sacrifice anything and everything to achieve their goal. Additionally, the absolute void cannot be easily controlled and can end up consuming everything around it if the user is not careful.


