She is underage

I was just noticing my surroundings when I saw a small backpack on my bimbo...

Damn! How can I ignore something like this all this way?

"Bai, give me your backpack for a moment" I said while extending my hand.

She nodded and hurriedly removed it to gave it to me with a smile, yeah a beautiful killer smile that nearly killed the guy who had been looking at her the whole time.... seriously Harvey?

But without paying attention to Harvey I opened the bag and rummaged through her stuff, there were some notebooks, some pen, a water bottle and a little bit of makeup stuff with personal necessity like a pad and a face wash with some face wipes.

I took out the water bottle, it was filled with water upto the brim and offered it to the girl.

She smiled and drank the water while I removed all of the rings and bracelets from my hands, I removed two long chains from my neck leaving a fabric choker and decided to put all the stuff inside the bag.

I mean... I can't let let them get oxidized and.... I'm already attracting excess of attention so it's better to decrease some of it. Yeah... I'm a think my jeweleries were a point of attraction not my tattoos.

Just when I was putting them inside, Bai offered me the water, she literally drank just two sips, seriously? After so much this all she could drink? I drank my full and passed it again to her, she said "Sister, it's fine. I don't want to drink" without accepting it.

"I know what you are worried about, Don't worry there is a river nearby, I'll fill it again" I said as a chuckle escaped my mouth, I rubbed the head of the girl who was blushing because of being seen through.

"Your name is Bai, female?" Suddenly interrupted Harvey.

Kyra... don't, please don't, you shouldn't beat a Disney princess, right? Ignore him... ignore him..

"No, name is Bai Qingqing" suddenly my bimbo replied making my face twitch. So before he could've expressed his happiness that he was definitely going to do I glared at him and said in a straight tone, "Don't you  dare to get any funny idea about my sister, she is underage".

My statement made his eyes widen with shock, he instantly looked at Bai up and down.

Getting the feeling of being stared at Qingqing started to felt uncomfortable so she grabbed my hand, tightening her grip on it.

Aww... don't worry darling... Your sister have got your back...

I moved my hands and took her in embrace, tracing circles in her back to make her feel that she was safe in my arms.

"Sister, why is he looking at me like that? And why did you tell him that I'm underage?" She suddenly whispered in my ear.

"Look bimbo, stay away from perverts, and believe it or not most of the guys are like this, even the one sitting in our front" I told her and just as I expected, she was shocked, confused and a little bit scared.

"Umm... Kyra...what did you mean by pervert?" Hesitantly asked Harvey because it was the first time he heard that term but somehow it just felt like it wasn't something good.

"Perverts are those who want to mate with underage females" I replied in an irritated and disgusted voice.

Believe it it not but Harvey's face lost its all the colour after listening to my words. He instantly shook his face and said "No, No! I'm not a pervert! I didn't know that you are underage Bai qingqing" And with this head drooped in disappointment.

Bai definitely wanted to console him but when she looked toward me and found that I was giving her a threatening glare telling 'don't you dare to move forward', she instantly retracted her face and hand.

Now that's my good girl~

"Umm... Kyra...why were you alone with your sister in the forest?" He again questioned while looking at me with a smile.

Ugghhh...please? Harvey did you just change your target? Seriously?

I looked at him with a bit alertness, because looks like Parker have told him something.

"None of your business" I replied nonchalantly.

After not getting a satisfactory reply he fidgeted with his hands and again asked "umm... Kyra...when are your males coming?"

"I don't have any males" I stated in the same tone as last time.

"But your marks-" he was just about to complete when I interrupted "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" in a pretty harsh voice, making him flinch as well as irritated.

I looked here and there while waiting for another question but surprisingly it never came so I decided to direct my attention to my girl. She was intently looking at my jeweleries in her bag which made me smile.

I mean....those were some pieces I personally collected so how can I not feel proud after finding someone who is admiring them..

From her reaction it was clear what she was hoping, so I picked my smaller neck chain with a star pendant and tied it around her neck.

She was surprised but thanked me with a warm smile the very next second, this what it feels like to have a pet, NO!..No no, Kyra.. she is human, don't go on defining creatures on your own. Sister, yeah...she is your sister so.... treat her like one.

But before I could've changed my mindset completely, my hand was already messing with her hair in her head and to my surprise, she looked like as if she liked it....

Ayeee.... just like an adorable puppy...

Harvey was looking at the interaction in front of him with shock, firstly because it was nearly impossible that you'll met two unmated females together at a same time, not only that, they both introduced themselves as sisters which is quite hard to believe, but after looking at their interaction it appears like they didn't lie.

But still, the fact, that it was quite hard for females to stay this close even when they belonged to the same mother whereas the two females in front of him just appears to contradict those facts.

Secondly, the most surprising thing for him was the elder female because not once in his life he had ever seen a female like her, she was tall like males but her body and a beautiful face with bright red lips were indeed of that of a female, not only that, even her demeanor was like of those males who are used to handling powers, specially her intimidating look that she gave to Parker, a two stripe beast.

Not only was she unafraid but wasn't a bit bothered when Parker was releasing his beast pressure.

Even if he ignore these things, the marks on her body and shiny trinkets on her ears, nose and lip were definitely a sight to behold. For anyone who see it for the first time, it'll appear shocking and confusing but if someone try to look at them for a while, they will eventually realize that they were beautiful, as if telling a story.

There were some flowers, leaves and some vines, all coloured, but if you keep on noticing, there were some animals a wolf, a snake some butterflies and some birds. But were they spousal marks? He didn't know because he had never seen something like this, but then why were there beast like structures? He wanted to ask but decided not to, for his own betterment.

He wondered, how can someone make something so realistic on someone's body.

The younger female didn't had any of those, but why? He wanted to ask but he knew that the fierce looking female won't reply because she was angry, just because he took a liking to her younger sister.

Harvey started to feel irritated, because she shunned him from approaching the beautiful female. It would be a lie if he says that the elder female didn't pique his interest, but her behavior and cold demeanor was something he possibly can't handle as a stripeless male so he directed his attention to the beautiful kind looking female.

Even if her sister says that she is underage, he knew that the smaller female was going to have her estrus soon, so he decided to bet his chances onto the moment when it comes because it was clear that Kyra definitely don't like Parker, so if he stays good then he would be having better chances to become Bai qingqing's mate.

There was nearly no conversation happening in the room when the broken door, that was carefully placed to cover the gate was shot open and a partially covered Parker entered and placed a dead boar on the opposite corner.

Just after him Sam came with a dead deer and entered the room in a animal skirt and placed it beside Parker's prey.

For a moment Parker growled at Sam but a cough made him look away with a 'tsk'.