Chapter 78

[Accidental Mark·Chapter 78]

The meal ended in a strange atmosphere, Pei Shaoze took the initiative to pay.

While he was out, Cheng Yiming hurriedly frowned and sat next to his son, with an expression of regret: "What kind of person Pei Shaoze is, do you really understand? You are not afraid that he is just playing with you? He is after all It's Tianxuan's boss, what kind of people are there? Why are you so devoted to him!"

Jiang Qiong said softly: "Xia Xia, parents are also worried that you were deceived by his sweet words."

Cheng Xia thought amused, Pei Ge didn't speak sweet words at all, he would only use actions to show his care for a person. His love for himself cannot be fake. If this can be pretended, then his acting skills are too great.

"Parents, don't worry, I know it in my heart." Cheng Xia looked at the two and said seriously, "Time can tell everything. If he acts in front of me, he can't act for a lifetime, right?"

Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong looked at their son's steadfast expression, and they couldn't say anything more.

After the meal, Pei Shaoze personally drove Cheng Xia's parents back to the hotel, while he went to the airport, and the plane flew to Rongcheng that night.

This time, the owner of Winnie TV personally met with him, wanting to talk to him about the exclusive broadcasting rights of the next drama "The Lost Traces".

Pei Shaoze still remembered that their manager Chen gave a buyout price of 3 million for "Folding Paper" last time, and looked disdainful. Now he took the initiative to lower his figure and called the big boss Jiang Zhi to come in person, which was enough to give Pei Shaoze face.

At the dinner, Pei Shaoze said simply: "I'm sorry for this drama, I won't give you exclusive broadcasting rights."

Mr. Chen was about to smile with a flower on his face, and his tone was quite kind: "Mr. Pei, last time I had no eyes and failed to see the great potential of our "Folding Paper". You adults don't remember the villain. This time, we really want to cooperate with you very sincerely, whether it's a high-priced buyout, box office splitting, advance on-demand, all kinds of methods can be discussed."

Pei Shaoze is not a person who bears grudges. In the business field, he only talks about interests. The last cooperation talks down does not mean that he will not cooperate in the future. It's just that he really doesn't want "Traces of Disappearing" to be broadcast exclusively on Bear TV.

Pei Shaoze calmly took a sip from his teacup, and said lightly: "You should know the fame of Director Zhu. The suspense drama he shot before is ranked in the top three on the score list all the year round. From my point of view, this "Traces of Disappearance" "Hopefully won the first place in the category of suspense drama."

Several executives of Cubs TV looked at each other.

Type first, this is not a joke! Once a certain drama scores the first place in a certain TV drama genre, then audiences who like this theme will definitely follow the trend to watch it. Human beings all have a herd mentality. Click on the list of suspense dramas and see "The Lost Traces" ranks first. Then this drama does not need to be advertised, just relying on word of mouth, there will be a steady stream of traffic!

President Jiang's expression immediately became serious: "I believe in Director Zhu's level and President Pei's vision. Our Little Bear TV is the video platform with the largest number of members in China. You can open a satisfactory condition and we will discuss it carefully."

Pei Shaoze's voice is calm: "You don't understand what I mean. I will not give the exclusive broadcast rights to Little Bear TV, nor the exclusive broadcast rights to any platform. I want to broadcast this drama simultaneously across the entire network."

Everyone: "..."

The whole network is synchronized, that's the treatment that the hot IP dramas and well-known star TV dramas can get!

Where does a 12-episode suspense drama come from?

Pei Shaoze immediately said: "Of course, if Jiang always feels that this drama is not eligible for the whole network synchronization, or that you don't want to share this cup, we don't need to cooperate. I will continue to talk with other platforms."

President Jiang: "..."

Young people will really get rid of them!

The results of the upper part of the play "Folding Paper" are there. Linghu TV has made a lot of money. The newly registered members who were attracted by "Folding Paper" alone have increased by several million, and the pure profit earned by lying down has been It broke 100 million. Now, who else dares to look down upon this President Pei?

He was less than 30 years old, and his first investment in a campus drama made more than ten times the income of the entire network. When Cheng Xia was discredited, he remained silent, dormant for three days and then thunder attacked, reversing the situation in one breath. With such courage, public relations companies in the industry are ashamed.

Not cooperate with him? At that time, other platforms will have "Disappearing Traces" played synchronously, but will Bear TV? Wouldn't it be because you watched a large piece of fat being divided up by your peers and couldn't even drink the broth? !

President Jiang was silent for a moment, then smiled and raised his wine glass: "Mr. Pei, it's really scary to be born later."

This old fried dough stick is a dozen years older than Pei Shaoze. Pei Shaoze didn't want to offend him. Hearing this, he politely raised his wine glass and touched him: "Happy cooperation. In the future, the drama in my hand, as well as Your chance to continue working together."

President Jiang laughed and said, "Then I look forward to President Pei's investment in shooting more boutiques!"

The two clinked glasses altogether and agreed on the broadcast mode of "The Lost Traces".

After Winnie TV was settled, other platforms moved after hearing the wind and threw olive branches to Pei Shaoze.

President Liu of Linghu TV said bitterly, "Didn't you say that we should give priority to us? We can offer the best conditions!"

Pei Shaoze smiled and said: "Sorry, I still think "The Traces of Disappearing" is more suitable to be broadcast on all platforms. Linghu will also be on the shelves here. You can recommend it more. Anyway, every platform will broadcast it. , Every platform has benefits."

Mr. Liu was helpless: "Then the division this time?"

Pei Shaoze said gently: "Last time we scored four or six points, this time is not as good as three or seven?"

President Liu was stunned for a moment, and he quickly reacted: "It must be you seven and us three, right!"

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Mr Liu is right."

Mr. Liu almost vomited blood: "...You are really an old fox! You are less than 30 years old, so cunning, how can you get it in the future?"

Because of the broadcast of "Folding Paper", the two have become familiar with each other during this period of time, and Mr. Liu's joke is at the point. cunning? The businessman is not cunning anymore, Pei Shaoze will only strive for the best benefit for himself when negotiating. As a TV series producer, it is fundamental to have a good relationship with the video platform, but if the quality of the TV series itself is excellent, then he has the initiative.

The corner of Pei Shaoze's lips lightly raised, and he whispered: "Mr. Liu has praised. Win-win cooperation. Isn't it good for everyone to make money together?"

Mr. Liu: "...Well, I will let the legal affairs contract tomorrow. I hope you will achieve better results in the next drama!"

The bosses of major video platforms love and hate Pei Shaoze.

He didn't give the exclusive broadcasting rights to anyone, but the lion opened his mouth and wanted to use the whole platform together?

At this time, it's the platform's turn to be embarrassed. You must make time for this show. You can't fall behind when other platforms broadcast it! The homepage of other platforms has been advertised, your recommendation is not strong, and the income is not high enough, that is your own problem!

The competitive and win-win broadcast model has made all major platforms like chicken blood, and they have begun to prepare for the promotion of this drama early.

After all, Director Zhu is the leader of the suspense drama director circles. The quality of the series shot is exquisite, not to mention the picture quality. Each episode is watched separately, it is like a movie. Pei Shaoze found the best domestic music studio to create a thriller-style soundtrack and theme song for the show. The post-production company also found a first-class editing and special effects team in the industry.

The twelve-episode drama is short and sturdy, the plot is intense and exciting, full of suspense, and the characters are flesh and blood. Pei Shaoze said that this drama can win the first place in the category of suspense dramas, and it is not empty talk. He has seen a lot of suspense dramas in reality, and Director Zhu's film is really good.

Cheng Xia's performance in it is also remarkable. There is no sense of violation of the Alpha Criminal Police, and her acting skills have improved greatly compared with the first school drama. Pei Shaoze is confident that this play will achieve better results than "Folding Paper".


The summer vacation soon passed, and the competitive summer vacation officially ended.

In the end, "Folding Paper" steadily ranked first in both broadcast volume and sales volume. Linghu TV's back-end sales volume exceeded 300 million, breaking the historical revenue record of campus-themed online dramas!

Pei Shaoze was a fledgling young man. The first drama invested 10 million yuan and made a net profit of 100 million yuan, which doubled tenfold and became the biggest dark horse in the first half of the year.

In the same period, several big IP dramas with an investment of more than 100 million failed to recover their costs. Netizens said: "The audience's eyes are discerning. Whether the drama is good or not, it is not only the money that has the final say!" "I hope it will be more like. President Pei is such a serious investor in drama!"

Pei Shaoze also has more than 5 million followers on Weibo. Netizens jokingly call him "the most popular president" and "a handsome boss who can debut."

In September after the holiday, Linghu TV invited the crew of "Folding Paper" to hold a celebration banquet, and the creators and leading actors of the crew were all present. Cheng Xia and Pei Shaoze hadn't seen each other for half a month. When they saw each other at the celebration banquet, they gave each other a smile.

Cheng Xia knows that Brother Pei is busy with the production and scheduling of the next drama, but Cheng Xia is busy with advertising endorsements these days-

That's right, since the folding paper fire broke out, advertisers have come to the door one after another. Zhou Yan has been busy recently and helped Cheng Xia screen out a few more suitable advertisements.

Cheng Xia's hands are particularly beautiful, and the commercial for hand sanitizer was filmed just a few days ago.

In addition, she also helped Cheng Xia pick up the long-term spokesperson for car model splicing blocks, and signed a three-year contract in one go. The car model that Pei Shaoze sent to Cheng Xia on his birthday was posted on Weibo. After the manufacturer knew that Cheng Xia was a loyal fan of his family, he wittyly approached Cheng Xia's contemporary spokesperson and promised to post new models to them as soon as possible. He can make Cheng Xia happy!

In addition, there are some magazine covers, TV interviews, etc.

Cheng Xia's recent announcements were full of queues, and every day was very busy. He gradually realized the busyness and fulfillment of being a star. The back of the neck was bitten by Brother Pei, so Cheng Xia specially bought a neck guard to hide the glands. It is normal for Omega to hide the glands anyway. No one can see the tooth marks left on his neck. As for the pheromone, he chose to spray the whole body with a light orange perfume to confuse his eyes.

The two are busy, but they take time to video every night, and the relationship is getting closer and closer.

On the evening of the celebration banquet, Pei Shaoze generously gave out red envelopes to the film crew and actors. The red envelopes were all auspicious 880,000 and 660,000! Director Liu burst into tears with excitement: "I have never taken such a big red envelope!"

Actors such as Cheng Xia, Shen Kai and others also swiped "Thank you boss" in the group!

The campus drama "Folding Paper" was not favored from the beginning of the project, to the whole network questioning when it was broadcast, to the successful conclusion of the celebration party-all the staff and actors who participated in the filming of this drama felt that, This is the most memorable experience of their lives.

After the celebration banquet broke up, Cheng Xia happily took a check of 880,000 and returned to the headquarters of Tianxuan with Mr. Pei.

Familiar with the president's office, the two face each other, this time they are already a couple.

Pei Shaoze put down the curtains, walked up to Cheng Xia, rubbed the boy's head habitually, and asked in a low voice, "Is it busy recently? There are more and more announcements, do you still adapt?"

Cheng Xia smiled and said: "Very good! I have something to do every day, which shows that I am a famous actor. If I stay at home every day, then I have to worry about whether I have been forgotten by everyone."

The young boy is always full of vitality. Pei Shaoze hugged Cheng Xia on the sofa and said: "Zhou Yan's ability is not bad. The advertisements and endorsements I recently picked for you all match your image. But the most important thing is an actor. Still works."

He picked up the folder on the table and handed it to Cheng Xia: "Look."

Cheng Xia sat on Brother Pei's lap obediently, opened the folder and took a closer look: "...the movie?"

Pei Shaoze nodded and explained: "I have almost the evidence that Vice President Cui transferred the company funds privately. At the year-end shareholders meeting, I will let the IRS intervene in the investigation and kick Cui Jue out of Tianxuan. , I will gradually reform the company. The first step is to establish Tianxuan Records and Tianxuan Pictures. The record company separates the singers for management, and the film industry specializes in investing in movies and expanding the theater line..."

Cheng Xia listened carefully.

His brother Pei is very capable, and when he talks about work, he is almost A burst.

Cheng Xia likes to listen to Pei Shaoze calmly talk about work matters. This will make him feel that Brother Pei does not just treat him as a child, but is willing to let him know the next plan and treat him as a way to talk and discuss. Lovers.

Cheng Xia nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Well, this is good. The Tianxuan Group is too big and messy now. If Tianxuan Films is established to invest exclusively in movies, there will be more artists in Tianxuan in the future. Road."

Pei Shaoze said: "Yes. I have a good brother named Qin Rong. His offline theaters are located in large, medium and small cities across the country. I will discuss cooperation with him. When our movies are released, we will have an advantage in scheduling. After the establishment of Tianxuan Pictures next year, I will officially enter the film festival. If you are interested, you can also act in movies."

Cheng Xia nodded excitedly: "Great! I also really want to sit in the movie theater and see myself through the giant screen. I will buy VIP movie tickets at that time, and invite my parents to watch it together.

Seeing the little guy excited, Pei Shaoze gently kissed the boy's forehead, a gentle smile on his lips.

I have you in my future plans.

And your future will be accompanied by me.
