Chapter 45

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 45]

The plane sailed in the air for 2 hours, and the lights in the cabin suddenly turned on, and the stewardess's gentle voice came from her ears: "Passengers, our plane is about to arrive at Ya'an International Airport..."

When Cheng Xia took a plane, she slept from takeoff to landing. After being awakened by the radio, he opened his eyes in a daze, and soon discovered to his surprise-he actually leaned on Mr. Pei's shoulder? !

Alpha's unique pheromone smell floated to his nose.He was indulged in this smell and had a good dream all the way.When he remembered the content of the dream, Cheng Xia's face suddenly flushed red, and he quickly moved his head, only two people could hear it. He said softly, "Mr. Pei, yes, sorry, I accidentally fell asleep..."

Pei Shaoze looked calm: "It's okay."

Cheng Xia blushed and stopped talking, and her heart throbbed. He fell asleep and didn't know what he had done, but Pei was always sober and didn't push him away. Does it prove that President Pei doesn't mind his approach?

Cheng Xia's gaze inadvertently saw the hands that Mr. Pei placed quietly on his legs. Adult Alpha's hands are beautiful, slender and strong, with even joints. Thinking of the scene when they were gently touched by these hands, Cheng Xia's heart beat faster. I especially want to hold Mr. Pei's hand. If I clasp these hands with ten fingers, I don't know how it will feel?

Pei Shaoze noticed that the young man's eyes were shifting downwards, and he hung his head, not knowing what he was thinking. He casually cared, "What's wrong?"

Cheng Xia was electrocuted and generally retracted her eyes: "No, nothing."

I'm so unreserved. Every time I'm with Mr. Pei, I can't help but want to hold hands, hug... I want to be more intimate with him, and even want to completely mark him and possess him so that he belongs to him. A person.

Probably this is how Omega reacted when he liked an Alpha?

Alpha beside him clearly has an ascetic breath, and the pheromone on his body also reveals coldness and alienation, but Cheng Xia likes this kind of President Pei. I don't know if I mark Mr. Pei, will his face still have such a calm expression? I really want to see him unable to hold back and completely out of control...

Cheng Xia blushed, and his brain made up a lot of inappropriate pictures.

Pei Shaoze found Cheng Xia blushing, turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Is it uncomfortable?"

Cheng Xia evasively said: "Well, it may be that the plane was landing so turbulently, I was a little dizzy."

Pei Shaoze thought for a while, called the stewardess and whispered a few words in a low voice. After a while, the stewardess brought a plate of mint candies. Pei Shaoze took one and handed it to Cheng Xia: "Eating a mint will make you feel better."

Cheng Xia peeled off the sugar with a guilty conscience and stuffed it into his mouth. The refreshing mint smell instantly filled his mouth. He didn't like to eat mint before. He always felt that eating it would make his throat very cold. But today, Pei always gave him the same sugar. It was mixed with honey, and the smell of sweetness permeated my heart.

Cheng Xia whispered: "Thank you."

Pei Shaoze asked in a gentle voice: "Is the dizziness better?"

Cheng Xia nodded immediately: "Hmm, much better."

In order not to disturb the people around them, the two people spoke at a very low volume, as if they were whispering. Cheng Xia listened to the low-pitched voice at close range in her ear, and the fawn bumped into her heart. Pei Shaoze also felt that this atmosphere was a bit subtle. Since Cheng Xia leaned on his shoulders and slept all the way, his heart was difficult to calm down. The originally empty and cold heart seemed to be filled with something warm and soft. , Inexplicably becomes a lot more substantial.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the plane landed at Ya'an Airport.

Pei Shaoze has already arranged the pick-up vehicle. The crew has a unified bus to pick up and drop off. Several leading actors and the main creator of the crew have arranged a commercial vehicle. At the airport exit, everyone got on the bus in turn according to the license plate number according to the prior arrangement. At this time, it is not easy to change seats, because the artist is in the same car with the agent and assistant.

Pei Shaoyan walked to his brother and yelled: "President Pei." He showed Cheng Xia a bright smile, and Cheng Xia also smiled at him, thinking that Mr. Pei's little assistant is quite interesting. Recognizing idols on the plane, is not afraid to blame President Pei?

Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia and whispered: "Go to Zhou Yan and go back to the hotel with the agent."

Cheng Xia nodded: "Well, see you, President Pei."

After the two said goodbye, Pei Shaoze found the black car that came to pick him up, and Pei Shaoyan got into the back of the car.

The growing line of vehicles picking up the airport slowly drove out of the airport. Pei Shaoyan looked through the rearview mirror at Cheng Xia, who was sitting in the commercial vehicle with his agent, and asked with a smile, "Brother, how am I doing today?"

Pei Shaoze frowned: "What kind of performance?"

"..." Pei Shaoyan looked aggrieved: "You can't cross the river and demolish the bridge. I tried so hard to help you. Don't you plan to increase my salary? Three thousand and five a month is really not enough, and the first month's salary You didn't send it to me yet!"

The poor guy asking for a salary is much more pleasing to the eye than the non-mainstream man with red hair and two diamond ears.

The corner of Pei Shaoze's mouth lightly raised: "The Finance Department will pay employees a fixed salary on the 1st of each month. You can look at your salary card."

When Zhang Fan went through the entry formalities, he helped the young master apply for a savings card and submitted it to the company's financial department as a salary card. Pei Shaoyan heard this and immediately turned on his mobile phone. There was no signal on the plane just now, and now the communication is restored, he saw a text message popped out from his mobile phone: "Your savings card with the end number 2057 remitted the amount of 3,500 yuan, note: salary in February."

It is really strange that he used to swipe the black card his father gave him casually, and he didn't need to care about how much money there was in the card, but now, seeing the card in his own name earning a salary of 3,500 yuan, he felt a little excited.

This seems to be the first time in his life that he makes money on his own?

Pei Shaoyan put away the phone in a complicated mood.

Pei Shaoze asked: "How does it feel to be paid?"

Pei Shaoyan whispered: "Too little, it's not enough for me to eat two seafood meals..."

Pei Shaoze said lightly: "If you want more, you can fight for it by your ability. The annual salary of Tianxuan executives starts at 500,000. If you can achieve the position of executive, the salary will naturally rise. If one day, you sit there. In my position, let alone hundreds of thousands, the company's billions of funds can be at your disposal. You can double the company's market value and make the company lose money. Do you dare?"

Pei Shaoyan lowered his head and said nothing.

He didn't dare, and he didn't have the ability to provoke a leader.

Pei Shaoze patted his brother on the shoulder: "You are still young, don't always think about how to spend money, first think about how to make money."

Pei Shaoyan nodded earnestly: "Yeah." He planned to save the 3500 first, anyway, he didn't have to pay for food and housing with his brother, and he had nothing to buy recently.

After a few seconds of silence in the car, Pei Shaoze suddenly asked: "On the plane just now, why did you suddenly change to sit with Shen Kai?"

Pei Shaoyan almost vomited blood: "Damn, who am I changing my position for? You don't have any points in your heart!"

Pei Shaoze really didn't understand Pei Shaoyan's show operation at the time, so he ran to Shen Kai for some reason and took a series of rainbow farts, saying he was a fan of Shen Kai? He thought that Pei Shaoyan suddenly acted like an upper body, and his brain twitched.

No matter why the younger brother did this, he switched Cheng Xia to him, and the result was good.

Pei Shaoze decided to reward his younger brother: "If you work hard, I can consider giving you a raise. You will no longer be an intern from next month. As a regular employee of Tianxuan, your salary can be increased to 5000, and there will be more at the end of the year. Bonus dividends."

Pei Shaoyan immediately smiled: "Thank you, President Pei!"

Although 5000 does not seem to be a flowery look, it sounds much better than 3500.

The younger brother who was verbally promised a salary increase was in a good mood along the way. Pei Shaoze smirked when he saw him there, and realized that this younger brother was actually very simple, no wonder he was easily deceived later in the original work. His nature is not bad, he just made a group of friends and friends and was taken away. Now that he is willing to study seriously with his brother, Pei Shaoze is very pleased.

Two hours later, the convoy came to the suburbs.

Mingde Private Middle School is a full boarding school located in the suburbs of Ya'an City. The surrounding scenery is very good, almost comparable to tourist attractions. The school is located halfway up a mountain, especially when it rains, it is like a fairyland.

Since the school has started in March and the student dormitories are overcrowded, it is impossible for them to occupy students' learning resources. Pei Shaoze arranged the crew in a hotel only a 5-minute walk from the school. As for shooting and framing, an idle college building in the school was chosen.

The crew will stay in South Asia for two months this time and finish filming all the remaining scenes. Including classrooms, library, gymnasium, Qin Nian's home, Lu Fengyang's home and other interior scenes, as well as spring and summer exterior scenes. It can be said that the filming part of Seventeenth Middle School only accounts for less than 10% of the whole plot, and the rest will be done in Ya'an. Pei Shaoze originally didn't need to stay with the team, but after the last time Cheng Xia was assassinated, he couldn't worry about leaving Cheng Xia behind.

For company affairs, there are brokers and middle management for small things, and for big things, you can find him through Assistant Zhang. There are computers and internet, and it is very convenient to work remotely. When he really needs to come out in person, he can book a ticket and fly back on the same day.

The conditions of the hotel are much better than the dormitory of No.17 Middle School. The staff arranges double rooms, and several actors live in single rooms. Everyone put down their luggage according to the room allocated in advance, and then a message from Director Liu popped up in the crew group: "@All members, everyone pack up and go to the restaurant on the third floor to gather and have dinner together. Tonight, President Pei treats you!"

The group immediately lined up and swiped the emoji: "Thank you boss!"

The noon flight meal is just full, not delicious. In the evening, President Pei invited a big meal, and everyone was naturally happy.

Pei Shaoze directly booked the third floor of the hotel. The staff sat down at the assigned table. The lead creator and the lead actor were sitting at the same table. Therefore, Cheng Xia, Shen Kai, and Ye Mingqian were also honored to sit with Mr. Pei. A table.

As an assistant, Pei Shaoyan actively helped everyone arrange seats: "Director Liu, come here, sit down!" "Brother Kai, sit here!" "Hello, Teacher Lemongrass, come and sit down..."

The little assistant served tea and poured water with great diligence.

He pretended to inadvertently arrange the seats of Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia together, thinking that he could add an extra chicken leg tonight.

Eight people were seated in sequence, Mr. Pei on Cheng Xia's left and Ye Mingqian on his right.

Ya'an city is close to the sea, and the seafood is very rich. Pei Shaoze ordered this group meal to reward everyone before the official shooting. Everyone saw that the table was gradually filled with lobsters, crabs, scallops, abalones... They were about to drool!

Especially many staff members, whose home is in the north, usually eat seafood that is too expensive and not so fresh. Seeing the full table of seafood, everyone is satisfied, and they all talked in private: "President Pei is really the most responsible. The most generous producer!" "Yes, I used to invest several hundred million in a certain crew, and the food was not as good as this time. The producer has been exposed two or three times from start to finish..." It is said that this is the first project invested by President Pei after he took office. He pays more attention to it, and he actually followed the team himself!"

Food is the easiest to buy people's hearts, and this seafood feast has raised everyone's goodwill towards Pei Shaoze.

At the main table No. 1, Pei Shaoze took the initiative to say to the waiter: "Open a bottle of red wine."

The filming will not be officially until tomorrow, and it will not hurt to drink some wine tonight, not to mention it is just a very low-grade red wine.

The waiter was pouring wine. The other people's goblets were seven minutes full. Just as they were about to pour Cheng Xia, Pei Shaoze suddenly leaned over and whispered to the waiter: "He is not drinking, pour him a glass of orange juice."

Cheng Xia: "???"

The young man looked at Mr. Pei eagerly, as if he was saying, I can drink, pour me some wine.

Pei Shaoze said lightly: "You are still young, so drink a drink. If you are drunk, what should you do if you are filming nonsense tomorrow."

Cheng Xia: "..."

There was a burst of laughter on the table.

Cheng Xia's face is red and her ears are red. From childhood to adulthood, only her father would care about him like this, always telling him not to drink too much alcohol at the dinner table. As a result, today, President Pei also started to take care of him? It is strange that being in charge of Pei...he actually felt a little happy.

Lemongrass said gently and honestly: "Yes, we Cheng Xia is only 18 years old, just an adult, it is better to drink less wine."

Pei Shaoze glanced at his younger brother: "Xiao Yan, too, have a drink like Cheng Xia."

Pei Shaoyan: "..." I went, I can kill a dozen beers in one go at the bar, you actually let me drink? ! Alright, drink with Cheng Xia, lest Cheng Xia would be embarrassed to drink a drink alone, I see.

Pei Shaoyan glanced at Cheng Xia, with a complex expression raising the goblet filled with orange juice.

Liu Xueyi laughed and said, "Come on, I will toast everyone first, and I hope everything goes well for our next shooting process!"

Everyone toasted.

The table gradually became lively, and Cheng Xia began to eat seafood quickly.

He likes seafood very much, but the seafood in Rongcheng is more expensive, so he went to eat with his family several times during the holidays. Now, seeing the table full of crabs and lobsters, Cheng Xia's eyes lit up and she began to peel and eat after putting on disposable gloves.

After a while, he discovered that Pei always didn't eat crabs, and only took some vegetables and shrimps with chopsticks.

Could it be troublesome?

Cheng Xia thought for a while, and quickly peeled off a large crab leg with a lot of meat and gently placed it on Mr. Pei's plate.

The people around were eating for themselves, and no one noticed Cheng Xia's little action.

Pei Shaoze ate and ate, suddenly there was a peeled crab leg on the plate. He turned his head and looked at Shang Cheng Xia's clear eyes. The boy showed him a shy smile and whispered, "President Pei, this crab Very fresh, you can taste it."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

This snack food, when peeling seafood, the fingers are very flexible.

In a blink of an eye he peeled another prawn and brought it over.

Pei Shaoze raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said softly, "Thank you."

He usually doesn't like to eat seafood. He always feels that it is too troublesome to peel for a long time while wearing gloves. The seafood dinner ordered today was mainly to treat the entire crew. Unexpectedly, Cheng Xia actually peeled him a crab intimately.

Pei Shaoze picked up the crab meat, dipped it in the sauce and put it in his mouth.

It was fresh and tender, the best crab meat he had ever eaten.
