Food and Stay

I got up and looked toward Parker, from his slight irritated expression it was clear that he was expecting that another unpleasing comment will be coming to him by me, so startling that guy I thanked him with a slight head bow.

He was stupefied, He looked so funny right now that I wanted to tease him again, but No! Don't give him excess attention Kyra.

Then I looked toward Sam and thanked him in the same manner, but his reaction was the bestest. He smiled from ear to ear with his fluffy tail fanning.

"Like how I've already told you that I don't like taking favors, so for the repayment, I will let you have something that only royalties can have" I said in a serious commanding tone, making all three of them shocked.

Yes! Good! That's the reaction I want! Very good very good....

"Parker and Sam, can you clean the meat and cut it in small pieces?" It was a request but more sounded like a command.

Parker who was still confused, nodded his head when he saw that Sam already took his prey outside and followed him behind.

I took a deep breath and looked toward my bimbo who was having a expression saying 'I didn't understand anything'. I winked at her and said "Qingqing, you can cook some spiced barbecue for us, right?" I winked once again so that she could connect to my frequency.

Surprisingly, only after several hard winks, she grasped the situation and said "Of course sister, I can cook spiced barbecue that only royalties can eat" in a tone that the guys could hear and then looked at me with eyes saying 'Did I do it right?'.

I really wanted to tell her, that no baby, you really didn't do it right!

After all, she took ages just to get my emotions! I'm sure, it was due to her lack of grasping of the situations that made her and all around her have a hard time in the story...

But, being a responsible adult I gave her an assuring smile, yeah...I mean if I try, then maybe I'll eventually be able to put some common sense in her mind.

I then look toward Harvey and said "Harvey, I want you to show me all the herbs you have, right now. "

He looked a bit confused and hesitant first but still nodded and brought some other small wooden bowls of different size from an inner room and placed them one by one onto the ground for the presentation.

In this while I helped Bai to get up and sit near the stone stove, Harvey objected but received a "Shhhh!" By me and he instantly become silent.

woah! So this 'Shhhh!' Trick works in beastmen too!

My girl sat down beside the stove and started selecting the herbs she wanted, I would have named them, but only if I knew them myself! They were not vegetables but some real stuff, some black and brown, some round while sone flat...

When she collected all the herbs, she asked Harvey for the mortar and pestle.

The guy instantly brought it from the inner room with a beaming smile and gave it to her, receiving a 'thank you' in return.

Harvey~ please close your mouth or else your drool will wet the floor.

I rolled my eyes after seeing this scene but kept on standing beside her like a guard glaring at Harvey.

"Um...Bai qingqing, what do you want to do with the herbs?"

"Oh! I'll use them to season the meat" she replied softly.

"But herbs don't taste good! It will spoil the m-"

"SHHH! my sister didn't ask for your opinion!" I interrupted in an intimidating tone making him go silence once again.

Bai made an somehow bothered expression after seeing how I treated Harvey which made her look at me, but got a pretty threatening glare instead, "keep doing what you are doing sweetie~" I said in a pretty sweet tone but my eyes were saying something else.

Seriously bimbo? Did you really just try to give 'that look'? That look! Are itching to get slapped by me...

Good for her that she instantly turn away, and I again diverted my attention to see her actions. She reached her hands to pick some chillies

Yeah, I'm not that big of a fool that I won't recognize them...

Harvey instantly reached out his hand to stop her but got his wrist caught by me, "Harvey~ we know what it is, so stay put~" I said each word while grinning my teeth whereas my hand was tightening it's grip.

Harvey was startled, he look at my hand with horror filled eyes and then at me with confused yet pleading eyes.

Aww...just for your expression, momma Kyra will let go of my princess's hand~

Suddenly Sam and Parker came inside while holding the cleaned meat, I instantly let go of Harvey's hand and got up as I nudged Bai to keep on doing whatever she was doing.

Sam looked at her with slight confusion, from his eyes his curiosity and concern could not be hidden but he just kept silent.

Contrary to him, the moment Parker saw his self-claimed female, he said in an outraged voice, "How can you let her touch the herbs?"

He said those words while looking at Harvey but I knew the best that they were addressed to me.

"SHHH! Don't shout fool, you're disturbing us" I said while gesturing by a finger on my lips.

"Who did you just call a fool?" He snapped just as I finished.

"The one who replied and will reply again." I replied nonchalantly while again directing my attention to Bai who was rubbing the spice mixture she created on the meat that Sam handed her over.

Parker was murmuring something in frustration, while his face was red after the humiliation he suffered, but no one gave him attention.

Parker, you really don't deserve too much of attention. I know, why? Because I'm Kyra! Hehehe...

I sat down beside Bai, occupying the best spot, I mean....I want the food first!

Sam took the place beside me while maintaining a distancing of half a meter between us and Parker sat down on the other side of Harvey.

Qingqing placed the skewered meat on the fire, just after a fraction of minutes the fat started melting and it's aroma mixed with spices soon filled the room.

If I wasn't keeping my mouth close, then I'm damn sure my drool would've been overflowing.

I noticed the others and as expected, they were sniffing pretty hard while their tails were doing dance behind them.

The first barbecue that Bai cooked surprisingly ended up in my hands,

Aww~ good girl~ you know how to make your momma, no no! Sister proud...

I could feel some some curious and jealous gazes on me, but do I care? No! Not at all! My food is craving for my attention while I'm craving for it!

Did I just made a rhyme? Looks like I'm not that big of a fool~

"Mmmm" were the only words that came out but my thumbs up gave Bai an assurance that it was good.

After me, she served it to everyone and Boom! They all were left stunned.

Parker and Harvey asked what it was and how did we know about it, but got a "None of your business" in a nonchalant voice by me.

Sam was eating while his tail was fanning me with air,

yeahh~ it's comfy like this~ it's cool like this~

Being happy by the response motivated the girl too much as she placed another batch on fire, since she didn't get any for herself, I fed her one myself.

She looked at me with dewy puppy eyes, don't worry cutie momma will feed you~ you just focus on feeding your momma~

She cooked for us, while I fed her, thanks to that she cooked an extra spicy one on my special demand. I was eating it with gusto but the curious boy Sam, who requested if he could get a bite from mine, was sweating hard with his fair skin flushing to a red colour and his black eyes were trying their best not to leak.

I wanted to laugh out loud but since he was trying his best not to show his discomfort, I decided to stay silent too.

After our meal, washing our hands and drinking water, we came to the very first of the problem 'where are we supposed to go right now?'

I looked in my front, three guys standing, No, not guys, instead they were my three options to stay at.

Harvey....I know he will let us stay, but telling you the truth, I personally don't like him. Not because of my encounter but even because of the novel.

I mean...he could've let go of his obsession of Qingqing, after all it's not like she used him like some guardian and all. Alva let go of her too, right?

Not only that, how he sold out the information of Su Anan getting her first period, causing flooding of suitors for a girl who was merely of thirteen something.

I don't want him near Bai qingqing specially when she gets her periods. So, he will be the last option, only if I had no option left.

Parker.... Let's give this guy a chance, maybe if he act sensible I could endure him.

"So, now that we both have nowhere to stay I would like some help in this matter" I said nonchalantly, because I don't want to show anyone my helpless side, I mean... I'm a princess after all.

How, you ask? Well that's a secret but I'm also self-claimed. ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

I saw that Harvey was about to present his help, so before him I spoke "Parker, you tell, why should we stay at your house?" Go Parker! Say something sensible for once, please!

"Isn't it obvious, she is my female and since you're her sister I'll try to endure your presence in my house because of my mate" he said with his nose high.

Yeah... might be thinking that I'm desperate because I asked him first,

Dumbshit! I wanted you to eradicate from my choice list ASAP!

"Shit brain" I addressed him and he didn't even get what I said. Leave it Kyra, he isn't worth your attention...

"What about you Sam, do you want us to stay at your house? If yes, then why?" I said without expecting too much, I mean, if he is also after Bai then we'll be staying at Harvey's.

Surprisingly, instead of replying instantly he took his time as he thought hard on something, now you're making me curious boy, about what you took so long to process...

"I'll let you stay in exchange for the food. Yes! I'll bring the prey but you've to promise that you'll share the cooked one with me" he said with glistening eyes shocking everyone in the cave, yeah me too.

My shocked expression was soon taken over by a smile, I chuckled startling everyone.

I looked toward Bai and said "we can share our cooking, right?" with a wink.

After two more winks, she hurriedly nodded her head, she really needs a good teaching on understanding gestures..

I smiled and then addressed to Sam, "Thank you for the offer, we heartly accept it" making him smile with his mouth and his tail too!

He instantly asked us to follow him and went outside the cave, I got Bai on my back while we put the medicine Harvey gave us with a disappointed expression into our backpack.

Parker tried to stop me but got an intimidating "SHHH!" and he backed off.

I saw that Sam was waiting for us outside with anticipation all over his face, after seeing me he brightened and walked side by side as he lead the way.
