Stealing Her

Nikky nodded and quickly rushed out, fueled by determination. However, as she headed out, Father Black halted her, handing over a bronze armor similar to what the warriors of the City of Milk and Honey used. "You might be a ghoul, but you won't heal outside the territory!" he advised. Nikky acknowledged the advice and promptly donned the bronze armor.

While Nikky prepared for her assault on the undead army, the undead commander was also strategizing. He gestured with his fingers, and undead witches and magi stepped forward. Compared to the last encounter, they appeared more decayed, with flesh and maggots falling from their bodies. Their skeletal frames were a gruesome sight. Just as before, boxes of magic stones were placed in front of them, and they consumed the stones, amplifying their negative magic. Lady Vinegar, observing this from a distance, immediately relayed the information to Father Black.