Chapter 56

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 56]

On May 21st, Pei Shaoze returned to the crew.

Seeing the familiar figure from a distance, Pei Shaoze was just about to walk towards Cheng Xia, and Cheng Xia just turned around.

The young man opened his eyes slightly, and after meeting his gaze, he immediately showed him a bright smile. Those clear and bright eyes traversed the vast sea of ​​people, and suddenly looked into his heart.

Pei Shaoze's heart softened, and immediately strode forward to Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia asked actively: "Mr Pei is back!"

Pei Shaoze has a gentle look: "I heard that the crew will finish ahead of schedule?"

Cheng Xia nodded: "Well, the recent filming progress has been relatively smooth. I originally planned to finish the filming at the end of the month, but the task was completed a week in advance.

Today is just about to film the finale. After the filming, the finale banquet will be held, which is why Pei Shaoze rushed back to the crew. The staff at the scene were ready, and the deputy director over there was shouting: "Cheng Xia, it's about to start!"

Cheng Xia smiled and said to Pei Shaoze: "Then I went to the studio?"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Well, go."

Cheng Xia came to the boulevard, had the right line with Shen Kai, and then folded a small boat on the spot and stuffed it in his pocket as a prop. Director Liu waved to the two of them: "Alright? Ready to start!"

The cameras at the scene began to work, and Cheng Xia and Shen Kai walked towards the boulevard side by side.

Today's weather is very good, the sky is clear, the tree canopy above the head blocks most of the sunlight, only a few fragments are scattered on the two of them, the breeze is blowing, the light and shadow are mottled, two high school students in school uniforms walk side by side, this A scene was recorded by the camera, and it was as beautiful as a fresh and natural landscape painting.

When they walked to the middle of the green trail, the two looked at each other and smiled for a moment. Cheng Xia suddenly took out the folded paper boat from his pocket and handed it to each other: "I have a gift for you. I hope you will be well in the future."

Shen Kai took the paper boat and found that there seemed to be words in it. When he was curious, he opened it and saw that it was written neatly in timeless handwriting: I want to be admitted to the same university as Lu Fengyang. Together-Qin Nian.

Shen Kai's hands trembled slightly. He raised his head to look at the boy in front of him. The boy's smile was warm and bright, and his eyes were full of him. He finally couldn't help stretching out his arms and squeezing Cheng Xia into his arms. in. Cheng Xia also stretched out her arms and gently hugged him back.

After a long time, Director Liu shouted: "Card!"

The finale has a great effect, but to avoid some regrets, if Mr. Pei hadn't had to clear the water to the end, there should be a kiss scene here.

Pei Shaoze, let alone a kiss scene, just saw Shen Kai looking at Cheng Xia with that kind of eyes, watching Cheng Xia wholeheartedly look at Shen Kai and hug each other back, his unhappiness has reached the peak, if the kiss scene really comes, he I don't know if I will lose my patience and interrupt the shooting directly.

Fortunately, the two separated after the director stopped.

Pei Shaoze stood up and said faintly: "Thanks for the two of you, it's still on the third floor of the hotel for the evening banquet."

There was a warm applause around: "Great!" "Finally finished, congratulations!"

From mid-February to mid-May, which lasted nearly three months, the filming of this drama was finally completed. Although there was an accident in which Cheng Xia was stabbed midway, overall the progress was fairly smooth.

The atmosphere of the finale banquet that night was very high. Director Liu came to the stage and said a few words excitedly, and then he was toasted by everyone in turn. He drank the fragments directly, and took Pei Shaoze's hand repeatedly and chanted: "Mr. Pei, you are what I have seen. The best producer of the world, hahaha, I still need to cooperate if I have the opportunity in the future!"

In the end, screenwriter Xu dragged Director Liu away.

Shen Kai also drank some wine, and smiled while pulling Cheng Xia to speak: "Cheng Xia, from the eyes of my brother, you will definitely be popular in the future. I have filmed so many web dramas. You are really the most dedicated Omega I have ever seen. actor..."

Cheng Xia was embarrassed by the praise, and hurriedly said: "You are also very good at acting. You have taught me a lot. Let's work together again if you have the opportunity to do so!"

Pei Shaoze did not drink a drink today, and saw the two people chatting together, his eyes were slightly cold-later? I won't let you have a chance to be together again. Cheng Xia, starting from today, forget Shen Kai, it's enough to have me by your side.

Pei Shaoze walked over and blocked Cheng Xia behind him, and said lightly: "Shen Kai, this time he performed very well in the "Folding Paper" crew. Come on."

Shen Kai was stunned. He didn't expect that always Pei would suddenly come out to talk to him. He immediately woke up for seven minutes, hurriedly stood up, and respectfully said: "Thank you, President Pei for giving me this opportunity."

Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia with gentle eyes: "Come with me."

Cheng Xia followed sensibly.

Most of the surrounding staff drank alcohol, and the whole venue was a mess, but not many people paid attention to them. Pei Shaoze took Cheng Xia to the stairwell and closed the door smoothly. Meeting the boy's eyes, his gaze gradually softened: "Are you full?"

Cheng Xia smiled brightly: "You called me over just to ask if I was full?"

The corners of Pei Shaoze's lips were raised slightly, and he naturally reached out and touched Cheng Xia's head affectionately: "Of course there are important things I want to discuss with you. Just finished a drama, will you feel tired? If you are asked to continue filming the next drama, will your body survive?"

Cheng Xia hurriedly said: "It's okay, I don't feel tired at all! I like filming, but I will be bored when I am free."

Pei Shaoze said: "Okay. After returning to Rongcheng, you will come to my office with Zhou Yan and talk about future arrangements in detail. As for now..."

Cheng Xia was puzzled: "What is it now?"

Pei Shaoze looked down at his watch and said, "Go back to sleep."

Cheng Xia: "..."

Hey, President Pei is really stricter than Dad, does he even care about his work and rest? However, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and Cheng Xia had no choice but to obediently nodded: "Then I will go to bed, and President Pei will go back to rest soon!"

Looking at the teenager's back, Pei Shaoze thought, there will be nothing wrong with Shen Kai in the future, and Alpha by your side can only be me.


In the afternoon of the next day, the crew returned to Rongcheng.

Zhang Fan didn't know the relationship between the boss and Cheng Xia. When booking the first-class ticket, he still booked Cheng Xia and Shen Kai's seats together. This time, Pei Shaoze took the initiative to wink his brother, and Pei Shaoyan immediately ran over and said positively: "Hey, Cheng Xia, can we change seats again? I still have something to talk to Brother Kai."

Cheng Xia got up helplessly: "Well, you talk to your idol slowly."

Pei Shaoyan sat next to Shen Kai and blew a rainbow fart. The two talked happily, and Cheng Xia came to the seat next to President Pei.

Cheng Xia seemed to have developed a habit. When the plane flew together, she was sleepy and dozed. Her head kept tapping like a chicken pecking at rice. She tilted to the window and slammed the sun visor slightly. Cheng Xia was a little confused. He opened his eyes and glanced at the sun visor, and then fell asleep again.

In order to prevent him from accidentally hitting the sun visor again, Pei Shaoze simply put Cheng Xia's head on his shoulder. The young man found the pillow in his sleep, and he calmed down, holding Pei Shaoze's arm and fell asleep contentedly.

It's also amazing to think about it. The last time when everyone flew together, Pei Shaoze's body was still a little stiff when Cheng Xia took the initiative to lean in, and he was not used to being so close. But this time, he took the initiative to take Cheng Xialou into his arms.

The young man leaned on him quietly and slept with his arm, which made him especially satisfied.

The feeling at this moment is like a kitten who trusts him and depends on him, sleeping in his arms, he stretches out his hand and gently touches the kitten's head, it will change the depths of his heart. It has to be soft and warm.

The cute little guy is leaning on himself defenselessly, really wanting time to stay in this moment forever.

Cheng Xia slept all the way dazedly, and when she woke up again, the plane had landed.

He found that he was not only leaning on Mr. Pei's shoulders, but also holding Mr. Pei's arms with his hands. This was obviously an inch and he used Mr. Pei as a human pillow. Cheng Xia's ears were instantly red, and she lowered her head embarrassedly and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Pei, I... fell asleep again."

Do you know it is "again"?

However, just get used to it.

Pei Shaoze suppressed his smile and said softly, "It's okay."

If you want, I will give you a pillow every time I take a plane.


The next morning, Cheng Xia came to President Pei's office with her agent.

Pei Shaoze wore an iron gray suit and a very formal tie. He looked serious and abstinent. From any angle, he looked handsome. Cheng Xia's heartbeat was like a drum. He lowered his head behind the agent and yelled softly, "President Pei. "

Pei Shaoze beckoned: "Come and sit down."

The two went over and sat down on the sofa next to him. Assistant Zhang handed the two folders to Zhou Yan and Cheng Xia.

Pei Shaoze said: "Cheng Xia just finished filming a movie, so logically, there is no need to rush to film the next one. However, now there is a good opportunity in front of you. You all know that Shu Yue retired some time ago, right? There is one. In the drama, I was originally looking for Shu Yue to be the male lead, and both parties were about to sign a contract, but Shu Yue suddenly found out that he was pregnant and left the circle to beat someone. The crew had no choice but to find someone else to replace him."

Zhou Yan's heart trembled: "Do you want Cheng Xia to replace Shu Yue's role?"

With Shu Yue's popularity before he retired, the crew who dared to find him was absolutely indispensable, maybe it was the first line in the circle! Zhou Yan hurriedly opened the folder, and the four characters "Director Zhu Zheng" caught her eye, her eyebrows jumped: "Director Zhu's team? I remember that Director Zhu's drama ratings have always been very high. I heard that he is very harsh. No matter how big a celebrity is, you can scold you when you scold them. They have scolded and cried before..."

Pei Shaoze nodded calmly: "Yes."

Cheng Xia had also heard of the director, and couldn't help but curiously opened the folder and looked at the crew information.

After a while, Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia and asked Wen Yan, "How about you, are you interested in this project?"

Cheng Xia raised her head and said, "President Pei, is the role that Shu Yue will play, a forensic actor?"

Pei Shaoze: "Well, the protagonist of this play is a professor of forensic medicine. Shu Yue has a gentle temperament and fits the personality. The film just found him."

Zhou Yan frowned and said in a low voice: "However, Cheng Xia's popularity is not as popular as Shu Yue. Can the producer agree to let Cheng Xia be a newcomer to play the leading role? Moreover, Cheng Xia's image doesn't seem to match. That kind of gentle forensic professor..."

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "I didn't say that Cheng Xia should be a forensic doctor."

Cheng Xia's eyes lit up and she immediately understood what he meant: "Pei always wants me to act as a male partner in the play, a young and passionate trainee policeman?"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "The Alpha male partner who was originally determined to play with Shu Yue was the second-line actor Zhou Sheng in the circle. He also refused to act after Shu Yue retired. Perhaps he thought that there was no Shu Yue in this show. It will definitely be muddled."

Cheng Xia: "..."

Cheng Xia, a person like Zhou Sheng, has also heard of it. He is a popular idol star in the circle in recent years, but he has no representative masterpieces. He has been working hard to transform into a powerful faction. He signed the show at the beginning, perhaps because he could play with a "brother" like Shu Yue, and wanted to gain some popularity from the "brother" and increase his popularity in the circle.

Now that Shu Yue is gone, he doesn't bother to match Omega, who is not as famous as him, so he doesn't hesitate to terminate the contract with the crew. Although this approach is more powerful, it is also justifiable. However, Cheng Xia felt it was a pity that the plot of this play was really good.

Cheng Xia was a little worried: "The trainee policeman of this show is an Alpha. If I come back, will the director be willing?"

Pei Shaoze said: "After Shu Yue retired, the crew wasted more than a month of wrangling with Zhou Sheng. At present, the two original lead actors have run away. The crew has no choice but to open the audition and re-select the roles. Will the director be willing? Yes, of course it depends on your performance."

Pei Shaoze wanted to find a suspenseful drama for Cheng Xia himself, but he didn't expect that after Shu Yue retreated, he checked it and found the treasure script. The forensic temperament of the protagonist in the play is too gentle and cold, and Cheng Xia can't control it, but the young criminal policeman with the same heavy role fits the image of Cheng Xia. Let Cheng Xia reverse Alpha to broaden Cheng Xia's drama, and the topic is also very hot.

Cheng Xia's appearance is always sunny and handsome, without the softness of Omega on her body. The sunny and cheerful boy wearing a police uniform and guns will surely burst the audience!

If an Omega actor can reverse an Alpha role, then Cheng Xia will have a bright future in the future, and there is no need to worry about the crew looking for him.

The key now is whether Cheng Xia can convince the director.

Pei Shaoze calmly said: "Cheng Xia, you were able to persuade Director Liu and the original author of the folded paper. I believe that you can also make Director Zhu look at you with admiration. How about, try?"

Cheng Xia clenched his fists hard-how could he shrink back with such a good opportunity? Director Zhu is indeed a little scary, often scolding and crying actors, but a strict director will also greatly help the actors' acting skills. How many Omega actors in the circle can truly reverse Alpha? Such a role, once played, will definitely make him addicted to the drama.

Cheng Xia took a deep breath and said seriously: "President Pei, I am willing to try!"

Pei Shaoze looked at the boy gently.

Don't be afraid, just try it, I will **** by your side and walk with you to the top.
