Chapter 2

[Accidental Marks Chapter 2]

[Welcome player Pei Shaoze to the world of "Unexpected Mark" novels]

[Goal of the task of piercing the book system: Raise the protagonist of the novel and let the protagonist have a good impression of you to 100 points]

[The protagonist Cheng Xia has been online and is in a susceptible period and will not resist anything you do to him]

The mechanical sound prompt appeared in my mind again.

This sentence made Pei Shaoze finally remember why the words Omega, Pheromone, and Cheng Xia were familiar.

The world of novels.

On the way to the hotel today, my sister mentioned that she had read a novel called "Accidental Marks". The protagonist of the novel is also called Pei Shaoze, who has the same name as him, and even the identity is the same. He is the owner of an entertainment company.

He was not interested in the book his sister was reading, nor did he ask in detail. He only knew that the novel was "ABO setting". The protagonist named Pei Shaoze in the book was Alpha, and the other protagonist was named Cheng Xia.

After a hangover, he took a few sleeping pills that actually allowed him to penetrate the book world?

Is the mechanical sound in your mind "player guiding NPC"?

Pei Shaoze calmed down quickly and said in his mind: "I'm very busy and I don't have time to play this boring game. You choose another player and I want to go back."

System 1022 froze for a moment, and explained in earnest: "I'm sorry, the selected player does not have the right to log out of the account after binding the player through the book system! You want to return to the original world unless you complete the mission of this world. "

Pei Shaoze frowned.

Raiders task? That is to say, "make Cheng Xia's favorability for him reach 100 points"?

He waited patiently for a while before he whispered: "Okay. I haven't read the original, please introduce me to the setting."

The system 1022 immediately said positively: "No problem! Given that the player is currently in the novice protection period and has not read the original, the system can open the full text of the novel for the player to read. Should you check it now?"

A transparent floating frame and a "book" button pop up in front of it.

Pei Shaoze opened the book and quickly scanned the plot of the novel at a glance.

The novel "Unexpected Marks" is an ABO set of abuse. The protagonist Pei Shaoze in the book is a typical rich second-generation dude. The current president of the well-known entertainment company "Tianxuan Entertainment" secretly likes Omega, who grew up with him. Lin Qianshu. Lin Qianshu is the white moonlight in his heart, but unfortunately he has been engaged to someone and is about to study abroad.

At this moment, Cheng Xia appeared.

Cheng Xia was from an ordinary family and was admitted to the film academy with his own efforts. After being discovered by a scout, he signed to Tianxuan Entertainment. When he attended the company's annual meeting, he met his boss Pei Shaoze. Because of his outstanding appearance, Pei Shaoze glanced at Cheng Xia more at the annual meeting.

The agent who was eager for quick success thought that President Pei was interested in Cheng Xia. In order to make Cheng Xia popular quickly, the agent made his own proposal and added a pheromone release agent to Cheng Xia's drink after the banquet and sent him to President Pei's bed.

Under the influence of pheromone, Pei Shaoze forcibly marked Cheng Xia.

Since he didn't like Cheng Xia, he only regarded Cheng Xia as a plaything delivered to the door, so there was no gentleness towards Cheng Xia, the marking process was extremely rough, and Cheng Xia's body was even torn and bleeding.

The next day, Pei Shaoze showed no concern for Cheng Xia, who was all over his body, and coldly asked the driver to take him to the hospital.

During the days in the hospital, Pei Shaoze didn't even look at Cheng Xia.

The agent sensed Mr. Pei's discomfort and feared that his job would not be guaranteed, so he pushed all the sins on Cheng Xia, saying that Cheng Xia took the initiative to take the pheromone release agent to seduce Mr. Pei and even Cheng Xia bought the medicine. The evidence is ready.

Pei Shaoze felt even more contemptuous of Cheng Xia. But he didn't want to put the Omega he had touched into the arms of others, so Pei Shaoze decided to keep Cheng Xia by his side as a pet.

Cheng Xia's dream is to become an excellent actor, but this unexpected mark completely disrupted his plan. After being marked, he developed a physical dependence on Pei Shaoze. Coupled with the agent's deceit and Pei Shaoze's promise, Cheng Xia, who had not been involved in the world, was so dizzy that he agreed to President Pei's request.

Because Cheng Xia was good-looking and obedient, Pei Shaoze gradually became gentle with Cheng Xia. Cheng Xia fell in this kind of false tenderness, fell in love with Pei Shaoze, gave up the dream of being an actor, stayed with President Pei at ease, cooked and cooked soup for President Pei every day, and took care of President Pei's life in order.

After three years of such "warm" days, Lin Qianshu learned to return to China. Because he broke up with his fiance, Lin Qianshu's mood was extremely bad, so he turned to Pei Shaoze, a spare tire.

Pei Shaoze's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees, and he began to frantically pursue the "white moonlight" in his heart.

The close photo of Pei and Lin was soon exposed by the paparazzi under Lin Qianshu's design. After seeing it, Cheng Xia finally understood that the person Pei Shaoze had always liked was Lin Qianshu. Although sad, he did not want to make himself more embarrassed, so he packed up and wanted to move away from Pei Shaoze's villa in the suburbs.

Pei Shaoze refused to let Cheng Xia leave. Accustomed to staying with Cheng Xia, Pei Shaoze couldn't bear to let go of the boy who was obsessed with him. Thus, Pei Shaoze imprisoned Cheng Xia.

During the imprisonment, Cheng Xia was tortured to a nervous breakdown every day, and there were traces of abuse everywhere. Pei Shaoze looked at the fading light in the young boy's eyes, and his methods became even more perverted under the panic...

At the same time, he maintained a seemingly romantic relationship with Lin Qianshu, who thought he was "true love".

Cheng Xia was tortured and seriously injured, and Pei Shaoze had to take him to the hospital.

During the hospitalization, he finally found the opportunity to escape Pei Shaoze's surveillance with the help of the doctor and hid in the countryside.

But Lin Qianshu would not let him go.

Lin Qianshu realized that Pei Shaoze was particularly concerned about Cheng Xia, so he thought of an idea to completely ruin Cheng Xia-he sent the private video of Cheng Xia captured by surveillance to the public relations team, and the public relations team would in turn discredit Cheng Xia.

Before long, Cheng Xia's indecent photos spread all over the Internet. In those photos, Cheng Xia's face was very clear, and she always held Pei Shaoze actively, but Pei Shaoze always looked cold and impatient.

Lin Qianshu is an Omega character set on the Internet with "learned and talented, gentle and elegant". He graduated from a prestigious school with a master's degree and also founded his own clothing design brand. There are countless fans, and he kills the little transparent Cheng Xia Shi Tiao Street.

Seeing this, his fans and the navy he had bought immediately flooded Cheng Xia's Weibo to curse wildly.

"Eighteen-line little transparent dare to seduce the boss!" "Smelly shameless mistress!" "Our childhood sweethearts, Qianshu and Mr. Pei, are you a dog!"

The netizen's verbal abuse made Cheng Xiaxin feel like a knife, and she deleted her Weibo and cancelled her account. However, the black fan was more radical. He was human and exposed his home address, and someone sent indecent photos and dead rats to his home under Lin Qianshu's gesture.

Cheng Xia's father had a heart attack. He opened the courier box and saw those things. He was so angry that he had a heart attack and was sent to the hospital for rescue.

Cheng Xia, who received the news, ran to the hospital in a panic. At this moment, Pei Shaoze called again and said coldly: "It was you who seduced me first. I was affected by the pheromone and was unable to control myself before marking you. An accident-Cheng Xia, I have never liked you before, you are just a dog I raised."

Cheng Xia's face was pale, like a falling ice cellar.

He was wearing a thin sweater and standing in the corridor in the middle of the winter night, his blood almost freezing.

It was his 22nd birthday that day.

In the end, his father could not be saved and died in the operating room. Within two days, my mother died of illness due to excessive sadness.

Cheng Xia was extremely anguished. She went to the cemetery to worship with her parents' ashes, only to see Pei Shaoze and Lin Qianshu holding hands to sweep the grave of the grandfather who had been dead for many years. Pei Shaoze gently put a ring on Lin Qianshu's hand... …

At that moment, Cheng Xia finally woke up completely.

Pei Shaoze has never liked him. During the three years with him, all gentleness is an illusion. He is just a tool for Pei Shaoze to vent his desires, a dog raised by Pei Shaoze!

Since falling in love with Pei Shaoze, Cheng Xia gave up her dream and even caused her parents to die tragically!

For him, knowing Pei Shaoze is the beginning of all bad luck.

Cheng Xia swore to the portrait of his parents-one day, he will make Pei Shaoze and Lin Qianshu pay the debt!

After Pei and Lin officially announced that they were together, Cheng Xia went abroad alone, changed her name, and worked hard from the beginning.

In the second half of the novel, the style of painting changed suddenly and became the cool line of "Cheng Xia's Revenge". Cheng Xia became an international superstar from the unfamiliar little transparent. After returning to China, he designed to reunite with Pei Shaoze. Pei Shaoze was attracted by the dazzling Cheng Xia, and only then realized that the person he loved most was Cheng Xia, and he actually wanted to rehabilitate Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia deliberately dangled him to maintain a close relationship, because Cheng Xia knew Pei Shaoze well-this Alpha was a shame, he didn't cherish him when others liked him, and he couldn't wait to kneel and lick when others liked him.

Cheng Xia used Pei Shaoze's infatuation to first collect evidence to expose the plagiarism of Lin Qianshu's work, causing Lin Qianshu's staff to collapse, and the clothing company he founded completely closed down, and then sent screenshots of Pei Shaoze's private confession to Lin Qianshu and Lin Qian The tree was so angry that it drove off the bridge and drowned alive in the lake.

Immediately afterwards, Cheng Xia deliberately created an accident.

He used the Alpha pheromone inducer to get Pei Shaoze out of control, and pretended to be a legitimate defense, stabbing Pei Shaoze to death.

At this time, Cheng Xia was already top-notch acting. He was almost violently panicked by Alpha under the camera. He was at a loss during the escape. He even accidentally picked up a fruit knife in the kitchen and stabbed Pei Shaoze to death. Tears, the trembling voice when calling 120 ambulance...

Cheng Xia's acting skills are extremely good. In the 360-degree surveillance video without blind spots, every minute and every second is showing his helplessness and panic. In addition, Cheng Xia has already found the best lawyer to defend himself. Prepared a lot of material evidence to his advantage, even the judge believed that this Omega belonged to a legitimate defense, and Cheng Xia was eventually sentenced to innocence.

Pei Shaoze became the Alpha who died most awkwardly in history.

Cheng Xia put on sunglasses when walking out of the court.

No one knew, there was a smile in his eyes under the sunglasses.

The full text is over.

Pei Shaoze who read the complete article: "..."

It feels like being splashed with dog blood.

In the novel, Pei Shaoze has almost no IQ at all, and his character is extremely poor.

The first marking of Cheng Xia can be explained as "the influence of pheromone cannot be controlled by itself", but since it has decided to keep people around, it should be held responsible. While sleeping in Cheng Xia, while thinking of Lin Qianshu in his heart, isn't this a mental derailment? When Cheng Xia was tossed out physically and mentally, her parents were dead, and finally frustrated and left abroad, did he realize that he had fallen in love with Cheng Xia?

Regarding this reflex arc and IQ, the company went bankrupt and he didn't know the reason.

Pei Shaoze kept frowning when he read the novel. I don't know if the author wrote this novel to revenge the society. Why are there so many messy and abused plots?

When Cheng Xia met Pei and Lin two scumbags, it was almost blood mold. He has experienced playing, betrayed, imprisoned, and abused by his beloved, misunderstood by netizens as a junior, attacked by the entire network, naked photos were circulated everywhere, and his parents died of anger...

Does the author have a grudge against someone named "Cheng Xia"? Let a good sunshine boy be tortured to a nervous breakdown, his temperament changed drastically, and finally he even came back to revenge and slaughtered the scum attack.

What kind of messy plot is this?

Pei Shaoze turned off the novel interface with a headache, his temples jumped suddenly.

[System 1022: After reading the novel, on the first day of wearing the book, you are still in the novice protection period]

[Friendly reminder, the next plot task is to mark the protagonist Cheng Xia]

Cheng Xia's body was shaking violently, his pheromone lost control for some reason, and he instinctively yearned to be marked by Alpha. The strange emptiness in his body made him feel uncomfortable and almost mad.

The cold smell on Alpha next to him made him addicted. He couldn't help but stretched out his hands and grabbed Alpha's sturdy arm like a straw, his voice trembled and said, "I'm so uncomfortable...please ,Help..."

Pei Shaoze's face changed slightly.

He came to the beginning of the novel and replaced the Alpha scum Pei Shaoze in the book.

The protagonist who hasn't blackened is right in front of him.

To mark or not to mark? This is really a terrible choice.
