The End

[Accidental Mark · Chapter 84]

Although he has learned a lot of popular science knowledge, Pei Shaoze did not grow up in this world after all, let alone Omega, even Alpha's own body, he does not particularly understand.

In the process, there were still some places that didn't know how to do it. Cheng Xia blushed and taught him the specific positions and methods. The two of them turned red, just like fledgling little rookies seriously discussing a mysterious and great thing.

Fortunately, the final study was successful.

Pei Shaoze found that although the settings of the ABO world were strange, the process of marking Omega was really comfortable...

Pei Shaoze, who is very capable of learning, didn't need to teach Cheng Xia again for the second time, marking the deepest part of his body.

The pheromones of Alpha and Omega are completely integrated.

Cheng Xia, who was completely marked, trembled all over, holding Pei Shaoze, eyes full of tears.

Pei Shaoze comforted him distressedly. While kissing his tears, he said softly: "Cheng Xia, I love you, I love you the most...Don't cry, I will mark you and will protect you forever..."

Cheng Xia was not sad, but at the moment Omega was thoroughly marked, his spirit was extremely weak and it was difficult to control the lacrimal glands. These are physiological tears, and he also feels ashamed to cry out, but in front of Brother Pei, he can no longer take care of that much.

Brother Pei gave him the life-time mark of Alpha, and he was so happy.

Cheng Xia hugged Pei Shaoze tightly, and Pei Shaoze calmed his Omega patiently and gently. This kind of Cheng Xia really made him feel sorry for him. He took Cheng Xia into his arms as if to coax a child The same lightly patted the other person's back.

Cheng Xia gradually fell asleep.


This time, the enthusiasm lasted for three full days. Pei Shaoze's phone number was about to be blown up, but he set "Do Not Disturb" on his mobile phone, and did not answer a call. Everyone who called him would receive an automatic message. Reply: "Sorry, I'm busy, I will call you back later."

Zhang Fan received this message when he called the boss. He thought that the boss must have encountered a very important thing and would not answer the phone. So Zhang Fan helped Pei Shaoze block many dinner invitations.

During these three days, Pei Shaoze took good care of Cheng Xia.

Of course, he himself is particularly satisfied.

He used to worry that Cheng Xia was too young and innocent, so he had to endure it all the time, but now he found that--

Cheng Xia is not simple at all.

Cheng Xia seems to know more than him?

Since Cheng Xia took the initiative, Pei Shaoze certainly would not let Cheng Xia down. The two spent three days like glue, and when Cheng Xia completely recovered her sanity, there were already too many traces on her whole body.

But a message popped up in Pei Shaoze's mind--

[Cheng Xia's favorability for you +1]

[Cheng Xia's favorability for you reaches 100 full value, unlock hidden rewards: A, the task time is no longer limited; B...]

Pei Shaoze didn't even look at the following options, and said directly: "I choose A."

System 1022 froze for a moment: "Did you expect it?"

Pei Shaoze said: "There is time for the hidden rewards of 80 Friendship Degree and 95 Friendship Degree. The first time is 5 years, and the second time is 10 years. At that time, I guessed that there is a high probability that 100 goodwill will also reward time." After all, the original work of the book "Unexpected Marks" is based on love. The system chooses me to rewrite the plot in the book world. Cheng Xia will completely fall in love with me if he reaches 100. The best reward is not to spend my life with my lover. ?"

He had always mistakenly equated goodwill with trust. After spending time with Cheng Xia, he realized that on the day when the goodwill was over 80, he rushed to Rongcheng overnight to visit the injured Cheng Xia. At that time, Cheng Xia liked him. When over 95, Cheng Xia already loved him very much.

How can two people love each other reach 100?

That is naturally the integration of body and mind, the unity of body and soul, completing the lifelong mark of each other.

Since the mark is for life, the reward for reaching 100 favorability should also be the time to accompany Cheng Xia for a lifetime.

Pei Shaoze's guess was not wrong, which is why he took a gamble and completely marked Cheng Xia. Otherwise, he can only spend 20 years with Cheng Xia in this world, and he will feel that it is far from enough.

He wants to accompany Cheng Xia all his life.

No, a life is not enough, he can hardly imagine how to spend the days of losing Cheng Xia.

Pei Shaoze asked calmly: "I can accompany Cheng Xia in this world, what about the world I am in?"

The system said: "The name of the protagonist in this book is the same as yours, and the height, weight, and appearance are exactly the same as yours. Have you never doubted the origin of this book?"

Pei Shaoze was stunned. When he first saw himself in the mirror, he found that Pei Shaoze in the world in the book had a face like him. He thought it was because the system was too lazy to recreate a Pei Shaoze, so he directly used his facial features.

Now it seems that maybe it is not what he thought?

Pei Shaoze immediately asked, "Could it be that... in the real world, there is also a person named Cheng Xia?"

Thinking of this, Pei Shaoze's heart suddenly beat violently.

In reality, Pei Shaoze and Pei Shaoze in the book have exactly the same name and appearance, but their personalities are different. So, is there a boy in reality with exactly the same name and appearance as Cheng Xia in the book? Can he find Cheng Xia even in the real world? !

System 1022 smiled and said: "I can't disclose this. Although your initial strategy was off the track, with Cheng Xia's efforts to correct, you finally achieved a 100-point level clearance mission. Congratulations Complete the mission! After the player has cleared the level, he can develop freely in this world. I won't bother you! I'm going to find the next player, goodbye!"

Pei Shaoze: "..."

There was no system voice in his mind, Pei Shaoze was silent for a moment and looked at the person in his arms.

Cheng Xia opened his eyes and met Pei Shaoze's gaze. He seemed a little shy, his cheeks were slightly red, and then he retracted into Pei Shaoze's arms like a cat, hugged Alpha's waist with both hands, and whispered: "I'm so active. You gave yourself to you, would you laugh at me?"

Pei Shaoze felt soft and leaned over and kissed the boy's forehead: "No, I just like your proactive appearance."

Cheng Xia was very embarrassed, her eyelashes trembled lightly, and asked cheeky: "Are you satisfied with this birthday gift?"

Pei Shaoze put his lips to the boy's ear and whispered: "Very satisfied, you can give gifts like this every birthday in the future. The bow tie of the bath towel is very cute, continue next time."

Cheng Xia's face is red and her ears are red: "You want to be beautiful... Take it for example!"

Pei Shaoze changed his opinion: "Then next year, how about I give myself to you?"

Cheng Xia: "..."

It's over, the upright and serious Brother Pei seems to have been damaged by him?


After all, Pei Shaoze is the owner of Tianxuan. He has been missing for three days. The company has Assistant Zhang and Vice President Yang, so it is not messy. But he cannot be absent from work for too long. When Cheng Xia's enthusiasm completely passed away, he was ready to go back to work.

At noon that day, the two of them cooked together and cooked a table of dishes. When eating in the restaurant, Cheng Xia suddenly blushed and said, "Well, you have done it many times in the past three days. Will I get pregnant? "

Pei Shaoze's face became stiff-Omega will be pregnant, he can accept this setting, but looking at Cheng Xia's young and lovely face... He is still a child, how can he give birth so early? He is not yet 20 years old!

Pei Shaoze said softly: "You have just started your career now, and you are not suitable for giving birth. What do you think?"

Cheng Xia nodded and said, "Well, I think so too." He is only 19 years old. It is too early to have a baby. Cheng Xia blushes and feels a little embarrassed: "Wait for a few years, I am older, we will have children. . This time, I'll take the contraceptive pill, lest it's difficult to get pregnant. In the future... tell me when you want it."

Pei Shaoze coughed slightly: "Well, let's talk about it then."

Although he doesn't like children, he always thinks that children are too noisy, but if the children look like Cheng Xia, the reduced version of oranges must be very cute, and he doesn't mind hearing the children call his father milkyly.

When Shu Yue was pregnant and retired, Pei Shaoze would not let Cheng Xia give up her dream because of the baby.

After a few years, when Cheng Xia has a firm foothold, and both of them have a smooth career and life, it is not too late to have children.


In the afternoon, Pei Shaoze drove Cheng Xia back to the artist's apartment in an orange sports car, and then drove the black sports car that Cheng Xia gave him to the company.

He was away for three days and there were a lot of documents to be processed.

Zhang Fan received the news in advance and waited for him in the company. After reading the documents sent by Zhang Fan, Pei Shaoze signed one by one, and asked casually: "Is there any news from the economic investigation side?"

Zhang Fan said: "Team Zhou called yesterday and said that the clues you provided are very complete. They have checked out all the shell companies from which Vice President Cui transferred assets, and are currently looking for a bank to check the flow. If nothing else, The case can be closed before the end of the year."

Pei Shaoze nodded: "What did the lawyer say?"

Zhang Fan said: "The amount involved is huge, and he bought the PR company for these crimes of slandering Cheng Xia, it should be sentenced to more than ten years."

Pei Shaoze's lips lightly raised: "Very well. Next year, I will set up a branch and focus on the film industry. You are familiar with the business of the headquarters, Zhang Fan. Contact with TV stations and advertisers will be handed over to you in the future. How?"

Zhang Fan was flattered: "Mr. Pei, I, I'm still young..."

Pei Shaoze said: "You are also a master's degree from a TOP-10 key university, and you have a little confidence in yourself. Besides, you have followed me during this period. I know how you can do things. I will take you where I don't understand. There are so many affairs for Tianxuan. , I can't handle it alone."

If you want to sit firmly in this world, you have to cultivate your cronies. After Cui Jue got out of Tianxuan, the management should also put on some of his henchmen.


At the end of the year, Cui Jue was arrested by the economic investigation, and Pei Shaoze formally filed a lawsuit against Cui Jue.

The netizens ate another big melon-unexpectedly, President Pei used a ruthless means to send Tianxuan's elder Cui Jue to prison! What made netizens even more shocked was that Cui Jue was the one who bought the navy to discredit Cheng Xia in the first place? !

The situation in Tianxuan is changing, and Pei Shaoze is vigorous and resolute. When the A group of artists were anxious, he had already written Zhang Fan's promotion report to the personnel and board of directors for approval, and also promoted several middle-level managers from copyright and legal affairs. management.

Cui Jue's sentence did not affect Tianxuan's reputation. Because Pei Shaoze invested in two dramas and cleared the group's internal obstacles, he formally took over Tianxuan Group. Tianxuan's stock rose instead of falling. In just one year Within, the market value has nearly doubled.

The employees received year-end bonuses and the shareholders were even more happy. The entire Tianxuan was convinced of Pei Shaoze.

Pei Shaoze originally planned to give Cheng Xia a car as a year-end award. As a result, on his birthday, the two of them gave the same gift to each other. Pei Shaoze had to change another gift. This time, he decided to give something more meaningful.

On January 1, the New Year's Eve party.

Cheng Xia is the best newcomer of the year, and many TV stations have invited him. After careful screening, her agent Zhou Yan chose the CNTV party with the highest ratings and the best reputation for Cheng Xia.

On New Year's Eve, Pei Shaoze was also invited to the CNTV TV station and sat in the first row of VIP seats.

At the time, the "Idol Singer" sponsored by CNTV invited Chen Yijun as a resident guest. Pei Shaoze contacted him. His relationship with the TV station has gradually opened up. After filming a drama, you can consider broadcasting it simultaneously on the TV station.

As the actor of the "Fragments of Memory" MV, Cheng Xia collaborated with the singer's goddess Chen Yijun on the Internet-wide single "Fragments of Memory". Cheng Xia's voice is warm and bright, and she sings very well.

Cheng Xia, who was wearing a white suit, might have been marked, her youthfulness faded a lot, and she smiled at the camera, looking handsome.

Cheng Xia stood on the big stage of the New Year's Eve party, picked up the microphone and sang with a smile on his face.

Pei Shaoze was sitting under the stage, watching the shining appearance of the little seedling he raised, and the corners of his lips could not help but bend slightly.

The seedlings he raised were eventually eaten and wiped by him himself-this is the best arrangement.


After the dinner, Pei Shaoze drove Cheng Xia back to Binjiang Villa.

As soon as the two entered the door, Pei Shaoze suddenly stretched out his arms, picked up Cheng Xiaheng in a suit, and walked to the bedroom upstairs.

Cheng Xia's body suddenly vacated, grabbing the man's shoulder hurriedly and nervously, and said with a trembling, "Brother Pei..."

Pei Shaoze hugged him onto the bed, leaned down, stared into Cheng Xia's eyes and said, "We have known each other for more than a year."

Cheng Xia nodded: "Well, a year and 15 days."

Pei Shaoze's lips were lightly raised, and his voice was low and hoarse: "Tonight, spend the New Year with me."

Before Cheng Xia could react, the man's hand took off his suit flexibly.

Immediately afterwards, the slender fingers unbuttoned the white shirt one by one, and the man's eyes gradually darkened because of seeing Cheng Xia's white skin. The dark eyes full of possessiveness made Cheng Xia's heart beat faster. .

He clearly saw his own miniature from Pei Shaoze's eyes.

The tips of Cheng Xia's ears quickly turned red, and her voice trembled: "Pei, Brother Pei..."

Pei Shaoze stuck to his ear and said softly, "Cheng Xia, I love you."

Seeing his dazzling appearance at the New Year's Eve party, I especially wanted to hug him tightly and confirm that he belongs to him.

Pei Shaoze is greedy for the Omega orange pheromone in front of him. The sweet taste is fascinating.

The tender kiss fell quickly.

First, the forehead, eyes, and cheeks. Then, Pei Shaoze slowly kissed Cheng Xia's lips. Cheng Xia gasped lightly, and quickly closed her eyes and hugged Pei Shaoze's shoulders tightly.

Fireworks were set off outside the window, giving it a New Year's atmosphere.


Early the next morning, when Cheng Xia woke up, she found that Pei Shaoze was sitting beside the bed in a trousers and shirt. His whole body was sore that he almost couldn't straighten his waist. He couldn't help but whispered: "You didn't go to bed at 3 o'clock last night. You actually got up so early, aren't you tired?"

Pei Shaoze kissed Cheng Xia's forehead and whispered: "I'm not tired. How is my physical strength, don't you know?"

Cheng Xia blushed, but he saw that Pei Shaoze suddenly knelt on one knee beside his bed and gently held Cheng Xia's hand.

The man's eyes were extremely gentle, and his voice was sincere: "Cheng Xia, on the first day of the new year, I have a wish and want to ask you to help me realize it."

He took a shiny diamond ring in front of Cheng Xia and said seriously: "Marry me, okay?"

Cheng Xia: "..."

Cheng Xia, who had just woke up, was still a little confused, and was completely awake by Pei Shaoze's words.

He rubbed his eyes and realized that he was not dreaming. Cheng Xia blushed and said, "You, are you... Are you proposing to me?"

I never expected that Brother Pei would propose marriage in this situation. Alpha, who has always been cold and proud, knelt on one knee on the head of the bed, his eyes were gentle and affectionate. This scene was even better than Cheng Xia's dream, and it was so beautiful that people could not believe it.

"Yes, I'm officially proposing to you." Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia and said word by word: "Cheng Xia, you are the best person in the world, and the only person I want to protect-you are willing, Marry me?"

Alpha's eyes were gentle and firm.

Cheng Xia's nose was sour, and she nodded vigorously, "I am willing!"

I have been willing for a long time, and have held several weddings in my dream. Except for you, I won't be tempted by any Alpha anymore, because in my heart, you are the best Alpha in the world and the Alpha that is worth my life to love.

The corners of Pei Shaoze's lips lightly raised, holding Cheng Xia's hand, and gently putting the carefully selected customized ring on Cheng Xia's ring finger.

—— Cheng Xia, you are the protagonist of this world and the reason why I came to this world. How lucky it is to meet you, let me experience how happy it is to love and be loved by a person.

——I just want to stay here and spend my life with you.
