Chapter 62

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 62]

The seventh act ended here, but many people on the scene couldn't immediately get out of the plot.

Cheng Xia was crying too sincerely just now, that kind of depressed crying was more moving than yelling. Zhou Yan's eyes were already wet in the corner, and she couldn't even believe that the young man who was full of tension during the act just now was her newcomer Cheng Xia!

Could it be that the one-week closed training gave him such a big improvement? Perhaps this is the so-called "savvy" and "talent." It is also about participating in training. Cheng Xia can understand it as soon as he understands it, and can quickly apply what he has learned. It is really better than the newcomers in the same period.

Zhou Yan took a deep breath and looked at the boy in the middle with a complex expression.

Cheng Xia adjusted for a while and was relieved from the plot, turned around and bowed to Director Zhu: "I'm done, thank you teachers."

Zhu Zheng didn't know what to say. The boy was too involved in acting just now and brought him in. Without props and scenes, it is not easy to perform such a sense of space and layering against the air, let alone a newcomer.

From the position when entering the field, to the performance of every detail, to the end of the extremely infectious crying scene and the trembling of forcibly suppressing emotions, this young man is really amazing.

Director Zhu didn't look good just now. He thought that after Shu Yue retired and released the crew pigeons, Pei Shaoze randomly sent an Omega actor from Tianxuan to perfuse him. Unexpectedly, the newcomer Pei sent by would be so strong!

Director Zhu looked at Cheng Xia with a more gentle attitude: "Cheng Xia, can you tell me what you were thinking when you were crying?"

Cheng Xia's tears were not wiped clean, and her voice was a little choked: "I thought of my relatives. If one day, after I go home, I find that my parents are lying in a pool of blood and being divided, then I will be very sad. collapse..."

Zhu Zheng exchanged glances with the deputy director and screenwriter.

It is the easiest and most effective way to find emotions through association. However, there are not many actors who can do this. Some people think too much, they lose control during the performance, and it is very common for them to forget their lines. It is the most difficult thing to be able to find the feeling in the Lenovo scene, clearly remember the content that you want to interpret, and integrate the association and the character.

But Cheng Xia did it.

After watching the chaotic ghost cry and wolf howling all day, Director Zhu's head was about to be numb by those Alphas. Cheng Xia's performance was like a clear stream. That kind of silent and depressed crying was what Zhu Zheng wanted most. effect.

Zhu Zheng joked: "You are a very talented actor. Wipe your tears away first, otherwise you will go out later, and others will think you were crying by me."

The assistant director and screenwriter laughed aloud, Cheng Xia smiled embarrassedly, Zhou Yan hurried forward and handed him a tissue, Cheng Xia wiped away the tears, the red-eyed teenager smiled brightly. lovely. Zhu Zheng could hardly believe that an Omega anti-Alpha trainee policeman had no sense of disobedience. He nodded with satisfaction and said: "Go back first. Let's discuss it. We will notify you as soon as we have the result."

Cheng Xia bowed to them: "Thank you Director Zhu, thank you teachers."

He followed Zhou Yan and turned to go out.

Zhou Yan took him back to the entrance of the lounge and gave him a thumbs up: "Cheng Xia, you were really amazing just now." As an agent, she was so proud. Regardless of whether Cheng Xia can be selected this time, with Cheng Xia's age and talent, the future is absolutely boundless. Cheng Xia may become the most popular star she has ever brought.

Cheng Xia, who was praised by her agent, smiled shyly and said, "Sister Yan, my performance is not perfect."

Zhou Yan patted him on the shoulder: "You don't need to be humble, you are really good. Go to the room to rest, I'll inquire about the news, and see if there are any interested actors behind."

Cheng Xia nodded and opened the door to enter.

In the lounge, Pei Shaoze was waiting for him on the sofa. Seeing his eyes were red and there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes, Pei Shaoze's heart softened and he immediately stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong? I just cried?"

Cheng Xia sniffed: "I was in a crying scene." Maybe because he was too involved just now, he was still a little sad. The closest relatives, a family of four were tortured and killed, and seeing the **** corpse with his own eyes, Xu Ziyang was really miserable.

Pei Shaoze stretched out his hand, gently helped him wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes, and gently took the young boy into his arms: "It's okay, you are not Xu Ziyang, and your family has not been killed... You are Cheng Xia now, don't think about it. ."

Cheng Xia buried her face in Pei Shaoze's arms and hugged him tightly, her body still trembling slightly.

It is normal for Pei Shaoze to hold the teenager in his arms patiently to comfort him.

Alpha's slender fingers gently stroked Cheng Xia's head, as if calming a frightened little animal. Such gentle movements calmed Cheng Xia's mood gradually, and realized that she had wetted the man's shirt with her tears. Cheng Xia He took a half step back embarrassedly and left his embrace: "I'm sorry, I just got out of control just now, I..."

Pei Shaoze's eyes were gentle: "It doesn't matter. After those old dramas perform a crying scene, they have to adjust for a long time before they can calm down. You are a newcomer, and you have done well."

Cheng Xia finally returned to a smile: "Well, I don't think much about it."

Pei Shaoze rubbed his head: "The audition is over, no matter the result is good or bad, in my eyes, you are the best."

This sentence made Cheng Xia sweep away the haze before, and her mood became clear and happy. Anyway, Brother Pei thinks he is very good. If the director doesn't like his performance, it doesn't matter, at least Brother Pei approves of him.

The two were looking at each other warmly, and suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

When Zhou Yan entered the room, Cheng Xia was sitting on the sofa drinking water, Pei Shaoze stood aside, Cheng Xia's red eyes had already healed a lot, and her eyes were full of smiles: "Sister Yan, how is it outside, is the audition over?"

Zhou Yan said: "There are more than 10 newcomers who are not well-known."

Pei Shaoze said: "Today may not be the result. They have to discuss it when they go back. Let's have a meal upstairs."

He took Cheng Xia and Zhou Yan to the fifth floor by elevator and found a private room to sit down in the house.

Not long after eating, his cell phone suddenly rang, Pei Shaoze answered the phone: "Hello...Director Zhu?" He looked at Cheng Xia and Zhou Yan, and the two immediately pricked their ears to listen carefully.

Pei Shaoze raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "How is it, is Director Zhu satisfied with our family Cheng Xia's performance today?"

Zhu Zheng said solemnly: "I really didn't expect a newcomer to be so good. President Pei, this Cheng Xia is actually your hidden treasure. I want him to replace Shu Yue's'Tian Xuan brother' after Shu Yue retreats. Status?"

Pei Shaoze said: "You can think so." Not only Tianxuan, my family Cheng Xia will become the most popular Omega actor in the entertainment industry.

Director Zhu said: "After we discussed it, we decided to let Cheng Xia play Xu Ziyang. In terms of remuneration, should we talk to his agent or directly to Mr. Pei?"

Pei Shaoze said: "If it is convenient for Director Zhu, we will make an appointment tomorrow, and we will talk when we meet."

Upon hearing these words, Cheng Xia and Zhou Yan's eyes brightened at the same time. After Pei Shaoze hung up the phone, Zhou Yan asked in a trembling voice: "Pei, President Pei, this means...we Cheng Xia, have you chosen?!"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Yes, Director Zhu personally called."

Zhou Yan seemed to have drawn several million lottery tickets, dizzy by the sudden surprise.

Cheng Xia also clenched her fist happily. In order to play Xu Ziyang well, he practiced madly in the apartment repeatedly, not knowing how many times he cried, and his eyes were a little swollen this morning. He used an ice towel to get him back. Although it doesn't matter if you don't get elected, it's just an experience, but after working hard for so long, who wants to really lose the election?

What's more, Pei Shaoze also paid a lot for his audition. He took him to the police school to find feelings, went to the shooting gallery to practice guns, and even arranged training classes for him to learn from the experience of the older generations...

Now, he is selected.

He left the best impression on the director in the fiercely competitive audition, he did not fail his loved ones, nor did he fail himself!

Cheng Xia's excitement was beyond words. If it weren't for the presence of the agent, he really wanted to plunge into Pei Shaoze's arms and hug each other fiercely.

After dinner, Pei Shaoze asked the driver to drive the two back home.

Zhou Yan's house was relatively close, so he got out of the car first, and Pei Shaoze followed and sent Cheng Xia back to the artist's apartment.

With only two people left in the back row, Cheng Xia couldn't help but pounced into Pei Shaoze's arms.

Pei Shaoze, who was hugged actively, raised the corners of his lips, touched the young boy's hair, and asked, "Why, do you want to thank me?"

Cheng Xia whispered: "I can choose this time. You have helped me a lot."

"It should be." Pei Shaoze asked softly, "Do you have a psychological price for the pay?"

Cheng Xia thought for a while and said, "The film crew of "Folding Paper" is paid more than 100,000 yuan. This time I will play a male role. It's almost enough."

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Then I will call the shots for you."


The next day, Pei Shaoze brought his agent Zhou Yan and asked Director Zhu's team to have an interview in the restaurant.

While waiting for the food to be served, Director Zhu simply said: "President Pei, how is Cheng Xia's pay?"

The deputy director smiled and said: "Mr. Pei should know that Shu Yue's retreat has had a great negative impact on our crew. We publicly auditioned for new roles and spent a lot of money. The funding is really tight. Cheng Xia is the second man. Will you pay him 250,000 enough? This drama has 12 episodes in total, 20,000 per episode, which is not bad for newcomers."

Zhou Yan didn't dare to express any opinions. She felt that for a newcomer who hadn't released his work, the pay was indeed acceptable.

Pei Shaoze did not answer directly, but turned the subject away: "Shu Yue suddenly announced his withdrawal from the circle and caught you off guard. This is also because Tianxuan did not coordinate well, and Tianxuan is also responsible. If your crew is tight, I can increase investment. "

Director Zhu and the assistant director looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

Pei Shaoze immediately asked: "Who is the producer of this show? How much investment?"

Director Zhu said immediately: "Linhua Films has invested 10 million yuan, and several small film and television companies have jointly invested, which adds up to 5 million."

Pei Shaoze: "In other words, is the current fund transferable by the crew 15 million?"

The deputy director sighed helplessly: "Not so much. The initial publicity spent some money, and the public audition also spent a lot of money."

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Then I will invest another 10 million yuan in the name of Tianxuan, shouldn't it be enough?"

The few people seemed to have been hit by an easter egg falling from the sky, and their eyes changed when they looked at Pei Shaoze-this boss is simply a kid!

Pei Shaoze said: "I will talk to the boss of Lin Hua Films for specific matters. Then, they will send a director over there. I will be the producer and co-produce this show. What do you think?"

One company has insufficient funds and finds other companies for additional investment. There are countless examples of co-produced products in the circle. Lin Hua Pictures is a small investment company in the industry. It only invests in online dramas and can cooperate with large companies like Tianxuan. Their boss has no reason to refuse.

Director Zhu's always serious face also seemed a little excited: "The 12-episode drama, with an investment of 25 million yuan, has an average of 2 million yuan per episode. Of course, it is more than enough!" I would be frightened-even if you really buy a corpse from the hospital, you can't spend so much money! Besides, it is not a high-paid first-line actor!

Pei Shaoze explained: "There are sufficient funds to be used in music and post-production. Appropriate music rendering can instantly enhance the atmosphere of the whole show. We can find the most professional music studio to customize the whole process. Post-dubbing and prop processing In terms of details, it has also been done more delicately. For example, there are many clues in the corpse in this show. It is done carefully so that the audience will not look at it."

Zhu Zheng was all excited, and the previous blow by Shu Yue's withdrawal was gone. He even felt that if he made a fine product according to what Mr. Pei said, he could even participate in the year-end awards for this show!

The deputy director said excitedly: "Mr. Pei is right, the more funding, of course, the more the better, hahaha!" He was almost laughing from ear to ear. He didn't expect to eat a meal at random, and he got 10 million. Mr. Pei Are you really a spoiler?

Pei Shaoze changed his words: "If the funds are sufficient, the pay of the artists can also be appropriately increased. After all, filming criminal investigation dramas is more difficult than ordinary urban and campus dramas. I read the script, there are many rainstorms and other things to set off the atmosphere. Scene?"

Director Zhu immediately realized: "Of course! Although Cheng Xia is a double, but the role in the play is very important. The whole play is centered on the massacre of Uncle Xu Ziyang's family. Therefore, his pay should be the same as the hero. We will also increase the male lead's salary."

The assistant director in charge of finance quickly settled the account in his mind: "How about 880,000? The number is auspicious!"

Zhou Yan sat next to him in a panic. She seemed to understand what Mr. Pei did, but the final result was that her family Cheng Xia's pay was directly increased from 250,000 to 880,000! This is no longer a treatment for newcomers.

In case the word-of-mouth broadcast of "Folding Paper" broadcast during the summer vacation bursts, Cheng Xia's worth will be doubled in the future based on the pay of "The Traces of Disappearance", reaching the Million Club in front of her, and even entering the Ten Million Club !

That night, Cheng Xia, who saw the first version of the contract, rubbed her eyes vigorously.

880,000? so tall? !

His father has acted in movies all his life, and the highest movie pay is only 200,000.

He was only 19 years old and just made his debut. He couldn't believe it.

Cheng Xia guessed that Pei Shaoze must be contributing to this. He quickly took the phone and sent a message in the past: "What's the matter with my 880,000 salary? I'm still a newcomer. Isn't this salary too high? "

Pei Shaoze replied: "Your reputation does not get such a high salary. But your acting skills are worthy of this salary."

Cheng Xia: "..."

Pei Shaoze: "What's more, before the release of "The Lost Traces", "Folding Paper" will be released first. Then you will not be a newcomer. The salary I am fighting for you is within a reasonable range. No need to be embarrassed. Come to the company tomorrow. Sign the contract."

Hearing this explanation, Cheng Xia felt much better, and laughed: "This is the first time I made so much money, thank you Brother Pei!"

Pei Shaoze's birthday is November 23, when "The Traces of Disappearing" will definitely be over, and his pay should be available in full. His birthday brother Pei prepared gifts so carefully. When Brother Pei celebrates his birthday, he must use the money he earns to prepare an unforgettable birthday gift.
