The Leviathan had actually never planned on doing any harm with this lightning bolt attack.
It had noticed that all of the S Rankers seemed to care about Maria very much, so it had used this attack to draw their attention so that it could run away.
As soon as it fired the bolt of lightning at Maria, it had already turned around and was planning on running away.
As it ran, it felt the bolt of lightning that it had shot being destroyed, but it didn't panic at all. After all, it had already expected this to happen since this bolt of lightning was nothing more than a distraction.
Well…it couldn't be considered just a distraction since this was indeed the Leviathan's ultimate attack.
This was an attack that depended on the trace of dragon blood that it had flowing in its veins. By triggering the power of that dragon blood, it was able to summon the dragon horn that could even call upon the power of the heavens themselves.
In short, by using the dragon horn, it would be able to use the power of heavenly thunder to smite its enemies.
But using this had a cost.
It would use up all of the energy contained within the dragon blood and it would fall into a deep sleep for close to a month before it was able to use its powers again.
So unless it had no other choice, the Leviathan normally wouldn't use it.
But this was a situation where it had no other choice.
However, before the Leviathan could get far or could get under the water, there was a sense of danger that came from behind it.
The Leviathan paused for a split second to look back and that was all it took for the shockwave to hit it right in the back of the head.
There was no delay at all as the shockwave ripped right through the flesh of the Leviathan, tearing its head off from its body.
When it was able to react again, all it could see was its body floating there in the water in the distance.
It didn't know how far the shockwave had carried it, but its head had been sent flying as a result of being hit by the shockwave.
As for Maria, she just had a satisfied look on her face when she saw the mosquito in her palm. But then she remembered what they were here for and immediately looked up to look around her, looking for the scene of her friends fighting the Leviathan.
To her surprise though, she just saw them standing there with stunned looks on their faces.
Maria looked at them with a confused look and asked, "What's wrong?"
None of them replied at first since they weren't able to react to her words right away.
But then when they saw her staring at them like this, they quickly cleared their throats and calmed themselves as quickly as possible.
All of them just muttered, "Nothing." While pretending that everything was normal.
Maria raised a brow as she watched them act like this, but then she looked around and asked, "What happened to the Leviathan?"
When the S Rankers heard this, all of their lips couldn't help twitching.
If this came from anyone else, they would have thought that this person was taunting them with this question. However, they didn't feel that her words were put in that way because it was Maria.
Maria wasn't someone with that kind of personality in the first place after all.
She was genuinely curious about where the Leviathan was.
So Seul Ah took the lead since it was her mission and pointed at the corpse of the Leviathan in the distance.
Maria narrowed her eyes to look at it and when she saw the giant corpse there in the sea, she couldn't help revealing a surprised look that also had a trace of admiration as she said, "Wow, you really took out such a large monster. You guys really are different from normal people."
When they heard this, the lips of the S Rankers couldn't help twitching again.
Once again, if it was anyone else, they would have thought that they were taunting them. They even had a moment of doubt that Maria did know everything and she was doing all of this on purpose.
But that moment of doubt was quickly eliminated when they saw the look on Maria's face.
It was a genuine look of admiration for them which filled their hearts with warmth even if they knew that they didn't deserve it. So they didn't suspect Maria and just focused on changing the topic.
Seul Ah said, "Alright, since that's taken care of, how about we go and enjoy the beach?"
Hearing this, Maria gave a strong nod.
While she had been interested in seeing them take down the Leviathan since it was her first time seeing this, she was more interested in the seafood that she could find by the beach.
This was her main goal in coming here after all.
So they all left the beach together without taking care of the Leviathan's corpse.
There was no need for them to take care of this since there were Hunter Organization clean up crews that were waiting on standby.
This was a special crew gathered by the Hunter Organization to take care of clean up since they knew that high ranking hunters weren't as free as normal hunters. So they helped clean up after these hunters so that they would have more time to do their work.
The main customers of this special clean up crew were usually S Rankers.
After all, there were few A Rankers that fought monsters that needed this clean up crew. The only ones that did were those A Rankers that had the potential to become S Rankers, so they fought monsters that were stronger than the monsters normal A Rankers fought.
Seeing that the S Rankers were casually coming back from the beach, everyone couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.
They had been worried when they felt the wind slamming into them earlier, but seeing how relaxed the S Rankers looked, they could tell that there wasn't a problem with the subjugation.
The Hunter Organization officials immediately sent the clean up crew in while also getting the other hunters to surround the area.
As they were leaving, Maria couldn't help stopping as she saw someone familiar.
It was the A Ranker party, Dawn of Light.
She remembered them from their time meeting in the dungeon break at the mall since it was them who had guided the S Rankers over to her during that time. At the same time, she had also recognized these people as the ones who had charged forward to take care of the monsters when the dungeon break happened.
She had quite a good impression of them.
So she walked over to them and waved her hand as she said, "Hi there, it seems that we're meeting again."
The Dawn of Light party was surprised to hear this voice, but they immediately recognized it since this was a voice that they had imprinted deep in their hearts.
This was the voice of a person that had left a very deep impression on them since they had never known anyone that could have so many S Rankers at their beck and call. They had never met anyone like Maria before.
As soon as they turned and saw that it was indeed Maria, all of them quickly bowed to her and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"
They completely ignored the other five S Rankers behind her and directed all their attention to her.
Maria was taken aback when she heard this, but then she waved her hand and said, "No, no, it wasn't me, I didn't do a thing. I'm not even a hunter, so how could I do anything to that Leviathan."
The Dawn of Light party were surprised by how modest Maria was, but seeing the glares of the five S Rankers that were pointed at them, they quickly said, "Oh, it's our mistake."
Maria nodded before coming over to Chloe and asking, "So how has it been going with…" Before she could finish, she noticed the ring that was on her left ring finger and she couldn't help revealing a smile as she said, "It seems like it's been going quite well, huh?"
Back when they had been in the dungeon, Maria had already noticed how Chloe had felt about Ryu, so she had been silently cheering them on.
Now that she saw that there was an engagement ring on her left ring finger, naturally she was happy for her.
Though for someone who was so dense about her own love life, she was surprisingly sharp about the love lives of others…
Chloe's face turned red when she heard this, but she still gave a slight nod in response.
After they had escaped the dungeon break, Ryu had a completely new perspective on life.
That near death experience had completely changed his personality.
He was someone who had only cared about living freely and doing what he wanted to do, but after coming back from that dungeon break, he knew that life was short. So he hadn't wasted any time in confessing to Chloe and asking her to marry him.
He did like her in the beginning, but he had also been someone who liked playing around.
But that near death experience had convinced him that it was time to settle down.
Maria revealed a wide smile before asking, "So when's the wedding?"
Chloe just casually replied, "It's next month."
Maria couldn't help revealing a surprised look as she said, "But I didn't get an invitation!"