Extraordinary Spring Festival

Extraordinary One, Spring Festival

This year's Spring Festival is in mid-January. Not long after the New Year, everyone began to prepare for the New Year. Cheng Xia and her agent also applied for a week of annual leave to accompany her parents. The house he bought in the suburbs has gone through the formalities. Cheng Xia thought, helping his parents move before the Chinese New Year, so he can spend the Spring Festival this year in his new home.

After being thoroughly marked by Pei Shaoze, Cheng Xia would spray a lot of masking agent on her body every time she went out, plus orange-flavored perfume, so that she could barely suppress Pei Shaoze's pheromone smell and conceal people's eyes. Otherwise, the cold woody scent seems to have melted into the bone marrow blood, and someone familiar with him would know that something was wrong.

It may be that the orange perfume was sprayed too much. After Cheng Xia returned home, her parents did not notice that something was wrong. Cheng Xia was very guilty and quickly shifted the topic to "moving house", urging her parents to pack their luggage as soon as possible.

The furniture was all newly bought, just pack some clothes and bedding, and the three of them took a day to clean up. In the early morning of the next day, Cheng Yiming called the moving company to move a large truck to his new home.

The environment of the community where the new house is located is very good. Cheng Yiming especially likes the lake next to the community. In the future, he can go for a walk and fish. But it is winter, the temperature is too low, the lake is frozen, and some children are skating on it.

Jiang Qiong stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the lake in the distance, with a mixed mood: "Unexpectedly, Xia Xia has the ability to buy a house with full money."

Cheng Yiming said happily: "Our son is like a star! He made tens of millions when he debuted. My salary in this life is not as good as Xia Xia's annual income."

Cheng Xia walked to his parents and said with a smile: "I can get ahead so quickly, thanks to Brother Pei's help, his two dramas have become popular, he is really the most discerning investor in the circle."

Cheng Yiming and Jiang Qiong looked at each other-why did this son boast about Pei Shaoze again?

Jiang Qiong asked softly: "Xia Xia, how are you and President Pei?"

Cheng Xia said: "We have always been in a very good relationship. Brother Pei said that he would come to his new home for a formal visit during the New Year."

Cheng Yiming is still not at ease: "After all, he is the boss of Tianxuan. Can you stay with him for a long time?"

Cheng Xia smiled and said: "Dad, not all bosses are bothered, and not all bosses like stars under the unspoken rules. Don't go to see him with colored glasses. Brother Pei is a very good person, so don't you? Do you believe in your son's vision?"

Cheng Yiming still wanted to preach. At this moment, someone pressed the doorbell, and Cheng Yiming turned to open the door. It was a city express. The courier brother smiled: "Is this Mr. Cheng Yiming? Please check your courier."

Cheng Yiming glanced at the green plants at the door, with a look of doubt: "I didn't buy plants?"

Courier brother: "It was delivered by a gentleman named Pei Shaoze."

Cheng Yiming frowned and took a closer look. As expected, a greeting card was written on the tree: "Congratulations to Uncle Cheng and Aunt Jiang on the move."

Cheng Xia ran over and said excitedly: "Dad, Brother Pei bought this as a gift for us, please accept it quickly."

Before moving, Cheng Xia only bought furniture and forgot to buy greenery to embellish her. The whole family really lacked some vitality. Some time ago, he videoed with Pei Shaoze to show Brother Pei the environment of his new home. Pei Shaoze obviously noticed this detail, so he personally picked some plants and delivered them to the house on the day of the move.

Ping An Tree, Happiness Tree... are all plants with good meaning, and the size is also suitable for the living room. In addition, there is a large bouquet of freshly picked lilies, full of flower bones, and a delicate vase, right in the restaurant.

Cheng Yiming didn't say anything, but he was quite satisfied. With a few pots of plants, the atmosphere of the whole home is indeed much more comfortable. He thinks that Pei Shaoze is quite careful, shouldn't it be necessary to do this level of acting? Does Pei Shaoze really like his son?

Cheng Yiming walked to Jiang Qiong and whispered: "Is this Pei Shaoze serious?"

Jiang Qiong smiled and said, "I think so. If he just wants to play, there is no need to spend so much energy in contact with Cheng Xia's parents, right?"

Cheng Yiming touched his chin: "It makes sense. So, is he really in love with Xia Xia?"

Jiang Qiong wanted to say something but stopped. She actually found out that Cheng Xia's pheromone was not right, but she didn't say anything wrong. She thought, if her son really likes Pei Shaoze, and the other person is serious...maybe the two can go on.


There are not many relatives in the Cheng family, so this year is not a lively one. But Cheng Xia had been busy all year, and it was rare to go home. The family got together for New Year's Eve dinner, and his parents were still very happy. The three of them watched the Spring Festival Gala together until the early morning.

At 0 o'clock in the morning, Cheng Xia sent a message to Pei Shaoze: "Brother Pei, happy new year, good luck!"

During the Spring Festival last year, Cheng Xia also sent a message at 0 o'clock and sent a red envelope of 66.66 to Pei Shaoze. Pei Shaoze returned him an 88.88. At that time, he had not fallen in love with Pei Shaoze, and the two were just the relationship between the boss and the artist.

This year is different. Pei Shaoze is also waiting for zero to send a blessing to Cheng Xia: "I wish you and your family a happy New Year, all the best."

The blessing messages in the two phones popped up almost at the same time, at 00:00.

Once again, the two people who picked up their phones couldn't help but smile with their ingenuity. Cheng Xia boldly sent Pei Shaoze a red envelope for money transfer. This time it was no longer a lucky number like 66 or 88, but 520 yuan.

Pei Shaoze knowingly asked: "What do you mean?"

Cheng Xia blushed and typed three words: "I love you."

Pei Shaoze raised the corners of his lips and returned a 521 yuan transfer to Cheng Xia, saying: "I love you too."

From 66 and 88 red envelopes to 520 and 521, the relationship between the two has gone through a Spring Festival, and it has reached this point by leaps and bounds. Thanks to Cheng Xia's brain replenishment and initiative, Pei Shaoze later discovered himself. Of mind.

Pei Shaoze looked at the profile picture of Cheng Xia on the top of WeChat, with mixed feelings in his heart-remembering that during the Spring Festival last year, he didn't find Cheng Xia's blessing, so he placed the chat log on top. Unexpectedly, this placement put Cheng Xia in the most important position in my heart.

It's been a whole year.

In another Spring Festival, although he will still miss his mother and sister in the real world, under the premise that the real world is not affected, this journey of the world in the book will allow him to stay longer.

He wanted to accompany Cheng Xia forever.

They will spend the Spring Festival and birthdays every year from now on until they get old.


On the first day of the New Year, early in the morning, Pei Shaoze packed his things and went to visit Cheng Xia's house.

He drove the black sports car with the license plate number P1123 that Cheng Xia gave him today, and brought a lot of gifts.

When the doorbell rang, Cheng Xia's family had just had breakfast. Cheng Xia got up and opened the door. When he saw Pei Shaoze, his eyes lit up, and he immediately led his Alpha into the door, and introduced to his parents: "Mom and dad, Brother Pei is here!"

Cheng Yiming's tone was alienated and polite: "Mr. Pei, did you come here so early to pay a New Year's greeting?"

Jiang Qiong's voice was gentle: "President Pei, what are you doing with so many gifts..."

Pei Shaoze handed the gift to Jiang Qiong and said politely: "Uncle and Auntie Happy New Year, just call me Shao Ze, don't go too far."

He bought Jiang Qiong a set of precious jewelry, which matched her gentle temperament very well. I bought a set of fishing rods and a set of chessboards for Cheng Yiming. In addition, a massager for the neck and waist and two bottles of wine that have been kept for many years were prepared for them.

When Cheng Yiming saw these gifts, his perception of Pei Shaoze improved a lot—this gift was prepared with great care and did not mean perfunctory. He even knows that he loves fishing the most, this automatic fishing rod is not cheap!

Cheng Yiming accepted the gift, and finally showed a little smile on his serious face: "I didn't expect you to really come to pay New Year's greetings, cough, come in and sit..."

Cheng Xia took Pei Shaoze to sit down in the living room and leaned in and said in a low voice: "The plants you bought have grown well these days and have sprouts. The lilies on the dining table are all blooming, and the house smells of flowers! "

Father is busy putting things away, mother is going to pour tea, there are only two of them in the living room temporarily. Pei Shaoze rubbed Cheng Xia's head affectionately: "If you like it, some plants at home can also purify the air."

Jiang Qiong poured tea and the four of them sat down in the living room, not knowing what to talk about for a while.

Pei Shaoze took the initiative to break the silence: "Uncle, Auntie, I am here today, in addition to greeting the two of you, there is something else I want to get your permission." He glanced at Cheng Xia, and then said: "I have proposed to Cheng Xia, hope You can promise me to be with Cheng Xia."

Cheng Xia's ears were instantly red, and she lowered her head embarrassedly.

Jiang Qiong and Cheng Yiming looked at each other-are you proposing? ! Are you too fast?

Cheng Yiming's mouth twitched: "Cheng Xia, have you agreed?"

Cheng Xia whispered: "I have received all the rings."

Cheng Yiming: "..."

Sure enough, my own cabbage has long legs, and I have to run into Pei Shaoze's arms!

Even if the ring is accepted, is it still useful for parents to object? It is estimated that at that time, Cheng Xia will continue to actively run to the wedding scene.

Jiang Qiong was a little entangled: "Cheng Xia is less than 20 years old, will it be too early for you to get married so soon? Don't think about it anymore?"

Pei Shaoze said warmly: "Auntie, I am serious about Cheng Xia. In this life I will not marry anyone except him. Therefore, there is actually no difference between getting married early and getting married late. Omega's legal marriage age is 20, etc. Cheng Xia is 20 years old after her birthday this year. I want to get a certificate from him to confirm the marriage relationship. In this way, whether Cheng Xia or you are, you can feel more at ease with me."

Jiang Qiong and Cheng Yiming looked at each other, and getting the certificate was not a trifle. The two of them had been worried that Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia would not be able to go far. Now that they have reached the point of obtaining the certificate, are they still playing? This is obviously a must for each other, seriously!

Cheng Yiming looked at Cheng Xia seriously: "Cheng Xia, what do you say?"

Cheng Xia said with a warm heart, "I am willing to obtain the certificate first to confirm the marriage relationship."

Jiang Qiong was helpless: "Have you really figured it out?"

Cheng Xia nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Except for Brother Pei, I will not marry any Alpha."


What else can they do? Xiao Bai Cai is full of his brother Pei, can't stop it!

Cheng Yiming sighed: "Since you are willing, our parents have no reason to stop." He looked at Pei Shaoze and said solemnly: "Shaoze, I will hand over my son to you... I hope you can treat him well and don't let down He is sincere. Our family Cheng Xia has a lot of problems and is young, and in many cases may not be sensible. You have to be more tolerant."

Pei Shaoze nodded cautiously: "Uncle rest assured, I will protect him."

Cheng Xia said happily: "When will the wedding be held?"

Three people: "..."

You look so active!

Cheng Xia also realized that she was too active, and her ears couldn't help but flush slightly. After all, he had married Pei Shaoze many times in his dream, and he was looking forward to the real wedding.

Pei Shaoze smiled and asked, "When do you want to do it?"

Cheng Xia glanced at her parents with a guilty conscience, and bit her head and said: "I will listen to your arrangements..."

Pei Shaoze thought for a while and said, "Cheng Xia's career in the entertainment industry has just started. It's not a good thing for him to announce his marriage so early. My idea is to get the certificate first, and then open the wedding when the time is about to invite all circles. My friends in the house are attending. I will give Cheng Xia the grandest wedding, so I can prepare for it. It can't be too hasty, what do uncles and aunts think?

Looking at Pei Shaoze's serious and calm gaze, Cheng Yiming also noticed the man's seriousness and respect for his son. He thought for a while, and said, "Okay. The wedding really can't be too hasty. You have to discuss it with your parents. Cheng Xia's career has just started. Why should you gain a foothold in the entertainment industry and get married publicly?"

Cheng Xia nodded: "Well, it makes sense! Let's get the certificate first, and the wedding can be done slowly."

Jiang Qiong asked softly: "Your parents, do you know that you are going to marry Cheng Xia? No objection?"

Pei Shaoze said: "Auntie, don't worry, I have already told them. A few days later, I will take Cheng Xia home to see them. My mother has read "Folding Paper" many times before. I like Cheng Xia very much. I heard that Cheng Xia It's my boyfriend, she is happy."

Cheng Xia was originally in a state of anxiety, for fear that Pei Shaoze's parents would not like herself, but listening to Pei Shaoze's words, his heart was put back in his stomach. Pei Shaoze is indeed a very reliable Alpha, and he will not embarrass him. Before taking him home, he has obviously done the ideological work of the family. In comparison, Cheng Xia feels that he is not doing well enough.

He is not as considerate and meticulous as Pei Shaoze, and will learn more from Pei Ge in the future.

Pei Shaoze stayed at Cheng Xia's house for a day, and also played a few games of Go with Cheng Yiming. Cheng Yiming found that this young man was also good at chess, and he liked Pei Shaoze more.

Pei Shaoze vaguely cared: "Uncle, I heard Cheng Xia said that you have a heart disease. I consulted a doctor. In your case, you must pay attention to your emotions and not get too excited. There are clubs in this community where you can play chess. In summer You can also fish in the nearby lake. You can take part in more leisure activities and relax. Cheng Xia has my care and I will not let him suffer any wrongdoing."

Cheng Yiming smiled and said: "My old problem is okay, don't worry."

In the original work, Cheng Yiming was so angry that he died of myocardial infarction. Now the plot has gone completely wrong. No netizens will send Cheng Yiming a mouse to death, and Cheng Xia's indecent photos will not be exposed and discredited on the entire network.

However, Cheng Yiming's illness and his father Pei Sheng's illness all require special attention.

Pei Shaoze not only wants to protect Cheng Xia, but also hopes that both parents can enjoy their old age.
