Fanwai's Marriage Certificate

On the second day of the second year, Pei Shaoze personally took Cheng Xia home to see his parents.

Cheng Xia didn't know what gifts to buy, so Pei Shaoze simply took him to the shopping mall first. Cheng Xia had a good example, buying jewelry for her mother, red wine for her father, and buying a recently released stand-alone game for her younger brother Pei Shaoyan. , Carrying a bunch of big bags and small bags.

On the way to home, Cheng Xia was uneasy, and Pei Shaoze comforted: "Don't be nervous, I have already greeted them in advance."

Cheng Xia worried: "Will I be too casual to wear this? Or should I change into a suit?"

Pei Shaoze smiled and said, "It's not going to the interview, what to do in a suit."

Cheng Xia: "...I feel more nervous than an interview!"

Pei Shaoze saw his expression tense, and couldn't help but reach out his hand and gently touch Cheng Xia's head: "My parents don't know how to eat people, don't worry, they won't have any opinions about the people I like."

If it was before, Pei Shaoze took Cheng Xia home, Pei Sheng and Lu Manjing might still object, thinking that he was not doing his job properly and was messing around outside. But now that Pei Shaoze has proven his ability, and the market value of Tianxuan Group has doubled, Pei Sheng will naturally not interfere in his son's private affairs.

Pei Shaoze nowadays, in the eyes of his parents, is a proud son who is successful, mature, prudent, visionary, and assertive.

They can accept the Omega that his son is fond of, as long as the character is not too bad.

When I got home, it was lunch time. Pei Shaoyan actively called Cheng Xiaying into the door and called "Brother Cheng Xia" very affectionately. Cheng Xia gave Pei Shaoze a game gift box: "Happy New Year, Xiaoyan, this is for you."

Pei Shaoyan's eyes lit up: "Brother Cheng Xia still understands me, hehehe, thank you!"

Pei Shaoze glanced at him and said lightly: "You are allowed to play games at home during the holidays. After the annual leave, you will go to work with me."

Pei Shaoyan immediately assured: "I know, I will be able to clear the customs within three days!"

After Lu Manjing heard the sound, she walked over and saw Cheng Xia, her gentle and loving gaze was like looking at her son: "Cheng Xia is here, I think it seems to be snowing outside, isn't it cold?"

Cheng Xia smiled and said, "Auntie, it's not cold." He took out the gift box and handed it to the other party: "This is a New Year gift for uncle and aunt. I wish uncle and aunt a happy new year, good health, and good luck!"

Cheng Xia is sweet, Lu Manjing happily accepted the gift box: "I'm so sensible, come in and sit down!"

Pei Shaoze took Cheng Xia to change his slippers and went to the living room to sit down. Pei Sheng was watching TV in the living room. Cheng Xia almost blurted out "Dong Pei", then swallowed it hurriedly before saying, "Uncle Pei, happy new year."

Pei Sheng nodded: "Come and sit down."

Pei Dong is the founder of Tianxuan after all. Sitting there with great momentum, Cheng Xia was a little nervous. Pei Shaoze gently shook his hand and looked back at Pei Sheng and said, "Dad, about the marriage, I have been with Cheng Xia's parents yesterday. Having said that, when Cheng Xia passes her 20th birthday, we will get the certificate first."

Pei Sheng asked: "Aren't Cheng Xia's parents opposed?"

Pei Shaoze's lips lightly raised: "No objection, uncles and aunts are very reasonable."

Pei Sheng said: "That's good. Cheng Xia just turned 20, you abducted the person, and I was worried that his father would give you a meal."

Cheng Xia blushed and thought, if his father really did, he would definitely stop him. In fact, it was not Pei Shaoze who abducted him, but he took the initiative to give himself to Brother Pei... Strictly speaking, it was he who abducted Pei Shaoze.

Pei Sheng looked at Cheng Xia, and said, "Shao Ze told me everything about you. It is said that he liked you first and chased you for a long time?"

It seems that in order to make his family more acceptable to him, Pei Shaoze gave him a lot of face, saying that it took him a long time to catch him. In this way, his parents would not suspect that Cheng Xia deliberately clung to Pei's house.

Cheng Xia's heart warmed and said, "I like each other with Brother Pei and we are naturally together."

Pei Sheng said: "Shaoze didn't do his job properly in the past few years. You know that the outside world did not evaluate him very well, so is he. Everyday he knows to fool around with friends. Unexpectedly, after meeting you, he not only took his heart, became sensible, but also Being able to focus on his career and investing in the two dramas has also made more than ten times the profit. It is thanks to you that can make his prodigal son turn back."

Cheng Xia: "..."

What did Brother Pei tell his parents?

Pei Sheng said: "Cheng Xia, you can be regarded as our family's hero. You will take care of Shao Ze more in the future, you know?"

Cheng Xia looked dumbfounded, but still nodded subconsciously: "I will."

At this time, he received a message on his cell phone, which was sent by Pei Shaoyan: "My brother talked with his parents the other night and said that he was ignorant before and did not really grow up. Since meeting you, he has understood what is Love, he has been working hard and motivated this year. A large part of it was influenced by you. My mother was moved to tears after hearing this. My dad also said that he must marry you into the house as soon as possible."

Cheng Xia: "..."

Brother Pei can really make up, how could it be because of him that he became hardworking and motivated? In his opinion, Pei Shaoze was born a strong person, and his unique vision and resolute style were not something he could influence.

However, the consequence of Pei Shaoze's words is that his parents will respect Cheng Xia very much in the future, and will not underestimate Cheng Xia and think that Cheng Xia is clinging to a wealthy family.

The things that Pei Shaoze did behind made Cheng Xia's heart full of warmth. He looked back at Pei Shaoze, who also happened to look at him. The two eyes met, Pei Shaoze lightly held Cheng Xia's hand and said softly. : "You heard what my dad said? You have to take care of me more."

Cheng Xia blushed and said, "Well, don't worry, uncle, I will take good care of Brother Pei."

Pei Sheng was really pleased.

Cheng Xia has a lively personality, both of her dramas in her first year of debut are big hits, smart and talented. The son is too cold, it would be nice to have such a lovely Omega company with him.

Pei Sheng looked at Cheng Xia and said, "Cheng Xia, you don't have to be under pressure. You can continue to act after marriage. Neither Shao Ze's mother nor I are feudal parents and will not interfere with your freedom. Omega can also Have my own business,"

Cheng Xia immediately said happily: "Thank you Uncle Pei!" There was an example of Omega being raised in captivity at home after marrying the rich second generation. He was also worried that Pei Dong would not let him continue acting. He did not expect Pei Dong to be so enlightened!

At this moment, Lu Manjing greeted everyone for dinner.

The family came to the restaurant and sat down. Lu Manjing smiled and graciously gave Cheng Xia a dish: "You are less than 20 years old and you are still growing. You need to eat more meat to supplement nutrition." She also smiled and brought one. The red envelope was handed to Cheng Xia: "By the way, Xiaocheng, this is a little bit from Shaoze's father and I, please accept it. Come here when you are free in the future, and my aunt will make you some good food."

Cheng Xia hurriedly accepted the red envelope: "Thank you auntie!"

After dinner, it was not convenient for the two to stay overnight, so Pei Shaoze sent Cheng Xia home. Cheng Xia opened the red envelope on the car and counted it. It was 1,0001 yuan. Pei Shaoze explained: "One thousand and one, which means'picking one in a million.'"

one in ten thousand? Brother Pei's parents seemed quite satisfied with him.

Cheng Xia happily put away the red envelope: "Uncle and Auntie, do you recognize me?"

Pei Shaoze said: "Of course, they all like you."

Cheng Xia said with emotion: "Your mother is so young and beautiful. I heard that she is the only Omega daughter of the Lu family?"

"Well, she is my grandfather's only Omega daughter. She has been very spoiled since she was a child, and is a business marriage with my father. Grandpa is just 70 years old this year, and I will take you home and meet these relatives." Pei Shaoze paused. He paused, and said: "I don't usually interact with them much, so I walk around during the holidays. If you don't like to interact with them, you don't have to go."

Cheng Xia smiled and said, "I still have to go to Grandpa's birthday banquet. After all, I am yours..."

Pei Shaoze suddenly got stuck when he was halfway talking, and couldn't help but turn around and asked, "What is mine?"

Cheng Xia whispered, "Is it a fiance now?"

Pei Shaoze smiled and squeezed his flushed face: "Well, I will be married soon."

Cheng Xia: "..."

It feels weird to become a married person at the age of 20!

However, if the married object is Brother Pei, he doesn't mind being earlier.


After the New Year, Pei Shaoze was busy establishing Tianxuan Pictures and Tianxuan Records, and Cheng Xia also resumed work.

Since he won the Best Newcomer Award last year, the two dramas he starred in were bursting. During this time, Zhou Yan's mailbox was about to be squeezed, and film appointments continued. Various crews threw an olive branch to Cheng Xia, and the conditions were also given. all good.

Zhou Yan knew that she was not a particularly capable agent, so she would discuss and decide everything with Cheng Xia.

After Cheng Xia returned to work, she first received a few advertisements for Cheng Xia. Famous domestic milk manufacturers, as well as chocolate and candy and snack brands, all chose Cheng Xia to shoot commercials. In addition, it was the first-line skin care products, which Zhou Yan also won. One-year endorsement contract.

Cheng Xia also cooperates seriously when shooting commercials, and the manufacturers who work with him like Cheng Xia's character.

Weibo is full of advertisements and endorsements, as well as commercial activities in cooperation with the brand. Cheng Xia's fans gradually began to freak out, and couldn't help but leave a message to remind the drama: "When will Xia Xia's new drama film?" Why hasn't there been any news?"

Cheng Xia is not in a hurry. The script must be carefully selected, but if the conditions given by the other party are high, he will shoot those bad dramas and ruin his reputation. During this period of time, he has been slowly choosing the script with his agent, planning to pick up a new one when the spring starts.

Soon, in March, Pei Shaoze's "Tianxuan Pictures" and "Tianxuan Records" officially opened.

Chen Yijun was transferred to a record company. In order to reward her, Pei Shaoze gave her some shares of the company. Chen Yijun began to bring newcomers. Tianxuan Records also cooperated with CNTV to hold a talent show to find newcomers who can sing well.

As for the film industry, Pei Shaoze is also picking up a script, planning to cast another movie in the second half of the year to be released in time for the Spring Festival next year.

On March 20, Zhou Yan received a call from Pei Shaoze: "Give Cheng Xia a week off, and the announcement will be postponed."

Although I don't know why, Zhou Yan arranged the next itinerary according to President Pei's instructions.

At 0 o'clock in the morning on March 21, Cheng Xia posted a Weibo: "Today I turned 20 years old and is an adult Omega. Thank you for your company!"

A large number of blessings immediately appeared on Weibo. Fans were swiping the screen to wish him a happy birthday, and many fan groups asked him to make posters, Q version avatars, video clips and so on.

Although Cheng Xia has no works in the past few months, the fans attracted by the two dramas are extremely loyal, and directly put #Cheng Xia joy# on the hot search.

In his Weibo message, one of the ID messages called "Brother Wants to Increase Salary" posted a sentence: "Xia Xia is 20 years old and is finally at the legal marriage age!"

Many fans liked this message and joked: "Xia Xia marry me!" "Xia Xia marry me." "Let's get the certificate, wife!" "Cheng Xia is mine, don't grab it..."

As a result, this message was actually liked and ranked first.

Cheng Xia knew that it was Pei Shaoyan's trumpet when he looked at the big dog's head. The younger brother wanted to raise his salary. This ID is too eager to survive. I don't know if a serious brother sees it, will he give his younger brother a salary increase?

The phone suddenly popped up a WeChat message: "Happy birthday baby."

Cheng Xia looked at the title "Baby", her cheeks blushed, and she replied, "Thank you Brother Pei."

Pei Shaoze: "Are you with your parents, right? I'll pick you up at 8:30 in the morning."

Cheng Xia was startled: "So early?"

Pei Shaoze: "Remember to wear a suit and bring your household registration book."

So, early the next morning, Cheng Xia got up, washed her face and brushed her teeth quickly, put on a neat suit and a light blue tie.

Seeing his son's dress, Jiang Qiong smiled and said, "Do you want to get the certificate from your brother Pei?"

Cheng Xia blushed and said: "He said to pick me up at 8:30..."

Cheng Yiming looked at his little cabbage and was very distressed: "You can get the certificate as soon as you reach the legal age. Are you so impatient?"

Cheng Xia said: "Dad, getting the certificate is only to confirm the legal marriage relationship. In fact, in our hearts, we have already recognized each other."

Cheng Yiming waved his hand: "Go, go, anyway, we can't stop your legs."

He said so, but carefully put the household registration book in the file bag and handed it to Cheng Xia. He also put a big bag of candies and said, "After receiving the certificate, remember to send the staff a wedding candy."

Cheng Xia went downstairs happily.

Pei Shaoze waited for him in the garage, and saw Cheng Xia in a suit, a smile couldn't help passing through his eyes.

The two looked at each other, and they were all dressed up today, because they had to take a photo of their marriage certificate, they also wore couple ties and couple cuffs tacitly, and even the shirts they wore were the same.

Pei Shaoze took Cheng Xia to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

He made an appointment in advance, and when he came to the Civil Affairs Bureau, he went to the office to fill in the information and take ID photos on the spot.

When taking the photo, Cheng Xia was a little nervous, Pei Shaoze stretched out his hand, gently put Cheng Xia into his arms, and said softly: "From now on, I will be the legal husband, don't be nervous, smile happily."

Yes, Brother Pei will be his in the future, legal!

A smile appeared on Cheng Xia's face.

The photographer captured this picture and the washed photos are really good-looking. Both of them are wearing suits. Pei Shaoze has gentle eyes and Cheng Xia has a bright smile. The shirt, tie and suit of the same style are really good-looking.

The marriage certificate was issued soon, and the date of receipt was March 21, 20XX, the day Cheng Xia just turned 20.

The two staff members of the Civil Affairs Bureau in charge of this matter couldn't help but sigh: "I received the certificate just after reaching the legal age. It seems that President Pei really loves him." "Cheng Xia climbed onto Pei Shaoze's bed and relied on President Pei's superiority. The scandal is fake, but they are real when they are together!" "Oh, it's painful to keep it secret. It's painful not to be able to tell. They two really match well..."

After walking out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Cheng Xia tightly squeezed the red notebook in her hand, with hot eyes: "Are we really married?"

Pei Shaoze gently held his hand: "Yes. You are only 20 years old, and you are set for a lifetime. Will you regret it?"

"How can I regret it, it's great to be able to bind you for a lifetime!" Cheng Xia hugged Pei Shaoze's waist hard, looked up at him, and whispered possessively, "From today, you are mine, legally recognized. ."

Seeing Cheng Xia's serious expression of "declaring sovereignty," Pei Shaoze's eyes became extremely gentle. He rubbed Cheng Xia's head and said seriously: "Okay, I am yours. From body to mind, everything belongs to you."

Cheng Xia, with her ears red, stood on tiptoe and kissed Alpha's cheek, saying, "Me too, body and mind belong to you only."

In this life, I only love you.
