Chapter 57

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 57]

Cheng Xia also knows that it is much harder to win the role of an intern criminal policeman than "Qin Nian". Although "Folding Paper" is an investment of Tianxuan, it is always a campus online drama and a star in the entertainment circle. Wouldn't come to play this kind of youth idol online drama.

But "Traces of Disappearing" is different. The main creator of this drama is the very prestigious suspense drama production team in the circle. The several suspense dramas that Director Zhu has filmed before have a very good reputation. In the hearts of audiences who like suspense dramas, Zhu Guide is the guarantee of quality.

This "Traces of Disappearance" has some blood-gory, violent and forceful plots, so the TV station could not pass the trial, and it also took the line of internet drama. First-line stars will not squeeze their heads for the protagonists of niche criminal investigation dramas, but for second-line and third-line stars, this kind of drama is the best springboard for the transition from being an idol to a powerful one. It is conceivable that the audition scene will be crowded with fierce competition.

Zhou Yan had no bottom in her heart. She gritted her teeth and asked nervously: "President Pei, Cheng Xia is not competing with Omega actors this time, but with countless Alpha actors... He doesn't have much advantage, right?"

Pei Shaoze thought, I am his advantage.

Of course, this cannot be said straightforwardly. Pei Shaoze calmly said: "Zhu Zheng is a decent director, and he is very assertive. He does not care about the reputation and status of each other when he sees the actors. He only sees that the actors are not in line with the role image in his mind. New actors have been used in the Trilogy of Criminal Investigation Archives, and the effect is not bad. Therefore, Cheng Xia is not without the opportunity. Besides, participating in more auditions is also good for Cheng Xia. It is a surprise to be selected. If you fail to choose, it is considered an experience."

Zhou Yan nodded immediately: "Pei always said yes, then I'll be ready to go back."

Pei Shaoze hummed, and handed her the schedule: "The audition will be on June 1. The actors participating in the audition should send an email to register in advance. You can go back and make a profile of Cheng Xia and send it to their crew's mailbox."

Zhou Yan quickly took over the schedule and left the office with Cheng Xia.

She was very puzzled. In fact, Cheng Xia's first play has not yet been broadcast, and it is still a "little transparent". Will President Pei ask Cheng Xia to audition for the second play too soon? Is it supposed to make Cheng Xia rich in experience? In any case, Mr. Pei's arrangements still had to be listened to. Zhou Yan turned around and began to prepare materials, scooping up news, and instructing Cheng Xia to read the script carefully.

After Cheng Xia got home, she started to read the script.

This is the final script that has been revised. The crew originally wanted to find Shu Yue to act as the male number one Lynch, so they sent the script to Shu Yue's agent. The contract was about to be signed. As a result, Shu Yue retired and the agent Xu Sitong While busy apologizing to the crew, he reported the incident to Pei Shaoze. Because of this, Pei Shaoze accidentally discovered the treasure crew and wanted Cheng Xia to try the male second in the play.

He has already seen the script, and it has the potential for fire. If it is filmed well, it can even become a benchmark in a suspense drama.

The main line of the drama "Traces of Disappearance" revolves around an unsolved case.

Xu Ziyang, a young criminal police officer who just graduated from the police force, went back to his uncle's house for dinner on the weekend to celebrate his birthday. The uncle asked him to stay tonight, but he went out in the middle of the night because his good buddies from the police school asked him to have a party. As a result, that night, all four of his uncle's family were killed and destroyed, but no trace was left at the scene of the crime.

When Xu Ziyang was very young, his parents had a car accident. It was his uncle who brought him up. He regrets and blames himself and wants to catch the murderer himself, but he is only a trainee criminal policeman. Out of the principle of "relatives avoiding suspicion", of course the police force He will not be involved in the investigation of the case. Xu Ziyang had to secretly investigate the clues, and because of this, he had an intersection with Lin Qi, a professor of forensic medicine who lives opposite his uncle's house.

The sunny, impulsive and passionate police school student Xu Ziyang, and the gentle, calm and wise 30-year-old forensic professor Lin Qi, the interaction between the two protagonists is very interesting, the main line case is also very brain-burning, the final clue is actually with Lin Qiyang Of a cat linked together. The high IQ murderer who killed the whole family lives in the same community and has been staring at them secretly...

Cheng Xia looked terrifying-the screenwriter teacher was so awesome, the final murderer of this show surprised the audience. The setting of "murderer by your side" will also make the atmosphere of the whole drama extremely scary. The high IQ murderer erased all traces of the scene. How can the two people without any evidence find out the real murderer?

Xu Ziyang's personality is very clear. He has the impulsive blood of a young policeman, but he has a heart of "the truth is never absent". The tragic death of his uncle's family hit him extremely hard, but he still cheered up as quickly as possible. Actively cooperate with the protagonist of forensic medicine to investigate the case.

Cheng Xia particularly likes the role of Xu Ziyang. The atmosphere of the whole drama is grim and horrible, it is a suspense drama without any emotional drama, so it doesn't matter whether he is acting an Alpha or Omega. He only needs to act the young policeman's righteous and sunny personality. .

Cheng Xia read the script several times and carefully figured out the character's psychology.

At this moment, Pei Shaoze suddenly sent a message: "How does the script look?"

Cheng Xia picked up the phone and replied seriously: "I have finished watching it. I like Xu Ziyang's role very much, but...I don't have much confidence to play him well. I don't feel like I can play that kind of police academy temperament?"

Pei Shaoze said: "Don't question yourself in a hurry. I will take you to a place tomorrow."

Cheng Xia wondered: "Where to go?"

Pei Shaoze: "Police Academy."

Cheng Xia: "..."

What role to play, we must first understand his living environment! Isn't it the best way to act as a police academy student who has just graduated? President Pei is really wise!

Cheng Xia quickly typed in excitement: "It's great, I never know how the police academy students should act, and I don't have such a friend by my side. If you go to the police academy, you should find a lot of inspiration!"

Pei Shaoze sent a voice: "Well, it's almost twelve o'clock, let's go to bed first. Wait for me downstairs at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will pick you up."

Listening to the low male voice coming from the mobile phone, Cheng Xia got into the bed happily, closed her eyes and listened to it several times-letting the voice of the favorite Alpha accompany him to sleep, it was a piece of happiness. It's up.


Early the next morning, Pei Shaoze asked Uncle Zhong to park the car in the underground garage of the artist's apartment and sent a message to Cheng Xia: "Go to the first floor."

The weather in Rongcheng in May has become hotter. Cheng Xia was wearing jeans and short-sleeved white T, wearing a mask and a hat. He took the elevator to the first floor and saw Mr. Pei's black car at a glance.

Pei Shaoze opened the door: "Come on."

Cheng Xia walked quickly to sit in the back row, and Pei Shaoze put down the soundproof baffle of the front driver's seat and closed the curtains in the back row.

The space in the back row is very spacious, but with only two people sitting between him and Mr. Pei, and the curtains are drawn, the car looks extremely quiet, and the warm lights come down, and the atmosphere is quite ambiguous. Although Mr. Pei would now spray the Alpha pheromone masking agent politely, Cheng Xia would still be nervous when staying alone in a confined space with Alpha men.

Facing Alpha's dark eyes, Cheng Xia's heart jumped suddenly, and she couldn't help but whispered: "Just the two of us?"

Pei Shaoze raised his eyebrows lightly: "It's not shopping, do you want to call more people?"

Cheng Xia blushed: "No, no, I will listen to President Pei's arrangement."

The corners of Pei Shaoze's lips raised slightly, and his voice was softened: "The police academy is not a place where anyone can go in. I asked a small helper to allow me to take you to observe in private. Today, I will visit the police academy first. The daily training of students will help you find inspiration for acting."

Cheng Xia nodded earnestly: "Well, thank you Mr. Pei."

Uncle Zhong started the car, and the black car slowly drove out of the artist's apartment and merged into the traffic on the street.

As the curtains were pulled, Cheng Xia couldn't see the scene outside the window, and her eyes drifted to Pei Shaoze involuntarily. There is a small table in front of the seat where you can put a laptop. At this time, Pei Shaoze's computer is on, and the man is leaning against the back of the chair, looking calmly, tapping on the laptop with his hands, as if he is dealing with some documents.

Alpha, who is serious about his work, looks very handsome. Cheng Xia didn't dare to interrupt, so he looked at him secretly. Pei Shaoze noticed the gaze cast from time to time by the young man beside him, and he took the initiative to speak: "Do you know why I asked you to try a role like the Alpha policeman?"

Cheng Xia thought for a while, and asked, "Do you want me to broaden my play?"

Pei Shaoze nodded and said solemnly: "Omega actors want to climb to the top, most of them will be like Shu Yue, performing a style to the extreme. When the audience thinks of him, they all know that he is an Omega with gentle temperament. However, I don't want you to take this single route. A truly outstanding actor should be competent for various roles, hone his acting skills, and let the audience ignore that you are an Omega and deeply remember the classic role you have created. In this way, Your future development prospects will be even broader."

Listening to his gentle voice, Cheng Xia's heart seemed to be surrounded by a warm current.

In this world, no one will worry so much for his dreams and career. Pei Shaoze is a fairy Alpha!

I found that the young man's eyes were looking at him clearly, and those eyes even had their own projections like the surface of a lake.

Pei Shaoze's heart softened and his eyes became more gentle: "As a newcomer, you are indeed inexperienced, but your talent and hard work are not comparable to many people. Believe in yourself, okay?"

Cheng Xia nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

After reading the script last night, he also had some doubts in his heart. After all, he is a newcomer. The drama just finished hasn't been broadcast yet, and he doesn't know the response. How can he compete with so many second and third line actors for an Alpha trainee police officer? character of? People will laugh out loud when they hear it!

But now, what Pei Shaoze said made Cheng Xia's heart suddenly full of strength.

Regardless of whether he can be selected in the end, his Alpha will accompany him on this journey. He is not working alone!


The car soon arrived at the police academy, and Pei Shaoze led Cheng Xia into the police academy gate.

The solemn and solemn door in front of Cheng Xia felt a little nervous. Pei Shaoze saw his anxiety, gently wrapped his hand on his shoulder, and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, I have already contacted the instructor of the police academy. Let's go to the training ground first."

After arriving at the training ground, as expected, an instructor walked over quickly and said with a smile: "You are President Pei? Qin Yu told me before. I didn't expect that you are so serious about making a drama and you have to come to the field to investigate. what!"

Pei Shaoze politely stretched out his hand and shook his hand: "Hello, instructor Lin." He brought Cheng Xia to the front: "This is what I said Cheng Xia, a very good newcomer actor, he wants to act as a young actor. I will show him the role of a graduated police school student."

Instructor Lin said: "No problem, come with me."

The young Beta instructor, with tanned skin and a bright smile, acted as a tour guide. He took the two around the police academy and introduced them to the daily life of the police academy.

Cheng Xia looked around curiously and excitedly.

Unlike ordinary schools, where there are squabbling students and couples walking hand in hand, the atmosphere of the police school is very strict. All students wear uniforms and walk upright, without squinting. The righteous and transcendent temperament that has been cultivated throughout the year seems to radiate from his bones. They were all the same age. Cheng Xia looked at them and couldn't help being ashamed, and she couldn't help but straighten her back when walking.

After the instructor took them around the school, they came to a shooting training room. Cheng Xia looked at the row of black firearms with bright eyes. Pei Shaoze leaned into the ear of the instructor and whispered a few words. Instructor Lin immediately laughed. Walking over: "Cheng Xia, do you want to try?"

Cheng Xia was taken aback, flattered and said: "I won't! I haven't touched a gun..."

The instructor laughed: "Don't be afraid. There is no live ammunition for this gun. It is loaded with training ammunition for students to practice. Come and try it."

He walked behind Cheng Xia and gave Cheng Xia a simple demonstration of the shooting action. After all, Cheng Xia was holding the gun for the first time, her fingers were not steady, and a bullet went directly off the bullseye, with a bang. where.

Cheng Xia looked at the "0 ring" displayed on the screen a little dazedly, and asked in a low voice, "I obviously hit it?"

The instructor couldn't stop laughing beside him: "This kid is so cute, how did he aim? I went to the target next door!"

Cheng Xia: "..."

Did he hit the target next door?

The corners of Pei Shaoze's lips raised lightly, took the gun from Cheng Xia's hand, and narrowed his eyes slightly-with a bang, the bullet hit the bullseye.

It actually hit a 9.8 ring.

Cheng Xia couldn't believe it, and the instructor was stunned: "President Pei, can you actually play a gun?"

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "As a hobby, I often go to the shooting gallery to practice when I am under pressure."

That is one of his hobbies in the real world. There is no suitable person to accompany him, and he does not want to have too many entanglements with stars in the circle who want to rely on him. Pei Shaoze has been single for many years, and I don't know when he fell in love with shooting. This kind of exercise, when work is upset, he likes to go to the shooting gallery for a few hours to relax and relieve pressure.

In a few years, whether it was the gesture of holding a gun or the accuracy of shooting, he was almost reaching the professional level.

Cheng Xia looked at Pei Shaoze with admiration.

Pei Shaoze really liked that the young boy looked at himself with such adoring eyes, which made him unable to help his heart soften. Pei Shaoze put down the gun and leaned into Cheng Xia's ear and said, "The police academy is strictly managed. We can't stay here. If you are interested, I can take you to the shooting gallery when I have time. I will teach you myself?"
