Chapter 61

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 61]

In the afternoon of the next day, Cheng Xia followed her agent Zhou Yan to the audition scene.

The audition was arranged in the conference room on the third floor of the Rongcheng Hotel. There were a lot of people on the spot, and there were several familiar faces who were all the traffic stars who were quite topical recently. Zhou Yan was a little nervous. She took Cheng Xia to the sign-in office to sign in and get the number plate. Then she found a lounge to sit down.

Zhou Yangang wanted to tell Cheng Xia not to be nervous. Suddenly, a tall Alpha pushed in. Zhou Yan's eyes widened, thinking that she had mistakenly admitted: "Pei... President Pei? Why are you here!"

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "I happened to be at this hotel today to discuss matters, and I stopped by to see the situation." He cast his eyes on Cheng Xia, and his voice was gentle: "How are you preparing?"

Cheng Xia smiled and scratched her head: "It's okay."

Pei Shaoze said: "I have asked someone to investigate. Several Alpha actors who came to the audition today are relatively popular. The first is Liu Yufei, who has acted in criminal investigation dramas, but he is not good at crying. There is no advantage in playing the role of Xu Ziyang. "

"The second Zhang Chen, a traffic niche with tens of millions of fans, should want to change from being an idol to a powerful faction, so he wants to use this drama as a springboard. He is also talking about a great costume drama, so He will not be 100% attentive and dedicated to this criminal investigation network drama."

"The third is Liu Zhaoxuan, an actor who has cooperated with Director Zhu. He is a tough guy. He has participated in many shootouts and online movies of police and robbers. His acting skills are also good, but he is almost 30 years old and lacks some rigidity. The sunshine of the graduate students..."

Zhou Yan was stunned at the side!

Mr. Pei's channels and contacts are obviously much better than her little agent, and his homework is too comprehensive. I don't know where to hear so many gossips, and I have a clear picture of Cheng Xia's opponents.

Cheng Xia was also stunned when he heard it. Unexpectedly, Pei always went to check out opponents who threatened him...

After Pei Shaoze finished speaking, he looked at Cheng Xia and said gently and honestly: "Your opponents today are very strong. Therefore, no matter if you win or lose, if you perform Xu Ziyang in your own mind and impress the director, you are considered successful. "

Cheng Xia nodded: "I understand, thank you Pei... President."

Originally wanted to be called "Brother Pei", Cheng Xia hurriedly changed her tongue and almost bit her tongue when she realized that the agent was there.

Pei Shaoze heard his mistake, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he handed Cheng Xia a bottle of mineral water: "Sit down and drink some water, sort out your thoughts, don't think about anything, from now on you are Xu Ziyang."

Cheng Xia took the mineral water and sat in the corner. Pei Shaoze gave Zhou Yan a "don't disturb him" gesture. Zhou Yan simply went out and waited for the number to be called, leaving space for Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia.

After she left, Pei Shaoze sat next to Cheng Xia and gently rubbed Cheng Xia's head: "Are you nervous?"

Cheng Xia smiled and shook her head: "With you here, I am not nervous at all."

Just now passing by with a few high-profile traffic stars at the audition scene, Cheng Xia was indeed very nervous, always feeling that she was too young to compare with these famous actors. But now, Pei Shaoze analyzed his opponents one by one-knowing himself and the enemy, he was not nervous anymore.

Compared with those famous actors, he has no idol baggage and can let go of acting. And no one would say anything when his small transparent audition was eliminated. Those actors with tens of millions of fans who had their auditions were brushed down, and I was definitely more uncomfortable than him.

So, what is he afraid of?

Pei Shaoze gently held Cheng Xia's hand and said, "Don't worry, Director Zhu is a very principled director. No matter how popular other actors are, as long as your performance today is good enough to impress him, even this election No, you will have a chance to fight for his drama in the future."

Cheng Xia's hand was completely wrapped in Alpha's palm, and the warm feeling passed down her skin to her heart. At this critical moment, the boyfriend's company is different. He suddenly felt that his whole body was full of strength.

At this moment, Zhou Yan knocked on the door and came in: "Cheng Xia, it's already No. 76, it's your turn soon, let's prepare first."

The hands that the two held together quickly separated.

Cheng Xia got up and followed Zhou Yan, and after walking to the door, he looked back at Pei Shaoze.

Pei Shaoze nodded at him and encouraged: "Go." I wanted to see the situation with the past, but I was afraid that his presence would affect Cheng Xia's performance. Pei Shaoze changed his mouth and said: "I am waiting for you here. After the audition, we will have a meal together. rice."

Cheng Xia smiled brightly: "Yeah!"

Pei Shaoze urged Zhou Yan: "Zhou Yan, go and see, and say hello to Director Zhu."


At this time, the audition scene.

An Alpha actor shook the air with his hands vigorously, pretending that there was a dead person here, shaking and crying, "Second Uncle, Second Uncle!"

Director Zhu interrupted him with a calm face: "Okay, thank you for participating in this audition."

The young actor was taken aback for a moment, blushing, bowed to Director Zhu, turned around and hurried out, probably also feeling that he did not act well.

Next to him, the screenwriter wearing glasses couldn't help cursing: "Fuck, it's a **** criminal investigation drama. He went in as a policeman to sabotage the scene and shake the dead body indiscriminately. Has his professionalism been eaten by dogs? What is it? Can anyone come to audition?"

The assistant director said helplessly: "The crying scene is also very fake. After wiping my eyes for a long time, the corners of my eyes are not red."

Director Zhu left only one comment: "Too exaggerated."

After watching the messy performance all day, Director Zhu's face was already a little ugly.

The deputy director leaned in and asked, "Old Zhu, what do you think of Liu Yufei before?"

Zhu Zheng frowned: "His performance is more than intense, and the details are too bad."

The screenwriter said: "Zhang Chen, I feel that I just came to test the waters. I didn't prepare very seriously, and the scripts are not very familiar. Or, let's consider Liu Zhaoxuan? He has worked with us before, and he has a good acting skills."

Zhu Zheng turned the ballpoint pen in his hand and said calmly: "Liu Zhaoxuan's acting skills are okay, but he looks too tough, and there is no problem in acting as an experienced criminal police captain. He is still a young and young trainee criminal policeman who has just graduated. It's a bit worse...Let's take a look.

The deputy director said: "Next, No. 77."

There was a knock on the door outside.

A neat woman with a ponytail brought a teenager in. She came to Director Zhu and said politely: "Hello, Director Zhu, I am Tianxuan's agent, and this is our contract with Tianxuan Entertainment. Artist, Cheng Xia."

She handed Cheng Xia's information to the director with both hands, then took two steps back and smiled and asked: "Although Cheng Xia is a newcomer, he prepared this audition very seriously. What are the shortcomings of her performance later? Teachers are also invited to criticize and correct me, so that I can go back and let him learn more."

The agent's attitude is very humble and his first impression is pretty good.

The deputy director came to Zhu Zheng's ear and whispered: "This Cheng Xia, President Pei said hello to me this morning, saying that Shu Yue retired. He was very sorry for causing trouble to our crew, so he asked Tianxuan to send another one. Newcomers come to audition. Cheng Xia has just finished filming a campus drama "Folding Paper" and it will be released in the summer. In other words, before our film is released, Cheng Xia is at least not a little transparent with no work."

Director Zhu nodded to express understanding, and then began to look through the information handed over by the agent.

There are too many actors for the audition, and it is impossible for him to remember everyone's information in advance. Turning to the first page, he saw Cheng Xia's gender says "Omega male". Zhu Zheng looked up at Cheng Xia: "Are you here to try the role of Lynch?"

Lynch, the Omega forensic doctor in the play, is elegant, calm and wise, and he is able to solve the case in the end because of the many subtle clues he found. Regardless of his age or image, Cheng Xia is too far from the "Lin Jiao" award, right? Shu Yue's retiring circle has already caused a lot of damage to the crew. Mr. Pei actually asked such a newcomer to come over to audition, just to perfunct them The crew?

Zhu Zheng frowned unhappily.

Cheng Xia stepped forward and answered politely: "Director Zhu, I'm here to audition Xu Ziyang."

Everyone: "..."

The scene suddenly fell into weird silence.

Zhu Zheng thought he was hearing a hallucination and was silent for a few seconds before confirming: "You are an Omega, come to audition Xu Ziyang, the detective?"

Cheng Xia said seriously: "Yes. I think that actors should try different roles to continuously improve and make breakthroughs in acting. I like Xu Ziyang's personality very much, and I will try to express his personality and Psychologically, I hope Director Zhu can give me this opportunity and let me try it. If I do not perform well, please correct me a lot."

After he said, he politely bowed to the director's seat.

Zhu Zheng found that the boy in front of him was quite interesting. An Omega actually came to try a difficult role like Alpha Interpol. There are also actors in the circle who like to cross-play. Before, there was a relatively enchanting Alpha who went to cross-play Omega. He also attracted a lot of fans. He didn't mind the identity or gender of the actor. As long as he could perform the role in his mind, he would be a good actor.

What's more, Cheng Xia's appearance is sunny and handsome, and her eyes are clear and bright, which is quite consistent with Xu Ziyang's temperament as a fresh graduate student.

Zhu Zheng nodded: "Okay, let's start. Act the seventh act."

In the seventh act, Xu Ziyang came home from a party and found the uncle's family of four died at home.

Cheng Xia took a deep breath, closed her eyes to adjust her emotions, and then returned to the doorway to start performing.

He first made an action of "take the key to open the door", after opening the door, while changing slippers at the entrance, he shouted into the room: "Second Uncle, I'm back!" This detail is better than those actors who rushed in directly. too much. Zhu Zheng sat up straight and looked at Cheng Xia seriously.

Cheng Xia looked around, seeming a little puzzled why no one responded at noon. He leaned over and put the changed shoes in the shoe cabinet next to him-there were no props on the scene, but his movements made people understand what he was doing at a glance.

Putting on her shoes, Cheng Xia walked into the house wearing slippers, and soon realized something was wrong.

The strong smell of blood rushes over! Cheng Xia sniffed her nose, frowned slightly, her pace was quickened, and she ran to the bedroom door in few steps.

The **** scene in the room made his pupils shrink suddenly. Cheng Xia stared at the **** corpse on the bed in disbelief. His whole body trembled uncontrollably, and his voice began to tremble: "Second Uncle, Second Aunt!"

He wanted to walk in and check the situation in the house, but after taking a step forward, he seemed to realize that this was the scene of the murder. As a graduate of the police school, he now has no gloves, foot covers, or any testing equipment. Breaking into the evidence may destroy the scene!

His outstretched feet immediately retracted and turned to look at the two bedrooms opposite.

The bedroom doors were all open, and the cousin's sheets had been stained red with blood, and his death was tragic. Looking at the next bedroom, the cousin was lying in a pool of blood, and a long blood trail was dragged out on the ground. It was obvious that she was struggling to crawl outside, but was brutally cut in half by the murderer.

Through the up and down, left and right movement of her eyes and the changes in her eyes, Cheng Xia showed Xu Ziyang's horror when she discovered that her relatives died tragically.

"Xiao Mo, Xiao Yun?"

"What the **** happened? Didn't you just have a good meal last night!!"

Cheng Xia suddenly yelled. He stretched out his fist and slammed his head, thinking he had hallucinations. However, after a while, he opened his eyes, closed them, and opened them again-there was still blood around him, and all his closest relatives in this world fell in a pool of blood!

Cheng Xiaju was about to split and accepted this fact with difficulty. He breathed quickly and his eyes instantly turned red. He gritted his teeth, clenched his hands into fists, and slowly withdrew from the crime scene. Then he squatted at the door, his whole body began to shake uncontrollably.

The teenager's tears continued to fall like an unscrewed faucet, and his face was covered with tears in a blink of an eye. He didn't even care to wipe it. The teardrops flowed down his cheeks into his neck, and quickly wetted him. Collar.

He seemed to come back to his senses, wiped his face embarrassedly, took out the phone from his pocket, his fingers trembling almost unable to hold, then clicked on the address book and dialed a number: "Team, captain, this is Xu Ziyang, Dongfu Jiayuan Community, No. 17, Renmin Road, Binjiang District, Building 7, Unit 1, Room 301, there was a homicide. I am at the scene, please send the police as soon as possible..."

"...The deceased had four people, a 45-year-old middle-aged couple, and one son and one daughter. The whole family was destroyed..."

The boy's voice was trembling and choking, but he made the address and the scene clearly.

After confirming the address with the captain repeatedly, he hung up the phone and started crying bitterly while holding his head. The depressive cry was like a wounded beast wailing, obviously there was no yelling, but it made people really feel it To his pain, despair and anger.

Director Zhu stared at the crying teenager squatting there. He held the ballpoint pen with his fingertips, and almost pinched it off.

I don't know how long it took before Cheng Xia stopped crying and stretched out her hand to wipe away tears.

The police colleagues are about to arrive. He can't lose face in front of everyone. He wants to catch this perverted murderer with his colleagues and seek justice for the tragic uncle's family!

A trace of determination floated in the boy's red eyes from crying. He quickly wiped away his tears, took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, turned and opened the door, and said as calmly as possible: "Team Liu, this is the scene of the murder."
