Whose Worthiness?

With a gesture of summoning that seemed to tear at the very fabric of the Nether realm, Lenny called forth Anguis, the Holy corrupted tool, a paradox of sanctity and defilement. As it materialized before him, the tool's transformation was a spectacle of dark wonder. 

The trident's tines, bending to Lenny's will, morphed into serpents of monumental scale, their emergence marked by declarations of their sinister natures—Kill, Steal, Destroy. 

Each serpent, embodying aspects of malevolence, unfurled from the fork with a presence so formidable that it seemed to challenge the oppressive atmosphere of the Red Sands itself.

The serpents, now towering entities with their gaze fixed upon Lenny, their summoner, were not merely tools of destruction but arbiters of his worthiness. Their emergence was not an end but a beginning, a trial by fire where Lenny's resolve, strength, and mastery over the darkness within and without were to be tested anew.