Chapter 64

[Accidental Mark·64th Palm]

Pei Shaoze also felt that he had gone too far, and swollen the boy's mouth. It may be the reason why he hadn't seen it in a week. The moment he dreamed of Cheng Xia and took Cheng Xia into his arms, he was calm. , Reason is all missing.

This feeling of loss of control is a bit strange. Pei Shaoze put his hand on his lips, coughed uncomfortably, and changed the subject: "Eat these snacks first. It is not easy to save them after unpacking."

Cheng Xia nodded, and the two of them sat at the table and finished the snacks that Cheng Xia had brought.

Pei Shaoze gave Cheng Xia two more edited episodes of "Folding Paper". The time quickly went to 6 o'clock in the evening, and the two mobile phones rang at the same time. It was a message that popped up in the crew group: "@All members everyone is downstairs for dinner, tonight Director Zhu treats you!"

The two looked at each other, and Pei Shaoze got up and said, "I'll go out and have a look first. You can go back to the room if there is no problem."

It's not good to be hit by an Omega actor and enter the boss's room. Pei Shaoze went out to investigate, and then waved to Cheng Xia in the house. Cheng Xia quickly went out and slipped back to her room, and then pretended to be casual and went downstairs to eat.


Early the next morning, the entire crew came to Ya'an Film and Television City.

This was Cheng Xia's first time in the film and television city. He met several crews on the road, including costume dramas and gunfight movies. The entire film and television city is very large and has buildings of various styles. As the country's largest film and television base, countless excellent films are born here every year. Cheng Xia was very excited, and followed Director Zhu to the shooting location.

The bosses of Pei Shaoze and Lin Hua Films took the stage to give speeches, and the propaganda posters were also marked "Co-produced by Tianxuan Entertainment + Lin Hua Films". Cheng Xia only learned at this time that President Pei later added another 10 million yuan in investment-if he could not play the role of Xu Ziyang, President Pei would not be able to invest money in an unfamiliar crew for no reason. The additional investment was obviously because of him.

After the opening ceremony, the actors were called to interview reporters.

The reporters in the audience were surging, and the microphone almost hit his face. Cheng Xia was shocked. I didn't expect so many press conferences today. Director Zhu is indeed too famous. This time, the attention of the crew of "Disappearing Traces" is almost overwhelmed by the crew of "Folding Paper".

The reporters scrambled to pass the microphone forward--

"Cheng Xia, how did you, a newcomer with no works, get the role of Xu Ziyang?"

"Did Tianxuan add additional investment to the crew and force you into the crew?"

"Why do you, an Omega, want to play the Alpha policeman, is this for deliberate hype?"

"Do you have confidence in yourself? Can you play such a complicated role?"

This time the reporter, Pei Shaoze did not make arrangements in advance, so the questions asked were quite sharp.

Facing the siege of so many reporters for the first time, Cheng Xia was obviously a little flustered, but soon he calmed down, picked up the microphone, and replied in earnest: "Tianxuan did add additional investment, but it was not to help me with money. To grab a role is not to force me into the crew. Rather, after I auditioned for the role, the company made additional investment in order to make the filming of the show smoother."

A reporter immediately ridiculed: "You mean, in the competition with countless Alpha actors, you won the role by strength? Those Alpha actors are not as suitable as you as an Omega to play Xu Ziyang?"

Cheng Xia looked at the male reporter wearing glasses and asked, "Why can't I win the role by strength? This reporter friend is biased against Omega. Should Omega actors give way to Alpha?"

on site:"..."

This rhetorical question hit the nail on the head, causing the reporter who was looking for the fault to shut up instantly.

Zhou Yan wanted to go forward to maintain it, but Cheng Xia looked pretty sunny and lovely at ordinary times, and she was so sharp when facing reporters.

From a distance, Pei Shaoze frowned slightly watching this scene.

He wanted to protect Cheng Xia behind him so that Cheng Xia would not be questioned. However, if the young eagle wants to fly high, they must also learn to face the cold current by themselves. He can't stay with Cheng Xia forever. As Cheng Xia becomes famous, he will encounter more and more situations-unfriendly reporters, dirty media, black fans and naval forces attacking personally in vests. These public opinions are unfavorable to him. Learn to deal with it yourself.

Looking at the teenager being besieged by reporters, although it will feel a little distressed, Pei Shaoze knows that he can't raise Cheng Xia into a silly and sweet child who can only rely on him. Instead, he wants to make Cheng Xia stand alone and truly gain the recognition of the media and fans. Superstar.

Any superstar must learn to face the media alone.

The interview ended in an unpleasant atmosphere, and Director Zhu's face was ugly.

Traces of Disappearance This drama was not smooth from the beginning. At the beginning, in order to increase investment, it went to more than a dozen companies, large and small, and finally got the money and selected the actors. As a result, the two main actors appeared again, and they terminated the contract. . Now that Cheng Xia, an Omega, has been selected as a counter-acting performance, Cheng Xia, who is not well-known, has been questioned by the media.

Zhu Zheng said with a calm face: "No matter how many explanations they have now, they won't believe it. Only when the feature film comes out will they know how wise I chose Cheng Xia! Watching the cry of Cheng Xia, all of them should be Apologies for today's doubts and prejudices!"

Pei Shaoze suddenly asked: "Does Director Zhu believe in his own vision?"

Zhu Zheng was taken aback for a moment and nodded: "Of course."

Pei Shaoze said calmly: "I also believe that our family Cheng Xia will not let you down."

Zhu Zheng: "..."

Looking back, he found that Mr. Pei had always looked calm, but his eyes had been on Cheng Xia who was interviewed in the distance.

Zhu Zheng couldn't help but smile, and said: "The little guy looked pretty obedient, but it turned out to be a tiger pretending to be a kitten with sharp claws! Fortunately, I don't like actors who are weak and cry after being scolded by reporters. Cheng Xia's combat effectiveness is very strong, and she should not affect her next state because of a few questioning voices."

Pei Shaoze thought, can my Cheng Xia be strong? He carefully laid out the original work, stabbed Pei Zha to death and picked himself clean.

He is really behaved like a kitten at ordinary times. When he needs to fight, he will immediately stretch out the sharp claws of the tiger.

This is also what Pei Shaoze likes most. When encountering things, he will not be afraid or flinch, but will find a way to solve it. Cheng Xia's mentality has always been very good, otherwise, the abuse of the original book would have been mentally broken by ordinary people.

Seeing Cheng Xiachao came here, Director Zhu took the initiative to comfort him: "Those entertaining notes, lest the world will not be chaotic, and if you are a newcomer and bully, then ask all kinds of tricky questions. You don't have to worry about it."

Cheng Xia smiled brightly: "It doesn't matter Director Zhu, I will use facts to prove that their doubts are unreasonable. You chose me because I am suitable!"

Zhu Zheng's heart softened, and he reached out and patted Cheng Xia on the shoulder: "Very well, let's do the styling, and take the makeup photo later."

Cheng Xia was taken by her agent to the independent dressing room in the studio.

This time, Cheng Xia's makeup is a very gentle Omega sister, because Cheng Xia is only 19 years old, and her temperament is slightly green. Xu Ziyang who is going to play is a 22-year-old police academy graduate, and she has made Cheng Xia a little more mature.

The stylist brought the clothes over and put on Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia wore a blue police uniform, put on a hat, and took a prop gun to her waist.

Standing in front of the mirror, he was like a reborn, almost dare not recognize him!

When Pei Shaoze opened the door and came in, what he saw was this picture-Cheng Xia in a uniform was standing in front of the mirror and finishing her hat. Uniforms are indeed easy to improve the appearance of people. After putting on the uniforms, Cheng Xia seemed to instantly fade away from the immaturity of the school days, and he appeared a kind of sunny and handsome between a teenager and a youth, and even a bit of criminal police. Smart, capable and heroic!

Especially when you laugh, the bright smile makes it impossible to look away.

Seeing Pei Shaoze in the mirror, Cheng Xia immediately turned around and saluted Pei Shaoze.

This was taught by Coach Lin when Pei Shaoze took him to the police academy. Cheng Xia was very capable of learning, and his salute posture was quite standard.

Pei Shaoze's heart moved-in such a dress, he was really handsome, and he couldn't see that he was an Omega, and there was no sense of disobedience in his image. The young man in front of him is like a trainee criminal police who just walked out of the police academy and is full of enthusiasm and hope for life!

The upright, capable, vigorous, and heroic policeman is no different from the usually young and lovely sunshine boy.

Cheng Xia's plasticity is really too high, what to play and what to look like.

Zhou Yan came in with President Pei. After seeing Cheng Xia's new look, she immediately took out her mobile phone and snapped several photos of Cheng Xia's front and side.

Seeing Brother Pei's eyes staring at herself deeply, Cheng Xia was a little embarrassed, put down her hand, and asked seriously: "President Pei, Sister Yan, do you think I look like Xu Ziyang?"

His figure is slender and well-proportioned, without a trace of fat. His straight legs are tightly wrapped in tailored uniform pants. The black belt is tied around his waist to make his waist look extraordinarily thin. He has slender leather shoes on his feet. The whole set of clothes is also neatly ironed.

The image of the young and handsome criminal police officer is really amazing.

There are many people around, and it is not convenient for Pei Shaoze to make too intimate movements. He walked up to Cheng Xia and looked at his young boy with gentle eyes. Then he nodded appreciatively and said in a low voice: "Very handsome, very suitable. Xu Ziyang's character design."

Zhou Yan also praised: "Cheng Xia is really good-looking in uniform. This time the set-up photo is released, I will definitely be able to absorb another wave of Yan powder!"

Cheng Xia was embarrassed to be praised, but the praise of the two really made him a little more confident.

After a while, the assistant director asked him to go to the studio to take a makeup photo.

The role Cheng Xia wants to play is a policeman. The actions should not be too strange. He took a few serious photos according to the photographer's guidance, and took out the toy gun around his waist, made several shooting actions, and followed the requirements. Smiling at the camera...

After shooting for half an hour, the photographer was satisfied and handed over the photos to the post.

The girl who was in charge of the P picture in the later stage picked up her eyes, and thought that any one looked good. Pei Shaoze walked over and glanced at the photos on the computer, and said lightly: "Use this, a frontal photo with a smile... Also, send me all the photos of Cheng Xia for the company's publicity."

The girl had no doubts, packed the photos and sent them to Pei Shaoze's mailbox.

For publicity? Of course not so much. Pei Shaoze wanted to collect the photos of Cheng Xia wearing police uniforms as a souvenir.


In the evening, the publicity for the launching ceremony of "Disappearing Traces" was published overwhelmingly on major websites.

Since several suspense dramas filmed by Director Zhu have a very good reputation, the "Investigation Notes Series" ranks among the top three in the must-see list for suspense enthusiasts. When this drama was established, it has attracted many netizens and the media. attention.

Later, Shu Yue retired and stopped acting. The crew was forced to open the audition and set off a lot of trouble. Netizens were looking forward to the final role. As soon as the poster came out today, the online comments immediately began to divide into two levels.

Professor Lin's actor is a 30-year-old actor, and his image and temperament are more consistent. With the qualifications there, not many people question it.

But Xu Ziyang's actor is actually an unknown newcomer?

Many Yan Fans said: "This newcomer is very handsome!" "His looks are quite consistent!"

But most of the fans are questioning: "Director Zhu also bows his head for the money? This is obviously Tianxuan's money to force it in!"

"I heard that he has only acted in one school drama, so he dare to act Xu Ziyang at this level, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"He will definitely ruin this show. He can play Xu Ziyang well. I will live upside down and eat the keyboard!" "It's just a vase. Are there few beautiful newcomers in the entertainment industry? I really don't know why Director Zhu chose him. This is capital. Pressure?" "Oh, so disappointed!"

Due to a large number of questioning voices on the Internet, the topic of #Cheng Xia dares Xu Ziyang# was actually ranked in the top ten of the hot search.

Cheng Xia's Weibo has once again flooded with a lot of attention, and the number of fans has exceeded one million, but most of them are questioning him. Only a small number of passersby fans who watched the MV of Xia's performance at the beginning said that they can look forward to it and wait until the show is finished. .

Cheng Xia was scolded by netizens on hot searches.

He sat on the bed and looked at the large number of negative comments on the phone, feeling a little confused. He knows that his explanation is useless now. Netizens won't believe it, especially those angry keyboard guys, just like he dug the other side's ancestral grave. They are full of strong malice towards him, as if he wants him to apologize immediately. Calm the anger.

It's simply inexplicable. Director Zhu chose him naturally because he played well! Before the show was released, it started to spray. Have you all opened your eyes?

Cheng Xia ignored the messy speculations and doubts, and only reposted the crew Weibo: "Congratulations to the launch of "The Lost Crew", June 6th is such an auspicious day. I hope everything goes well for the next filming. I will try my best to perform well. Xu Ziyang's!"

Netizens who came to curse: "???"

After scolding for a long time, I have been scolded on hot search. Do you not give me a look? Are you still here to cheer, cheer?

Cheng Xia smiled and thought, even if you scold, I won't lose a piece of meat.

When the drama is released, you are welcome to turn black fans, thank you!
