Her Pain Worse Than Death

(Author's note: I was told to start warning you guys before entering into graphic scenes. If you know that your stomach is not up for what I'm about to throw down, then please walk away. Then again, if you read up to 700 chapters, you are twisted in your own right....LOL)

The Castle of the Accords loomed before Lenny, a monstrous edifice that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. Constructed from the bones and flesh of a million creatures, it stood as a testament to the horrors that the Nether Realm held. 

Its very presence was an affront to the senses, the architecture a macabre display of dominance and cruelty. The air around it was thick with the scent of decay and the unmistakable aura of Dark magic and Shadow runes.

But it wasn't just the sight of the castle that chilled Lenny to the bone. Such sight, he was long used to.