Chapter 32

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 32]

"Guests, good morning everyone. Today is the seventh day of the first lunar month on February 17, 2022. We are here to hold the launch ceremony of the web drama "Folding Paper"."

The microphone amplifies Pei Shaoze's voice, and in the quiet venue, only his voice is heard clearly--

"Folding Paper" is a campus-themed web drama invested and produced by Tianxuan Group and I personally serve as the producer. The original novel has a high popularity on the Internet. It is about the growth of several teenagers in high school. His mental journey..."

"This investment in filming "Folding Paper" is a trial for Tianxuan Group to enter the online drama market. We are honored to invite director Liu Xueyi, screenwriter Xu Moran, and original author Lemongrass teacher to join the crew. During the filming process, we I will try my best to strive for excellence, refuse to be shoddy, and strive to shoot a fine web drama, presenting the most authentic and beautiful student age in front of everyone..."

Pei Shaoze's speech was like passing clouds and flowing water, without the slightest stutter.

Adult Alpha's voice is low and nice, and his speech is crisp and neat, giving people a particularly good impression. Unlike many leaders who read a lot of fake lines to the manuscript when speaking, Pei Shaoze did not hold the speech manuscript in his hand. He took the microphone and looked at the reporter in front of him. He spoke fluently and clearly, and briefly introduced the novel and the crew. Situation, there is almost no nonsense.

Pei Shaoyan stood in the audience, his eyes dull.

——This man is really his brother?

That brother who doesn't do business every day, knows how many buddies go on holiday racing, drinking and clubbing?

Since when did Big Brother become so stable? In the face of so many media reporters, without stage fright, can you speak smoothly for 5 minutes without a speech?

Pei Shaoyan's shock in the audience is beyond description. In the past, when he was poor in study, he would comfort himself by saying, "What is afraid of, eldest brother is worse than me". When he fooled around with those friends in school, he would also think, eldest brother came here too? What does it matter if my grades are almost impossible? Anyway, there is the Pei family. The sky fell and there was an older brother on it.

But today, looking at Pei Shaoze, who was calm and talkative on stage, Pei Shaoyan suddenly felt that he was really bad in comparison. Instead, stand on the stage and say at most "I wish the crew a smooth start", nothing else at all.

Pei Shaoze was completely reborn, and he was no longer a dude who would have a headache when his father mentioned it.

Pei Shaoyan frowned in a complicated mood, and his mind was messed up.

"Finally, I wish every success in the filming of the "Folding Paper" web drama, and I also wish all the guests present, all the best in the new year, thank you!"

Pei Shaoze ended his speech altogether and handed the microphone back to the host.

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

Especially those experienced media reporters. Everyone has participated in so many opening ceremonies and heard so many producer and producer leaders' speeches. It has to be said that Mr. Pei's speech today is simple and neat, without any sloppiness. Several important points are clearly stated. Such a demeanor at a young age, the new CEO of Tianxuan is indeed impressive.

In the audience, Cheng Xia clapped very vigorously!

He feels that Pei is always the best boss he has ever seen. Standing on the stage, he can instantly stabilize the audience. He is very handsome when speaking. Cheng Xia is even a little proud in his heart-to sign for Tianxuan and meet such a good one Boss, I am really lucky.

Pei Shaoze stepped off the rostrum and sat in the empty seat next to Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia glanced at him and greeted him with a smile: "President Pei."

Pei Shaoze leaned over and asked in a low voice, "What do you think of the draft I wrote last night? There is nothing wrong, right?"

Cheng Xia gave a thumbs up in the audience: "No, I spoke very well."

Pei Shaoze said "um" and set his eyes on the podium.

Next came the director's speech and the author's speech. The opening ceremony was carried out in an orderly manner. After the round of speeches, Director Liu took the initiative to introduce the important role of the play. He made an inviting gesture and said, "Next, Please play our protagonist Qin Nian's new actor-Cheng Xia!"

Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia encouragingly: "Go."

Cheng Xia stood up, walked onto the rostrum from the side, came to Director Liu's left hand, and bowed politely to the audience.

"Please have a young actor who plays the protagonist Lu Fengyang-Shen Kai!"

Shen Kai walked over and stood on the right hand side of the director. This is the first time the two have met today. They are not familiar with each other. Standing on both sides of the director separately avoids embarrassment.

Shen Kai is 188cm tall, and Cheng Xia is 178cm. The height difference and appearance seem to match, but because the two did not have any interaction, the reporters in the audience had to take some frontal photos of them as materials for the draft.

Then, important supporting roles such as younger sister and Fa Xiao also stepped up and stood up.

The host said excitedly: "President Pei, Director Liu, Teacher Lemongrass, Teacher Xu, and several leading actors are invited to unveil the mirror together!"

Pei Shaoze was invited to the stage again. He glanced at the scene and walked over to stand next to Director Liu, just standing side by side with Cheng Xia. Everyone's hands stretched out at the same time and grabbed the red cloth covering the camera.

With so many people standing together, it was slightly crowded. Pei Shaoze wanted to grab the red cloth, but inadvertently grabbed Cheng Xia's fingers. The man's big hand gently wrapped Cheng Xia's fingers, and Cheng Xia was like an electric shock. She shrinks, her ears are a little red. Pei Shaoze noticed something was wrong, and immediately released his hand politely and moved aside.

He whispered: "Sorry."

Cheng Xia knew that he was unintentional, after all, so many people were about to squeeze. But the sudden acceleration of the heartbeat made Cheng Xia afraid to look at Mr. Pei's eyes, and only whispered: "It's okay."

Next to him, Liu Xueyi shouted excitedly: "Three, two, one"!

Cheng Xia's heart was beating like a drum, and his mind buzzed. The people around him opened the red cloth at the same time, and Cheng Xia quickly withdrew his hand, pretending that nothing happened, and stood beside President Pei with a bright smile and took a group photo with everyone.

There was thunderous applause, and the start-up ceremony officially ended here.

If it was a real start-up ceremony, the crew would have to offer incense to all. Pei Shaoze checked the information a few days ago and found that the ABO World crew did not have the link of "burning incense and worshiping Buddha" when starting up, so he went to the village and removed this part as usual.

As for the interviews that should have been made, Pei Shaoze asked the Propaganda Department to greet the media in advance, and the crew had to hurry up in the afternoon. Each actor had only 10 minutes of interview time, and the media reporters should be as gentle as possible with the newcomers.

Today, all the media that have a long-term cooperative relationship with Tianxuan will naturally give Tianxuan this face.

The interviews after the start-up were really gentle.

Cheng Xia was very nervous when he faced so many reporters for the first time, but when he thought of Mr. Pei's calmness and calmness just now on stage, he suddenly gained confidence—the producer is so stable and he is the leading role. Don't shame the crew and President Pei!

Cheng Xia took a deep breath and quickly adjusted her mentality.

The reporter asked: "Do you have confidence in your acting skills for the first time in a network drama?"

Cheng Xia said frankly: "I really don't have much acting experience, but I believe acting can be tempered. I like the role of Qin Nian and the novel "Folding Paper" very much. I will devote my heart and soul to the script. , Interpret Qin Nian's life well..."

The reporter said: "How do you understand the role of Qin Nian?"

Cheng Xia expressed his thoughts based on the original books he had read. When answering questions, he was serious, with sincere eyes and no perfunctory. The reporters had a good first impression of him, so he didn't embarrass him.

After Cheng Xia answered the question, she was taken by her agent to lunch.

Lunch was the fast food that Pei Shaoze asked Zhang Fan to order in advance, and he ordered the very expensive bento. He wanted everyone to eat better for the first meal after the boot. When the staff saw such a sumptuous bento, they all said with emotion: "This is a great deal!"

Everyone is full and full of energy.

The set began to get busy. Liu Xueyi directed lighting, photography and other preparations. In the afternoon, he would announce the final makeup photos. After lunch, actors such as Cheng Xia, Shen Kai, and Zhou Jiawen were called to the dressing room by the assistant director.

The so-called dressing room is actually a temporary renovation of the school classroom.

The girl who gave Cheng Xia makeup was a little Beta girl. She found that Cheng Xia's skin was very good and she looked handsome, so she tried her best to make it fresh and natural. Without heavy makeup, the eyeshadow and lipstick are all light colors. Not bad.

Pei Shaoze, the sponsor of the school uniform, found the one that shot the MV for Chen Yijun, and today he has sent several sets of clothes according to the size of the starring actors. With dark blue as the background color and white accents, Cheng Xia has no sense of disobedience after changing into her school uniform, just like a teenager walking out of a high school campus.

The makeup artist said excitedly: "Cheng Xia, I have watched your MV, so handsome, come on!"

Cheng Xia smiled at her: "Thank you, I will."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, several well-designed protagonists walked into the studio one by one, posing in various poses according to the photographer's requirements. What Cheng Xia didn't expect was that President Pei was there.

He thought that a boss like President Pei would leave after attending the opening ceremony.

Cheng Xia noticed that President Pei was following a teenager. The boy had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and he was very handsome. He was more than 1.8 meters tall and his expression seemed a bit tangled. Mr. Pei's attitude towards him was neither mild nor severe, and only ordered him to pour water.

The boy turned around and poured a glass of water over, his eyes a little strange.

Pei Shaoze ignored him, looked up at Cheng Xia under his glasses, and said to the photographer: "Take a few more frontal photos. My colleagues in the Propaganda Department are still waiting. I have to post the draft in the afternoon. Time is relatively short. Thank you. "

The photographer smiled and said: "Pei, don't worry, I must shoot Cheng Xia very handsomely!"

Pei Shaoze nodded and looked at Cheng Xia.

Being watched by President Pei's deep eyes, Cheng Xia became nervous for no reason. His mind was a little confused, and he couldn't help but remember the scene where his fingers were gently held by the man when he uncovered the lens cloth just now...

The photographer shouted: "Cheng Xia smiles a little bit bigger, showing her teeth, great!" "Sitting on a chair with her chin slightly lowered, great!" "Come on, change your action and turn your face sideways."

The photographer suddenly stopped helplessly: "Cheng Xia, look at my lens, don't always look at Mr. Pei, I am the photographer!"

Cheng Xia: "..."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

The photographer's unintentional joke made Cheng Xia's ears instantly red. He didn't know why his eyes floated to Mr. Pei. It may be that Mr. Pei was sitting next to the photographer and his sense of presence was too strong. ?

Pei Shaoze noticed that Cheng Xia was a little nervous, so he got up and said, "You guys shoot first, I'll see if there is any problem with Director Liu."

The man got up and left. Cheng Xia let out a sigh of relief before he plunged into the shooting.

Outside the door, Pei Shaoyan followed him and asked softly in his brother's ear: "That person in the room is Cheng Xia, isn't it? I read the profile of the lead actor. He is an Omega? Why do I feel familiar? Where have you seen it?"

Pei Shaoze frowned: "I let you learn how to supervise a play, not let you be an actor in the gossip crew."

Pei Shaoyan whispered: "Really familiar, I must have seen it somewhere."

Pei Shaoze turned and walked towards Director Liu: "Follow."

Pei Shaoyan scratched his head and thought carefully, and suddenly, his eyes lit up-when he opened his brother's room the night before, his brother's computer screen happened to pause on a screen. At that time, his brother looked at the screen with very gentle eyes.

In the picture, the teenager is sitting in front of the piano with his white fingers lightly placed on the keys. Because the screen was suspended, the young boy's smile froze there. He lowered his head slightly and smiled at the piano, dim and beautiful.

It's a pity that Pei Shaoyan only glanced, and Pei Shaoze closed the laptop screen. Asking him who this person is, he didn't answer, but drove himself out of the door.

The more Pei Shaoyan thinks about it, the more he feels wrong, his brother's action is obviously trying to cover up!

He quickly took out his mobile phone, opened the web page to search for Cheng Xia's name, smoothly touched Cheng Xia's Weibo, and then saw Cheng Xia's "Thank you @GoddessChenYijun for giving me this opportunity".

That's right! At that time, my brother said that it was a new song by Tianxuan's contracted singer Chen Yijun.

Pei Shaoyan quickly searched for a new song and clicked on the song MV.

In the 4-minute MV, Cheng Xia made many appearances, either smiling, or looking down, or running on the court. The sunny and warm image of a high school bully is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. With the rendering of dreams, it really looks very good. It looks good, especially the scene of playing the piano. No wonder my brother paused to watch it last night.

Remembering Pei Shaoze when he went to his grandfather's house to pay a New Year's greetings: "I already have someone I like, he is still young, I haven't marked him yet, so I don't want to make him too eager"-Pei Shaoyan's eyes flashed.

The 18-year-old Omega is indeed still young, and it makes sense not to mark it so early.

Isn't he the one he likes? No wonder when he watched his MV, his eyes were so soft and he refused to tell who this person was. Just now, he even went to the studio to see him take a makeup photo. Maybe, my eldest brother spent tens of millions to invest in this web drama just for My sweetheart Cheng Xia?

Pei Shaoyan felt that he had discovered a great secret-he could be a detective!
