The Fight Continues

Crusher's face tightened with determination as he surveyed the gruesome aftermath of the aerial battle. Despite the devastating losses, he knew he still had a trump card hidden in his arsenal.

"Insect-Bee, sweetheart! Blow them up," he commanded, his voice carrying a blend of urgency and resolve.

kilometers away, Insect-Bee received the order and wasted no time in relaying it to the fallen FlameBorne Ants scattered across the battlefield. The torn and battered bodies of the once-majestic creatures began to glow ominously, a prelude to the impending explosions.

Explosions erupted across the battlefield, a cacophony of fiery destruction that lit up the darkened landscape. The undead, caught off guard by the sudden detonations, were engulfed in a maelstrom of flames and debris. It was a desperate gambit, a last-ditch effort to turn the tide of the battle.