Chapter 76

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 76]

Cheng Xia lay on the bed after taking a shower, and swiped Weibo with her mobile phone.

Before I finished reading the comment, the phone rang suddenly. It was a voice call from Pei Shaoyan.

Cheng Xia connected suspiciously: "Xiaoyan?"

Pei Shaoyan's voice was furious: "Come and see my brother, I really convinced him!"

Cheng Xia sat up nervously, "What's wrong with your brother? Didn't you feel uncomfortable after drinking at the banquet today?"

Pei Shaoyan was dumbfounded: "He is susceptible!"

Cheng Xia: "..."

Brother Pei doesn't know when his susceptibility period is? Did not prepare Alpha inhibitors in advance? Regardless of his strong work ability, this Alpha has a calm and calm appearance when he encounters everything, but his life is so-so, and he doesn't even remember his susceptibility period.

This was repeatedly emphasized by the teacher in the high school physiology class.

Omega's estrus-estrus needs to be injected with a long-acting inhibitor to control it, and the susceptibility period of Alpha is the same. If you don't prepare inhibitors in advance, if Alpha suddenly enters a susceptible period in public, it is simply an irrational beast. It will frantically attack all the unmarked Omegas passing by. It is very scary, maybe even He was arrested by the police for forced sedation and detained for education.

Brother Pei must have been too busy recently and was careless for a while?

Cheng Xia quickly changed clothes and asked worriedly: "How is he now? Xiaoyan, do you have an Alpha inhibitor."

Pei Shaoyan wanted to vomit blood very much: "I only brought the pheromone masking agent, it doesn't work at all! You come and help, if this continues, I am worried that he will demolish the house!"

Cheng Xia: "..."

Unable to imagine the calm and wise Pei Shaoze going crazy to demolish the house.

Cheng Xia put on her shoes and went out. He opened the door, looked around to make sure that there was no one in the corridor, and then quickly slipped to the door of Pei Shaoze's room and rang the doorbell. Pei Shaoyan had been waiting at the door for a long time. As soon as Cheng Xia knocked on the door, he immediately opened the door to let Cheng Xia enter the house, and said bitterly: "I can't help but call you. What do you think of next? Call an ambulance, or... ...You help him?"

Cheng Xia thought to herself, taking 120 ambulances to **** Pei Shaoze to the hospital. Although the problem can also be solved, the ambulances are always honking "Wow Wow Wow". Take it to the hospital. It is estimated that early tomorrow morning, the news that "the president of Tianxuan Entertainment was out of control during the susceptible period was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment" will make headlines in social news.

That's really shameful.

Cheng Xia gave a light cough and said, "Just call an ambulance. After all, your brother is the owner of Tianxuan, and it will not affect him well."

Pei Shaoyan looked at Cheng Xia: "You are willing to..."

Cheng Xia blushed and nodded: "I will help him solve it."

The two are now in a romantic relationship, and it is reasonable to help their Alpha through the susceptible period.

Pei Shaoyan smiled and said: "That's great! I'll withdraw first. If you have any needs, please call me."

Cheng Xia said, "Don't worry, I will take care of him."

After all, I got a perfect score in the physiology exam, which is much better than Alpha, who doesn't study well.


Pei Shaoyan turned and left, and Cheng Xia followed the smell of pheromone to the bathroom and gently opened the door.

The pheromone rushing to the face was like a huge wave, almost making Cheng Xia's legs weak instantly!

Alpha's pheromone is too strong, and the rich flavor densely envelops Cheng Xia, penetrates into every pore, and quickly swallows Cheng Xia. Cheng Xia immediately reached out to support the sink next to her, which allowed herself to stand firm.

And Alpha, which is located in the center of pheromone release, is frantically flushing cold water at this time. The shower above his head has been opened to the maximum. The cold water hits his body, and his whole body becomes rigid and tight due to the beat of the cold water. stretch.

The tall and slender Alpha showed her sexiest side completely before Cheng Xia's eyes.

The strong chest muscles of adult men are well-defined, the neat eight-pack abdominal muscles make the heartbeat, and...

Cheng Xia saw what she shouldn't, and her cheeks were instantly red.

Pei Shaoze's sturdy chest was heaving violently, and he noticed someone walking into the bathroom. He thought it was his younger brother Pei Shaoyan, so he hoarsely said, "Shaoyan, call Dr. Qin quickly..."

Cheng Xia walked up to him and said softly: "Brother Pei, it's me."

Pei Shaoze turned around.

Alpha's eyes were red, and he was obviously on the verge of collapse. A thin figure appeared in his blurred vision. The faint smell of orange on his body was refreshing. The boy's eyes looked at him worriedly and met those dreamy eyes. , Pei Shaoze's brain buzzed, like a short circuit caused by sparks splashing after two wires touched.

He no longer knew what he should do, but instinctively pulled Cheng Xia into his arms, pressed it against the wall and kissed fiercely.

"Hmm..." Cheng Xia knocked her head against the wall, slamming her eyes with gold stars.

He wanted to reach out to turn off the shower, but when Pei Shaoze pressed it like this, before his hand could reach the switch of the shower, the overwhelming kiss fell. His hands were pressed against the wall by Pei Shaoze, unable to resist.

Pei Shaoze has lost his mind, and kissing has become unorganized.

The rude kiss is like a hungry beast gnawing its prey, with a strong possessiveness, with a hot breath spraying into the nose, and the lips are heavy on the soft lips of the young man, almost to swallow Cheng Xia whole belly.

Cheng Xia's body became soft after being kissed, and her lips were bitten and swollen soon.

Wrapped in the strong Alpha pheromone, Cheng Xia was dizzy and her mind went blank. The cold water above his head made his clothes wet again, but he didn't feel cold at all, and Alpha's hot breath sprayed into his nose, making his entire face almost burning.

Cheng Xia trembled: "Pei, Brother Pei...uh..."

Pei Shaoze didn't respond, still cheating frantically according to him.

There was a **** smell in the air, and Cheng Xia's mouth was actually bitten by Pei Shaoze.

Perhaps it was the **** stimulus that made Pei Shaoze regain his sanity.

He stopped suddenly and looked at the boy in front of him with red eyes.

Realizing that he actually bit Cheng Xia's lips, a strong sense of self-blame came to his mind, Pei Shaoze stubbornly resisted the urge to violently encroach on the people in front of him, and said dumbly: "Cheng Xia, why are you here?"

Cheng Xia was pulled back to reason and whispered: "You are susceptible, I will help you."

Pei Shaoze frowned and let go of Cheng Xia: "Quickly get out, I'm not in the right situation, it will hurt you..."

Cheng Xia's heart suddenly softened into a ball.

This Alpha is still doing its best, even worried about hurting me, let me leave?

If Alpha does not inject inhibitors or label Omega during the susceptible period, it will be driven crazy by pheromones!

Cheng Xia quickly turned off the shower, looked at Pei Shaoze with clear eyes, and said softly: "Brother Pei, you are my boyfriend. We like each other, so what you do to me...I won't mind. "

Pei Shaoze knew that there was something wrong with his whole body, and that kind of ferocious impulse like a beast was constantly crushing his reason.

However, he had just bitten Cheng Xia and bleeding. If he allowed himself to continue at this time, he really couldn't guarantee to control his strength...He was afraid that he would lose his mind and be too rude and severely injured.

How could he be willing to hurt Cheng Xia?

Pei Shaoze's chest was undulating violently, his hands supporting the bathroom wall were tightly clenched into fists, the veins on the back of his hands violently, his eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was hoarse to the extreme: "I don't want to hurt you...I... I can't control myself...Call the doctor..."

Cheng Xia rolled her eyes, and soon understood Pei Ge's concerns.

Alpha is really crazy during the susceptible period. There is a risk of hurting Omega or even tearing Omega behind him. Pei Shaoze still restrains himself with his remaining reason, worrying that he will hurt the other party.

Cheng Xia suddenly injected a warmth into her heart-he really loves me, right? So even in the susceptible period, I don't want to mess around for fear of hurting me. Such restrained Alpha is really a rare treasure in the world.

Pei Shaoze is about to lose control, Cheng Xia is still sensible, he touched the position of the glands on the back of his neck, and said softly: "Brother Pei, you can give me a temporary mark. That will make me feel much better... Don't be afraid of hurting me. It's okay to bite here."

This has been taught by hand, should Brother Pei learn it too?

Cheng Xia turned her head slightly, her ears were red, and she showed her white and slender neck in front of Pei Shaoze.

Pei Shaoze's eyes darkened instantly.

The teenager's neck is very beautiful, his fair skin is slightly tight, and there is a hidden gland under the skin on the back of the neck. This is an important place to release Omega pheromone, and it is also the most fragile and sensitive organ of Omega.

Pei Shaoze's heart beat violently.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the back of Cheng Xia's neck with his thumb.

The boy shyly shrank his neck, but quickly blushed and moved his neck to Pei Shaoze's mouth: "Just bite here..."

Pei Shaoze tremblingly kissed the back of the boy's neck and slowly pierced the skin with his teeth.


Cheng Xia's body suddenly tightened.

Teeth pierced the glands, and his whole body shuddered uncontrollably as if it was electrified. This feeling was really shameful, but when he thought that the person behind him was his brother Pei, Cheng Xia didn't care about anything.

Cheng Xia supported the sink with her hands, closed her eyes and silently endured.

Pei Shaoze found that after tasting the taste of Cheng Xia's glands, the whole body was really more comfortable. It was like the depressed emotions finally found a catharsis outlet, just like a traveler who had been hungry and thirsty for a long time in the desert finally found that it was full of water. oasis...

Unexpectedly sweet and delicious.

He hugged Cheng Xia tightly and bit down hard--

The gland was completely punctured and Alpha's pheromone rushed over fiercely. Cheng Xia's whole body was soft and his legs were so soft that he could hardly stand. He held the edge of the sink with his hands tightly to keep himself from losing face. The ground slid to the ground.

The strong wood scent poured into the glands frantically, and slowly flowed through the whole body of Omega along with the blood. The whole body seemed to be stained with Pei Shaoze's pheromone smell. Cheng Xia's eyelashes trembled violently, feeling this never before. Pheromone fusion.

At that moment, it seemed that their souls were all fused together.

A row of clear teeth was bitten out on the back of the neck, and the skin was bleeding a little.

The fragile glands were completely penetrated, the Omega in his arms kept shaking, Pei Shaoze's red eyes gradually restored clarity.

The pheromone smell in the room was much lighter than before, and Pei Shaoze's sanity finally returned to his mind.

Because the Alpha pheromone that was on the verge of getting out of control finally got a way to vent, Pei Shaoze gradually calmed down. He lowered his head and looked at the boy in his arms carefully. Just now, without any measure, he actually bit Cheng Xia's skin and the scarlet blood was shocking. .

Pei Shaoze felt very distressed, and hurriedly hugged the trembling young man, took a dry towel and wiped the cold water off each other. He carried Cheng Xia all the way back to the bedroom. Worrying that Cheng Xia would catch a cold, he hurriedly pulled a quilt over Cheng Xia's body.

Cheng Xia's eyes, who were temporarily marked, had lost their focus and looked a little fragile.

Pei Shaoze put Cheng Xia into his arms, kissed the boy's forehead, and asked softly, "Is the back of my neck bleeding, does it still hurt?"

Cheng Xia slowly recovered, buried her face in Pei Shaoze's arms, and whispered, "It doesn't hurt."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

He only now understands what the susceptibility period is. Alpha will be dazzled by the pheromone and do some crazy things like beasts. Thanks to Cheng Xia, otherwise, he really didn't know what ugly things he would do when he lost control.

Pei Shaoze has lingering fears.

After hearing that Omega would become pregnant last time, he specifically checked Omega's physiology and knew that there was a mysterious space in Omega's body that could give birth to children. However, Alpha has a susceptibility period... he really didn't pay attention! He thought that Alpha was just a pheromone that would affect Omega, so just use masking spray to cover up the pheromone.

Unexpectedly, the susceptibility period was so fierce that it almost caused him to make a big mistake.

Pei Shaoze took a deep breath. He has now recovered his senses. Looking at Cheng Xia's bitten lips, Pei Shaoze leaned in distressedly and kissed Cheng Xia's lips, and said softly: "Sorry, I...not anymore. "

He decided to make up the high school physiology class from start to finish.

Cheng Xia was very comfortable being kissed, stretched out her hand to hug Pei Shaoze's waist, and said: "It's okay, Pei has no experience for the first time, I can understand."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

Cough, really inexperienced. When you encounter this situation in the future, you should bite lightly, at least not to bite.

Cheng Xia hugged him tightly, leaning in his arms, with bright eyes, and whispered: "I am now full of the smell of Brother Pei... You marked me, and temporary marking is also a way of stamping. . From now on, I will be yours."

The bright eyes of the teenager made Pei Shaoze's heart move, and he said dumbly: "I am yours too."

He covered the two of them with a quilt and gently kissed Cheng Xia. The kiss came to the location of the glands without knowing it. Pei Shaoze stopped and asked in a low voice: "Yes, can you bite again?"

Cheng Xia: "..."

You are still addicted to biting!

Pei Shaoze looked innocent: "The taste is too good."

Cheng Xia blushed and shrank her neck: "Then you, you go on..."

The tooth pierced the gland again.

However, with the experience just now, Pei Shaoze's action this time has become cautious, as if he was tasting the most precious food. He gently and slowly bit through Omega's glands and gently injected his pheromone into Cheng Xia's body.

Cheng Xia trembled, closed her eyes and curled up in Pei Shaoze's arms.

Although the settings of the ABO world are messy, at this moment, Pei Shaoze suddenly felt...

It feels good to mark Omega.

It's like completely enclosing one's beloved baby in his arms, no one can take it away again.

Cheng Xia said that this is a temporary mark.

Are there any other marks? He had to go back and look through the information carefully.
