Chapter 23

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 23]

Ye Mingqian did not appear in the original work. Pei Shaoze knew him because he accidentally swept a movie "The Light Elapsed" which scored more than 9 points on some time ago. Noticed this person.

As Liu Xueyi said, Ye Mingqian does act online. His role in the movie "The Light Is Passing" has a miserable life and many crying scenes. Ye Mingqian's crying scene is very well performed, whether silently crying or crying, it can instantly drive the audience's emotions. He cried beautifully, and the tears on the camera made people feel distressed.

He is already a very talented actor who can act well in crying scenes. Judging by Pei Shaoze's eyesight, Ye Mingqian will have a bright future. Since Ye Mingqian is not a signed artist of Tianxuan, Pei Shaoze does not care about his future development. He did not expect that he would audition for the role of "Qin Nian".

The front door was pushed open, and Ye Mingqian walked in. The agent didn't follow him, obviously he was relieved.

The good-looking Omega seems to have a halo everywhere he goes. The strong light in the room makes his skin dazzling. He has no makeup today, and his face still looks exquisite and beautiful. People who can play a good movie can completely afford photography. High-definition footage of the artist.

He walked to the middle of the venue and greeted everyone politely: "President Pei, Director Liu, Teacher Xu, Teacher Lemon, staff, good afternoon. My name is Ye Mingqian, and the role I am auditioning today is Qin Nian."

Pei Shaoze noticed that everyone around him, including the director, screenwriter and even the original author, had their eyes brightened when they saw him.

Compared with the newcomers who were nervous to shaking, Ye Mingqian acted generously and gave a good first impression. Director Liu immediately sat upright and said solemnly: "Ye Mingqian, I have seen your play. You are in "Liu Guang Yi The crying scene in "Death" is very good, but the protagonist of "Folding Paper" doesn't need to cry, but laughs every day. Why would you try this role?"

Ye Mingqian looked calm: "As Director Liu said, because of the performance of "The Flowing Light", the impression I left on the audience was a melancholy, sad, tear-loving Omega. So this time, I want to try to transform and act. A more sunny character."

Liu Xueyi nodded appreciatively: "Okay, which drama are you preparing? Let's start."

Ye Mingqian said: "Act 37."

The audition requirements have long been released on the major artist forums, so the actors who come to the audition today will read the script in advance. Since the final script has not been revised yet, the screenwriter Xu's audition script is only the general plot, and the details are left to the actors themselves. To play, so that you can see the actor's understanding of the role.

Ye Mingqian adjusted his expression, and soon entered the role——

"Act 37, the hospital.

Qin Nian, who always thought he was Alpha, had a frequent fever recently. Because he had to go to work every day after school and his high school work was heavy, his schedule was very tight and he didn't have time to go to the hospital, so he only bought some anti-fever medicines. .

That night, when he went home, he suddenly fainted and was taken to the hospital by his sister Qin Yue. The doctor found that he had abnormal pheromones in his body and detected trace amounts of Omega pheromones in the blood, confirming that he had differentiated into an Omega.

Please improvise based on this scene. "

From the description, there should be three people in this scene: the doctor, the younger sister, and the protagonist Qin Nian. But there was no one on the scene to act for him, he could only play a one-man show by himself.

Since many actors who auditioned for Qin Nian chose this scene, a rectangular table was set up to temporarily serve as a hospital bed. Some actors with poor comprehension couldn't even see this. The patient who passed out and was sent to the hospital actually stood and acted directly? Director Liu was speechless.

Seeing the table, Ye Mingqian quickly reacted and lay down on the table and closed his eyes.

After a while, he suddenly woke up like a nightmare, and sat up straight like a carp. He frowned and pressed his temples hard, obviously suffering from a headache, then he looked around, his eyes gradually regained clarity, and found that this was a hospital, he subconsciously called, "Qin Yue, what's wrong with me?"

The sound from the radio equipment is clear and pleasant.

Ye Mingqian waited for about 8 seconds. When the time for his sister Qin Yue's lines passed, he smiled calmly and said, "I'm fine. Maybe I'm too tired recently. With low blood sugar, I fainted without eating. you do not need to worry."

This smile was completely different from the tearful Omega that everyone remembered.

The gentle smile on his younger sister's face immediately showed how strong Qin Nian is as a brother in front of her younger sister. Ye Mingqian rubbed his head and wanted to get out of bed. At this time, the doctor should have opened the door to come in, his eyes shifted to the door, as if he really saw a doctor there, and asked politely: "Doctor, when can I be discharged from the hospital? ?"

The doctor will explain that Omega pheromone has been detected in the blood. Ye Mingqian waited for a few seconds before opening his eyes slightly: "Omega pheromone, how is it possible? I have always been an Alpha!"

The doctor continued to explain.

Ye Mingqian listened carefully and his eyes widened. He took the report form from the doctor in disbelief and looked through it line by line. After seeing the line of Omega pheromone data, his eyes condensed and his eyes stopped. On the line data, his eyes were a little dazed, as if he was dreaming, and muttered to himself: "Is there really an Omega pheromone? This data can't be wrong..."

After a while, he listened to the doctor's explanation and slowly recovered his calmness. He smiled and said, "Okay, please, the doctor will give me a detailed examination again. I have to ask the head teacher for leave."

When the doctor went out, he scratched his hair in annoyance: "How can I break into Omega? God must be kidding me!"

Ye Mingqian jumped off his desk and said politely: "Director Liu, I'm finished."

Liu Xueyi looked complicated.

Speaking of acting skills, Ye Mingqian is really good, especially the change of eyes, the protagonist's shock, doubts, and reluctance to accept the protagonist when he heard him split into Omega, all behaved perfectly; no one played against him, but there were three people on the scene. The angle and gaze of seeing my sister and seeing the doctor are different; there is nothing in my hand, acting against the air, I will also perform the actions of watching one line by line while holding the examination very realistically.

His line skills are also very good. When acting, he reserved time for other people's lines. The circumflex and volume control when speaking are all experienced actors can do. Even the live radio will not be too much. The flaws.

He looks good with a smile, and his brilliant smile can match the "sunny and cheerful" person. Just now, his performance is very different from the distressed Omega in "The Flowing Light". Such actors have very high plasticity.

But Liu Xueyi always felt that something was missing.

What's missing? It's like, a student has done a good job on an examination paper, but as an examiner, he always feels that someone should do better.

Liu Xueyi reached the author's lemongrass ear and asked softly, "Teacher, do you think he looks like Qin Nian?"

Lemongrass is an Omega woman, about thirty years old, with long straight hair and looks gentle and intellectual. Listening to Director Liu's question, she leaned over and replied softly: "Among the many actors who auditioned in the afternoon, I think Ye Mingqian's image and temperament are the best, and the recognition is the highest. Of course, I'm a layman in acting, or Liu. I will guide you more professionally, what do you think?"

She only commented on Ye Mingqian's good-looking appearance, but did not say that Ye Mingqian's character was not suitable for the Qin year.

Liu Xueyi pondered for a moment and said, "Ye Mingqian, can you try the 56-act scene again?"

Ye Mingqian smiled and nodded.

The 56th act is a one-man show of the protagonist Qin Nian, and it is a performance without lines, which is extremely difficult.

Qin Nian, who has split into Omega, realizes that he has an admiration for his good buddy Lu Fengyang. After returning home, he writes a diary in a tangled mood and the actor can improvise.

Ye Mingqian asked Zhang Fan to borrow paper and pen and sat at the table and began to write.

The camera was shooting at his profile. Director Liu looked at Ye Mingqian's enlarged profile face from the camera monitoring screen. He couldn't help but admire in his heart. It's really good for the gods to enjoy food. Such a face, even if you sit there quietly. Attract a large number of fans.

Ye Mingqian looked serious. After writing a few strokes, he didn't know what he remembered, and frowned into thought. The young boy who was in love with him found that he liked his good buddy Lu Fengyang, he was a little embarrassed, he curled his mouth and smiled, then frowned tangledly.

The silent performance only relies on facial expressions and eyes, and the emotional performance is also very good. Even Liu Xueyi couldn't help but praised: "Not bad, not bad."

Ye Mingqian stood up and bowed to everyone politely.

Putting all the actors in the afternoon, Ye Mingqian is indeed the best one so far, but Liu Xueyi did not directly decide him. First, the audition is not over yet, and second, to decide the actor, he has to ask the author and Mr. Pei's opinions.

Liu Xueyi looked at Pei Shaoze, who said indifferently, "Thank you for your wonderful performance. Go back and wait for the notice."

Ye Mingqian nodded: "Okay, thank you teachers."

He turned and left through the back door.

The people at the scene got used to Mr. Pei's words "waiting for notification". After the back door was closed, Liu Xueyi couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Pei, what do you think of Ye Mingqian? Among those who auditioned in the afternoon, his acting skills are one of the best, right? "

Pei Shaoze only commented in one sentence: "The shape is similar but the **** is not."

Everyone: "..."

After thinking about it carefully, Mr. Pei's comment was really sharp, especially the original author Lemongrass. She always felt that Ye Mingqian was very good-looking, and the pleasing image made people couldn't help but like it. But he is not Qin Nian, not the Qin Nian she wrote. Although he is also trying to get closer to the "sunshine and cheerful" person, as Mr. Pei said--

It's just similar.

There is no such agile performance as Qin Nian.

Pei Shaoze looked calm: "Director Liu, don't worry, let's take a look. Call the next one."

Liu Xueyi asked: "Is there anyone who tried the Qin Nian?"

Zhang Fan replied: "Only the last one, No. 98, is Tianxuan's newcomer, Cheng Xia."

Liu Xueyi hurriedly said, "Call in."

Outside the door, the assistant shouted: "No. 98."

Cheng Xia immediately got up and walked to the front door, gently pushing the door open.

The inside of the house is indeed the same as the people in the morning said-the big scene, very shocking!

The lighting and photography are all on, and the producer, director, screenwriter, and original author sit in a row. It will invisibly give people a lot of pressure. If the psychological quality is not good enough, the glare of the light will panic.

But Cheng Xia worked hard for so long, temporary stage fright is not his style! He took a deep breath to calm himself down, walked towards the open space, and bowed in the direction of the five: "President Pei, Director Liu, screenwriter teacher, author teacher, and all the staff. Good afternoon. My name is Cheng. Xia, the character who came to audition is Qin Nian. This is my profile."

He handed the information prepared by the agent to director Liu Xueyi with both hands. The information included academic qualifications, height and weight hobbies.

Liu Xueyi met Cheng Xia for the first time, and Cheng Xia in front of him and Ye Mingqian just now had completely two styles.

Ye Mingqian has a delicate and beautiful face, which makes people amazed by his temperament at first glance.

Cheng Xia is sunny and handsome, with no obvious Omega features on her body, her eyes are clear and bright, and she can't see any blemishes on her face under the high magnification lens, a proper little handsome guy next door.

If you really fight for beauty, two people can be said to be comparable.

Liu Xueyi asked: "Are you a newcomer? Have you had any works before?"

"Director Liu, I just signed a contract this year. I have only shot a MV and haven't broadcast it yet. I don't have experience in film and television works." No experience, but he said this without a guilty conscience and looked very calm.

Liu Xueyi frowned and thought, it is very difficult to bring a pure newcomer! Newcomers with high savvy can still learn it if they are taught. If they have poor savvy, filming a drama frequently will delay the progress of the whole crew. However, Cheng Xia looks good, plus he is Tianxuan's artist, and Mr. Pei is sitting next to him. How can Liu Xueyi want to give Mr. Pei some face.

Thinking of this, Liu Xueyi immediately said: "It's okay for newcomers, don't be nervous, our crew welcomes newcomers." Seeing Cheng Xia carrying a bag in his hand, he couldn't help but curiously asked, "What are you holding? Bring your own props. Is it?"

Cheng Xia said seriously: "Yes, Director Liu, let me change my clothes."

He took out the clothes from the bag and put them on quickly.

——It is a blue and white high school uniform.

White sweater and blue school uniform. Cheng Xia like this is almost like she just arrived on the set from school after school.

The eyes of everyone at the scene changed at the same time.

The corners of Pei Shaoze's lips were lightly raised, and his eyes towards Cheng Xia were indescribably soft.

A total of 33 actors auditioned for Qin Nian this afternoon.

Only Cheng Xia brought school uniforms.

They probably forgot that Qin Nian's real identity is a high school student.

Although clothing is not a mandatory requirement for actors to audition, "people depend on clothing", acting as a high school student, wearing school uniforms-this is how you treat a role.
