Chapter 34

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 34]

Early the next morning, Pei Shaoze brought his younger brother to the set.

It really snowed today, and Liu Xueyi took advantage of the snow and wanted to finish filming the solo scenes of Cheng Xia and Shen Kai in the early morning snow scene. He had cooperated with Shen Kai, so first took a photo of Shen Kai and let Cheng Xia watch it by the side.

The actor Shen Kai is a relatively "Buddha" newcomer.

Most newcomers in the entertainment industry will think about fighting for more resources to become popular as soon as possible. Shen Kai is the kind of lazy person who is not very active. The agent asked him to do what he did. When he didn't have the resources, he would paint at home. He used to study fine art and did not graduate from a professional film school. The scout discovered that he signed the agent's studio and embarked on the path of acting.

Fortunately, Shen Kai has a good talent in acting and has experience in cooperating with Liu Xueyi. The early morning filming went smoothly.

Cheng Xia looked at it carefully and felt that Shen Kai played very well, which was in line with the image of Lu Fengyang he understood. Zhou Yan whispered: "Shen Kai is 20 years old this year and has already filmed three online dramas. You should learn more from others. I think his plays are quite good. When you play against him in the future, Don't be completely suppressed by him."

In the rivalry, if the aura of two people is not in the same frequency band, it will be very unsightly if one party completely suppresses the other. Shen Kai himself is a tall Alpha, and Cheng Xia is actually under a lot of pressure to play against him in the future. So while the director was filming Shen Kai, Cheng Xia was also watching carefully.

After Shen Kai finished the filming, it was Cheng Xia's turn. He smiled at Cheng Xia friendly: "Don't be nervous, come on!"

The genius Mengliang, Cheng Xia is going to shoot today, the protagonist Qin Nian came to school alone with his schoolbag, but when he walked to the school gate, he found that he had forgotten to bring the papers that the teacher sent yesterday. It was snowing and it was freezing cold. He walked for a while at the school gate, hesitated for a few seconds between returning home to take the papers and accepting criticism from the teacher, and finally decided to run home to take the papers.

In the cold winter, Qin Nian dressed very thinly. The conditions at his home were not good, his shoes and sweaters were very old, and his school uniforms were washed a little white, but he was the first to come to school and went back to get the filled math test papers.

This scene mainly shows Qin Nian's serious attitude towards learning.

In order to perform this scene well, Cheng Xia didn't wear much clothes today. He only wore a sweater, put on school uniforms, and made the teacher of the props group deliberately worn out.

Before filming started, Zhou Yan was worried that he would catch a cold, so she put on a down jacket for him. When Shen Kai's part was filmed, Director Liu said, "Next scene, Cheng Xia."

Cheng Xia immediately took off her down jacket, put her schoolbag on her back and ran to the shooting location.

Director Liu and Cheng Xia briefly explained the position of the next moment. Cheng Xia walked through it after clearing the record. After no questions were asked, Liu Xueyi waved his hand: "Photographic lighting props preparations, act seventeen, start!"

The scene note took the board and walked past the front of the plane, with the words "Folding Paper" Act Seventeen" written on it.

The light hits, and the shooting begins.

Cheng Xia trot over from a distance as directed by the director. There was snow everywhere on the ground. He slipped under his feet and accidentally fell. Snow covered his face. He hurriedly grabbed the tree next to him and climbed up and wiped it quickly. Snow falling off the face.

When he walked to the school gate, he suddenly thought of something and said to himself: "Oh, I don't seem to have any papers..."

Then Cheng Xia began to flip through her schoolbag, and Director Liu suddenly shouted: "Cut!"

Cheng Xia stopped, and Liu Xueyi walked over: "Cheng Xia, you were too tight just now, and you haven't entered the state. Pay attention to your expression. When you fall and get up, you should bring a trace of annoyance in your eyes, and behave more naturally. Also, This school uniform was washed yesterday. You are worried that it will get dirty. Be careful when you arrange your clothes."

Cheng Xia listened carefully and nodded: "I understand."

The makeup artist hurried forward to touch up his makeup and wipe off the snowflakes on his face.

Liu Xueyi returned to his seat: "Prepare, start!"

Lighting photography started all over again, and Cheng Xia returned to the original position and did the action again.

Cheng Xia ran over and slipped...

Liu Xueyi: "Cut! You slipped on your feet, you slipped too deliberately, shaking like a flop against porcelain."

Cheng Xia blushed and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let's do it again."

The third time, when Cheng Xia was sorting her schoolbag, she found that she couldn't open the zipper. She turned her head down for a long time and laughed: "Excuse me, there is something wrong with the zipper of this schoolbag..."

The props team hurried forward to help him get the zipper.

Fourth time...

The fifth time...

It may be that she just woke up early in the morning and it was too early. Cheng Xia's condition today is not very good, and she is NG continuously.

far away.

Pei Shaoyan stood on the periphery of the set with his brother, watching Cheng Xia run and fall in the snow over and over again. Pei Shaoze looked calm, but Pei Shaoyan couldn't help but complain: "Cheng Xia is too hard, right? He has fallen several times. Now, is it true that Director Liu is too demanding?

Pei Shaoze said calmly: "It's not to blame Liu, Cheng Xia is really not relaxed enough. He may be a little nervous when he gets up early in the morning to film. However, for a newcomer, he has done a good job."

Some people around also laughed and talked: "This newcomer can endure hardships. After taking so many shots, there is no complaint." "Newcomer, don't put down your posture. Isn't he still playing big cards and not acting?" "I think he is so serious. Ah, every time I really run and fall, I don't know if I fall like this, will my knee hurt..."

Pei Shaoze frowned slightly when he heard this.

Pei Shaoyan asked in a low voice, "Don't you feel bad about seeing him falling like that?"

Pei Shaoze did not reply.

Distressed? To meet the requirements of the director, this is the job of an actor, and it is also the professional qualities that a professional actor must possess. Not to mention wrestling in the snow, those martial arts scenes, holding the sword in the rainstorm, repeatedly NG, hanging Wia for all day, soaking the whole body; and wearing a down jacket in the summer, shooting in 30 degrees weather The winter scene is so hot that it's about to heat stroke...

Want to be a good actor, how can it be so easy?

Falling to and fro in the snow, this is the training that Cheng Xia must go through, and Pei Shaoze will not step forward to interrupt.

He didn't want to interfere with Cheng Xia's work. It's just that, as the younger brother really hurts.

Pei Shaoze was silent for a moment, then turned and walked outside the school gate.

Although Cheng Xia is a newcomer, he should be tempered, but he can't break the young seedlings.

Pei Shaoyan immediately followed his brother, and saw him walk into a department store that just opened the door, looked around on the shelf, turned to a pair of knee pads, a pair of warm cotton socks, and a pair of hand warmers, and walked to the counter to pay. Accounted. After that, I went out to find a store and bought a warm cashmere vest. The size was what Cheng Xia wore.

When I returned to school after shopping, the scene just now had been filmed. Cheng Xia was bowing to the staff and thanking the staff: "I'm sorry, you have worked so hard, teachers." Because of his frequent NG, the crew of photography, lighting, and props also accompanied the teachers. He stood in the snow for more than half an hour, Cheng Xia politely thanked everyone, and everyone's mood would naturally be much better.

Liu Xueyi smiled and waved: "Come here, it's freezing!"

Cheng Xia's face was red from the cold, but her smile was bright: "Guide Liu, it's okay, I can't bear it."

At this moment, Pei Shaoze suddenly walked over, behind him was the tall young man I saw yesterday, Cheng Xia looked at each other, and the young man showed him a friendly smile.

Cheng Xia didn't know each other, and her expression was a little puzzled.

Unexpectedly, the other party would take the initiative to introduce himself: "Brother Cheng, hello, I am the assistant Mr. Pei is looking for. Just call me Xiao Yan."

Cheng Xia smiled politely: "Hello." He looked at Pei Shaoze, and to the latter's eyes, Mr. Pei's eyes seemed a little complicated? Cheng Xia was startled, and said hello politely: "Mr Pei is here."

Pei Shaoze asked, "Director Liu, is this scene of Cheng Xia finished?"

Liu Xueyi nodded: "It's over, the effect is great, I have worked hard for Cheng Xia! Let's go to rest first, ask Zhou Jiawen and Qi Xiaofei to come over and finish filming all the scenes at the school gate!"

The staff went to call for someone. Cheng Xia saw an assistant waiting for him with a down jacket nearby. He wanted to find Sister Rong, but Pei Shaoze suddenly said, "Cheng Xia, come with me."

Cheng Xia followed President Pei suspiciously and went to the lounge next to her.

Pei Shaoze took out a pair of hand warmers and stuffed them into his hands: "Is it frozen out?"

Cheng Xia's palm warmed, and she was stunned for a moment: "President Pei?"

Pei Shaoze handed him a packaging bag: "You are a newcomer and have no experience. In the future, you can wear knee pads for scenes that require falling and wrestling. You can't see it on the outside. Also, you wear too little today. Although Qin Nian's clothes are thin, adding a warm cashmere vest to the sweater will not affect the image of the film." He looked into Cheng Xia's eyes and said softly, "Don't be too mind-blowing. It's okay to be serious about filming, but you must Protect yourself, you know?"

Cheng Xia: "..."

I remember every time I went out to play when I was young, my father would tell him a lot of things like this.

But now, these words of admonition came out of Pei Shaoze's mouth, but Cheng Xia couldn't help her heartbeat speeding up and her ears were a little red. The feeling of being cared by an older Alpha is really different.

Blushing, he took what Pei Shaoze handed over, and whispered: "Thank Mr. Pei... Sister Rong has prepared it for me. I, when I was filming, actually put on knee pads, and my knee did not hurt."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

It seems that I have done a lot more?

Pei Shaoze frowned and seemed unhappy.

Cheng Xia hurriedly added: "But knee pads are easy to wear out. I will replace them with the pair given by Mr. Pei tomorrow."

Pei Shaoyan wanted to laugh at the side, but he dared not laugh out loud.

If you two fall in love, just fall in love. What is the situation of such a shy and awkward appearance? The eldest brother is true too. At this time, you should hold Cheng Xia tightly in your arms and say, "Is it cold or cold, baby, I will warm you up."

Give his mother a hand warmer!

How can Alpha's hand warmer in Hand Warmer? Brother, can you fall in love?

Cheng Xia always felt that the boy next to him looked weird. He lowered his head embarrassedly: "Mr. Pei, isn't your company busy? Come to the studio so early?"

Pei Shaoze explained: "There is Zhang Fan at the company, and he will help with minor matters. I will stay on the crew lately. Don't forget that I am the producer and director of this show. I have to supervise the filming of the whole show. process."

Cheng Xia's eyes widened slightly: "So, will President Pei stay on the set every day?"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Yeah."

Cheng Xia didn't know why, she was a little nervous and a little happy.

What's nervous is that this Alpha's presence is too strong and it may affect his state. Fortunately, I can see Mr. Pei every day... Wait, what's so happy to see Mr. Pei?

A trace of doubt flashed in Cheng Xia's eyes.

When he raised his head, he found that Xiao Yan behind President Pei kept smiling at himself.

Grinning, weird.

Cheng Xia became more confused. He coughed slightly and said, "President Pei, then I will find an agent first. There will be my play in the afternoon. I have to memorize the script. Thank you for buying these things."

Pei Shaoze's eyes were gentle: "Well, go."

It wasn't until Cheng Xia left the house that Pei Shaoyan couldn't help but chuckle, thinking that he would still be a light bulb in the future. Otherwise, if the eldest brother pretended to be an upright boss here, Cheng Xia would not be embarrassed to put her in her arms.
