Chapter 66

[Accidental Mark · Chapter Sixty-six]

Pei Shaoyan suddenly received a call from his brother in the middle of the night to ask him to fly to Ya'an on the next morning's flight. Pei Shaoyan looked inexplicable and whispered: "Did you not let me read the information at home and finish the script analysis as soon as possible? I am checking the information. Well go to Ya'an."

Pei Shaoze said: "I have something to go back to Rongcheng. Come over and learn from Director Zhu."

Pei Shaoyan immediately understood and corrected it with a smile: "No, it should be to help you take care of Cheng Xia, and learn from Director Zhu by the way."

"..." Pei Shaoze frowned, didn't linger with his brother on the details, and said simply: "Take off tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning and arrive at Ya'an at 12:30. The air ticket chapter assistant has already booked for you. This is your first time by yourself. Pay attention to safety when traveling far away."

Pei Shaoyan shrugged: "I'm eighteen years old, I can't lose it, don't worry!"

Pei Shaoze whispered: "When you arrive at the studio, send me a location."

Pei Shaoyan immediately said with a bitter face: "Isn't it, brother? You are still afraid that I will sneak out to play, what about the most basic trust between brothers?"

Pei Shaoze said: "You are my assistant now. After finishing the work arranged by the boss, it is your duty to report in time."

Pei Shaoyan: "..."

He really wanted to take the opportunity to sneak out and play for an afternoon, and then report to the crew at night. It seems that his brother knows him well, even if he goes to Ya'an alone, he can't run away. Pei Shaoyan sighed for a while and said: "I see, President Pei."

Pei Shaoze took back the phone.

He was actually not at ease to let his brother travel alone, so he arranged for someone to protect him on the same flight. But Pei Shaoyan has grown up at the age of eighteen, and he should slowly become sensible. He is not staring at him this time, hoping that his younger brother can be a little bit upward.


The next day, Pei Shaoqing flew back to Rongcheng early in the morning. After the flight landed, Pei Shaoyan took this flight to Ya'an.

At lunch time, Cheng Xia suddenly saw a familiar figure running towards him, and he looked intently in doubt-isn't this Mr. Pei's assistant Xiao Yan? How could he suddenly appear in the studio?

Pei Shaoyan ran all the way, and when he came to Cheng Xia, he panted and said: "Cheng Xia brother, long time no see, hehe."

Cheng Xia: "???"

What's the matter with a flattering smile?

Cheng Xia nodded towards him and asked, "Why are you here? Didn't Mr. Pei return to Rongcheng today?"

Pei Shaoyan whispered: "Because he went back, I was sent over as your bodyguard."

Cheng Xia didn't hear clearly, and looked at the young man in front of him in confusion.

Pei Shaoyan recovered and replied with a smile: "Ah, that's it. Mr. Pei is very busy. He has to go back to deal with the review and arrangement of the play "Folding Paper". Is it jointly produced by Lin Hua Pictures? We can't leave Tianxuan without anyone present, so Mr. Pei asked me to come over for him and work as a producer with Lin Hua's people."

Cheng Xia suddenly realized: "It turns out that's the case, it's hard for you."

Pei Shaoyan hurriedly waved his hand: "No hard work. I am nominally an associate producer. In fact, Pei always wants me to follow Lin Hua's supervisor and Director Zhu to learn more. Hey, I don't have any experience at all. Learn from the machine." He took out his phone and turned the camera, standing next to Cheng Xia, and said: "Cheng Xia, come take a group photo, and report to President Pei that I'm here."

Hearing that the photos were to be sent to President Pei, Cheng Xia immediately smiled brightly at the camera.

Pei Shaoyan pressed the capture button and sent the photo to her brother: "This one next to me is enough to prove that I'm on the crew?"

Pei Shaoze ignored the grimace younger brother in the photo and set his eyes on Cheng Xia. The young boy's condition looked very good and he was full of vigor. Pei Shaoze's lips curled, he saved the photo and replied: "If you are obedient, go and report to Director Zhu."

Only then did Pei Shaoyan put her phone away and said to Cheng Xia, "I'm going to report to the director first. Goodbye Cheng Xia!"

The young man turned and ran away with a suitcase in his hand.

Cheng Xia looked at his back, with some doubts--compared to Assistant Zhang's seriousness and rigor, how could this Assistant Yan act so freely? It was weird to change seats with Shen Kai on the plane, but it is also today, walking like being chased by a wolf?

Cheng Xia took out her mobile phone and sent a WeChat message to Pei Shaoze: "Brother Pei, your assistant, Xiao Yan, just came to the crew to report."

Pei Shaoze replied: "I know. If he makes trouble on the crew, you can tell me at any time."

Cheng Xia wondered: "Make trouble?"

Pei Shaoze didn't want to hide from Cheng Xia, so he simply said: "To tell you the truth, this guy is my own brother named Pei Shaoyan. He was too skinny at school, so I gave him the name of Yan Mo. Brought to the company to personally discipline."

Cheng Xia: "..."

Is it your own brother? ! No wonder Brother Pei had to take Xiao Yan wherever he went before.

After knowing Xiao Yan's true identity, Cheng Xia finally figured out his weird behavior-changing seats with Shen Kai on the plane; when President Pei was sick, he pretended to leave and gave them a night to spend the night together. time.

It turned out that my brother did everything for Cheng Xia to be alone with Pei Shaoze?

Really a good brother with good intentions.

Cheng Xia couldn't help but sighed: "Your brother is so sensible."

Pei Shaoze: "sensible?"

Where is he sensible? !

Cheng Xia sent a smiley face: "Don't worry, I will help you look at your brother."

Pei Shaoze said: "Well. Director Zhu is a well-known suspense drama director in the industry. The producer sent by Lin Hua Pictures is also an experienced senior. I want him to learn more with him, and I hope he will not get into trouble."

Cheng Xia said: "With so many people in the crew, I don't think Xiao Yan will be indiscreet. I will tell you in time if I have anything."

Pei Shaoze was relieved now.


Pei Shaoyan reported to Director Zhu and said that he was sent by President Pei to study.

Naturally, the crew sent by Tianxuan could not neglect. Director Zhu patiently arranged work for him and asked him to help Producer Xu from Lin Hua Pictures.

Lin Hua's Producer Xu is a Beta woman who is about 35 years old. Pei Shaoyan called "Sister Xu" sweetly. Soon she became familiar with her sister Xu and was very diligent in serving tea and pouring water. Sister Xu liked this little guy and taught him a lot of knowledge about being a producer.

Of course, every time Cheng Xia is filming, Pei Shaoyan ostensibly sits next to the director as a producer, but actually takes out her mobile phone and earnestly helps Cheng Xia take some on-the-spot photos. When he returns to the hotel at night, he will film today. After some intensive processing, made into a small video with music and sent to my brother.

Pei Shaoze: "...I asked you to be the paparazzi?"

Pei Shaoyan is confident: "I'm learning photography skills. This is the lens processing method I learned from Director Zhu today. Doesn't it look good?"

Pei Shaoze couldn't laugh or cry.

Perhaps it was really taught by Instructor Zhu, and his younger brother's photography skills have made a qualitative leap.

Although Pei Shaoze is in Rongcheng, he can see Cheng Xia's shooting progress every day, including what looks Cheng Xia changed and what clothes he wore today. There are "frontline paparazzi" Pei Shaoyan reporting for him in real time...

Pei Shaoze rubbed his temples and thought, if this younger brother is willing to spend his clever energy on the script, he will definitely have a lot of promise in the future.


After a few days, the relationship between Cheng Xia and Pei Shaoyan became more and more harmonious.

Pei Shaoyan is Pei Shaoze's own younger brother. If you look closely, there are three similarities between the eyebrows and the eyes. The more Cheng Xia sees it, the more he feels that his younger brother is very handsome and cute. He is the only child and has always wanted to have a younger sibling, so he just looked at Pei Shaoyan as his own brother, and he took care of Pei Shaoyan. He would also take the initiative to give Pei Shaoyan any snacks and delicious foods his assistant bought.

Cheng Xia is 19 years old and Pei Shaoyan is 18 years old. The two are about the same age and have no generation gap. They have been communicating on the same channel. Cheng Xia knows the singer Pei Shaoyan likes, and even Pei Shaoyan's favorite online game Cheng Xia has played. There are so many common topics.

Within a few days, Pei Shaoyan became clear about Cheng Xia's hobbies. When he was free, he ran to the nearby supermarket and bought a lot of Cheng Xia's favorite snacks. In order for Cheng Xia to be a good fan of the crew, he will buy more boxes of snacks and distribute them to the crew.

The staff especially liked this handsome "Yan Mo".

Every time I see him there is something delicious, who doesn't like it? The food of the crew has been upgraded to a higher level because of Pei Shaoyan's existence.

Even the director put a pile of peanut seeds on hand when filming.

Seeing that he bought so much, Cheng Xia couldn't help but feel sorry for his wallet, and asked in private: "Xiaoyan, is your pocket money enough? Although these fruit snacks are not expensive, you can buy them every day, right?"

Pei Shaoyan hated to shed a string of tears on the spot, and sighed with a bitter face: "Oh, it's too difficult for me! My current salary of 5,000 a month is barely enough. Now President Pei is not there. If I don't do anything, you Isn't a newcomer easy to be bullied?" He mysteriously leaned to Cheng Xia's ear and said, "I checked the film and television forums, and many people said that the filming will go smoothly if you have a good relationship with the crew and the crew. The simplest The way is to buy more snacks and fruits. They will not embarrass you if they eat the snacks you buy every day."

These snacks such as biscuits and melon seeds cost about one hundred yuan a day, which adds up to no more than five thousand a month.

It's nothing to a star, and it's not worth mentioning in the eyes of President Pei. However, Pei Shaoyan is now very pitiful, and his family has cut off his source of income. President Pei is very strict when he is the older brother. If Pei Shaoyan spends most of the money Take it to buy snacks, doesn't he have no money to spend?

This kind of thing should have been done by an agent or assistant, but Pei Shaoyan had thought about it so thoughtfully.

Cheng Xia thought of this and said, "Well, you buy snacks for me, and I will reimburse you for all the money you spend in the future."

Pei Shaoyan's eyes lit up, but his mouth said, "Is this bad?"

Cheng Xia smiled and said, "You are welcome, you should, I also have income, how can I let my brother spend money."

Pei Shaoyan was taken aback: "Brother?"

Cheng Xia leaned over and whispered: "Your brother told me that you are Pei Shaoyan, his brother."

Pei Shaoyan smiled and scratched his head: "Well, hahaha, then we don't have to act with each other. Am I privately calling your sister-in-law? You are a boy, isn't it strange to call your sister-in-law..."

Cheng Xia blushed and said, "Just call me brother."

Pei Shaoyan asked mysteriously: "When will he take you home to see your parents? My mother asks me every day, who your brother likes and what he looks like, I'm almost annoying! My brother makes me Keep it secret first, I didn't even dare to talk about your two."

Cheng Xia said: "Don't worry, he also considers me. When the time is right, I will visit my uncle and auntie."

Pei Shaoyan smiled and nodded: "My brother used to be very inadequate to clean up. He often went outside to play all night. After meeting you, his temperament changed drastically. All day long, except for work, it is you. I can see that he is really very good. Love you. The last time you were injured, he was mad and drove me to the airport in the middle of the night, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot all the way. I never saw him care about a person so much."

Cheng Xia nodded earnestly: "I know."

Pei Shaoyan immediately said: "If you have anything you want to know, you can also ask me!"

Cheng Xia curiously asked: "Has he ever been in a relationship before?"

Pei Shaoyan immediately shook his head: "No, I can guarantee that. Although he likes to hang out with that group of friends, but most of the time he goes to private kitchens to drink. My brother is quite principled in his private life. He feels that the young masters of those clubs are not It's too clean, so I never mess around outside. You should be his first, hehehe."

Cheng Xia blushed and thought, your brother is indeed very principled. He hasn't marked me up to now, not even temporarily.

After most of Alpha and Omega confirm the relationship, they can't help but go to the last step and mark each other.

It turns out that Brother Pei is embarrassed just because he has no experience?

Alpha's genes have a desire to conquer, and their physiological needs are stronger than those of Beta and Omega. Many Alphas will find some friends to solve their physiological problems after they reach adulthood. Before they meet a lover who wants to stay together for a lifetime, Alpha finds it online. Temporary partners are also very common.

Today's era is very open. There is no need to guard oneself before marriage, and there are many people who remarry after divorce. In fact, Cheng Xia didn't mind Pei Shaoze's past at all—he didn't expect that his younger brother actually said that Pei Shaoze had never had a temporary partner?

Therefore, Brother Pei is just inexperienced, so he was worried about hurting him when he was marked, so didn't he worry about taking him?

Brother Pei is really too gentle.

Cheng Xia thought, when the time is right in the future, she can also take the initiative.

If Pei Shaoze can't, Cheng Xia can teach him. After all, Omega's physiology class was taken alone in high school. The teacher explained in great detail. Cheng Xia's theoretical knowledge was also 100 points on the test...

Although he has no actual combat experience, Omega definitely knows his body better than Alpha.

Cheng Xia feels that if I teach Brother Pei myself, the marking process should be much smoother?

Cheng Xia, who blushed as she thought about it, secretly made up her mind—it's only June, and Pei's birthday is in November. If Pei is really embarrassed and respects him too much, he can't bear to mark him for half a year. , When the time comes, he will pack himself and send it to the door to teach Pei Shaoze how to mark an Omega.

It was so happily decided.
