Ruler Of The Nether?

Vinegar quickly noticed that both clawed and Duncan were not attacking to kill her. But rather to weaken and injure her.

All their target points had been places that would wound her. However, just because she knew about it was not enough reason for her to be strong enough to defend against their combined assault.

Truly, Governor Momoa had talented children and it was shown in this battle. In no time, Duncan was able to grab one of her hands and clawed came with his blade made of cosmic energy, slicing it off with speed and efficiency that was too fast for even her eyes.

He had cut from the elbow downwards. Lady Vinegar screamed in pain. As she took the opportunity to also take Duncan by his neck and force a vomit of flames on his face.

This was not enough to kill him. But it created an opportunity for her to be free. She turned in an attempt to escape but suddenly froze.