Ella's Pleasure Toy

Even as Athena talked, begging Lenny to use her already-destroyed body, her saliva and mucus came out of her mouth. She was an absolutely disgusting sight to behold.

However, in this moment, Lenny did not feel disgust when he looked at her, only unending pity.

Lenny walked up to her, he stretched a hand to stroke her face. His touch against her skin was light and gentle, a side of himself that he had never shown even her.

His gaze remained on her one remaining eye. 

His hand shone in a low white light and for a slight second, it was as if his touch was mending a part of her mind. 

The gaze in her eye shifted from that of craziness to pain, longing and sadness. In her one available eye, he could almost see the extent by which she had suffered. 

She had indeed hurt like never before, and even now, he could tell that she was in immeasurable pain.