Chapter 3

[Accidental Marks Chapter 3]

According to the setting of the novel, the influence of Omega pheromone on Alpha is difficult to resist. Pei Shaoze let Cheng Xia go with the flow, so as to develop subsequent plots of imprisonment, heart abuse, and revenge.

But now, the owner of this body is not Pei Shaoze in the original book, but President Pei who wears the book.

mark? It should mean possession of the other party.

But how to do it, the original book does not give a detailed explanation.

Pei Shaoze's ABO setting is still in the cloud. He doesn't understand why Omega men and women can have children in this world, let alone why "pheromone" makes a person out of control?

The help of Omega pheromone made Pei Shaoze feel for the first time how self-control is on the verge of collapse. There is an impulse in his mind that urges him to take over Cheng Xia as soon as possible, but he still suppresses this instinct with reason.

——He thought of the plot in which Cheng Xia stabbed Pei Shaoze to death in the original book.

The young man in front of him seems to be bullying, but in fact he dares to love and hate. He is extremely strong. In the end, he killed all the people who injured him and harmed him in the early stage.

Can such a protagonist be marked casually? ?

Besides, Pei Shaoze hates the feeling of losing control of the body, and the so-called "physiological response caused by the influence of pheromone" only makes him extremely disgusted.

He doesn't like fate being held in the hands of others, and he doesn't like his body being manipulated by "pheromone".

What novel plot or original setting is not important in his eyes.

Now that he has come to this world, he should control the next plot.

[System 1022: Cheng Xia's pheromone data is about to reach its peak, please mark Cheng Xia as soon as possible. If you don't mark it, Cheng Xia who is not satisfied will hurt himself crazy]

[System 1022: I suggest you be gentle with him, it will be much easier to tackle in the future]

Will not mark yourself crazy?

Pei Shaoze simply got up and opened the quilt.

Cheng Xia's body was completely revealed before her eyes.

There is no trace of fat on the whole body of the boy, his legs are straight and long, and his body is good enough to be a model. A layer of red tide appeared on his skin, and his wet eyes seemed to be covered with mist.

He is indeed the protagonist of the novel, with a good appearance and a good figure, and the appearance of lying on the bed unsuspecting is indeed very attractive. Because the pheromone was out of control and could not be satisfied, Cheng Xia's hands were scratching everywhere, scratching a lot of red marks on her body.

Pei Shaoze glanced at him, turned around and found two ties from the drawer of the closet, and quickly tied Cheng Xia's hands to the head of the bed.

[System 1022: ...I played Bundle for the first time, is this too exciting? ]

Pei Shaoze ignored the noisy mechanical sound in his mind, turned and walked into the bathroom, and turned on the cold water.

The cold water from the shower splashed down, and the door of the bathroom cut off Cheng Xia's pheromone smell. The cold water gradually extinguished the body's heat, and the man's deep eyes finally returned to the usual indifference.


Tie up the cute Omega in the susceptible period and take a cold shower by yourself?

This player you! No! Are you wrong?!

Pei Shaoze quickly took a shower, picked up his mobile phone, found a number in the address book and dialed it.

At two o'clock in the morning, the woken doctor answered the phone in a daze, yawning and complaining: "President Pei, it is noisy to sleep in the middle of the night. You'd better give me a reason I can accept."

——The doctor's name is Qin Yu, Pei Shaoze's small-haired, nagging Beta male.

In the novel, Cheng Xia was later imprisoned, tortured, seriously injured and hospitalized, and escaped from the hospital with the help of Doctor Qin Yu. Cheng Xia's father was so angry that he had a myocardial infarction and was taken to the hospital. Qin Yu also informed him. Although Qin Yu was a good friend of Pei Shaoze, because he couldn't understand Pei Shaoze's abuse of Cheng Xia, he felt sorry for Cheng Xia and secretly helped Cheng Xia a lot.

This person should be trusted.

Pei Shaoze said as briefly as possible: "Qin Yu, you come to my place right away and bring a box of powerful inhibitors. There is an Omega in the susceptible period, I don't want to have a relationship with him, understand?"

The sound coming from my ear was low, but very decisive.

Qin Yu was stunned for two seconds before realizing what was going on. He immediately picked up the clothes next to the bed and spit out while wearing them: "Fuck! Omega, who has entered the susceptible period, climbed onto your bed. ?"

"Hurry up, he is about to lose control."

"Okay, I'll come right now!"

As a doctor, Qin Yu naturally knows the consequences of losing control of Omega pheromone. He hurriedly took the medicine box, brought a powerful inhibitor, and drove to Pei's house.

Pei Shaoze took a bathrobe out of the bathroom.

Cheng Xia was struggling desperately on the bed, her wrist was strangled with two distinct bruises. Probably it was too uncomfortable. He actually hit the wall with his head, and blood was knocked out of his forehead.

The glaring blood stains made Pei Shaoze's eyes sink.

He strode forward and quickly untied the tie that bound Cheng Xia's hands. With his left hand, he held Cheng Xia into his arms and held it under control. With his right hand, he took the clean bathrobe he had just brought and gently covered the boy's body.

Perceiving the approach of the Alpha pheromone, Cheng Xia immediately wrapped her hands and feet around the opponent, leaning over her lips to ask for a kiss, and accidentally kissed Pei Shaoze's lips.

The soft touch from the corners of the lips made Pei Shaoze's back stiff.

He pushed Cheng Xia back on the bed and kept the other party from moving. He quickly wrapped Cheng Xia into a zongzi with a bathrobe with his right hand. He also tied the bathrobe twice with a belt to secure the bathrobe. Cheng Xia was quickly tied up. Expose a head.

Cheng Xia was in a daze, almost drawing her consciousness from her mind. He felt like a fish thrown ashore, about to dry up and die...

At this moment, a cup of warm water was handed to his lips.

Cheng Xia, who was fed water, had a smoky throat a little better, but the inside of his body was still terribly uncomfortable. He wanted to hug Alpha in front of him, but unfortunately he was so tightly bound, there was no way to break free.

Pei Shaoze used one arm and two legs to control Cheng Xia's body, so that Cheng Xia, who was wrapped in zongzi, could not move at all. He brought a cup with his other hand and slowly fed Cheng Xia water.

Omega sweats too much during the susceptible period, it is easy to collapse, and needs to be hydrated in time. I don't know if the water fed is of some use, Cheng Xia gradually struggled less so, but the body was still trembling constantly.

Thinking of the experience of Xia being marked by violence and her body torn in the novel, Pei Shaoze couldn't help but stretched out his hand, gently touched the boy's sweat-soaked hair, and whispered in his ear: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. "

The original owner was stupid and scumbag, and he tortured a good Sunshine boy back into revenge and stabbed him to death.

Pei Shaoze doesn't want to be a scumbag with a dropped IQ.

All the plots, starting tonight, completely change.


After a while, the system 1022's voice sounded in my mind again: "Hey, are you sure you don't mark him? If you do this, the plot task cannot be completed!"

Pei Shaoze asked indifferently: "What will happen if it fails?"

System 1022: "Points will be deducted! If you deduct 0 points, you will be obliterated by the novel world! You now only have 100 points. If Cheng Xia has not been marked after dawn, you will be deducted 50 points!"

System 1022: "This book is called "Unexpected Marking". The subsequent plots are all due to the marking of this accident. How can I continue to attack the protagonist without marking? How can he improve his favorability for you without marking Cheng Xia?!"

Pei Shaoze said coldly: "You are too noisy, and my head is buzzing and I have a headache. Can you change the system for me?"

System 1022: "???"

I really want to change players!

Ignore the system guidelines at all, and the first task cannot be completed. What should I do with subsequent tasks? !


When Qin Yu arrived in a hurry, he saw Pei Shaoze tightly wrap a person in a bathrobe, revealing only a furry head. Pei Shaoze held the person in his arms with no expression on his face and vigorously controlled it. The other person could not struggle under his control, hanging his head sickly, as if he had lost consciousness.

The strong pheromone smell inside the house made Qin Yu even Beta able to smell it clearly. I have to say that the purity of this Omega's pheromone is too high, and it is hard to believe that Pei Shaoze can actually control it.

Qin Yu joked while holding the medicine box with his hands and feet quickly: "With such a strong pheromone, you can resist not marking him. The self-control is too awesome, enough to blow in front of my brothers for a year."

In fact, Pei Shaoze has been forbearing, his reason is on the verge of collapse. Seeing Qin Yu coming over, he immediately let go of Cheng Xia, his hoarse voice clearly suppressed something: "Hurry up and give him an inhibitor, I will take a bath."

After all, lightning disappeared in front of Qin Yu.

Qin Yu: "..."

It seems to be suffocated. When I rushed into the bathroom just now, my steps were a little unstable.

Who would dare to seduce President Pei? Qin Yu walked to the bed and looked at the guy who was wrapped into rice dumplings curiously-he was a boy of about eighteen years old, with delicate features and good-looking looks. Pei Shaoze didn't mark him, is it unappetizing?

Thinking of this, Qin Yu took out a powerful inhibitor from the medicine box, unbuttoned the bathrobe, and pierced the vein on the boy's arm with a needle—this powerful inhibitor was designed to deal with Omega's uncontrolled suddenness. Specially developed for development.

When Pei Shaoze finished flushing the cold water, Qin Yu had already had the injection. He glanced at the bed, and saw Cheng Xia close his eyes and sleep quietly on the bed, he was finally relieved.

Pei Shaoze wiped his hair while walking over and asked, "How about it, under control?"

Qin Yu got up and said: "Don't worry, the powerful inhibitor works quickly. He has fallen asleep. However, the pheromone in the body is forcibly suppressed, and tomorrow he may have a high fever. I also brought a box of antipyretics. The high fever does not go away, so I will feed him one tablet each morning, noon and night tomorrow."

Pei Shaoze took the anti-fever medicine and put it on the bedside table: "Thanks. By the way, leave me a few inhibitors. If you encounter this situation in the future, you don't need to trouble you in the middle of the night."

Qin Yu left a box of inhibitors and stared at Cheng Xia curiously. After a while, he couldn't help but ask: "This Omega should be an artist of your company? He actually used a pheromone release agent to seduce you... what do you plan to do with it? he?"

Pei Shaoze followed Qin Yu's gaze and looked back at the boy on the bed.

Cheng Xia, who was asleep, was very quiet, her entire face was extremely pale, there were obvious blood stains on her forehead, her lips were also bitten by her teeth, and a trace of blood leaked out, looking pitiful...

Pei Shaoze's voice couldn't help being softened: "What do you think I should do with him?"

Qin Yu guessed: "Such an artist who is not righteous and wants to sleep with the boss taking shortcuts, why not just block it to the end?"

Pei Shaoze said lightly: "First of all, he is just an unknown newcomer. It is impossible to know my exact itinerary and where tonight. Secondly, even if he finds a way to find out about my residence, he is a little transparent and cannot hide it. Everyone who passed me suddenly appeared on my bed."

Qin Yu was stunned, and nodded subconsciously: "That's right. If your bed is so easy to climb, the Omega artists in the entertainment industry have already crossed the threshold of your home."

"..." Pei Shaoze ignored his joke, went to the table and took a sip of cold water, and then said: "Cheng Xia's agent is Zhao Wenxiu, who has worked at Tianxuan Entertainment for five years and failed to bring a star. His cousin Liu Rui just became my driver not long ago. I went to a banquet today and drank some wine. It was this driver who took me home."

Qin Yu's eyes widened: "You mean that the agent and the driver will join hands to send the Omega artist to your bed?! Isn't this little guy in your bed the mastermind?"

Cheng Xia is certainly not the mastermind.

With ten courage from him, it is impossible for him to climb the boss's bed.

How stupid is the original owner of the novel to believe that Cheng Xia designed all this? Has IQ dropped?

Pei Shaoze picked up his mobile phone expressionlessly, and sent a voice message to the assistant in the address book: "I have a private business, and tomorrow's trip will be cancelled. At 8 o'clock the next morning, let the agent Zhao Wenxiu come to Tianxuan headquarters to see me."

The system 1022, which was about to sleep, woke up suddenly: "What are you doing?"

Pei Shaoze said: "Isn't the mission goal to make the protagonist's favorability reach 100? I have my own way."

Taking advantage of the pheromone loss of control, the protagonist slept, and was gentle and considerate to the protagonist...

This might make Cheng Xia's favorability for him increase rapidly.

But Pei Shaoze believes that being good to a person is not just taking care of him in life.

But to support him, respect him, and help him achieve his ideals.

According to the original setting, Pei Shaoze is 26 years old and Cheng Xia has just turned 18. In the real world, his sister Pei Xueqing and his age are exactly 8 years old.

As a brother, he is used to protecting his sister. Now in the book, he can't bear to hurt a young boy so much younger than himself. Rather than simply and rudely occupying Cheng Xia's body, it is better to protect Cheng Xia and lead Cheng Xia on the right path.

He didn't want such a simple teenager to become the boss's forbearance at a young age, being violated and marked involuntarily.

Cheng Xia should have a broader world.

The physical relationship is too fragile.

Recognition with each other in mind is the key to make a person's affection for you reach full marks.
