Chapter 77

[Accidental Mark · Chapter Seventy-seven]

Cheng Xia was awakened by a ringing of the telephone. When she woke up, she found herself sleeping in Pei Shaoze's arms. Alpha's arms were gently wrapped around his waist, while his face was pressed against Pei Shaoze's strong chest. The familiar smell of pheromone fills the nose of the man, and he can clearly hear the steady and powerful heartbeat from the other's chest.

The phone rang non-stop, and Pei Shaoze woke up soon. Seeing that the young man in his arms was raising his head, looking at him sleepily, Pei Shaoze's lips raised lightly, and he leaned over to kiss the young man's forehead and whispered: "I will help you take it."

Pei Shaoze looked around, and soon found Cheng Xia's clothes on the sofa.

When he carried Cheng Xia to bed last night, he put his clothes on here. Alpha experienced a susceptibility period and was exhausted. Cheng Xia was also dizzy after being temporarily marked. The two finally hugged and slept in a bed. If it weren't for this call, they might have to sleep until noon.

Pei Shaoze brought Cheng Xia's clothes, took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, and handed it to him, "It's your father's phone number."

Cheng Xia suddenly became completely drowsy, and quickly took the phone and pressed the call, and whispered, "Hey, Dad."

Cheng Yiming's voice was shaking with anger: "Cheng Xia, I know all about it!"

Cheng Xia touched the bitten nape with a guilty conscience: "You, how do you know..."

Cheng Yiming angrily said: "It is spreading everywhere on the Internet. I didn't expect that Zhao Wenxiu, a beast, would actually harm you! Why didn't you tell your parents? You told us about Zhao Wenxiu's medicine in the first place, but later you also concealed the injury and hospitalization. At home? Your mother and I have been kept in the dark. You have suffered so many wrongs outside!"

It turned out that Dad was talking about this. Cheng Xia hurriedly comforted: "Dad, don't get excited, don't you have a heart attack? I was afraid that it would irritate you, so I didn't dare to talk about it. President Pei has already helped deal with the release agent. Shallow, it's not serious at all. I didn't want to make you worry so I didn't say... Don't think about it, the matter has been resolved, and everything is fine for me now."

Jiang Qiong answered the phone: "My hardships are resolved, I turned through the comments on the Internet, those people scolded you very badly. Xia Xia, parents want to come and see you, are you still filming in Ya'an, convenient Come to visit the class?"

"It's finished, you don't use it to visit the squad." Cheng Xia blurted out. He was just marked by Alpha last night, and his parents came to see him. There must be no way to hide this. He didn't know how to explain to his parents.

At this moment, the shoulder was suddenly lightly embraced by a hand, Cheng Xia raised her head questioningly and met Pei Shaoze's gentle gaze. The man leaned in his ear and whispered: "Let them come over, they must be very worried about you."

Cheng Xia quickly pressed the phone's microphone and blushed and said, "But, I was marked by you. Now I have your taste all over my body. My parents will definitely notice something wrong, I..."

Pei Shaoze gently rubbed the boy's head: "Don't be afraid, let me explain."

Cheng Xia was taken aback: "You, do you explain?"

Pei Shaoze looked calm: "Don't you want to introduce your boyfriend to your parents?"

Cheng Xia: "..."

Is it too early to meet the parents at this time? However, he had already marked himself last night. Now that the two have decided to be together, it seems reasonable to see the parents? Thinking of this, Cheng Xia picked up her mobile phone and said, "Mom, let me tell the agent that you and Dad can come over, and I will send you the hotel location later."

After hanging up the phone, Pei Shaoze picked up the phone and sent a location to Cheng Xia, saying: "I invite my uncles and aunts to dinner, and you directly send them the location of the restaurant. This private restaurant has been there before. The location is very hidden and there will be no paparazzi. ."

Cheng Xia nodded obediently, sent the location to her mother through WeChat, and arranged to meet at the restaurant at 12 noon.

After putting away their mobile phones, the two looked at each other, and Cheng Xia was a little embarrassed: "Are you really going to see my parents?"

Pei Shaoze's eyes were gentle: "I marked you, you will be mine in the future, and I should know your parents and tell them that I will take good care of their son."

The glands at the back of the neck were not sure if they were affected by Pei Shaoze, beating suddenly, and gradually formed a consistent frequency with the "pop" heartbeat. Cheng Xia now smells of Alpha all over his body, and he only feels particularly at ease by staying with his Alpha.

Thinking of this, Cheng Xia took the initiative to hug Pei Shaoze and said, "Actually, I am not completely yours now. The temporary mark can be covered, and it will not last long..."

Pei Shaoze immediately raised his eyebrows: "covered?"

It seems that Brother Pei didn't even listen to this class well? Cheng Xia patiently explained: "Omega is temporarily marked by a certain Alpha, and there will be an Alpha breath on the body for a while. If there is another Alpha and then mark him, the original pheromone will be overwritten. So, After Omega breaks up with Alpha who he doesn't like, he can still find new lovers..."

Pei Shaoze pulled Cheng Xia into his arms and looked at him seriously, with a cold voice: "Will you let another Alpha cover my mark?"

Cheng Xia was eager to survive and shook her head hurriedly: "I'm just giving an example! The lifetime mark will not be covered."

"Hmm... Lifetime Mark..." Pei Shaoze was lost in thought.

The ABO world is really troublesome, there are several kinds of marks? Biting the back of the neck is only temporary and can be covered after the expiration date. How could he allow other Alphas to take away his ownership of Cheng Xia? The lifetime mark cannot be overwritten, it sounds like a permanent version.

It seems that when you look back, you have to study carefully what the lifetime mark is, and find a suitable time to stamp Cheng Xia with a permanent version.

When Cheng Xia saw that Brother Pei looked serious and lost his thoughts, he suppressed his smile and thought---Brother Pei, I will give you science popularization for the theory course. If you don't know how to mark for life, I can do the practice class. Teach you personally.

The next moment, Cheng Xia's eyes turned around, Pei Shaoze wrapped him in his arms and kissed him fiercely.

As if expressing the dissatisfaction that "temporary marks can be covered" just now, Alpha's kiss this time was very domineering and full of possessiveness. Cheng Xia was kissed so that his whole body became soft, until he repeatedly assured that "No one will be covered." A mark", Pei Shaoze let him go.


After eleven o'clock at noon, Cheng Xia and her agent asked for leave, put on masks, sunglasses and a hat, and took the elevator to the underground garage of the hotel.

Pei Shaoze waited by the car, and when he saw Cheng Xia, he took the initiative to open the door for him.

Today's Pei Shaoze is dressed very formally, in a neatly ironed suit and a dark blue tie, his hair is neatly combed, and his leather shoes are clean and clean. Cheng Xia smiled and said, "Eating in private instead of going to a meeting. There is no need to dress in such a formal way, right?"

Pei Shaoze said solemnly: "When you meet for the first time, you have to leave a good impression on your uncle and aunt."

The man has a long body and looks more upright and handsome in a suit. Cheng Xia walked up to him and looked up at him, leaning in and jokingly said, "So handsome, you can make your debut!"

Pei Shaoze led Cheng Xia into the back row and let Uncle Zhong drive.

The car quickly drove to the private restaurant.

As a junior, Pei Shaoze must arrive early for dinner. He took Cheng Xia to the reserved private room No. 1. The environment of this private restaurant is very good. The courtyard has small bridges and flowing water, pavilions, terraces and pavilions. The architectural style is very charming, and the house is decorated. It is also very simple and simple. There is a set of exquisite purple clay teapots on the wooden coffee table. Open the window, and there is a lush garden outside with the fragrance of flowers.

Before Cheng Xia's parents arrived, he sent a message to his mother: "Mom, come directly to private room 1."

Jiang Qiong replied: "There are still 5 minutes, it's almost there."

Pei Shaoze has participated in so many meetings, and he can look at ease in any big scene, but today he is the parent who meets his lover. He is worried that Cheng Xia's parents don't like him, and he feels a little nervous.

However, he quickly adjusted his expression and made a pot of tea by himself.

After a while, Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong pushed the door into the house.

When Jiang Qiong saw her son, she walked over with a smile: "Xia Xia, I haven't seen you for a while, why are you thin!" She walked over to hug her son, but sharply noticed that there was a man sitting next to her. Jiang Qiong's movements were immediately stiff. live.

Cheng Yiming also found Alpha sitting next to Cheng Xia, and said in a puzzled manner: "This is?"

Cheng Xia took the initiative to introduce: "This is our President Pei..."

Cheng Yiming suddenly realized: "Oh, hello, Mr. Pei! I called us before, and my family's Cheng Xia was full of trouble this time, thanks to Mr. Pei's help!" After all, he is his son's boss, and Cheng Yiming's attitude is more kind. .

Pei Shaoze stood up and proactively stretched out his hand: "Hello Uncle Cheng, Aunt Jiang, I am Pei Shaoze."

Both Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong shook hands with him politely, but they were wondering in their hearts, why this President Pei also came over after having a meal with their son.

Pei Shaoze poured tea for the two respectfully and said, "Uncle, aunt, sit down first."

The two pulled out their chairs and sat down.

Jiang Qiong and Cheng Xia sat close, and soon discovered that their son was wrong. She has raised her son for so many years, and she is familiar with the pheromone in her son, but today, the original sweet orange smell is actually covered by a cold woody fragrance. She glanced at the back of Cheng Xia's neck. Although some medicine was applied there, she still could clearly see the redness and swelling of the glands after being bitten, and the clear tooth marks left on the skin.

Jiang Qiong's face suddenly changed: "Xiaxia, have you been marked?"

When Cheng Yiming heard this, he immediately roared: "Which **** did it?!"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

This one in front of you.

Cheng Yiming stared at Cheng Xia with an expression of hatred for iron and steel, "Didn't I tell you, you are still young and you are not 20 years old. Career should be the focus of your career. Don't just follow the Alpha in the entertainment industry." Fall in love! Why don't you listen!"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

This is the tone of the old father. When I was educating Cheng Xia before, the lines were similar to Cheng Yiming.

Cheng Xia also thought of the scene when Pei Shaoze used similar lines to educate him, and could not help but interrupted his father with a blushing face: "Dad, I have grown up, and when I meet someone I like, why can't I fall in love?"

Cheng Yiming said with a sullen face: "You are only 19 years old. If you don't want to improve your acting skills, you can just let Alpha mark it at a young age. If this happens, how do you explain it? You still think that the navy that discredited you was not enough. Is it scary?"

Jiang Qiong realized that an outsider was there, and hurriedly stabbed her husband in the arm, lowering her voice: "Pei is always here. I'll talk about it when we go home."

Pei Shaoze interrupted suddenly: "Let's make it clear-uncle, aunt, I marked Cheng Xia."

Cheng Yiming: "???"

Jiang Qiong: "..."

The two of them froze at the same time, and looked back at Pei Shaoze.

Pei Shaoze put his fist to his lips and coughed lightly, and explained: "I am Cheng Xia's boyfriend. We have been together for several months. This time I marked a proficient accident. The specific reason... It is not convenient to explain. But I I can guarantee that I did not force Cheng Xia."

Cheng Yiming looked back at his son, almost staring a hole in Cheng Xia's face. Cheng Xia hurriedly explained: "Dad, it's not what you think. There are no unspoken rules and no coercion. Brother Pei and I like each other. I was marked by him voluntarily!"

Cheng Yiming's temple jumped sharply.

The little cabbage that was raised with great difficulty was picked up by the pigs, and the little cabbage kept saying, I volunteered to be picked up!

He didn't know whether to beat Pei Shaoze, or better to take his own Cheng Xia back to clean up?

Jiang Qiong calmed down quickly: "You...were you together after the pheromone lost control? However, the court trial did not prove it. President Pei did not mark Cheng Xia at the time?"

Pei Shaoze explained: "Auntie, I did not mark Cheng Xia that time. I wouldn't rashly mark an unfamiliar Omega. Cheng Xia and I were in the same crew when we were filming "Folding Paper". I like it. We were only together in May this year."

Seeing Cheng Yiming's complex expression, Pei Shaoze continued: "I respect Cheng Xia very much. I'm only worried about him being ridiculed by others. Cheng Xia is a very talented actor. His career has just started. I will help him secretly, but not. He will spend money to grab resources for him like a gold master. So far, all the roles have been obtained by Cheng Xia himself. Uncle, don't doubt my sincerity for Cheng Xia because of my identity."

After all, Pei Shaoze used to have bad reviews, and he often went to various clubs. The elders would inevitably suspect that he just regarded Cheng Xia as a plaything. Especially Cheng Yiming, who protects his shortcomings to the extreme, is of course worried that his son will be bullied and wronged.

The huge identity gap between the boss and the artist really makes it hard to believe the boss's sincerity.

Pei Shaoze promised in a low voice: "When I meet with you today, I also want to give you a promise-I will protect Cheng Xia. In the future, I will not let Cheng Xia suffer any wrongs. I will take care of him."

Neither Cheng Yiming nor Jiang Qiong spoke.

Pei Shaoze continued: "If the two are not at ease, wait for Cheng Xia to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry in two years, I will let him set up his own studio, no longer controlled by Tianxuan. In addition, this Spring Festival, I will I made a formal visit and took Cheng Xia home to see my parents."

Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong looked at each other.

pay a visit to? See your parents?

If President Pei only regards Cheng Xia as his lover or plaything, then there is really no need to meet his parents. There are too many bosses in the circle who are supporting lovers. Who will meet with both parents? Only those who are serious about this relationship and rush to get married will they see their parents...

Cheng Yiming looked at Pei Shaoze seriously: "Do you really like my son?"

Pei Shaoze glanced at Cheng Xia, her eyes soft: "Of course. Cheng Xia is the person I want to cherish most in this world."

Cheng Xia's heart was warm, and she secretly shook Pei Shaoze's fingers under the table, and said roundly: "Dad, mom, don't embarrass Brother Pei, Brother Pei is very good to me. I really like him and want to talk to him. Together!"

Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong: "..."

The little cabbage that has finally grown up has long legs and has to run into Alpha's arms?

Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong can't stop them, what else can they do?

Pei Shaoze was very relieved that the young saplings he had raised for so long had learned to protect himself.

This feels so good.
