Chloe couldn't help also revealing a surprised look when she heard this.
She looked at Maria with a complicated look, but it was clear that she didn't want her at the wedding.
But seeing the look of expectation in Maria's eyes, she really couldn't reject her…
So she tried finding an excuse to explain why she hadn't sent her the invitation in an attempt to get out of having to invite her.
Chloe said in a voice that was calm, but that wasn't what she felt under the surface, "Uh, we didn't know where you lived, so we weren't able to send a wedding invitation."
Maria just said with a smile, "That's easy to fix."
Without even waiting for a response from Chloe, she took out a pen from her bag and wrote her address on Chloe's hand before saying, "There you go! I'm looking forward to getting my wedding invitation!"
With the definite way that she said this, there was nothing else that Chloe could say.
She could only nod with a smile, but there was also a bitter glow in her eyes as she smiled.
After all, she couldn't get out of it now…
She had no choice but to invite Maria to the wedding and she knew that if Maria came to the wedding, there would be others that would come…
Namely the S Rankers that followed her around.
It was impossible for an A Ranker like her to stop S Rankers if she wanted, so she had no choice but to let them come to her wedding.
But there was a proverb in this world…
Wherever S Rankers went, storms followed.
That was because S Rankers were too powerful for their own good and no one could stop them other than fellow S Rankers. So when S Rankers did anything, they would create a big mess…
What she didn't know was that this simple invitation would later create the incident known as the "Wedding of Terror"...But that was a story for a different time.
After happily giving Chloe her information, Maria asked her about how she and Ryu had got together.
This was something that Chloe was happy to talk to her about because it filled her heart with warmth whenever she thought about this.
It didn't take long before Seul Ah and Anne Marie joined them.
After all, as girls, they all loved talking about love.
Even if it wasn't their own love, it gave them experience listening to the love stories of others. Experience that they wanted to use with their own love…
During this, Seul Ah and Anne Marie couldn't help peeking at Guang Liang and Alexei respectively.
The three boys were currently talking to Ryu, but the way that Ryu looked, it looked more like they were talking between themselves while he listened. As for the way that he was listening, it was like the way that a fan would listen if they met their heroes.
Though in Ryu's case, this was exactly what it was.
He had been a fan of S Rankers even before he became a hunter, so he closely followed every S Ranker there was. It was even his dream to become a S Ranker one day, but…he knew that he didn't have the talent.
What had happened in the dungeon break last time had clearly proven this to him.
But still, he loved being with these S Rankers who were his heroes.
Especially Alexander and Guang Liang who were his idols.
The two of them were the more famous S Rankers since they were handsome young men who had prolific careers in raiding dungeons, so they were idols among young girls and hunters.
They just chatted like this until one of the government officials called for the Dawn of Light party's help.
Maria knew that they were here to work and she didn't want to get in the way of that since their work would help the people of the island, so she tactfully said her goodbyes and started to leave.
Since Maria was leaving, naturally the other S Rankers didn't have any reason to stay and they just left without saying a thing.
As they watched these S Rankers leave, everyone present couldn't help revealing bitter smiles.
The way that they followed behind Maria…it was almost like a mother hen leading a bunch of chicks away.
Now that they had finished with their work, there was nothing else keeping them from enjoying themselves and relaxing.
So they left all the clean up to the Hunter Organization and headed off to Seul Ah's villa for fun.
The villa was on the complete opposite side of the island, so it would have taken them quite a bit of time if they traveled normally. However, these were S Rankers and there was nothing normal about them.
It was easy for them to arrange for special transport like helicopters, so there was a helicopter that came to pick them up and brought them to the other side of the island.
Within the hour, they had arrived at Seul Ah's villa.
But before they set down, they flew around the villa a few times.
That was because it was Maria's first time in the helicopter.
Even though she was someone that got S Rankers to follow her like it was nothing, she was someone who lived like a normal person in the end, so it was her first time riding in a helicopter like this.
Even though she was someone that suffered from transport sickness, she surprisingly didn't feel a thing while riding this helicopter.
So without a choice, the S Rankers had to stay with her as they circled around the villa a few times.
They were S Rankers, so they were already bored of stuff like riding in helicopters since it was something that they did quite often. Helicopters like this really were convenient for approaching dangerous places like dungeons.
Not to mention that this was a special helicopter that they were currently using.
This helicopter was specially made for hunter use, so it was much more durable and much faster than normal helicopters.
This helicopter had been sent to them by Seul Ah's guild since they were based in Korea and were the closest. Even the pilot was one of Seul Ah's guild members who was terrified of having all these S Rankers ride with him.
He even thought that they were going to the most dangerous place on Earth with all of these S Rankers gathered together and was already prepared for death.
He never would have thought that this was just to get to Seul Ah's villa for their beach vacation.
Eventually, Maria did get bored since there was only so much helicopter riding that she could enjoy. Seeing the same scenery again and again didn't help alleviate that boredom, so she eventually had the helicopter land.
When they arrived, the pilot was shocked to find that it was just Seul Ah's villa that he was sending them to.
As he left, he really couldn't help wondering who that girl with the S Rankers was. After all, she was not someone that he had ever seen before, but she was someone that could hang around S Rankers…
Not only that…it seemed like all of those S Rankers listened to her every word…
Thinking of this, the pilot couldn't help giving a shiver.
If the world were to know this, it would be unknown just how much it would be shaken up.
But he would never say this to others.
Not to mention them believing him, he wouldn't survive if he were to divulge this information. Before he left, all five S Rankers had made sure to threaten him to keep his mouth shut…
After they arrived, the first thing that they did was head down to the beach while leaving their luggage at the entrance of Seul Ah's villa.
This was all because Maria had said that she wanted to take a look at the beach first.
For these S Rankers, anything that Maria wanted was their prime objective, so they all immediately accompanied her down to the beach.
When they stood at the steps down to the beach, looking over it, Maria couldn't help revealing an excited look as her mouth opened in a wide circle while she said, "Wow, look at all of this!"
The lips of the S Rankers couldn't help twitching as they looked over the beach themselves.
That was because only Maria would look at the beach this way.
The beach was a complete mess and it wasn't hard to guess why this was the case.
When they fought the Leviathan earlier, when it used its special attack, it had created large gusts of wind and stirred the waves around it, which naturally affected the waters all around Jeju Island.
This had created giant waves that had hit all the beaches of the island just like a typhoon, which created this large mess in front of them.
The beach was completely covered with all kinds of debris and all kinds of different sea life that had been swept ashore by the powerful waves.
It was such a mess that one would have thought that a natural disaster had happened.
But it wasn't that case in Maria's eyes.
She was completely focused on the different sea life that had been swept onto the ocean.
Namely, her eyes glowed when she saw those clams, crabs, and different shell creatures that had been swept onto the beach.
These ingredients had been her goal in coming to the beach in the first place, so seeing them covering the entire beach like this…It was like she had found a wonderland filled with treasures.
So she was excited to go and harvest all of these ingredients.
But before she could run off, Seul Ah grabbed her and pulled her back before saying, "Maria, we haven't even changed yet."
Maria suddenly turned back and realized that they hadn't changed into their swimsuits yet, so she said, "Oh." Then without hesitation, she ran off towards the villa to change.
All five of the S Rankers couldn't help shaking their heads with a bitter smile on their faces.
Normally, she was so calm and collected, but when it came to the things that she liked, she would always act like a little child.
The three boys were about to head back to the villa to change as well, but before they could take a single step, Seul Ah stopped them. She pointed at the beach and said, "You guys change faster, so you can clean up the beach first." Then she lowered her voice and said, "Make sure to only clean up the debris. If you touch the ingredients, you know what will happen."
If it was for anyone else, they wouldn't have done it, but if it's for Maria, these three were willing to do anything.
So they all gave a nod in response.