Chapter 79

[Accidental Mark·Chapter Seventy-ninth]

The school officially started in September, and the flow of film and television circles was a lot lower than that of the summer vacation. Although there were also many new dramas broadcast, none of them could surpass the popularity and sales of "Folding Paper".

Many people on the Internet are saying that "Folding Paper", which is the first producer of Mr. Pei, might become the annual ratings champion.

In mid-September, the major platforms received the final version of the film source after the review of ``Traces of Disappearing''. After watching it, the executives were amazed. This drama is well-made, the plot suspense, and the final reversal is unexpected, and it may change. Another dark horse in the second half of the year.

If you want to surpass the drama produced by Pei Shaoze-you have to rely on Pei Shaoze himself!

For the whole month of September, Cheng Xia was busy shooting commercials.

Hand sanitizer, hand cream, snacks, drinks, clothing, car models... Zhou Yan received seven or eight endorsements for him. Although he is busy, the income from advertising fees is considerable. In addition to the remuneration of the previous two dramas, Cheng Xia's account The deposit on the website has exceeded 8 million.

The busy September passed, and the golden autumn October arrived in a blink of an eye.

Rongcheng is a city with four distinct seasons. Autumn leaves are colorful. Walking on the road is rustling with dead leaves. Withered yellow leaves in the sky and withered flowers on the roadside make people feel the depression of autumn. But autumn is also a harvest season.

In October, "The Lost Traces" was officially finalized.

Cheng Xia also forwarded the official blog propaganda: "Congratulations, "The Traces of Disappearing" is scheduled to be broadcast live on all platforms on October 10th! I play the role of intern criminal Xu Ziyang in the play. It will be available on all major platforms at 8 pm on October 10th. Seeing this drama, I hope everyone will like it. [Bi Xin]"

Recently, the messages under Cheng Xia's Weibo are not as smoky as some time ago, and most of them are encouraged by fans. Today, Cheng Xia's Weibo has received 12 million followers. After the promotion of the new play, many people who followed him because of "Folding Paper" or various advertising endorsements realized that Cheng Xia's new play was so fast and fast. It's going to be released!

Click into the crew and have a look-it is a suspense drama directed by Zhu Zheng himself, in which Cheng Xia is playing an Alpha trainee policeman? !

The new fans were stunned: "Does Xia Xia actually want to reverse Alpha this time?" "Cheng Xia really didn't play the card according to common sense, and I thought you would continue to perform school dramas next time!" "Usually newcomers who just debut will act There are several idol dramas, isn't your span a bit big?"

Cheng Xia thought, he just wanted to try a variety of roles.

His interpretation of Xu Ziyang will definitely surprise everyone.

On October 10th, "The Lost Traces" premiered.

The actors, directors and investors in the circle were very surprised. They thought that Mr. Pei had a happy cooperation with Linghu TV last time. This time "The Lost Traces" will also be broadcast exclusively on Linghu. Unexpectedly, it was "synchronized across the network." "Mode.

For a time, Bear TV, My Neighbor Totoro TV, Fantasy Video, Linghu TV...

A video platform that can be called a name in the country, go in one point, and the home page is full of huge posters of "vanishing traces"!

On this day, as long as the netizens who clicked on the video platform, they all knew the news of the launch of "Disappearing Traces", which was more effective than buying hot searches. In fact, Pei Shaoze didn't spend much publicity fees. In order to compete for traffic, all major websites were consciously helping him publicize-this is the advantage of "competition and win-win". Where to put the quality of the boutique dramas and how much money you can make depends on the website to attract traffic.

The major websites are not stupid. Of course, they will promote the show as the focus of October, and make a wave of performance before the end of the year.

Since "Folding Paper" started "changing one poster a day", major websites have learned a lot, and a lot of poster rotations have also been done. The largest video review website in China even has a "look at which website poster" "Better Look" voting post!

As a result of several websites fighting to break their heads, more than 50% of registered members of major platforms have been diverted to this new drama. Those who do not click to open are those who are purely not interested in suspense dramas, or are timid and don't want to watch **** pictures.

The world has a population of more than one billion, and the number of users registered on major video platforms exceeds 800 million. Some people have also registered members of several platforms at the same time. The traffic detonated by simultaneous live broadcasts on all platforms is not the original summer file of the Linghu TV family. Playing "Folding Paper" is comparable!

On the day of the premiere, Pei Shaoze's phone call was blown.

First, Mr. Liu excitedly reported to him: "President Pei, the statistics of the backstage of Linghu TV have come out. Today only the first episode was shown. In less than 24 hours, the backstage playback volume has exceeded 100 million!"

The single-episode broadcast in a single day exceeds 100 million, which is the precursor of the annual big hit drama.

Immediately afterwards, other platforms called: "President Pei, our broadcast volume has exceeded 100 million!" "President Pei, the number of broadcasts on Bear TV has exceeded 150 million in a single day!" "..."

Pei Shaoze was not excited about the good news from all major platforms, as he had expected.

What he cares more about is what netizens say about Cheng Xia.

Pei Shaoze clicked on the video personally and watched the first episode from the beginning.

With Bear TV alone, in just a few hours, the first episode's barrage exceeded 200,000.

At the beginning, many netizens questioned the screen: "I heard that this show has Omega anti-interpolation police, let me see if it will roll over!" "Omega is really courageous to play Alpha, come and take a look!" "Cheng Xia can play well! School drama students may not be able to play the police well!"

Cheng Xia is young after all, and the protagonist of the campus drama is a relatively simple character. Although his performance in "Folding Paper" has been recognized by most netizens and book fans, from "campus drama" to "hardcore suspense drama", This span is too big.

Suspense drama is not a place to talk about love and sell cuteness, once the acting is not good, the whole drama will be Waterloo.

The other actors in this show are all familiar old opera bones. Only Cheng Xia is the most uncertain factor in the show. Many netizens questioned that Cheng Xia's acting skills are also normal.

Of course, there are also some naval forces bought by competitors in the barrage area ridiculed, and even deliberately led the war with "The role of Cheng Xia was taken by the sleeping boss". Cheng Xia's fans were so angry that they scolded back: "If you are blind, go watch the live broadcast of the court session again?"

"Sleep, sleep, do you only have sleep in your mind!"

"Where's the, is still hacking things that have been clarified long ago?"

"Some people are stinking all over, and the malice towards Omega actors is really suffocating!"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

Cheng Xia's fan team is quite strong.

The navy who came to Hei Cheng Xia was scolded so much that they could not resist. However, netizens who questioned Cheng Xia's acting skills were not embarrassed to scold them. After all, they themselves could not guarantee that Cheng Xia could play the role of Alpha police well. ?

In the first episode, the plot unfolds slowly.

Xu Ziyang, who graduated from the police academy, reported to the Criminal Police Brigade. The captain handed him a brand-new police uniform. His eyes were bright and his fingers carefully stroked the collar. The emotion of excitement but embarrassment showed up, which was vividly performed by Cheng Xia. .

After returning to the dormitory, he changed into a police uniform in front of the mirror and saluted to the mirror.

The young detective with a bright smile, no matter from which angle he looks, he is very handsome.

The wind direction in the barrage area gradually changed: "There is no sense of disobedience!" "Cheng Xia is a handsome sunny boy. This role is actually very suitable." "We Xia Xia is really handsome in uniform and crying, and want to fall down. He!" "Want to beat Xia Xia+1" "Fall Xia Xia + ID number!"

The plot of the first episode is getting better. Xu Ziyang returns to his uncle's house for dinner. The family enjoys themselves. Xu Ziyang also buys gifts for his younger siblings. After dinner, he receives a call from his classmates and asks him to attend a classmate's birthday party. Xu Ziyang and his uncle Say goodbye, turn around and go out.

The plot screen flashed, and the time came to noon the next day.

Xu Ziyang returned home——

The blood was all over the floor, the uncle's wide-open eyes, the stab wounds on the whole body of the aunt, the cousin and cousin were chopped into two corpses...

At the time of the audition, Cheng Xia's performance in this scene was approved by the director. In the later filming, the details were more perfect. With the **** corpse props on the scene, the visual shock to the audience was more intuitive!

Cheng Xia finished the call with a choked voice, squatting at the door and crying bitterly.

It was a silent, depressive cry, more contagious than howling, his shoulders trembling constantly, he covered his mouth, and his tears fell like an unscrewed faucet.

He had lost his parents since he was a child, and his uncle's family regarded him as his own. This house was where he grew up. Last night he happily ate with his uncle's family, but today, his uncle's family was destroyed!

Seeing the dismembered corpse of his relatives, Xu Ziyang's heart also seemed to have been severely chopped several times, dripping with blood!

This scene of crying, accompanied by sad music, and the blood and stumps everywhere in the house...

Even Pei Shaoze felt a little warm in his eyes.

Cheng Xia cried and even convulsed all over her body.

The barrage area was also mad and swiped the screen: "I think I was crying..." "It's too miserable 5555. All the family members who raised him were killed!" "My sister was chopped off at the waist. It's too miserable..." Seeing the scene of the tragic death of my relatives, I changed it to me, and I was going crazy on the spot!" "My eyes are sour when I see an Alpha. I haven't shed tears in a long time after watching the show, alas, it's so cruel..."

Cheng Xia's crying scene is very contagious.

He cried disregarding his image, his face was full of tears, and he was really crying at first sight, instead of dropping a few drops of eye drops for a show.

The audience can actually feel whether the actors are crying or not crying.

This crying scene made many viewers think about Cheng Xia. After the first episode was broadcast, the wind direction in the commentary area began to reverse 180 degrees.

"Cheng Xia is awesome. When I watched the show, I completely forgot that he was an Omega." "The reverse series is very good. The crying scene is too powerful. I think Cheng Xia should be a treasure among the newcomers who debuted this year." "This acting is better than some others. The flow of idol dramas after several years of debut is so much better!"

There are more and more praises of Cheng Xia's acting, and the fans of Cheng Xia's Weibo also start to line up to screen.

Even Ye Mingqian, the acclaimed Omega actor in the industry, personally reposted Cheng Xia's Weibo: "Cheng Xia is amazing, I almost cried during the first episode." Shen Kai also turned to Weibo and said: " Cheng Xia's new drama, chase it up!" Chen Yijun, the queen of singing, tweeted a big praise: "My brother Cheng Xia is awesome, everyone, come and watch "The Disappearing Traces"."

Chen Yijun met Cheng Xia for the first time in the MV. Ye Mingqian and Shen Kai met in the "Folding Paper" crew. These people took the initiative to forward Weibo to help propaganda. It can be seen that Cheng Xia's popularity in the circle is also very good.

Seeing the full screen of compliments, Cheng Xia was more happy than ever, and hurriedly sent a message to Pei Shaoze: "Brother Pei, they are all complimenting me!"

You can imagine Cheng Xia holding the phone in excitement, Pei Shaoze smiled and typed a line: "Then I also praise you?"

Cheng Xia nodded hurriedly: "Yes, you can, give you this opportunity to perform."

Pei Shaoze endured a smile and exclaimed: "This drama is really well performed. My Cheng Xia is a talented player. Compared with "Folding Paper", he has made significant progress. Among the newcomers who debuted in recent years, your acting skills are really one of the best. "

Cheng Xia's mood was about to fly to the sky, and gave Pei Shaoze back a row of hug expressions.

Pei Shaoze went on to say: "My phone calls were blown up just now. The results of "Disappearing Traces" are very good. Today's premiere, the broadcast volume on all platforms exceeded 100 million. Excluding those repeated clicks, the total broadcast volume on all platforms, There should be 200 to 300 million."

Cheng Xia was dumbfounded: "Is there so much?!"

At the time, "Folding Paper" had only 1 million hits on the first day of its premiere. Unexpectedly, the beginning of "Disappearing Traces" was so fierce. Cheng Xia is a little worried, will this show go high and low?

Pei Shaoze said: "Believe in my vision, the traces of disappearance are the biggest dark horse this year."


This time "Traces of Disappearing" adopts an advanced on-demand model, and there is no more buy-out and payment like folded paper.

The suspense drama "Advance On-Demand" is more effective than other dramas. After all, the plot is intense and exciting. Everyone is anxious to watch the later plots, wanting to know who the murderer is, and also want to see the murderer with high IQ be brought to justice.

There are a total of 12 episodes of this drama, and 6 episodes are reserved for advance on-demand. Each episode is paid for 2 yuan, for a total of 12 yuan.

The price is not expensive in the advanced on-demand payment, and "The Traces of Disappearing" is well-made, and the picture quality is comparable to that of a movie. The ticket price of a 90-minute suspense movie costs 30 yuan up, and 12 yuan for 6 episodes. For viewers who like suspense dramas, it's really not expensive.

On the first day of launching advanced on-demand, the sales of major platforms exceeded 100 million!

Pei Shaoze became the first investor in the circle to recover costs and double his money on the first day.

But he is not just satisfied with making money.

That night, Pei Shaoze called Cheng Xia and said: "There will be a network drama awards at the end of the year. I will report both dramas. The folded paper is the best actor in a network drama. You can choose. It's not very likely. It's good to get a nomination. Traces of Disappearance reported more awards, including best director, best screenwriter, best editing, best music, and best actor and actor in a web drama."

Cheng Xia was stunned there, and it took a long time to come back to her senses: "Judging, awards? I just made my debut, can I win?"

Pei Shaoze said: "The competition for online dramas this year is not fierce. Online dramas are just a pedal for you. Trust me, you can."

Cheng Xia was immediately full of confidence: "Well, Brother Pei said yes, that's definitely it!"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

This blind trust made Pei Shaoze feel warm. He wants to protect his Cheng Xia, step by step to the peak. The best actor in a web drama is just the beginning. In the future, his Cheng Xia will win the actor or even international awards.
