Chapter 33

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 33]

Pei Shaoze came to Director Liu and waited for a while before Pei Shaoyan followed him slowly. He leaned close to his brother's ear and said with a small smile, "Brother, I finally understand."

Pei Shaoze frowned: "What do you understand?"

Pei Shaoyan smiled meaningfully and looked at his brother with admiration: "You have a good eye."

Pei Shaoze: "?"

It happened that Liu Xueyi turned around and looked at the strange boy in front of him curiously. Pei Shaoze ignored his brother's smile and introduced to Director Liu: "Director Liu, this is my new assistant. The last name is Yan. You can call him Xiao Yan. From now on, let him help on the crew. Director Liu can do whatever he wants. Intern, follow along and learn something."

Director Liu nodded: "Oh, Xiao Yan, right? You have followed me to learn how to film." Investors have seen a lot of actors in the crew. What's the situation with a small assistant? Director Liu was confused, but he intuitively felt that this little assistant had a very close relationship with President Pei, so he was very kind to the little assistant.

Pei Shaoyan ran to Director Liu and stood there, looking at the small screen in front of Director Liu, very curious: "Director Liu, what is this?"

Liu Xueyi explained with a smile: "The surveillance screen, the picture taken by the photographer will be displayed here in real time. If multiple cameras are shooting at the same time, several screens can be separated to visually see whether the shooting effect is good."

Pei Shaoyan suddenly realized: "Oh, understand, very advanced!"

The guy who came to the crew for the first time was curious about everything around him. Pei Shaoze thought, letting this unconvincing brother learn the filming process of a drama with the crew would be better than letting him go back to school and fooling around with the group of friends, friends and dogs.

At this moment, the person in charge of the Propaganda Department hurried over, took a laptop, and said to Pei Shaoze: "President Pei and Director Liu, the fixed makeup photos have been fixed. Would you like to take a look?"

The colleague in charge of the promotion of the play was also called to the scene by Pei Shaoze today. Everyone rushed to work and gave photos of several leading actors to P to make six posters.

Pei Shaoze and the director sat down beside them and looked at the computer screen together.

The refined photos are even better than those directly taken by the photographer. Everyone's face is flawless. There are six protagonists and supporting roles. The six posters are all replaced with blue and white backgrounds in a small and fresh style. The uniform dark blue small print, the overall tone is consistent with the school uniforms worn by the actors.

Among them, Cheng Xia chose a frontal photo for the makeup photo. The teenager in the photo is standing in front of the blackboard with a high school math textbook in his hand, smiling brightly, and his youthful face almost overflows the screen.

Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia's makeup photo with an impenetrable smile, nodded and said, "Very good."

Director Liu also praised: "The style of this poster fits our campus drama very well, and I think it's good."

Pei Shaoze looked back at the sister of the Propaganda Department: "Give these photos to the media reporters who came today, and prepare to post the draft on major websites." The other party immediately nodded: "Good President Pei, if there is no problem, I will post it. "

Pei Shaoyan carefully looked at the one of Cheng Xia among the six posters, and couldn't help but muttered: "Cheng Xia is really good-looking, and there is nothing wrong with her face. I have seen many Omegas, and his temperament is indeed unique. of."

Pei Shaoze turned to look at his younger brother and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you like this type?"

Pei Shaoyan's desire to survive instantly burst, and he immediately promised: "No, no, I like the gentle and gentle bird, the sun-shaped Omega like Cheng Xia is not my dish! However, he is really handsome and likes his. People have a good vision."

Pei Shaoze: "??"

Is the younger brother irritated, laughs weirdly, and speaks without compromising words?

Pei Shaoze ignored him and continued to focus on work.

After half an hour, the news that the folded paper crew started up spread across the entire network.

The propaganda department did not buy hot searches in accordance with President Pei's instructions. After all, President Pei gave them very limited funds. Everyone posted a draft on major websites-very "Buddha" propaganda, which seemed to only tell netizens: The show is about to start.

However, the original novel of "Folding Paper" has a certain enthusiasm after all. After the author Lemongrass reposted the official blog, it caused a lot of repercussions among book fans. Her messages on Weibo quickly exceeded 10,000, and half of them said "House It collapsed and ruined my original work." The other half of the readers thought that "the starring looks good, so I can look forward to it."

Lemongrass took the initiative to express his stance: "Thank you for your concern. I have joined the group and will personally participate in the adaptation of the script. Several leading actors are very serious, and we will try our best to present an excellent film and television work to everyone."

When the author said so, the fans immediately rejoiced. Lemongrass entered the group personally, at least it won't make the novel magic messy, and the plot is still very reassuring. Xia Bucheng is a newcomer with no work, and Shen Kai has no reputation. What everyone is most worried about is that the two eighteen-line small and transparent acting skills cannot play the double protagonists in the book?

In any case, the news that Lemongrass personally acted as a screenwriter comforted the book fans. Most book fans were more sensible. Even if they questioned, they also sent questions under Lemongrass Weibo. No one crawled to scold actors such as Cheng Xia and Shen Kai.

Cheng Xia had a small fire a few days ago, and also gained some fans who liked his appearance after watching the MV. Seeing the news of the start-up, these scattered fans hurriedly gave Cheng Xia a message of encouragement: "Xia Xia is very professional in playing the piano. I look forward to your help. New drama!" "I think your image fits Qin Nian quite well, come on, look forward to you!"

Some cute book fans came to encourage him: "Congratulations on taking the role of Qin Nian. Qin Nian is the white moonlight in my heart. I must play it well. I'm super looking forward to it!" "Good-looking, come on!"

Cheng Xia took the makeup photo and turned on the phone to see that most book fans and passers-by had a gentle attitude towards him. Of course, a very small number of people who rushed over and started swearing or even personally attacked, they were probably black fans, and they could be ignored.

At exactly this time, a message from President Pei popped up in the crew group: "The opening notice of the crew's official blog. Please forward it to the public. Please don't worry about the disputes of netizens. Although this drama has a large number of new actors, However, several main creators will carefully check and try to produce a fine product."

President Pei's words are like a reassurance for the entire crew.

Cheng Xia immediately reposted Weibo actively: "Congratulations to the crew on starting! I am also a fan of "Folding Paper". I have read the original book many times. I like Qin Nian very much. I will definitely work hard to play the role of Qin Nian! [Come on]"

Other actors also reposted it.

Shen Kai has several web dramas based on the foundation. There are more fans than Cheng Xia. After forwarding, many people left messages to congratulate.

Ye Mingqian is actually the most popular in the entire crew. His Weibo has more than 4 million fans, more than ten times that of Cheng Xia. When he was acting in the literary film "The Flowing Light" before, he attracted countless pro-mom fans through his distressing crying scenes. Because of this, his fans are very loyal. I heard that the idol has a new drama filmed. Fans A piece of celebration.

As for the fact that he played the second male lead but not the male lead, many fans below are in the popular science "Folding Paper" novel plot. Everyone knows that the male lead of this book is Sunny and cheerful little handsome guy, and the second male lead is Sven Qingjun's Omega male. God, everyone also thinks that Ye Mingqian's temperament is more suitable for acting as a male second, so there is nothing to question.

The comment area is harmonious.

Pei Shaoze glanced at the comments posted by several artists on Weibo. At present, the publicity is considered to have achieved the effect. He only wanted to tell everyone that the show is up, and for follow-up publicity, he will wait until the whole show is filmed. Keep up.

Turn off the phone, Pei Shaoze came to the shooting set.

Director Liu has rich experience in making online dramas. For the two scenes this afternoon, he arranged for Cheng Xia and Shen Kai in the snow. Cheng Xia and Shen Kai have just met after all, and it would be easy to play the opposite role directly. It takes time to blend in between the protagonists, so Liu Xueyi brought up all the singles in the previous few days and let the two protagonists find their feelings.

Both scenes are very simple, with very few lines, so the shooting process is also very smooth.

The afternoon passed quickly. Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia, who was smiling brightly after entering the state on the set, and then relaxed and took Zhang Fan and his brother back to the company.

During this time, he asked his brother to eat and live with him to facilitate his discipline.

After returning to the villa in the evening, Pei Shaoyan rubbed next to his brother and whispered: "Brother, tomorrow is my first brother's birthday. I have already agreed to spend time together. Can you please let me go online? A birthday party?"

Pei Shaoze asked calmly: "When you were with those friends, did you spend less money?"

Pei Shaoyan looked proud: "That is! Every time I go out to play, I pay for it. It's normal to spend a few thousand at a time."

Pei Shaoze said: "If you send them WeChat now, you say that you are in trouble and you are in a hurry. Ask them to borrow 20,000 yuan. If they are willing to lend you, I will let you go to the class reunion tomorrow."

Pei Shaoyan frowned: "Borrowing money? What a shame..." At his elder brother's calm gaze, he had to quickly type and compile a few WeChat messages, and send them to the best buddies who usually play well.

Soon someone replied: "Brother Yan, I have a tight hand these days and don't have that much money. I'm really sorry!" "My card was frozen by my dad. I can't get cash. Why don't you ask Ah Cheng?"

The news came back one after another, and Pei Shaoyan's face gradually became ugly.

Pei Shaoze said calmly: "You treat them as good buddies, but they only treat you as the cash machine that pays the bill. Shaoyan, a true friend, will definitely help you when you are in trouble. They usually flatter you, Holding you, one mouthful of brother Yan calls affectionately, because you care about them eating, drinking and having fun, and are willing to give them money. Once you get into trouble, no one of these so-called'friends' will stand up to help you, you See it clearly now?"

It was this group of people who lured his younger brother into drug addiction in the later period of the original work. Pei Shaoze didn't have any good feelings for this group of gangster friends. Naturally, he hoped that his younger brother should be as far away from them as possible. He wanted to let Pei Shaoyan see the true face of these "brothers" as soon as possible.

Pei Shaoyan became furious: "Maybe they just have tight hands and no money!"

Pei Shaoze said: "Do you believe that someone who can spend tens of thousands of dollars on a KTV visit can't get 20,000 dollars?"

"..." Pei Shaoyan was silent for a moment, a trace of loss flashed in his eyes.

The eldest brother was right, they just didn't want to help, because they didn't really regard him as a friend in their hearts, but every time they went out to play, someone would pay for him. He was just a fool who swiped his card and paid for this group of people! Once he runs out of money one day, these people will abandon him more decisively than throw away a rotten vegetable leaf!

Pei Shaoze threw the three scripts selected by the copyright department to his younger brother: "First read the scripts I gave you these days, and then look for dramas with similar themes on the market, take a closer look at the market evaluation, and write me an analysis report. ."

Pei Shaoyan said with a bitter face: "I can't write report materials..."

Pei Shaoze gave him a template: "According to the writing, I can't check it myself."

Pei Shaoyan dejectedly turned on the laptop and began to read the materials. Such a life is really even sadder than the third year of high school. The senior high school class teacher treats him as "stock management", and now this brother is sitting next to him and staring at him to do his homework!

A spacious study room, a large desk, and two computers.

The two brothers work face-to-face. Pei Shaoyan occasionally looked up and secretly observed the elder brother opposite, and found that the eldest brother had always looked serious, not knowing what information he was looking at, and had a serious work attitude. Compared to the older brother who was cynical all day long, such a serious brother is indeed more attractive.

It may be because Pei Shaoze was too serious, Pei Shaoyan did not dare to disturb the other party, so he had to focus on the script in the computer. After reading it for a while, he found that the script was well written, and he gradually became interested in it.

The room was quiet, only the sound of two people clicking the mouse.

It wasn't until eleven o'clock in the evening that Pei Shaoze rubbed his temples, stopped working, got up and walked to his brother's side, and asked, "Well, do you think this script has the potential for fire?"

Pei Shaoyan raised his head and said: "The story is pretty good, should it be popular?"

Pei Shaoze: "After you finish reading the three scripts, I will ask you again."

Pei Shaoyan scratched his head questioningly: "It's pretty good-looking, will I have a different conclusion after watching the three?"

Pei Shaoze: "No, you just think that all three scripts are pretty good-looking."

Pei Shaoyan looked blank.

The next moment I heard Pei Shaoze say: "There are many good-looking scripts, but good-looking may not be popular. If one day, you become a powerful investor, you have three equally good-looking dramas in front of you, but funds are only allowed. Which one you vote for, how to choose the most suitable one is the key."

Pei Shaoyan seemed to listen, and looked at her brother seriously.

Pei Shaoze patted him on the shoulder, and his voice was rare and gentle: "Investigating films with similar themes in the market, watching netizens' comments, and figuring out the audience's preferences is just the first step. What I asked you to do is also the most basic market analysis. Research, this is the key factor in determining whether you invest in a drama, understand?"

Pei Shaoyan nodded earnestly: "Probably understand, but...I'm not very good at it yet."

Pei Shaoze said: "If you won't, just ask me. You have grown up. When you know enough about this circle, I will let you be an independent producer. If you have an investment perspective, you can make hundreds of millions of dollars. The money, spend more peace of mind, what do you think?"

Although his elder brother is also an "educational tone", it is strange that Pei Shaoyan does not feel disgusted. Compared with the teacher and father's "what should you do in your life," Pei Shaoze forced Pei Shaoyan to persuade him with a practical education method-after all, the pocket money is in the hands of the big brother, and he will have no food if he is not obedient!

Under this semi-forced and semi-voluntary situation, Pei Shaoyan began to devote himself to the work arranged by his brother.

Pei Shaoze is very satisfied with his brother's change.

This child is not stupid, but the environment has too much influence on him. He stays away from those friends, and learns slowly with him. Pei Shaoze believes that his younger brother will slowly correct him and become the proud son of the Pei family.
