Chapter 24

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 24]

The school uniform that Cheng Xia wore was just given to him by the sponsor after the MV was filmed a few days ago. Although it is not "whitewashed" as described in the original book, he feels that the performance in school uniform will be even better. There is a sense of substitution. After all, Qin Nian's family is very poor, there are not many decent clothes, and he wears school uniforms almost every day.

When Liu Xueyi saw a teenager in school uniform, his eyes were much gentler-even if the acting was bad, at least the attitude was serious enough. Such a hard-working newcomer would give a much better impression than those who are nervous, forgetting words, and trembling.

Liu Xueyi said gently: "Which scene are you preparing for?"

Cheng Xia said: "Thirty-seven acts and fifty-six acts."

Director Liu and the screenwriter next to each other glanced at each other—just collided with Ye Mingqian just now. But this is also good, the most direct comparison can better see who is more suitable for the role of Qin Nian.

Liu Xueyi nodded: "Okay, you adjust it, let's get started."

Pei Shaoze sat on the far left, Cheng Xia glanced at him inadvertently, and met Pei Shaoze's eyes. What surprised Cheng Xia was that Pei Shaoze was not as indifferent and serious and scary as everyone described. Instead, he nodded at Cheng Xia gently, as if to encourage him.

Cheng Xia took a deep breath and quickly entered the state.

He lay down on the desk next to him and closed his eyes. After a while, he was awakened by the nightmare and suddenly sat upright. He clenched his fist and banged his head vigorously, only to feel a headache humming. After knocking for a while, he came back to his senses, looked around suspiciously, and realized that he was in the hospital, he immediately asked, "Qin Yue, why am I here?"

Qin Yue: "Brother, you fainted last night, and I took you to the hospital."

Cheng Xia was stunned for a moment, followed by an indifferent and relaxed expression, and waved her hand to her sister handsomely: "It must be because I didn't have dinner, you don't have to make a fuss, brother is in good health."

At this time the doctor opened the door and came in. Cheng Xia immediately sat up straight with a bright smile: "Doctor, can I be discharged from the hospital?"

The doctor told him seriously about the pheromone.

Cheng Xia's eyes gradually widened, and then she suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, you must be mistaken! How can I detect Omega pheromones in my body? Is there something wrong with your detector, or there is something next door A person named Qin Nian, you got the wrong result?"

The doctor handed him the examination report.

Cheng Xia quickly stretched out her hand, as if taking a page from the air, then staring at it carefully, and using the index finger of her left hand to point to the data column line by line for comparison, after seeing her ID and pheromone data clearly , He finally believed the result, scratching his head in confusion, and whispered: "I didn't split up until I was 18, is that all right?"

He handed the results of the examination to his sister, and touched the position of the glands at the back of the neck with his right hand: "So, I have Omega glands on the back of my neck? I will go through estrus later? Damn, it's too much trouble. Doctor, Can this thing be cut off?"

Everyone: "..."

The original author who was watching in the audience almost laughed out loud.

Yes, this is the plot in the original book! Qin Nian is a very cute person with a very optimistic mentality. After knowing that he is an Omega, he is not as excited or sad as a normal Omega. He only thinks-it is troublesome!

Oestrus or something, it too delayed his work to earn money to support his sister.

The doctor was also surprised by his crazy words, and hurriedly said: "Glands are an important organ for Omega to secrete pheromones. If you remove them at will, it will affect your endocrine system and even life span."

Cheng Xia looked up and down on the doctor suspiciously. Finally, after believing the other party's explanation, she scratched her hair a little irritably: "Can't cut it? Okay, then you give me a depressant. I have to go home to review it and pay it back tomorrow. Take an exam." As he said, he began to pull the infusion set on the back of his hand and got up and got out of bed.

His sister Qin Yue hurriedly pushed him back. Cheng Xia raised her head slightly and smiled gently when she looked at her sister: "Qin Yue, don't worry about it. If it is something, I am not your brother if I split into an Omega? Look, my face It's still the same as before, with an extra Omega gland in the body. Who can know if you don't cut it open?"

Under the strict requirements of the doctor and sister, Cheng Xia reluctantly sat back on the hospital bed: "But I have to take an exam tomorrow...Well, listen to you, can I call the head teacher for leave?"

After he said, he picked up the mobile phone in his pocket and smiled and said to the class teacher: "Teacher, I am Qin Nian, cough, I have a high fever and can live in the hospital for one day. I will ask for a leave tomorrow. Thank you teacher, I will come back and fill in the leave slip." He looked at the doctor again and said solemnly: "Doctor, please give me the results of the examination as soon as possible, and also open a few more boxes of inhibitors by the way, thank you!"

After a while, he said again: "Qin Yue, go to dinner, and bring me a fast food by the way."

The doctor and sister went out one after another, and the ward became quiet. The smile on the boy's face gradually disappeared, and a very complicated emotion appeared in his eyes, doubts, unbelievable, and the panic and confusion of suddenly splitting into Omega.

Qin Nian, who pretended to be relaxed in front of others, actually didn't want to accept this fact in his heart. In the end, Cheng Xia exhaled gently, a relieved smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and said to herself: "Omega is Omega. If you don't tell them, life will continue as usual, but it will be a little troublesome to use inhibitors."

As if finally figured it out, he lay down on the hospital bed with a smile.

At the scene, Liu Xueyi clenched his fists in excitement. He knew why he felt wrong when he watched Ye Mingqian's performance just now—smart, the lively and agile of Qin Nian, Ye Mingqian did not perform at all!

From every movement, look in his eyes, to every line, Ye Mingqian played only a sunny and cheerful Qin Year.

However, what Cheng Xia performed was from the book-the living Qin Nian!

Liu Xueyi looked at the smiling teenager lying on the "patient bed", excitedly even forgot to stop.

But Pei Shaoze nodded appreciatively and said in a low voice: "Yes, the next scene."

Cheng Xia quickly got up from the "patient bed", bowed to everyone, and said seriously: "Next is fifty-six acts, the scene of Qin Nian writing a diary."

The props he brought with him included not only school uniforms, but also a diary, a pen and a high school math test paper.

Cheng Xia spread out her diary on the chair at the desk.

He picked up a pen to write a few words, and suddenly thought of something, frowned and crossed out what he wrote, turning a page and rewriting. After painting in this way for several consecutive pages, he sighed and stopped writing helplessly.

The young man first propped one arm on the table and held his head with one hand thinking about his thoughts. After a while, he unknowingly changed to a posture lying on the table in a daze. His whole figure was as if his soul had been taken away. Lying on the table, this picture taken from the side, the dazed teenager is so cute!

Director Liu clenched his fists tightly-this is Qin Nian, a cute little guy who looks very cool and handsome, and privately makes people distressed!

Cheng Xia was in a daze for ten seconds, and suddenly recovered like an electric shock.

Thinking that he liked Lu Fengyang, his ears couldn't help but turn red.

The camera fully recorded his series of emotional changes. The boy with red ears quickly sat upright, picked up the pen on the table, and wrote a line of words seriously.

Then, he tore off the page from the diary.

The young man's slender fingers flexibly folded the paper in half and again. His fingers fluttered, without any lag in his movements. He actually folded this page of paper into a very complicated boat in one go. The movement recorded by the camera was like magic. Pretty.

Liu Xueyi: "..."

Live origami?

Qin Nian is an eccentric young man who can fold paper into various shapes!

After Cheng Xia folded the exquisite boat, he put the boat on the table, glanced at it, and poked the boat with his fingers, then put away his smile, opened a paper, and started to concentrate on the problem. This time, he didn't stop writing and looked extremely serious. As a student master, solving math problems was a breeze for him.

People at the scene seemed to think that under the warm light, the teenager ran his pen like flying, and the empty questions on the test paper were filled up one by one. The paragraph just now in a daze seemed to be a trivial episode in his daily homework.

At the end of the scene, Cheng Xia stood up and walked to the table and bowed to everyone: "I'm done, thank you teachers."

The red on the boy's ears gradually faded, and his expression returned to normal.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help applauding.

A smile appeared on Liu Xueyi's serious face: "It's a very good performance. Have you read the original?"

Cheng Xia nodded: "Yes, I bought Teacher Lemongrass's book and read it several times."

A gentle voice suddenly sounded next to him: "Do you know how to origami?"

It was the original author who spoke. Cheng Xia immediately looked at her and explained politely: "Because Qin Nian likes origami, I have searched some tutorials on the Internet these days. I just learned how to fold the paper boats he likes, and other plants. , Small animals and the like, not skilled enough."

Lemongrass asked: "Can you show me the paper boat you just folded? What did you write in it?"

Cheng Xia handed the folded boat to the author, and took a look at the lemongrass.

"I want to be admitted to the same university as Lu Fengyang, and will always be together." A big smiling face was drawn behind.

This is the ending of the original, the content of the origami that Qin Nian gave to Lu Fengyang.

Lemongrass looked at this line of small print, not knowing what to say. At that moment, she was a little moved, and her eyes couldn't help but become hot. When she learned that her novel was going to be adapted, she was actually very nervous, and was very afraid that Tianxuan would find some inexplicable people to destroy her favorite character.

But today, she did not expect that an actor would take the fictional character "Qin Nian" so seriously.

He put on school uniform, brought paper and pen, and even brought a high school math test paper.

He performed Qin Nian's apparently sunny and cheerful but entangled and confused ambivalence in private; he vividly showed Qin Nian's usual handsomeness and cuteness in a daze, and even personally folded a piece of paper that Qin Nian gave to Lu Fengyang. ferry.

He is like Qin Nian who came out of a book.

Hard work, lovely sunshine, people love and heartache.

Lemongrass folded the ship into its original shape, handed it back to Cheng Xia, and said softly, "Thank you for taking Qin Nian so seriously. Qin Nian is just a fictional character of mine-but today, you made him live. ."

There are so many big shots on the scene, she shouldn't say too much, and in the end it is the director and the investor who has the final say. But Lemongrass really couldn't help it. She looked at the teenager in front of her, as if she had seen a character she had created herself come to her alive.

She likes Cheng Xia's performance very much, and she eagerly wants people around her to recognize Cheng Xia.

Hearing the compliment of the original author, Cheng Xia bowed flatteredly: "Thank you, Teacher Lemongrass. I like the character Qin Nian very much, and I like your novel very much. I am honored to participate in this audition."

Pei Shaoze raised his lips slightly, looked at Liu Xueyi, and asked in a low voice, "How does Director Liu feel?"

Liu Xueyi nodded: "It's great. Although the acting skills are a bit young, Cheng Xia's understanding of the character is the most suitable for the character of Qin Nian so far, and the live performance is also very lively... How to say, this newcomer is very alive. "

Pei Shaoze asked: "He is the last to audition, can Director Liu fix him?"

Liu Xueyi frowned and thought for a few seconds: "That Ye Mingqian..."

Pei Shaoze said lightly: "Ye Mingqian can play a male role if he wants to. I suggest that for the role of Qin Nian, I still give it to Cheng Xia. I am not an artist who favors Tianxuan. The performance of Cheng Xia just now is also in the eyes of Director Liu-he does Excellent, right?"

Meeting Pei Shaoze's calm eyes, Liu Xueyi nodded decisively: "Yes, that's it!"

The dance of demons in the afternoon scene was a headache, and I thought I couldn't choose the right actors this time. Cheng Xia is indeed the best overall performance, plus the original author also likes him very much, Liu Xueyi has no reason to refuse.

Pei Shaoze looked up at Cheng Xia and said softly, "Cheng Xia."

Cheng Xia turned her head to look at President Pei, thinking nervously, is the next sentence: Go back and wait for the notice?

As a result, Pei Shaoze stood up suddenly and proactively extended his hand: "Welcome to join the crew of "Folding Paper"."

Cheng Xia: "?????!!!"

Actually set? Can he really play Qin Nian? !

Hearing Mr. Pei's words, Cheng Xia was stunned, her dazed expression was very cute, Pei Shaoze's lips could not help but bend slightly: "Don't say thank you?"

Cheng Xia recovered, and immediately ran over to shook hands with President Pei: "Thank you, President Pei!"

He realized that there were other main creators on the scene, and he continued to bow again: "Thank you Director Liu, thank you screenwriter teacher, thank you author teacher, thank you staff!"

The people around were laughing, and Lemongrass smiled happily, with an expression of "my mother found my son".

When Pei Shaoze held Cheng Xia's hand, he realized that a layer of cold sweat appeared in the young man's palm, and the entire palm was wet. Obviously, Cheng Xia was actually very nervous just now, but he had prepared for a long time and memorized the plot in the original book thoroughly, so outsiders did not see his nervousness.

The little guy also performed seriously in this state, and brought props over. Pei Shaoze felt inexplicably soft, and his voice was more gentle: "After the Spring Festival, I will start the team and I will notify your agent of the specific time."

Cheng Xia nodded earnestly: "Okay, then I..."

Pei Shaoze released his hand, raised his chin and looked in the direction of the back door: "Go, go back and rest and adjust your state."

Cheng Xia quickly packed up the props he had brought, bowed again to everyone, and then turned to go out.

Pei Shaoze looked at the young man's back and thought, Cheng Xia, today I really gave Tianxuan a face, I didn't see you wrong.
