Chapter 75

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 75]

They all say "spread rumors and rumors, run off their legs", even if the live broadcast of Cheng Xia's case was watched by millions of people, and the court announced the results of the verdict, there are still some conspiracy theories, or pretending to be invisible or inaudible. All kinds of cynicism at Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia didn't care about this small group of people. It is impossible for everyone to accept him and believe him. No matter how powerful a celebrity is, there will be black fans. What's more, he is a newcomer who has just emerged?

All he needs is fairness.

After being hacked by the entire network for three days, Cheng Xia was already very satisfied with so many people who accepted the explanation and gave him a message and apologized, even driving the sales of Folding Paper. As for the future, will there be any stains on his body, and will anyone hold on to this matter? He doesn't mind at all-he has a clear conscience, and fans who like him can trust him, that's enough.

That night, Cheng Xia forwarded the audition video of the crew and released a statement: "I wanted to be an actor since I was a child. "Folding Paper" is my first work. I am very happy to be recognized by the director and author. I got the role of Qin Nian. Have a clear conscience, thank you for your willingness to trust me. [Bi Xin] [Bi Xin]"

After the release of this Weibo, fans immediately left positive comments. Director Liu, screenwriter Xu, author Lemongrass and others reposted Weibo to support Cheng Xia, and Pei Shaoze also reposted Weibo with a comment: "The rumors stop at the wise."

Many netizens came to Pei Shaoze's Weibo to leave a message: "President Pei always mocks people so directly." "Pei means that people who still believe in rumors are too stupid!" "When will President Pei debut? It's a waste not to make a debut." "President Pei will make his debut soon, Tianxuan Brother is you."

Pei Shaoze: "...?"

Why does his Weibo flood into so many weird netizens, clamoring for him to debut.

What Pei Shaoze didn't know was that because he appeared in person at the court hearing today and calmly said, "What is the difference between marking an out-of-control Omega and rape-rapist?" countless netizens were affected by his aura and appearance. I was convinced, followed his Weibo, and became his fans.

Tianxuan's new boss is so young and handsome, and he personally defends Tianxuan's artists!

It's really A and handsome! So handsome to make Omega's legs soft!

There were even some funny **** in the message: "President Pei asks for a mark, I will give you a monkey." "President Pei, I am a Beta, can you take a look at me?" "What kind of Omega Pei likes, I follow You can change your preferences, and plastic surgery can also be done." "Hahaha, President Pei's Weibo was captured by Omegas, and President Pei has become the CEO of the Internet celebrity with the most fans."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

This was not his intention. He was used to being behind the scenes and didn't like to interrogate netizens. Besides, he already has Cheng Xia, and he doesn't bother to look at the other Omegas again.


With the verdict of the case and the release of the live video of the audition of "Folding Paper", netizens finally believe that Cheng Xia is a talented and motivated newcomer, and the reason why he was maliciously discredited must be because of the good results of "Folding Paper" and competitors Want to mess with him.

Out of sympathy, netizens poured into Linghu TV to buy dramas.

This campus drama is well-produced, the plot is easy and beautiful, most of the people who have watched it will give a five-star evaluation, more and more praise, the purchase volume is rising steadily, and the actors such as Shen Kai and Ye Mingqian from the same crew have also followed, and fans have risen wildly. !

As of August 10th, no one on the Internet was scolding Cheng Xia anymore, but there were more and more discussions about the sales of "Folding Paper".

In the fiercely competitive summer season, due to several other dramas in Waterloo, the original most humble "Folding Paper" broke out of the siege, riding the dust, and steadily occupying the double champion throne in broadcast volume and purchase volume for a week!

The boss of Linghu TV personally met with Pei Shaoze to discuss the exclusive broadcasting rights of the next drama "The Lost Traces", but Pei Shaoze declined to say that "this drama has not finished yet".

At the beginning, he talked about cooperation with Linghu TV and gave each other a high share. At that time, no one wanted to believe him. They all thought that "Folding Paper" would lose money and offered a low price of 3 million. Now that the results of "Folding Paper" are there, the three platforms that talked to him about collapse will definitely offer better conditions and beg to cooperate with him. This time he took the initiative and there was no need to worry.

After the trial, Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia returned to Ya'an Film and Television City.

The filming of the disappearing traces plot has entered the final stage. Today we are going to film a chase in the rain. After a detailed investigation, detective Xu Ziyang and forensic doctor Lynch finally identified the murderer as a tenant living in the same community. Xu Ziyang tracked all the way, but the other party noticed his tracking and used the familiar terrain to set up a lot of obstacles for him, and he slipped away without a trace.

There are heavy rains, scenes change quickly, and although there are not many lines, there are a lot of action scenes. Many staff thought that Cheng Xia had experienced large-scale ridicule and abuse on Weibo, and had just returned from the court hearing. She might feel depressed and could not shoot this scene.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Xia entered the play very quickly. The moment he saw the murderer riding his bicycle out of the alley, his eyes suddenly changed. The hateful look that he could not wait to grab him and tear him into pieces, he found Xu Ziyang in an instant when he faced the murderer who killed his family and family. a feeling of!

Cheng Xia pressed the brim of her hat and quickly caught up.

The crew borrowed a fire engine to set up a water pipe to splash water, causing a pouring rain.

The rain was pouring down, and the visibility of the hazy rain was only more than ten meters, but Cheng Xia stared at the black figure in front of him like a hunter, staring at the black figure in front of him. He completely ignored the heavy rain and wiped his clothes. Keep up with the rain on your face.

However, a fallen bamboo pole broke the silence in the rain alley, and Cheng Xia quickly ducked behind the clothes pole.

The man in black turned his head and looked behind him with a bad smile on his lips.

The murderer was walking through the alleys with complicated terrain like walking a dog. Xu Ziyang braved the heavy rain to chase all the way, and after chasing several alleys in a row, only to find that he had lost the opponent. Xu Ziyang slammed his fist against the wall in annoyance, and even a trace of blood leaked from the back of his hand.

Today, it has been a month since the uncle's family of four were killed. He and Professor Lin found out the suspect, but there is no evidence.

There is no evidence!

Hate, self-blame, frustration, and a strong sense of powerlessness caused the young Xu Ziyang's mind to suffer severe shocks. He leaned against the cold wall of the alley and wiped the water marks on his face embarrassedly, without knowing that. Is it rain or tears.

Performance without lines is very difficult.

In the first shot, Cheng Xia made a mistake and was almost hit by the bamboo pole of the props. NG made a comeback.

The second time, he chased while paying attention to the route, but he didn't take his expression into consideration, so he NG again.

Third, fourth...

Over and over again, Cheng Xia's clothes were all soaked.

Pei Shaoze sat next to him, feeling distressed. Being an actor is not easy, but seeing Cheng Xia being soaked and running over and over in the torrential rain, he really wanted to rush to hold Cheng Xia into his arms.

The assistant took a very thick coat. Every time Cheng Xia NG came back, he would put the coat on Cheng Xia and give him a hand warmer and hot water. Although the temperature in Ya'an today is 28 degrees, she still can't stand the rain. Cheng Xia's body was trembling from the cold, and her body gradually became stiff.

Once the body is stiff, the movement will be very unnatural.

Director Zhu shouted: "Cheng Xia, take a 10-minute rest. The performance just now was pretty good, and the details need to be refined."

Cheng Xia smiled and nodded: "Good Director Zhu!"

He is never afraid of hardship or crying tired. He will act as the director asks him to act. He will not be impatient after filming a running scene ten times over and over again. The crew can't help feeling that this newcomer is really. It's too hard. There is not a trace of celebrity and Omega's squeamishness. The script almost never leaves his hand. There are dense labels written on it. When I am idle, I sit next to me and memorize the script. I rarely play on my mobile phone.

How could such a hard-working, diligent and hardworking young man be such a lowly person who uses his body to seduce his boss for the sake of his superiors? As long as it is an actor or crew member who has worked with Cheng Xia, they will believe in Cheng Xia's character.

The fifth time.

Cheng Xia braved the rain to chase the murderer. This performance was perfect, especially in the last scene. The chagrin, pain, self-blame, and helplessness of being escaped by the murderer, the young detective leaned against the cold wall and rubbed with his hands embarrassedly. His face, time after time, but the rain on his face couldn't be wiped off. Director Zhu knew that tears were constantly pouring in Cheng Xia's eyes.

Rain and tears are mixed together, and there is no flaw in the camera's close-up shots.

Director Zhu took a deep breath and said loudly: "Very well, pass!"

The sprinkler turned off and the heavy rain stopped abruptly. Cheng Xia leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath to adjust her emotions.

He was too entertaining. Every time he thought of Xu Ziyang's family being killed but hardly finding the murderer, he felt very sad. In today's scene, he seemed to be Xu Ziyang, watching the murderer slip away from him, and the feeling of collapse made him feel the same...

Pei Shaoze walked in front of Cheng Xia, the boy was soaked all over, and because of this, the clothes were tightly attached to the body, drawing a beautiful body line.

The thin waist without a trace of fat can be easily hugged with one arm.

Slender and straight legs, wrapped in soaked pants, revealing a green and **** temptation.

The boy's fair skin was drenched with moist luster, and his hair was drooping wet. The rain that had not been cleaned flowed down his cheeks into his neck, slid over the delicate collarbone, and slid into the depths of his clothes.

The people around were busy sorting out tools. Pei Shaoze's heart jumped, and his Adam's apple rolled violently. He almost subconsciously took the coat and quickly wrapped Cheng Xia, his voice was hoarse: "You are all over. Soaking wet, go change clothes quickly and be careful of colds."

Cheng Xia sniffed: "Yeah."

Assistant Rong Jie brought clean clothes and took Cheng Xia to the fitting room.

Pei Shaoze squeezed his fist lightly, and this suppressed the impulse that had just risen inexplicably-Cheng Xia, who was soaked all over, made Pei Shaoze want to hold him in his arms suddenly, embrace him warmly, occupy him, and warm him with his body. he...

This thought flashed through his mind, and Pei Shaoze quickly recovered his sanity.

He always felt that his emotions were not normal, especially when he saw many people commenting on Cheng Xia's Weibo: "Xia Xia is my dream love O. I dreamed about Xia Xia again last night." "I like it after reading the folded paper. Cheng Xia, how could there be such a cute Omega!" "Hate that I am not Alpha, or I will grab Cheng Xia from you!" "No, Cheng Xia belongs to me, you stand aside."

With more and more comments like this, Pei Shaoze's possessiveness towards Cheng Xia has become more and more intense.

Cheng Xia belongs to him.

Even if one day Cheng Xia will have tens of millions of fans, after leaving the spotlight and lens, Cheng Xia must belong to him alone.

Today, Cheng Xia, who is soaked all over, is so sultry and **** that she is terribly seductive. Pei Shaoze rubbed his temples and forced himself to calm down, and then returned to Director Zhu: "Director Zhu, I will treat you to the finale, please treat everyone well."


Since Cheng Xia was particularly brilliant after returning to the crew, she was not affected by the scandal at all, and the shooting of the next few scenes was also exceptionally smooth. On August 15, "The Lost Traces" was officially completed.

The crew took a group photo, the photo mileage Xia wearing the police uniform just before filming, smiling brightly. Immediately after the photo was released, countless fans praised: "I don't have any sense of violation in Xiaxia's police uniform!" "It's so handsome, looking forward to your new drama!"

The 12-episode drama was filmed for two months. It can be seen that Director Zhu used the "film quality" as the standard to shoot, and every frame of the picture must be perfect.

The day of the finale banquet happened to be Director Zhu's birthday. The filming of this drama was very difficult, and now it is finally finished. The whole crew is very excited and scribbles everywhere with cakes. Cheng Xia's face was covered with a lot of cream, but no one dared to paint Pei Shaoze—after all, Pei always sat there too majestic, and strangers did not dare to approach.

Looking at the little boy with a creamy face, Pei Shaoze smiled and said, "How do you paint like this?"

Cheng Xia was a little embarrassed, and blinked and said, "I'll go back and wash it again, or they will have to apply it!"

The finale banquet was very late, and the group broke up at eleven.

Cheng Xia hurriedly returned to the room to wash her face, and saw her creamy face in the mirror, he couldn't help thinking, Pei must have been laughing at him just now?

He washed his face quickly, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and put on clean pajamas.

At the same time, Pei Shaoze also took a shower in the bathroom.

It's very strange that the shadow of Cheng Xia always appeared in his mind, sometimes it was Cheng Xia who was young and **** after being soaked in the rain that day, and sometimes it was Cheng Xia who was smiling and sunny and lovely... the picture in his mind flashed back and forth , The body's reaction is gradually out of control.

Pei Shaoze turned the shower switch to the cold water side.

However, the cold water poured down, still unable to suppress this idea.

He seldom loses control, remembering that he almost lost control for the first time in his life. He had just entered the book world and was affected by pheromone.

what is it today? After drinking two glasses of wine at the finale, it wouldn't be like this.

The smell of pheromone in the house is getting stronger and stronger. It was the woody fragrance that belonged to him, like a beast that had been bound for a long time, suddenly breaking through the cage, radiating frantically around...

The man clenched his fist, the blue veins on the back of his hand burst, and his eyes gradually became bloodshot.

The muscles in his chest undulated slightly, his breathing became more and more rapid, the temperature in the bathroom seemed to rise suddenly, his heartbeat was on the verge of losing control, and his body reaction was so strong that he almost drove him crazy.

Pei Shaoze turned the shower's cold water to its maximum.

He didn't know that at this time, he was like a hungry beast, crazily eager to find his prey.

After a while, the door suddenly opened with a beep.

It was Pei Shaoyan who came in, he had the key card of the big brother's room.

Originally there was something to discuss with my brother, but as soon as he entered the door, the attacking Alpha pheromone almost made his legs weak as Alpha. Pei Shaoyan rushed to the bathroom door: "Damn, brother, are you vulnerable? Ah? Is this pheromone going to stun people?!"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

Alpha also has a susceptibility period?
