Chapter 22

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 22]

All the people who received the number plate at the scene pinned the number plate on the right side of the chest as required.

The audition will end in one day, so the schedule is very tight, everyone is only given 5 minutes. The staff responsible for maintaining order at the scene sent everyone a printed tip with precautions-

1. The artists who participated in the audition please introduce yourself and inform the crew of the role you are auditioning for. The director may make you make various expressions including smile, laugh, cry, sadness, collapse, etc. Please cooperate with the director's request. Choose one or two acts in the audition script to perform. The director may interrupt you at any time, and you can leave early if you can't bear the psychological shock.

2. After hearing the staff call the number, enter through the front door and exit through the back door to keep the scene quiet. If there is no response after three calls, it will be regarded as giving up automatically.

3. The audition results will be announced within three days.

This tip should be made by the people in the Propaganda Department. There is no unnecessary nonsense, simple and neat.

Zhou Yan called the four to an empty office: "Don't think too much. After you go in, introduce yourself first, and then follow the director's instructions. Although Director Liu is strict in acting skills and the people are more serious, Mr. Pei In the presence, he will always save some face to Tianxuan's artists, even if he doesn't perform well, he will not embarrass you in public."

Cheng Xia immediately grasped the key point: "Is President Pei here today?"

Zhou Yan glanced at him and nodded: "Pei is always the producer and director of this show."

Cheng Xia suddenly felt very at ease in her heart-President Pei personally supervised the production, then this drama will definitely not be a problem!

Qi Xiaotian couldn't help but ask: "President Pei is in the town personally, then the artist of Tianxuan should have a better chance to choose?"

Zhou Yan frowned slightly: "Theoretically, this is true. But it is not necessarily. After all, the original author and director are there. Since President Pei said fair competition, it is impossible to force Tianxuan's artist to give Director Liu. I listened to sign in. The staff there said that a few famous celebrities have also come today, especially the two roles of Qin Nian and Lu Fengyang. The competition is extremely fierce."

She also didn't think why these little famous stars would come to join in the fun. It is these stars who think that Tianxuan's products will be popular, so come to catch the heat? Whatever the reason, the competition for this audition was fierce, beyond everyone's expectations.

Zhou Yan was very nervous, but on the surface she still displayed the calmness of her agent and looked at Cheng Xia and Qi Xiaotian: "Have you heard of Ye Mingqian?"

Cheng Xia searched for the name in her mind, and she quickly remembered: "Is it the actor of the popular literary film "The Light of Light" in the first half of the year? He is an Omega, right?"

Zhou Yan nodded: "Yes, he is 20 years old this year, and he is the fastest rising actor in the entertainment industry in recent years. He also came to audition today, and the role he wants to compete is also the protagonist Qin Nian."

Cheng Xia's heart trembled slightly. He had never expected such a strong competitor.

Initially, President Pei said that this drama is an investment in Group C, and it is best to let Tianxuan's newcomers come to play, but after all, it is not a "default drama". As long as the news of the audition is released, President Pei cannot stop others from coming.

The other party has rich experience and good popularity. He is just a little transparent who has filmed a MV and has not yet released it.

Who will the director choose? Cheng Xia is not sure.

The only thing he has confidence in is that he devoted more effort and energy to this drama than Ye Mingqian, and his understanding of the role of Qin Nian is definitely deeper than that of Ye Mingqian, who came to audition when he got the script. Much. He always dreamed of Qin Nian these days. Qin Nian seemed to have walked into his heart from the book. He especially wanted to interpret this character himself.

Qi Xiaotian didn't have such confidence. He scratched his head and said with a smile: "Qin Nian is so competitive for the role? Or, I will choose Qin Nian's Faxiao role?"

Zhou Yan thought for a while and nodded: "Now it's too late to change roles. Newcomers don't have to play the protagonist. There is a chance to show up. It's good to play a supporting role and hone your acting skills." She looked at Cheng Xia, "How about you Cheng Xia ?"

Cheng Xia looked firm: "I'll try Qin Nian, I also prepared his script."


At 9 o'clock, the audition officially began.

Those who walked into the audition scene were shocked. In addition to the wide space left for the actors to perform, five people sat on the other side-producer Pei Shaoze, director Liu Xueyi, screenwriter Xu Moran, original author Lemongrass, assistant and concurrently The host Zhang Fan.

In addition to the five people, there are also several people on the side, including lighting engineers, photographers, radiographers, and field notes. The camera was actually equipped with dual tracks and opened two cameras to shoot at the same time. There was a monitoring screen in front of the director and President Pei!

Is this an audition? Is this the **** scene? !

Most of the auditions in the circle are like company interviews. Artists perform some scenes on the spot. It is extremely rare that the artists directly turn on the camera like today, and even the lighting and sound are prepared.

Some newcomers who have never seen the big scene were shocked by such formal auditions, especially Pei Shaoze, who was sitting in the first place. His expression was serious and his eyes were indifferent. Many newcomers couldn't help but trembled when they saw him. They were so confused that they didn't know what to do. play.

Liu Xueyi is also very serious, and some people are kicked out with disgust after only one minute of acting.

The artists waiting outside became more nervous when they saw the guys who rolled out after tens of seconds after entering.

The entire audition scene was shrouded in a suppressed atmosphere. The faces of the people who came out of the audition room were more ugly than the other, and some even complained in private: "Isn't it just a broken net drama, it's such a formal..."

Cheng Xia closed her eyes and memorized the script in her head.

He was also a little nervous, but when he heard that the audition scene was so formal, he felt that Mr. Pei attaches great importance to the show, and he also wanted to perform well in front of Director Pei. The tension gradually turned into motivation. Cheng Xia clenched her fists and recited the lines of the audition script several times without missing a word.

Soon it was Zhou Jiawen's turn on the 10th. He wanted to try Alpha protagonist Lu Fengyang.

After all, he has acted in several online dramas. He is much more calm than most newcomers. Zhou Yan personally took him in. He wanted to stay and see his performance, but Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "The agent is out, leave the scene to the artist. ."

Zhou Yan had to go out dingy.

After a while, Zhou Jiawen came out. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How is it?"

Zhou Jiawen frowned: "I don't know, let me go back and wait for the notice."

Cheng Xia: "..."

Waiting for these three words is really torture!

Qi Xiaotian leaned in and asked, "Did Mr. Pei say anything?"

Zhou Jiawen smiled bitterly: "He was sitting there as a statue, he was so serious, he looked indifferent from start to finish, I didn't dare to look at his eyes. After I finished the performance, he said: Go back and wait for the notice."

Cheng Xia: "..."

awaiting notice. It felt like the person being taken to the execution ground was waiting for the executioner's knife to fall on his neck. Cheng Xia can imagine how strong President Pei's aura is.

Xue Ling also went in soon, and his face was cold when he came out, and the result was the same: "Let me go back and wait for the notice."

Zhou Yan helped her forehead helplessly.

The morning audition ended quickly, and Cheng Xia saw a lot of handsome Alphas who were all competing for the role of Lu Fengyang. In the afternoon, the scene's painting style suddenly changed, and many beautiful, cute and sunny Omega appeared in the corridor, because the role Qin Nian who auditioned in the afternoon and Zhang Xiaoheng, the funny actor in the play, were both Omega.

Of course, there are some Betas to try to compete. The entertainment industry does not stipulate that only Omega can play Omega. As long as the appearance is suitable and the performance is similar, no one will scold Omega when they play Alpha. Instead, they think that the actors who can play back are very powerful.

Cheng Xia sat in the corridor and waited. After an unknown period of time, the assistant sister suddenly called: "No. 97."

A boy in a light blue sweater came over from the corner.

He is nearly 1.8 meters tall and has a thin and well-proportioned figure. He wore a pair of sunglasses to cover half of his face. After hearing the call, he took off his sunglasses and walked to the audition room. Cheng Xia recognized at a glance that he was the very popular Omega this year. Star-Ye Mingqian.

Looking up close, he looks really beautiful, his skin is dazzling white, and his eyes flowed with peach blossoms. They are gentle and gentle. People can't help but want to get close to him and protect him. Cheng Xia, who is also an Omega, also thinks He is very temperamental.

As if perceiving the gaze next to him, Ye Mingqian turned his head slightly to meet a pair of clear eyes.

Cheng Xia smiled politely at him.

Although the opponent is a huge threat to him, Cheng Xia feels that the audition is a fair competition, and he is a newcomer. Ye Mingqian has been a newcomer for several years. If he really can't compete, he is not as skilled as others. Can't blame others for grabbing this role?

Ye Mingqian also smiled at Cheng Xia.

It may be because of Omega. The taste is not as strong as the Alphas in the morning, but the smile is only a superficial situation. There will only be one actor in Qin Nian. In the end, everyone has to do their best to fight for it. .


Inside the room, after watching the demons dance all day, Liu Xueyi's head was about to explode. He couldn't help but complain: "Just now, this man, he was acting as if he used his **** to face the camera, and his lines were not good enough. I feel wronged, I can't bear to scold him, I'm afraid I will cry him!"

Until Zhang Fan said: "The next number 97, Ye Mingqian, is also Qin Nian."

Liu Xueyi's eyes flashed: "Ye Mingqian? This man has good acting skills. Does Pei always know him? The protagonist of the literary film "The Light Is Passing" in the first half of the year. However, his temperament is more literary than the image of Qin Nian in the novel. Isn't it a good fit?"

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "I know him. A good actor will not let his image tend to be stereotyped. He came to audition for the role of Qin Nian, probably because he wanted to expand his acting, change the audience's inherent impression of him, and challenge his acting skills. ."

Liu Xueyi nodded: "Yes, then let's take a look."

Pei Shaoze turned his head and asked Zhang Fan, "Who is next?"

Zhang Fan said softly: "No. 98 Cheng Xia."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

Cheng Xia, what's your bad luck? I didn't mention it until the last one in the afternoon, and even crashed back and forth with my strongest opponent Ye Mingqian?

Where is your protagonist's halo?

Pei Shaoze gently pressed his temples, he was not worried that Cheng Xia would be nervous, but if Ye Mingqian's performance was too good, Cheng Xia followed suit, even if his performance was good, he would be instantly compared. After all, Cheng Xia is a newcomer with no acting experience. If the acting is not good, it is difficult to impress Liu Xueyi, a demanding director.

Fortunately, the author is also present.

Pei Shaoze felt that the Qin Nian in the original author's mind should be closer to the Qin Nian that Cheng Xia understood. After all, Cheng Xia had read the original book many times during this period, and Ye Mingqian definitely didn't have so much time to figure out the Qin Nian. Character.

Opportunities are only for those who are ready.

Pei Shaoze sat up straight and looked at the front door.
