Scrubbing his dense hair with conditioner, he thought about what Nao said earlier.
"Hmm…. Tozue… girl… me..?"
He spent the next five minutes trying to find out what she meant.
As he got out and brushed his teeth, he looked in the mirror.
His towel was wrapped around his waist.
In between his brushing, he talked to himself in the mirror.
"Hmmm… ish id dhe birl bershion ob me?"
Still brushing and looking into the mirror, a figure seemed to walk out from behind him.
A warped mix of insect parts.
Tozue saw this and looked around him, noticing that it was only in the mirror.
"Look back in the mirror now, ya dumbass."
The voice seemed to be right next to him.
He looked back in the reflection, focusing on the insect devil.
"Right then, Tozue, my mate, the girl out there waiting for you… is probably the insufferable cunt devil hunter that wanted me gone."
Now spitting out all of the toothpaste in his mouth, Tozue said:
"Oh, yeah?"
In the mirror, Tozue saw that the devil paced back and forth behind, his arms behind his back, like an old man.
"So heres the thing… you're going to go out there like nothings wrong… yeah..?"
With a sparkle in his eyes, excitement filled Tozue.
"Yeah..!? Then what..!?"
The insect turned to look at Tozue… assumably…
"Then, when she has her back turned… you're gonna pull out that arista in your hair."
Now, standing right next to Tozue, he said:
"After… after that inhuman asshole is gone, I'll remove myself from ya… and we'll go our separate ways…"
Tozue looked dejected and looked at the floor after he said this, which the devil couldn't understand why.
"I don't know why you're down in the dumps, mate, I thought you'd be happy to go back to being completely human, yeah..?"
Bizarrely, tears ran down from Tozue's brunette eyes, beneath his black hair.
"I… I don… I don't want you to leave… mister insect…"
His words became blubbery and he started to pout.
"You're my… bezd brenddd…"
Insect Devil put one of his many arms to his face, as if he had a headache, and said:
"Fucking hell… I chose a crazy one, didn't I…"
Thinking of how to soothe him, the devil paced back and forth behind him.
"Alright, Tozue… how about a new contract… you kill that motherfucker out there… and I'll stick around for however long… fuckin whatever… deal..?"
Tozue wiped the tears and snot away from his face, taking a few moments to return to his upbeat self.
No longer looking at his feet, he looked at the insect devil in the mirror.
He was attempting to stroke his insect arm through Tozue's hair, as a form of comfort.
"Alright, Mister Insect, lets go fulfill my end of the contract."