Chapter 3.1

Tozue put gel in his hair, pushing it to the left, no longer obscuring his forehead and eyes.

"Ooookay then, hey Mister Insect, let's go put her down."

With his schools gakuran on, he stepped out the bathroom.

However, the moment his head peaked out from the doorway, he was struck from his side.

His head felt like it was on fire and the burning sensation made him want to scratch at it and punch it.

Despite not looking in the mirror, he heard the insect devil blurt something out.


Knocked on his side, he saw blood pool up around him.

Struggling to speak, he said:

"Is this… is this mine..?"

Weakly, he brought his left arm up to eye level, to scrape at the blood.

Insect devil, panicked, began to talk.

"Alright mate… fuck fuck fuck… you're not going to die from this… we just need to get someone's blood in you… FUCK!"

Muddled mentally, Tozue began to lose consciousness.

"Mister Insect… how is it that… you're… you're talking to me… in my head…"

Losing his sense of hearing, Tozue's eyes were fixed in front of him, straining to even move them.

A pair of feet walked in front of him, appearing from outside of his vision, stepping through his puddle of crimson.

It was a pair of… now dirtied… leather shoes.

Accompanied by a pair of black dress pants.

A foot away from him, he watched as the pair of legs squatted down.

Moments later, a female's voice emanated from above the legs.

It was gruff and low, as if she had been a smoker for years.

"Hey buddy, you still there?"

Unable to speak now, his blood clogged his throat and back of his mouth, slowly dripping out.

Constantly trying to clear his throat, he would force himself to cough and spit.

Seething, and on his way out the door, he wanted to say "fuck you", and tell her of his vow to kill her no matter the costs, but couldn't.

Another couple of moments passed, before the pair of legs stood back up, and walked away.

Vision blackening, Tozue felt like he had escaped from his body; and while flying through a blackened sky, he thought about how his hair and uniform were probably a mess now.