My Killing Intent

Ella's misinterpretation of Lenny's words added a layer of misunderstanding between them, her snicker and retort highlighting the chasm of perception that lay between captor and captive.

Her threat to cast him into the Red Sands was halted by Lenny's sudden offer, a promise to reveal the secrets of the Shadow runes. The shift in Ella's demeanor was palpable, her anticipation for this forbidden knowledge momentarily overriding her intent to punish. It was a testament to the power such secrets held, even over those accustomed to wielding power themselves.

"Before that, there is something I'd like to show you, Earlier on, you released your killing intent. That was a nice breeze. Let me show you mine." he said, his voice a calm before the storm. 

As he unleashed his killing intent, it was no mere expression of anger or threat but a manifestation of dark energy so palpable, so visually and viscerally overwhelming, that it took form before Ella's eyes.