
[The Scandalous Storm]

After Cheng Xia won the best actor, she became the most popular actor in the circle. Countless crews threw olive branches at Cheng Xia, and even offered a sky-high price to ask Cheng Xia to play the lead role. The director in the circle gave Cheng Xia's acting skills. The evaluation is very high, and the investors also found that as long as Cheng Xia is acting in a drama, there is a high probability that it will explode!

To everyone's surprise, agent Zhou Yan refused all the offers. Even if the crew offered tens of millions of rewards, Zhou Yan did not waver, and the reason for rejection was unified: "Thank you for your appreciation of Cheng Xia. I'm sorry, Cheng Xia has no schedule this year. I have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

This was not Zhou Yan's excuse, but the truth-President Pei had already arranged for Cheng Xia's next play.

The preliminary preparations for Pei Shaoze's establishment of "Tianxuan Films" have been completed. The first film to test the waters is a thrilling suspense film. It has invited countless big names in the circle. The director is the co-director Zhu, and Cheng Xia plays a role in it. Reporters.

This movie was still produced by Pei Shaoze himself, and he brought Pei Shaoyan into the crew to study.

Just after the awards ceremony, a gossip suddenly spread in the circle: "Cheng Xia has taken another suspense drama, this time it is a movie."

Many people are skeptical: "He has done well in TV dramas. He shouldn't switch to making movies so quickly, right?" "Movies? Just won the best actor in TV dramas. Can you adapt to jumping to make movies?"

Although both TV series and movies are film and television series, there is a big difference between the two. Many stars with particularly high ratings in TV dramas are in a mess. So netizens think that Cheng Xia's prospects for development in TV dramas are so good, there is no need to rush into the film circle, right?

However, at the moment when the "Witness" launch promotion was released, all netizens felt that they were beaten in their faces.

My face hurts.

Cheng Xia really never played cards according to common sense.

Pei Shaoze's first suspense film to enter the film industry, because it was created by the original crew of "The Lost Traces", Director Zhu and his queen screenwriter once again joined forces, and the plot is more compact and exciting than online dramas.

The filming and production of this drama went smoothly. Pei Shaoze contacted the theaters in advance, and it was scheduled to be released on the Spring Festival in February.

The Spring Festival file is the most intense period of film competition. Family carnivals, cartoons, and big IPs are all crowded together. Suspense dramas are shown in such a festive time, which is not pleasing. However, the entire Spring Festival stalls performed well in the market, driving the box office, and the score of "The Witness" is getting higher and higher, and finally won the excellent results of the Spring Festival stalls.

The first is a family-friendly movie about family love, and the second is a comedy. The thriller and suspense drama can win third in the Spring Festival file is already very powerful, not to mention this is the first drama that President Pei has entered the movie circle, and the final box office is as high as 1.2 billion.

Netizens were surprised to find that Cheng Xia performed well in TV dramas, and when she went to make a movie, she could actually hold the box office!

The giant screen cinema will infinitely magnify the blemishes of the actor's facial features. Cheng Xia's facial features on the giant screen are still exquisite and handsome, and the expression management and eye change are also very good. After this film, Cheng Xia's play can be said to be true. Opened completely.

At the age of 21, Cheng Xia was nominated for best actor in the film industry.

At the age of 22, Cheng Xia successfully won the "Golden Ling Award" Best Actor in the film industry.

Cheng Xia makes a TV series and a movie every year. The TV series tries different styles and roles, while the movie plays steadily. Starting from the suspense of the niche and the themes of police and robbers, she gradually turns to the male lead of big productions and big IP dramas.

Many people outside say that Cheng Xia's star road is different from other young actors.

Most young actors follow the "traffic idol" route, attracting little fans by their appearance, but Cheng Xia has taken the "powerful" route from the very beginning. Although he is young, his acting skills are getting better and better in constant polishing.

The 24-year-old Cheng Xia, with a thrilling action movie, has a single box office of more than 5 billion yuan, and his accumulated box office has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and finally won two awards for the best actor in the film festival and the best actor in the Golden Antelope Award , Became the youngest "dual movie king" in the circle!

The young and handsome Cheng Xia is already a household name in the entertainment industry and the brightest rising star!

Cheng Xia has fans all over the country, and there are countless more fans.

His acting skills have been widely recognized by the mainstream media in the circle. People who have worked with him say that Cheng Xia works hard and never plays big names. He has a sunny, easy-to-get-together character and no dark spots. He is also very good to fans. Fans chase him to the airport to find him for autographs and take photos. He will seriously meet the fans' requests.

But at this moment, a piece of news suddenly came out on the Internet--

On Christmas Eve, December 24, on the night of the award ceremony, Cheng Xia was picked up by a mysterious black car.

A paparazzi photographed the car parked at the gate of a five-star hotel in Ya'an. Cheng Xia and a tall man wearing sunglasses walked into the hotel. Early the next morning, Cheng Xia came out of the hotel with luggage and went to the airport. Because the average temperature in Ya'an in winter was above 28 degrees, Cheng Xia wore a white short sleeve, peaked cap and sunglasses, fully armed, and could not see her face clearly.

But there is a very distinct hickey on the collarbone, and the uncovered hickey is undoubtedly revealed under the HD camera.

The ambiguous trace is easily reminiscent of what happened to him in the hotel last night...

The netizens who eat melon immediately got excited and started gossiping: "Should Cheng Xia have a secret boyfriend, right?" "I was picked up by a car to the hotel in the middle of the night. The tall man who came in behind him must be his boyfriend. Ah. Otherwise? Go to the hotel in the middle of the night to discuss the script?" "This hickey is so shy, his boyfriend is too uncontrollable..."

Some fans also said angrily: "Which **** Alpha dares to bite us Cheng Xia and come out to die!" "No, Cheng Xia belongs to us, no Alpha can be worthy of us Cheng Xia!"

Public opinion gradually fermented, and the photo of Cheng Xia with a hickey on his collarbone was actually topped by hot searches.

Cheng Xia: "..."

Looking at her fully armed herself in the photo, Cheng Xia blushed and couldn't wait to get into the ground. Last night, he and Pei had a long-term goodbye to their new marriage. In fact, he took the initiative because he was so happy that he won the double actor and wanted to share this joy with his Alpha.

Pei Shaoze hadn't seen Cheng Xia for nearly a month, and he missed it very much. With Cheng Xia taking the initiative, it was of course difficult for him to hold himself. When he did it, he became a bit more intense and accidentally left marks on Cheng Xia.

Cheng Xia was going to the airport the next day, covering her face tightly, but because she was too hurried, she forgot to cover the hickey above her collarbone.

I didn't want to be photographed by the paparazzi.

Cheng Xia nervously sent a message to Pei Shaoze: "Brother Pei, I blamed me for being careless. I was photographed by paparazzi! What should I do?"

Pei Shaoze was very calm: "It's okay, I'll deal with it."

Cheng Xia refreshed the website again, and the hot search was quickly withdrawn.

Netizens: "??? Fuck, it was withdrawn in time!" "What's the situation?"

Pei Shaoze quickly withdrew hot searches, but didn't want more people to see Cheng Xia's photos. Especially for both parents, how bad is it to see?

After this hot search was withdrawn, netizens who liked gossip began to "detective eyes" again, looking for clues, trying to find the "Alpha real murderer" who kissed Cheng Xia and left traces on Cheng Xia's body.

Some people even went to Pei Shaoze's Weibo to leave a message: "The artist of Tianxuan was bitten, and Mr. Pei doesn't care?" "Mr. Pei, go ahead and open the court directly like last time, send a lawyer's letter, and arrest that Alpha!" Mr. Pei said: Dare to bite my Omega and die!"

Pei Shaoze glanced at the comment area, and said to his heart: I bit, I grabbed myself?

Soon, a "famous detective netizen" found important clues with sharp eyes: "The car that took Cheng Xia to the hotel was a limited edition sports car from a few years ago. It was a black model. The license plate number was enlarged to see P1123. 1123 is President Pei's birthday, and P is the acronym for Pei, do you understand?"

Netizens were suddenly surprised: "P1123? Talent, you can see such a vague license plate!" "So, is the car that took Cheng Xia to the hotel from Mr. Pei?" "It was the license plate on 1123's birthday, I don't believe it. coincidence!"

Someone zoomed in on the photo of the man who walked into the hotel and locked the watch on his wrist: "Limited edition Patek Philippe, a watch is worth millions, and money may not be available. Compare it with the scene taken at an event two months ago The wrist of President Pei who arrived is the same watch."

Someone also used a magnifying glass to observe a man's tie: "This tie is familiar to Cheng Xia. The one worn at the award ceremony is a couple model!" Some even found photos of the event last year and found that Pei Shaoze was wearing a necklace that was worn by Cheng Xia not long ago. It seems to be a couple models.

Everyone got more and more terrible, and gradually discovered that Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia had a lot of couple models in places that everyone hadn't noticed!

The truth gradually emerged.

The eyes of the netizens are discerning, and Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia can't hide from them no matter how tightly they are hiding so many netizens looking for clues like detectives.

What's more, the two have been very affectionate after marriage. Although they never wear couple necklaces and couple watches on the same occasion to avoid suspicion, it is inevitable that they sometimes neglect to accidentally take out the necklaces, cufflinks and other accessories that the other party gave...

Pei Shaoze's comment on Weibo became more and more intense: "Don't Pei always come out to explain?" "Didn't you say that you didn't mark Cheng Xia at the beginning? Is everything fake and you are doing a show?" If you don't explain it, can it be true?"

Public opinion on the Internet is intensifying.

Cheng Xia was very tangled. He knew that this incident was caused by himself. Brother Pei did not say when it was announced. He was accidentally photographed by the paparazzi because of his mistake. He was very guilty and drove home to apologize to Pei Shaoze: "I'm sorry, I After I got the prize that day, I was so happy that I was photographed accidentally. I didn't even pay attention to the collarbone..."

Pei Shaoze has a gentle voice: "What do you apologize for? We have been together for so long. As a star, we must be psychologically prepared to be photographed by paparazzi. Sooner or later, it will be known."

Cheng Xia said anxiously: "Aren't you angry?"

Pei Shaoze chuckled and rubbed Cheng Xia's hair: "Not angry. Since it has been exposed, there is no need to hide it. Let's make it public."

Cheng Xia looked up at him: "Really public?"

Pei Shaoze said, "Well, it's time to tell everyone-you are mine."


Cheng Xia's gossip about dating the "mysterious man" lasted for a day. That night, Pei Shaoze posted a message on Weibo and @Cheng Xia.

"@Cheng Xia is the most loved person in my life. We have already registered for marriage. I'm sorry to keep you from you for so long. I will make up the wedding at a later date." The picture of this message is two marriage certificates, which clearly read Pei Shaoze , Cheng Xia's name.

Netizens: "..."

Eating melons makes your jaw drop!

President Pei is very efficient in doing things. Cheng Xiagang has a scandal. In the general case, the gossip targets at most say "We are indeed a couple". As a result, President Pei skips the step of "couple" and posted two marriage certificates? !

The netizen who left a message saying "Mr. Pei, your celebrity was bitten, you don't care" slapped himself: "You bit it!"

Fans who left a message to Cheng Xia saying "No Alpha is worthy of Xia Xia" immediately changed their attitude: "If it is President Pei, we can accept it." "Xia Xia can be loved by President Pei, it's really great President Pei is pretty reliable." "I got the certificate, then congratulations."

Cheng Xia saw the Weibo sent by Pei Shaoze, forwarded it, and replied: "I love you too"

Netizens: "..."

Is this time to show affection publicly?

The paparazzi and gossip netizens who broke the news before also felt embarrassed and deleted Weibo one after another. Everyone is married with a certificate. It's normal for the husband and wife to have intimacy. It's really awkward for them to take pictures of other people's privacy.

The people in the circle were stunned. In the past few years, Cheng Xia's career has gone smoothly, and the Tianxuan Group managed by Pei Shaoze has also flourished. Since Pei Shaoze will produce every drama that Cheng Xia plays, everyone is guessing whether the two of them are related. simple.

But I didn't expect to get the certificate!

Some people can't help but feel sour that "Cheng Xia holds a golden thigh in his career." However, looking at the whole circle, are there few celebrities holding golden thighs? Is there an acting ability that can make the process summer? From the newcomer award, to the best actor match, the best actor, tens of billions of box office, the audience is not blind. If Cheng Xia didn't have the ability, it would be impossible to improve so fast.

Now Cheng Xia has conquered a large number of audiences with his acting skills, and his name is the guarantee of box office and ratings.

After announcing his relationship, few scolded him, but a lot of envy and blessing messages.

In the entertainment circle, the fairy CP has one producer and one leading actor, and every play is a guarantee of quality.

President Pei still spoils Cheng Xia so much, saying publicly that Cheng Xia is the person he loves most in his life, which is really enviable...

A week later, many celebrities, directors, and screenwriters in the entertainment industry who had a good relationship with Cheng Xia received invitations from Pei Shaoze.

The wedding of Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia will be held on Cheng Xia's birthday on March 21 at Xingfu Island, Ya'an City.

For career considerations, he owed Cheng Xia a long wedding and honeymoon. Pei Shaoze will definitely make good compensation to his lover this time.
