Chapter 63

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 63]

Cheng Xia went to Tianxuan's Legal Department to sign the contract the next day. Zhou Yan was by her side throughout the entire process. After the Legal Department had stamped the seal, Zhou Yan took Cheng Xia to the President's Office on the top floor to confirm his signature.

Pei Shaoze took a glance at the contract, signed the name altogether, looked at Cheng Xia and asked, "Are you satisfied with the salary this time?"

Cheng Xia nodded: "I didn't expect to have so much money. I thought 200,000 would be almost the same..." After all, it is a web drama with a total of 12 episodes. With his current fame and worth of 880,000, it is indeed a bit high.

Pei Shaoze said: "At present, the highest-priced Omega actor in the circle has a salary of 50 million. You are still young and have insufficient qualifications. 880,000 is just the beginning for you. With your achievements, your salary will gradually rise in the future."

Zhou Yan's heart trembled when he heard it. President Pei's words meant it was obvious. He wants to train Cheng Xia into the front line of the circle with a salary of more than ten million? After Shu Yue retires, the Omega actors in Tianxuan will secretly compete for the position of "Big Brother". It seems that Mr. Pei is most interested in Cheng Xia. She was lucky enough to pick up a treasure, and she could follow Cheng Xia in the future.

After coming out of the office, Zhou Yan began to arrange the work at hand. She decided to personally accompany Cheng Xiajin's team to film "The Lost Traces".


The next day, Cheng Xia received a notice from the crew of "Folding Paper" to ask several leading actors to go to the dubbing room to redistribute lines. The noise of the live radio is too loud, and the effect is definitely not as clear as the later.

Cheng Xia came to the recording studio and spent two days. Just after finishing the dubbing on the folded paper side, he was drawn into the "Disappearing Traces Crew". Director Zhu said: "@All members, welcome everyone to join the Disappearing Traces crew. , I am the director Zhu Zheng."

The actors began to line up to post "Good Director Zhu".

Cheng Xia saw an avatar with the character "Pei" in the group members at a glance, and he immediately poked it in private: "Brother Pei, why are you also in the crew group?"

Pei Shaoze said: "They let me be a producer." He didn't directly say that he invested an additional 10 million yuan, just because he was afraid that the young boy would be wronged by the crew.

Cheng Xia sent a hug expression: "Great! Do you want to be with the group this time?"

"This time I can't follow the team like "Folding Paper" because "Folding Paper" has entered the post-production stage. I have to watch editing, dubbing, and scoring. After it is completed, I will submit for review. It will be very busy recently. He paused, and then sent a sentence: "But as long as I have time, I will go to the crew to see you."

Cheng Xia said sympathetically: "It's okay, don't run back and forth if you are busy with work. Sister Yan will come with me this time, no problem."

In the crew group, the deputy director popped up and said: "Hello everyone, we have decided to start this Saturday, June 6th. The crew will book everyone a unified flight ticket to Ya'an, the flight at 12:30 on the 5th. Everyone pay attention to arrange the itinerary."

To be able to start up so quickly, obviously, I have contacted the studio before, but the termination of the two leading actors has slowed the progress of the crew. Now that the actors are determined, Director Zhu naturally has to hurry up and finish the filming.

On June 6, this number sounds auspicious.

Cheng Xia packed up her luggage and went to the airport with her agent on the 5th. These days, he was too busy to stop like a top, but he liked the feeling of busyness and fulfillment. I thought that President Pei would not follow to Ya'an today. As a result, soon after boarding the plane, I saw a familiar Alpha approaching, and everyone around was politely saying hello: "Hello, President Pei!"

Since Pei Shaoze appeared, Cheng Xia's eyes have been on ALpha's body and can't move away.

Pei Shaoze walked to him and sat beside him. Pei Shaoze greeted him when he booked the tickets for the drama and arranged his location with Cheng Xia. He is the owner of Tianxuan, and it is reasonable to sit with his own artist.

Cheng Xia was worried that someone would see the relationship between the two and did not dare to do any intimate actions, so she only asked softly: "Hello, Mr. Pei."

Until the plane took off, the lights in the cabin were all off, Pei Shaoze suddenly gently held Cheng Xia's hand under the seat, with his fingers interlocking. Cheng Xia carefully held the opponent back. In public, this kind of "stealth" tension made Cheng Xia's heart beating.

After a while, he found that the boy was not sleeping with his eyes open. Pei Shaoze couldn't help but leaned over and asked in a low voice in his ear: "Are you sleepy? Sleep for a while, I'll use it as a pillow for you."

Thinking of the two previous experiences of sleeping with Pei always, Cheng Xia's face blushed slightly: "Not sleepy."

Pei Shaoze smiled, and took the initiative to put his hand on the young man's shoulder, letting him lean into his arms.

There are curtains between the seats in the first class. When the curtains are pulled, no one can see what they are doing. Cheng Xia leaned against Alpha's arms, and gradually, his mind became a little hot. The plane was flying smoothly in the air, but his heartbeat was not stable at all, and his whole heart was surrounded by a sense of happiness-it was as if he had this Alpha, he had the world.

The two cuddled together intimately until the plane landed before pretending to separate casually.

Accommodation is arranged in the "Ya'an International Hotel" near the film and television city. Due to Pei Shaoze's additional investment, the crew is now rich in wealth, and the actors and creators can afford to live in a five-star hotel.

The room arranged by the drama staff is on the same floor.

Everyone returned to the room to put their luggage, Pei Shaoze turned on the computer and started working. 80% of the post-editing production of "Folding Paper" has been completed, and today the editing studio sent him the final version of the first few episodes. The successful completion of a drama is only the first step, and there are many examples of bad editing and ruining the drama in the later stage, and he must personally check it.

At this moment, Cheng Xia sent a WeChat message: "Is Brother Pei staying in Room 701? I just saw you go to the corner."

Put the phone on the desktop, Pei Shaoze replied easily after seeing the pop-up message: "Yes, 701."

After a while, the doorbell rang outside.

Pei Shaoze thought it was the waiter of the hotel and got up to open the door. As soon as the door opened, he saw Cheng Xia standing at the door with a smile on his face, holding a delicate small box in his hand. Pei Shaoze looked at him unexpectedly and asked him to come in: "Why come to me suddenly?"

Cheng Xia said, "I thought, you will definitely use your computer to work overtime when you get back to your room. This time the hotel is close to the airport. It is only 3:30 and there are two hours before dinner. What if you are hungry? I'll give you Bring some pastries over here, so I'll cushion my stomach first."

He opened the tin box, and there were many delicate pastries with the size of a baby's fist lying in it, all vacuum-packed to keep them fresh. The patterns on the cakes looked familiar. Pei Shaoze remembered the cakes that Cheng Xia sent during the New Year, and asked, "Did you make them yourself?"

Cheng Xia nodded: "Well, I took the time to go home yesterday to pack some things, so I made some pastries at home by the way, and the vacuum packaging can keep them fresh for three days. Brother Pei, you can eat a few pieces first, as afternoon tea."

Unexpectedly, when he was busy working overtime here, Cheng Xia would actually give him some delicious food.

Pei Shaoze's heart warmed, put the iron box aside, and took Cheng Xia to the seat to sit down: "Tell you good news, the first few episodes of this series of folding paper, the studio just sent me, you Want to see it?"

Cheng Xia immediately became excited when she heard it: "Want to see! Have you finished dubbing and scoring?"

"Well, this is the fifth edition. The previous editions have some flaws, so I called them back and redoed them. I think this version is okay. You can watch the first episode first, and change it if you are not satisfied." Pei Shaoze said and clicked Play button to enlarge the screen of the first episode.

Cheng Xia sat at the table and looked at it seriously.

Sunshine, woods, campus trails, playground... As the camera progresses, the fresh and natural picture locks the whole story in a beautiful high school.

Cheng Xia saw herself coming out with her schoolbag on his back. At that time, I didn't feel that I was doing very well. But after post-processing, and the overall picture has become brighter after the overall color correction, the male protagonist who walked out of the school gate looks really good. It has raised a height.

Cheng Xia watched the first episode intently.

Pei Shaoze asked: "How is it?"

Cheng Xia seriously commented: "This is the most comfortable school drama I have ever watched. Regardless of the picture, tone, lens conversion, and close-up of the face taken by the camera, I can't fault it!"

It is not that he has filters for his own work, but the final version made under Pei Shaoze's control, which is really great.

Cheng Xia stood up and looked at Pei Shaoze's eyes brightly: "Brother Pei, you are really amazing. I can't tell that you have not produced a TV series before! The level of this drama, let alone a web drama, can be Kill a large number of star dramas!"

Pei Shaoze looked at him with admiration, couldn't help but smiled, reached out and touched Cheng Xia's head, and said: "I will do it, of course I will make a boutique. Since you think it's good, I will let them seize the time to edit according to this style. After submitting for review, we will try to release it in the summer vacation."

Cheng Xia is looking forward to it in her heart. I don't know how netizens would evaluate this work?

With a smile on his face, he took the tin box he brought with both hands and handed it to Pei Shaoze: "Brother Pei, you have worked hard, let's eat something first."

Pei Shaoze unpacked a red bean pastry and put it in his mouth.

It was a familiar taste. Cheng Xia's pastry making skills were indeed outstanding. The sweet but not greasy fragrance between his lips and teeth. After Pei Shaoze took one piece, his stomach felt much better. He took another piece and opened it, looking at Cheng Xia: "You eat a piece too."

Cheng Xia held the box in both hands, and Pei Shaoze simply handed the cake to the boy's mouth: "Open your mouth."

Does this mean to feed him?

Cheng Xia Ergen turned red and opened her mouth obediently, and Pei Shaoze gently sent the pastry into his mouth. Cheng Xia wanted to bite the pastry, but his teeth accidentally bit Pei Shaoze's finger and hurriedly blushed and retracted.

The numbness from the bitten fingertip spread all over the body like an electric current, Pei Shaoze's heart swayed slightly...

When a teenager eats, his cheeks are bulging, his lips are red, and he is very cute.

Pei Shaoze stared at Cheng Xia intently. Cheng Xia was seen hot on her cheeks, and hurriedly accelerated her eating speed. The pastry was originally a small piece, and he chewed it down in less than half a minute. After eating, Cheng Xia subconsciously licked the cake pieces beside her mouth. Just as she was about to speak, Pei Shaoze's eyes deepened suddenly, and he pulled him into his arms and kissed him fiercely.


Cheng Xia was caught off guard by the kiss.

Pei Shaoze's kiss came so fiercely that he even had the illusion that Pei Shaoze treated him as a pastry and wanted to eat him...

Cheng Xia's body was weak, and her hands tightly grasped Pei Shaoze's arm to support herself. The feeling of being treated as food made his scalp numb, his heartbeat was almost uncontrollable, his eyes were blurred, and his lips were even red and swollen by Pei Shaoze.

I don't know how long it has been, but thinking that there will be a meal tonight, Pei Shaoze just released the summer. Seeing his moist eyes, Pei Shaoze put his hand on the side of his face, gently rubbed the boy's hot cheek with his thumb, and whispered: "You are better than a snack."

Cheng Xia: "..."

What is this strange line? Mr. Pei still said it in a serious tone?

Cheng Xia flushed with shyness. Originally, he was worried that Mr. Pei would be hungry, so he simply sent cakes to Mr. Pei to eat, but it turned out that Mr. Pei hugged him and kissed him for a long time? It felt like he took the initiative to send it to the door and invited Alpha to taste it.

Cheng Xia's hand holding the iron box trembled slightly, and the box almost fell. Pei Shaoze had a sharp eye, took the box with one hand, put it aside, and explained in a low voice: "I mean, the sweet orange smell on you smells very good. "

The orange taste is the taste of Cheng Xia's pheromone. He personally thinks that this taste is like sweet and fragrant oranges, not as distinctive as those fresh and elegant Omega pheromones. Unexpectedly, Pei Shaoze actually said that his pheromone smells good?

Cheng Xia raised her head and looked at him: "Do you really smell good?"

Pei Shaoze's eyes were gentle: "Of course, it's sweet but not greasy, just like the iced orange juice in summer." When I didn't confirm the relationship some time ago, Pei Shaoze often dreamed that he was surrounded by a lot of sweet oranges. He was dreaming. I ate a lot of oranges, and then I thought about it carefully, this should be because Cheng Xia's pheromone left him too deep.

The pastry Cheng Xia ate just now happened to be filled with oranges.

Therefore, when I kiss Cheng Xia, my mouth is full of sweet and sweet oranges. It is very close to Cheng Xia's own pheromone. Pei Shaoze likes it very much. If it weren't for the dinner of the whole crew tonight, he really I want to kiss Cheng Xia for another half an hour.

Cheng Xia's lips were obviously red and swollen by the kiss. Pei Shaoze stretched out his hand and gently wiped his lips: "Sorry, I lost control just now... Your mouth was a little swollen. May I help you apply it?"

Cheng Xia nodded awkwardly.

Pei Shaoze found a pack of wet wipes and gently wiped Cheng Xia's hot mouth.

The temperature in the room is getting hotter and hotter. Cheng Xia, who was repeatedly wiped his lips by Alpha, was a little confused-he suddenly realized that Mr. Pei was really good at teasing after falling in love. He was almost going to be teased to the point of soft legs!

By the way, this Alpha still has an upright look, as if doing this is just to help Cheng Xia's mouth swell?

When Cheng Xia returned to God, Pei Shaoze had already retracted his hand, looked at him, and said in a low voice: "It's much better, others should not be able to tell."

Cheng Xia whispered: "Next time, don't kiss for so long."

Pei Shaoze: "...OK, I will pay attention."

The two looked at each other and looked away embarrassedly.
