Chapter 44

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 44]

Pei Shaoze's mood at this time is like parents teaching their children not to fall in love early.

His words are clear enough, how can any star in the entertainment industry announce a relationship at a young age? What's more, Cheng Xia is only 18 years old. Once in love with someone, regardless of whether it ends together or breaks up, it will only have a negative impact on Cheng Xia's personal development.

However, Cheng Xia said, to cherish this feeling in my heart...

Hiding in your heart? Where is he worthy of hiding in your heart!

Pei Shaoze frowned and looked at Shen Kai in the distance.

Shen Kai was laughing and chatting with his agent, and suddenly met President Pei's gaze. His back was cold, and he always felt that the eyes that President Pei had just looked at him were a bit strange and sharp, and there was a hint of unpleasantness. Shen Kai was at a loss, and thought to himself, what is wrong with him that makes the boss dissatisfied? Didn't the filming go well today?

He scratched his head and gave a friendly smile to Mr. Pei.

Pei Shaoze looked away with a calm face.

At this moment, Director Liu rushed over and rubbed his hands and said, "Mr. Pei, I have replayed the scene that I filmed today, and the effect was very good. Tomorrow there are still three last scenes left, and the filming can be finished smoothly. Up!"

Pei Shaoze nodded and looked at Director Liu. His eyes were already calm: "Tomorrow, after the filming is over, everyone will go back to pack up, take more clothes, and fly to Ya'an on the day after tomorrow. Let us know, it will be at 12 noon the day after tomorrow. Plane, remember the time, don't be late."

Liu Xueyi hurriedly thanked him: "For your hard work, President Pei, I will let you know."

Director Liu turned and walked away. The staff was busy packing up various props. Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia were located tens of meters away from the studio, no one passed by, and only the breathing of two people seemed to be left in their ears.

Pei Shaoze was silent for a moment, then sighed lightly and said earnestly: "Cheng Xia, you are a very talented newcomer. This drama is just the beginning for you. I hope you can devote more energy to your career. Come on, okay?"

Cheng Xia was taken aback for a moment, what did these words mean? Focus on career?

By the way, President Pei is a very ambitious Alpha. He definitely hopes that Omega he likes is also a motivated actor, not a silly love brain. I cannot leave President Pei with the impression that "Cheng Xia is a love brain". We should work harder to make Pei always feel that Cheng Xia is a particularly ideal, pursuit, and motivated actor.

So President Pei feels that he doesn't like the wrong person?

Sure enough, an excellent Alpha also has high requirements for the Omega you like!

Cheng Xia suddenly realized and nodded seriously: "President Pei, I know what to do. Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Seeing the young man's firm gaze, Pei Shaoze thought... he probably understands? After all, he is not his real parent, and some things are hard to say too bluntly. Pei Shaoze stopped talking, and his eyes were much gentler: "The road ahead is still long. As long as you work hard, you will surely be rewarded."

Cheng Xia felt that Mr. Pei's tone was a bit like a high school dean, but he still liked to hear Mr. Pei tell him this. The gentle advice from Alpha warmed Cheng Xia's whole heart. Alpha's love for him is all hidden in these details. Compared with the simple confession of "I like you", this kind of care for him in life and career makes people more addicted.

Cheng Xia blushed and said: "President Pei, thank you for telling me this, I understand what you mean."

Pei Shaoze confirmed: "Do you really understand?"

Cheng Xia nodded like garlic: "Um, I will work hard!"

Pei Shaoze relieved.

When Zhou Yan was passing by, I saw Mr. Pei calling Cheng Xia to the side to speak in a low voice. Alpha's face was serious, but his eyes were gentle. Cheng Xia nodded like garlic, and looked like a student listening to the teacher...

Pei is almost a head taller than Cheng Xia. She wears a black coat and is mature and stable. Cheng Xia is a blue and white school uniform. They are two people who are very different in all aspects. They are inexplicable. When standing together, they feel that pair. The picture is very harmonious?

Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, and then she met Mr. Pei's gaze.

Pei Shaoze nodded politely at her, turned and left. Only then did Zhou Yan recover, and quickly walked to Cheng Xia and asked: "President Pei called you to speak alone, what happened?"

Cheng Xia smiled and said: "It's okay, he encouraged me to act well." Mr. Pei's special care for herself, Cheng Xia didn't want to share it with anyone, even her manager sister didn't want to tell.

"Oh, that's it." Zhou Yan glanced at Mr. Pei's back not far away in a puzzled way, then retracted his gaze and said to Cheng Xia: "By the way, I just received a notice from Director Liu that everyone will withdraw after the shooting is completed tomorrow. During the game, I will go to Ya'an as a group. Tomorrow night I will send you back to the artist's apartment and you will pack your luggage. The temperature in Ya'an is over 28 degrees, so remember to bring more summer clothes."

Cheng Xia's excited eyes lit up: "Sister Yan, I haven't been to Ya'an City yet!"

Zhou Yan said, "This time I am going to Ya'an is not a tourist. I don't have time to go out." She paused and smiled again. "However, after the crew is finished, I can apply for a few days vacation with Mr. Pei and take a few of you. Turn around."

Cheng Xia nodded hurriedly: "Great!"

As the filming of the Seventeenth Middle School entered the final stage, the crew and actors were very enthusiastic. The final day of filming went particularly smoothly. All the scenes of Cheng Xia and Shen Kai were filmed. In the evening, the actors were nanny. The cars were returned to their respective residences, and the staff stayed to clean up the site.

Pei Shaoze also went home that night, got a suitcase and took some changes of clothes.

Pei Shaoyan looked at his busy figure, couldn't help but walked to the bedroom door, and asked suspiciously: "Brother, you also want to go to Ya'an City with you? Wouldn't you want to follow the team the whole time until the filming of the show is finished? "

Pei Shaoze put things in the suitcase, and said lightly: "I am a producer, and I am also a director. Shouldn't I be with the group? You go with me."

Pei Shaoyan immediately grimaced: "Isn't it? I have to stay in Ya'an for two months?!"

Pei Shaoze looked up at him: "If you don't want a salary, you don't have to go."

Pei Shaoyan smiled flatteringly: "Hey, my eldest brother is right in everything, of course I have to learn from my eldest brother."

Pei Shaoze pointed to the door with his chin: "Aren't you going to pack things?"

Pei Shaoyan turned around griefly to pack his luggage. Just as Pei Shaoze packed the suitcase, a message popped up on her mobile phone, which was sent by Cheng Xia: "President Pei, I have packed my luggage. Will you go together this time?"

Pei Shaoze replied: "Well, see you at the airport tomorrow."

Cheng Xia was overjoyed—great, Mr. Pei also went with him so that he could see the people he liked every day.


At noon the next day, Cheng Xia followed her agent to the airport.

After passing the security check, I came to the boarding gate and found that there were all crew members around. Cheng Xia greeted everyone politely. He looked around and searched for President Pei in the crowd, but did not see the familiar figure.

Around twelve o'clock, everyone began to line up to board the plane, and Cheng Xia couldn't help feeling anxious-President Pei hadn't arrived yet, could it be that something happened on the road? He stood in the line and looked back. After a while, a tall figure suddenly appeared around the corner.

The man wore a familiar black coat with a light gray solid color sweater inside. He wore large sunglasses covering half of his face, exposing a sturdy chin. He walked calmly and steadily with a pair of big long legs. From any angle, he looked very handsome.

Cheng Xia's eyes lit up, and then many people behind the team began to say hello: "President Pei."

Liu Xueyi was sitting next to him waiting for Pei Shaoze. He got up when he saw him and asked with concern: "Why is President Pei here so late? I was just afraid that you might not be able to make it, so I wanted to call you."

Pei Shaoze explained: "School started today, and when I was passing the city, there was a traffic jam at the entrance of a primary school for more than ten minutes."

Liu Xueyi suddenly realized: "Yes, it's March 1st today! We were also blocked on the way to the airport for a while, and it was all parents who were sending off the children..."

When Cheng Xia listened to the conversation between the two, she felt relieved.

Fortunately, it was just a traffic jam, and nothing happened to him.

Pei Shaoze raised his head to meet Cheng Xia's gaze from the front. Through the sunglasses, he could see the worried look on the young man's face. It seemed that he noticed his gaze, and the young man smiled at him.

The sunny smile made Pei Shaoze's mood that had been depressed because of the traffic jam instantly improved. He took off his sunglasses, nodded towards Cheng Xia, walked quickly to the boarding gate, and got on the plane from the VIP passage with Director Liu. Cheng Xia followed him closely.

Soon, the entire crew boarded the plane.

This flight is divided into first class and ordinary class. There are only 8 first class seats. Pei Shaoze is the boss. There is no doubt that he is in the first class. Pei Shaoyan is the assistant in name and the actual identity is the young master Pei. Zhang Fan will take his seat with President Pei. Staple together.

He also booked first-class tickets for Director Liu, Screenwriter Xu, and Teacher Lemongrass. There were three first-class seats left. Naturally, Zhang Fan assigned them to the leading actors Cheng Xia, Shen Kai and the most famous Ye Mingqian according to their seats. In this way, other people won't have any opinions. After all, the first-class cabin has only 8 seats. The staff can't go to grab a seat with Mr. Pei, right?

However, Cheng Xia and Shen Kai are seated together.

In fact, Zhang Fan's arrangement is not a problem. The director and screenwriter Xu are good buddies; Mr. Pei and brother Pei sit together to facilitate communication; Ye Mingqian and the author's lemongrass are both Omega and sit next to each other; the remaining Cheng Xia and Shen Kai serve as scripts The two protagonists of the play, can't they just sit together and talk about the script?

He didn't expect the boss to mind.

Pei Shaoze frowned when he saw this seating arrangement. He is not happy to see Cheng Xia and Shen Kai together now, and always feels that Shen Kai is not worthy of Cheng Xia.

Shen Kai was tall and took the initiative to help Cheng Xia pick up the suitcase, and said with a smile: "Come on, I'll put it for you."

Cheng Xia handed him her suitcase naturally: "Thanks."

Shen Kai looked at the ticket: "My seat is by the window, and you are by the aisle. Do you need to change it?"

Cheng Xia shook her head: "It doesn't matter, it's the same everywhere I sit."

The two people looked at each other and smiled and sat down in the seats one by one. Shen Kai also helped Cheng Xia find the other end of the seat belt. The harmonious scene of mutual help and mutual assistance was very unsightly, and Pei Shaoze's unhappiness was even more obvious.

Pei Shaoyan glanced at his brother, raised a chuckle at the corner of his mouth, turned and walked over.

Cheng Xia sat down and was about to wear a seat belt. Suddenly, a smiling teenager stood in front of him, squinting his eyes and said, "Cheng Xia, can we discuss something, let's change positions."

Cheng Xia was taken aback: "Change seats?"

He remembered this person as Mr. Pei's personal assistant Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan stretched out his hand excitedly and said to Shenkai: "Brother Kai, it's an honor to meet you. I am your fan. You are more handsome than on TV! I have watched a lot of web dramas you played, riding a motorcycle. The car section is so cool, can you sign me?"

Shen Kai: "...?"

Shen Kai was flattered when he met a wild fan inexplicably, who had always been a small transparent fan.

But Pei Shaoyan smiled brightly and looked sincere, not like lying at all.

Shen Kai was stunned by a series of rainbow farts. He laughed and said, "Really, you've seen my bike ride!"

Pei Shaoyan said, "No, it's popular among our classmates."

Cheng Xia looked at Xiao Yan in a daze, thinking, Is President Pei's assistant so bold, he recognized the idol directly on the plane? Seeing that Pei Shaoyan was chatting with Shen Kai enthusiastically, he had to stand up: "Well, Xiao Yan, sit here, and talk to your idol."

Pei Shaoyan clasped his fists: "Thank you Cheng Xia, come here, Kai, let's add a WeChat first."

Shen Kai was busy scanning the QR code with Pei Shaoyan with his mobile phone to add friends.

Pei Shaoze: "..."

This drama is the same as the real thing. Pei Shaoze thought, if his younger brother doesn't know how to invest in movies in the future, if he doesn't know how to invest in movies, maybe it's a good choice to let him consider making his debut in acting?

After a while, Cheng Xia came over and stared at Pei Shaoze.

Cheng Xia smiled slightly, lowered her eyes, and her ears were a little red: "Pei, President Pei, Xiao Yan said that he wants to change positions with me, then I... sit next to you?"

Pei Shaoze's mood became inexplicably happy: "Okay, sit in it."

Cheng Xia sat down inside and fastened her seat belt carefully.

The plane began broadcasting safety issues and then taxied off the runway.

After the flight was stable, the stewardess brought lunch to everyone. Cheng Xia wanted to reach out and get it. Pei Shaoze took the initiative to help him, put it on the small seat table thoughtfully, and helped him get a drink.

Cheng Xia smiled and whispered: "Thank you, Mr. Pei."

Every time he took food and drink from Alpha, he felt very warm in his heart.

President Pei is very good at taking care of others, and it feels good to be taken care of by President Pei.

Of course, the plane meal will not be too rich, but it will be full. Everyone had eaten, and it happened to be the lunch break. The cabin became extremely quiet, the overhead lights were turned off, and the people sitting by the windows also put down their sun visors.

The dimly lit cabin can easily make people drowsy. Next to them, Director Liu and the others are asleep.

Before long, Cheng Xia also began to feel sleepy.

His head went looking for a pillow without knowing it.

Pei Shaoze: "..."

At the moment the boy leaned his head, Pei Shaoze's body was slightly stiff.

In the past, many people wanted to rub him by his side, but he hated those stars who wanted to cling to him and rely on him for resources, so Pei Shaoze would keep his distance no matter what the occasion.

Reason was telling him that he should push Cheng Xia away at this time, but when he turned his head to see that Cheng Xia was sleeping so soundly, the action he stretched out to push, turned into gently holding Cheng Xia's head and adjusting his sitting posture. Let the other person lean more comfortably.

The juvenile's soft hair glided across Pei Shaoze's neck, and Pei Shaoze's heart seemed to be gently scratched by a cat's claw.

Cheng Xia was confused and noticed that the pillow was very comfortable, and the corners of her mouth could not help but bend slightly.

He smiled sweetly, as if he had a wonderful dream.

Pei Shaoze felt inexplicably soft when he saw the boy sleeping on his own.

The strange thing is that he doesn't seem to dislike this kind of intimate contact?
