The Nine Princes

[Fanwai the Nine Princes]

After receiving Zhou Yan's reply, the crew of "Nine Princes" seemed to be hit by a pie in the sky.

Lin Daule stayed up all night. They invited Zhou Yan, just with the idea of ​​"try it out". After all, Cheng Xia is a hot new star recently. Many crews are rushing to find Cheng Xia, but Cheng Xia may not be able to see it. On them.

As a result, not only did Cheng Xia decide to take over the drama, Mr. Pei also said that he would make additional investments?

Mr. Pei's investment!

Director Lin suddenly felt that the various awards at the end of the year were beckoning him!

After other advertisers heard the news, they rushed to make additional investments. Everyone wanted to grab President Pei's car, and maybe the profit could double again...

As a result, "The Nine Princes", which had not invested much in the first place, eventually exceeded 200 million in investment.

This is Pei Shaoze's terrible appeal.

Director Lin was so happy that he was about to faint. On the day of signing the contract, he flew to Rongcheng to invite Pei Shaoze to dinner.

Cheng Xia was also there, and several creators chatted about the show's plans. Pei Shaoze said: "It's a good thing to have ample funds. For costume dramas, you can focus on the polishing of the script and the way of serving. Director Lin can ask you a few A senior consultant, don't have loopholes in the props. Costume designers and stylists also invite a few more to design some costumes that match the characteristics of the princes."

Director Lin nodded vigorously: "Mr Pei said yes, I am planning to redo the costume."

Pei Shaoze said: "The protagonist's costumes should be made up to 20 sets. Other princes and harem women's clothes should not be less than 10 sets. We are filming plot dramas. The princes are distinguished. It is normal to change clothes every day. In addition, the setting, The props should also be as refined as possible. If there is no suitable building in the studio, we will design and build it ourselves."

Director Lin clenched his fist excitedly: "Great, we must make this drama a benchmark in costume dramas!"

Having a producer like Pei Shaoze is indeed a reassurance for the whole crew.

Director Lin asked the screenwriter to polish the script again, carefully reviewing all the lines, and then invited the strongest costume design team in the circle to redesign a large number of costumes according to the figures of the actors. I also found a professional designer to build the scenes used in filming...

The director looked at the design drawings and couldn't help feeling: "Our show is about to become an ancient fashion show."

Director Lin laughed: "If I were an audience, I could feel the crew's care just by looking at these beautiful clothes... It's cool to have money!"

There are more than 20 sets of the protagonist's clothes. This treatment is probably envious of other crews!


The costume drama "Nine Princes" has 50 episodes and is adapted from a very popular novel. There is no ABO setting in this drama. All the princes can inherit the throne. The confrontation of light and dark between the various forces is very wonderful.

This drama is a double protagonist, and the three princes are decent. Although they failed to win the throne, they got the love of this life. They suspended their lives and spent the rest of their lives peacefully and happily. The little prince is the villain, and finally ascended to the throne, but because of his distorted personality, he can only live alone on the high throne for a lifetime.

I don't know who is the ultimate winner.

Because the original work is very popular, the TV series has become very popular before filming. Major forums are discussing the actors of several princes in the drama, especially the big villain, the little prince. The 18-year-old is pale and weak. Bullied and swallowed his anger, looking like an inconspicuous useless. In fact, the little prince has a deep heart, he will be repaid, and his personality is gloomy and even a bit abnormal.

All the people who bullied him were recorded by him on a small book, because he would retaliate one by one.

The audience has long been tired of watching the protagonist of Our Lady of Goodness. This kind of cruel and perverted villain is really unique and makes netizens look forward to it. However, it is difficult for first-line stars with strong acting skills to perform the weak and youthful feeling of the little prince, and young actors are not good enough in acting. The candidate for the little prince is quite controversial on the Internet.

Until the end of April, the crew finally announced all the actors.

The princes who played more important roles in the play are looking for stars with good acting skills in the circle. The decent protagonists and the three princes are very suitable for the role, and there is nothing to pinch. As soon as the actor of the villain's little prince was announced, there was an uproar on the Internet--

Netizens were stunned: "Isn't it, Cheng Xia?!" "Actually, I guessed that Cheng Xia was last year's best rookie. The acting skills are okay. It makes sense for the crew to ask him." Do you want to play the gloomy little prince? I look forward to Cheng Xia's little pervert!" "From the sunny boy in the school drama, to the hot-blooded policeman in the criminal investigation drama, to the perverted prince in the costume drama, this span is so big!"

Cheng Xia's works have really spanned a long way since her debut, which is hard to see among newcomers. Most newcomers will act in a few well-controlled youth-themed films before trying other types.

Cheng Xia is a "various newcomer" with three plays and three completely different styles.

Many people questioned his acting skills before, however, his crying scene and explosive power in "The Lost Traces" are seen by everyone. Many directors in the circle have given high praise to Cheng Xia's acting skills, and they have always been provocative. In an interview, Director Zhu even said publicly: "It is very pleasant to work with Cheng Xia. He is the most talented and hardest newcomer I have ever met."

Last year's newcomer award was the biggest recognition of Cheng Xia, and there were fewer and fewer comments on the Internet that questioned Cheng Xia's acting skills. Knowing that Cheng Xia took over the role of "Little Prince", netizens said one after another: Cheng Xia's little perversion is worth looking forward to!

What makes everyone even more happy is that Pei Shaoze is a producer again this time.

Seeing the list announced by the crew, the book fans were so excited that they rushed around and told: "It's Chief Pei who produced the film, it's great!" "The quality of the two shows he produced last year is super high, and this one shouldn't lose the chain. Right?" "It is said that with an investment of more than 2 billion yuan, it will definitely become a boutique drama!"


The wealthy and wayward crew officially launched in early May. Cheng Xia flew to Ya'an Film and Television City with the cast and crew.

This is the second time he has come to the film and television city. The last time he filmed the suspense drama was in the C area of ​​the film and television city. This time the costume drama was changed to area A. This is full of antique pavilions and majestic palaces. It looked extremely spectacular, giving Cheng Xia the illusion of traveling through ancient times in a trance.

Pei Shaoze also took time to participate in the opening ceremony.

Cheng Xia changed into costumes and a long wig. His facial features are full of youthfulness, wearing exquisite gowns, and the makeup artist deliberately "weak" makeup, flushed corners of the eyes, white skin, slightly pale lips, the kind of shy and timid looking at people The look in his eyes perfectly blends with the image of the "bullyed" little prince in the play.

When taking the makeup photo, Director Lin patted his thigh with excitement: "It's great! Cheng Xia's plasticity is the strongest I have ever seen. What he plays and what he looks like. This pitiful little appearance makes people unable to resist. I want to bully!"

Pei Shaoze sat next to the photographer, looking at the poor little prince standing under the camera, and felt that Cheng Xia's role this time was very interesting.

There are two sets of today's looks. One is the thin and pale early prince, whose clothes are mainly light-colored, which is pitiful and makes people want to bully him and protect him; the second is the late prince who is psychologically distorted after the blackening. He was dressed in black, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, his eyes were cold and harsh.

Cheng Xia could switch between the two personalities with his eyes.

It's so emotional.

After taking the makeup photo, Cheng Xia returned to the dressing room to change clothes, but Pei Shaoze stopped him: "Don't change it first. This version is beautiful, delicate and fragile, no wonder people want to bully you."

The little prince in the play was bullied by other elder brothers since he was a child because of this overly good-looking face, coupled with the miserable life experience of his mother's concubine's early death and his indifferent father. Cheng Xia's appearance does make people feel an urge to bully him severely.

Cheng Xia said earnestly: "I killed all the people who bullied me in this show. I'm just superficially bullying, but I actually hold my grudges!"

His appearance of defending himself solemnly is really cute as he looks at it.

Pei Shaoze suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled Cheng Xia into his arms, and kissed Cheng Xia's lips hard.

This kind of "bullying" method made Cheng Xia's ears become red in an instant, and she soon fell into Pei Shaoze's arms: "Um... Pei, Brother Pei... will and will be seen by others... um... um... …"

Of course he won't be seen, Pei Shaoze had already locked the door easily, Zhou Yan was still guarding outside.

Cheng Xia's elegant and elegant costume made Pei Shaoze feel unbearable. He held the "little prince" and kissed it for a long time, until Cheng Xia trembled and begged for mercy, and Pei Shaoze let him go.

Cheng Xia blushed and complained: "You have a little restraint in the crew."

Pei Shaoze touched Cheng Xia's hot cheeks: "Don't worry, no one will come in. I will return to Rongcheng tomorrow to deal with the affairs of Tianxuan Films. Next, I won't see you for a while..."

Thinking of the two being separated again, Cheng Xia was silent for a moment, took the initiative to hug Pei Shaoze, and kissed her Alpha on her tiptoe.

This prince dressed up and offered kisses...

The visual impact made Pei Shaoze's heart beat faster, and he couldn't help holding the boy in his arms tightly, and kissed him deeply.

The two have been intimate in the fitting room for a long time.

Cheng Xia blushed and pushed her away, and asked in a low voice: "After you are free, can you come to the crew to visit the crew? I will miss you."

"Of course, I will come to see you whenever I have time." Pei Shaoze pressed Cheng Xia's lips, his voice was soft to the extreme: "I will miss you too."


After the makeup photo was released, Cheng Xia's fans screamed with joy.

This time, only the first version of the styling was announced. The black version of the styling was hidden by Tao Lin, and he would surprise the audience when he thought of it.

The appearance of the first version of the weak little prince alone made Cheng Xia's fans excited, leaving a crazy message on Weibo: "Protect our little prince!" "Who can bear such a cute little prince to bully him?" "No way, look. His eyes are red and pitiful, so he wants to hug him!"

Someone is also reminding: "Don't forget, the little prince is the late BOSS." "I look forward to the black version. The black Xia Xia must be very interesting!"

Cheng Xia feels that this character is a bit schizophrenic, but it is really enjoyable to challenge a character like this. The first second is still red eyes like crying, and the next second he has cold eyes and a bad smile on the corners of his mouth. The death date is silently recorded in a small book.

This kind of perverted protagonist's emotional change must be carefully handled. If it has been performed, it will look very flamboyant.

Director Lin has strict requirements. After starting up, he did not rush to film the scene. Instead, he got the actors together and spent a few days reading through the script, and the screenwriter teacher also followed the group to modify it at any time. After most of the script was finalized, Director Lin started shooting from a simple scene.

Several of the actors invited this time are quite famous. The Alpha who played the three emperors is a popular star in the circle. It is excusable to put his name first. Strictly speaking, the little prince belongs to the male partner who plays a lesser role in the "two male protagonists". After all, people with distorted personality and psychopaths who play the protagonist will not pass the audit.

Because there is Pei Shaoze behind Cheng Xia, everyone knows that Cheng Xia is a newcomer to Tianxuan, and his attitude is very polite.

The filming of the costume drama "Nine Princes" went smoothly. Pei Shaoze sent his brother over to be the deputy producer, and he went back to work on Tianxuan Pictures. Pei Shaoyan has the experience of being the producer of "The Lost Traces" last time, and this time he learned a lot of new knowledge from the costume drama.

Of course, every time Cheng Xia changes his look, Pei Shaoyan, a "frontline paparazzi", will actively take pictures and send them to his elder brother. He even changes his WeChat ID to "brother wants to raise his salary."

Pei Shaoze couldn't help laughing every time he saw the photos sent by "Brother Wants to Increase Salary".

This stupid brother, under his reformation, has gradually embarked on the right path. He can save 4,000 for a monthly salary of 5,000. Anyway, following the crew, he has also learned to cherish his hard-earned salary. Pei Shaoze said: "I have passed through the dialogue with the main creator. The producer of this show will put your name on it. Although it is at the end, you are officially showing up."

Pei Shaoyan was dumbfounded: "You mean, in the title of the TV series, there will be my name in the producer column?!"

Pei Shaoze: "Well. When this drama is finished, I will give you another salary according to the salary standard of the production assistant."

Pei Shaoyan was so excited that he almost jumped up: "Awesome!"

Pei Shaoze said: "Also, I can't be busy with Tianxuan Pictures alone. After two years, you will learn how to manage the company. You will serve as the vice president of Tianxuan Pictures and learn how to screen and invest in projects. , Don't waste the opportunity I gave you."

Pei Shaoyan was silent for a long time before sending three words: "I know, thank you brother."

If it hadn't been for the elder brother to carry him around and force him to study, he might still be singing and drinking with those fox friends all day. Thinking about it carefully, the previous days of muddle-headedness were actually quite boring. Now that I saw a broader world, I felt that I was extremely small.

The eldest brother is so good, as the youngest son of the Pei family, why is he embarrassed to shame his brother?


Although Pei Shaoze is busy, he will take a few days to visit the studio every other week. He will buy some fruit snacks for the crew and ask the crew about the shooting progress. Of course, the most important thing is to look at his Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia has been integrated into the crew, getting along with other actors happily, and her understanding of the role of the little prince has gradually improved.

Pei Shaoze watched several scenes he acted, and the perverted, distorted little eyes were absolutely amazing!

In fact, Cheng Xia also blackened in the later period of the original "Marks of Accident", and personally killed Pei Shaoze in the original.

In Cheng Xia's bones is the resilience to accept defeat, he can endure hardships, endure, and has a clear sense of grievances. He will double the rewards for those who treat him well, and he will repay them tenfold for those who bully him. This hidden trait is actually very similar to the character of the little prince.

This is also the key to Pei Shaoze's decision to let Cheng Xia play this role after reading the outline.

The little prince is a character that is difficult to control. Say he is a villain. His experience is too distressing; but he is really not decent. After all, he was too vicious after the later period of blackening, killing countless people.

If Cheng Xia can play a role that is both good and evil, the improvement of acting skills will have a qualitative leap.

Pei Shaoze intends to let Cheng Xia compete for the best actor in this year's TV series. He has contacted two TV stations, CNTV and SNTV, and will broadcast it on the satellite simultaneously. The major network platforms give Pei Shaoze face, and the schedule has already been determined.

The whole network is synchronized, TV stations are synchronized, and the ratings will be considerable by then, which will greatly help open Cheng Xia's popularity.

This drama will be a springboard for Cheng Xia to transition from a "childish newcomer" to a "powerful actor".

What makes Pei Shaoze gratify is that Cheng Xia has accomplished such a difficult role very well.

Pei Shaoze believes that his Cheng Xia will surely shine in the future.
