Baby Outside

[Fanwai baby]

Cheng Xia's estrus-love-heat lasted for a whole week, Pei Shaoze has been taking care of him carefully and tenderly, and the beautiful islands with the same color of the sea and the sky have become their intimate hotbed, without any outsiders disturbing. Cheng Xia listened to the sound of the waves falling asleep in Pei Shaoze's arms every day, and his mind was always confused under the influence of pheromone. .

It was not until seven days passed that Cheng Xia finally recovered her energy.

After being marked again, he was full of the smell of Pei Shaoze's pheromone. Cheng Xia no longer used orange perfume to cover up this smell. He and Pei Shaoze had an open wedding, and everyone knew that they were a couple. It's normal for him to smell like this Alpha.

Cheng Xia looked out the window and said excitedly: "The weather is so good today, can I go out for a stroll?"

During this period of time, he had almost never left the house in the villa. For a week, he was almost suffocated. Pei Shaoze knew that he was playful, so he changed his clothes and took Cheng Xia to the beach. In order to prevent Cheng Xia from getting sunburned, Pei Shaoze thoughtfully prepared sunscreen to apply him and rented an umbrella.

The two of them sat under the umbrellas blowing the sea breeze, looking at the endless sea, feeling very comfortable.

Cheng Xia stared at the sea in a daze. This estrus fever lasted for seven days. According to the knowledge of physiology, Omega has a 90% probability of getting pregnant in a special period. If this is the case, is their baby already formed?

Seeing Cheng Xia in a daze, Pei Shaoze gently circled him in his arms and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

Cheng Xia came back to her senses and said seriously: "I'm thinking, if you really have a child, I hope that he will look like you and his personality will be like you, and become a responsible Alpha when he grows up."

A smile flashed across Pei Shaoze's eyes and said softly, "I think you are more cute."

Cheng Xia said hurriedly: "No, I was very naughty when I was a kid, and I often fought with a group of Alpha. My parents couldn't control me."

Pei Shaoze thought of Xiao Cheng Xia who rolled up his sleeves and fought with others, and still thought it was very cute: "That's not bad, it's better for the child to be a little more lively. Unlike me, I was bored when I was a child and there were few friends around."

Cheng Xia didn't know how Pei Shaoze spent his childhood. He couldn't help but wonder: "What did you do when you were a kid?"

Pei Shaoze thought for a while and said, "I do homework at home most of the time."

Cheng Xia: "..."

That's really lonely, right? Cheng Xia gently held Pei Shaoze's hand: "If I am here in the future, you won't be alone."

Pei Shaoze felt warm and held his hand tightly.


The one-month honeymoon period passed quickly. Although Cheng Xia was full of heart, she returned to Rongcheng with Pei Shaoze on time.

Zhou Yan also knew that Cheng Xia and Mr. Pei had just married publicly. Just like Jiao Shiqi, she pushed all the recent unimportant announcements, leaving only some relatively simple interviews, plane photos, magazine photos, etc., so Cheng Xia returned After arriving in Rongcheng, the work is very easy. Every night, I can go back to the Riverside Villa, and Pei Shaoze will go home after get off work.

The two are like ordinary husbands. They are busy during the day and go home to eat, chat and watch TV at night.

Soon it will be April.

One month after the honeymoon period, Cheng Xia went to the hospital for an examination with anxiety, Pei Shaoze personally accompanied.

Qin Yu took Cheng Xia to the examination room and asked Pei Shaoze to wait outside. Pei Shaoze stood in the corridor anxiously waiting for the result. His mood at the moment is actually even more nervous than that of the college entrance examination. In the past, his mind was all on his career, but now with Cheng Xia, he suddenly felt that it would be nice to have another child. The crystallization of his love with Cheng Xia, perhaps inherited Cheng Xia's facial features and personality?

At that time, a small orange of a smaller version followed him and called his father milkily. When Pei Shaoze thought of the picture, his whole heart felt soft. If Cheng Xia is pregnant, then not only Cheng Xia will be guarded, but also their children.

Pei Shaoze waited for a long time in the corridor before Cheng Xia came out with a report sheet.

Cheng Xia lowered her head, her face seemed not so good, Pei Shaoze's heart jumped, thinking that he was not pregnant this time, so she stepped forward and gently held Cheng Xia's hand: "It doesn't matter, the child depends on fate. Maybe the baby just doesn't Get ready to come to us."

Cheng Xia blushed and looked up at him and said, "Brother Pei, we have a baby. But..."

Pei Shaoze froze for a moment: "But what?"

Cheng Xia was a little embarrassed: "They are twins, and two babies have come to see us."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

Qin Yu couldn't help laughing out beside him. He walked over and patted Pei Shaoze on the shoulder, and joked in a low voice: "You Pei family and Cheng family have no twin genes. You can actually make Cheng Xia pregnant with two at once. Baby, buddy, you are a cow."

Pei Shaoze coughed awkwardly. He did work very hard this time, but he didn't expect...Two of his efforts came out?

Pei Shaoze took Cheng Xia's hand and sat down next to him to read the inspection report.

They are indeed two children. In the four-dimensional image, two small shadows are pasted together, and they can't see the facial features and body at all. Is that their child? Pei Shaoze's heart trembled, always feeling that the Creator is amazing.

He spent a week with a man on the island, and the other man was actually pregnant with his child...

After really accepting this setting, a warm sense of happiness came to my heart, and Pei Shaoze's eyes were full of tenderness. He took Cheng Xia into his arms and said distressedly: "Twins, will you be very hard?"

"Don't worry, I am in good health." Cheng Xia paused, and couldn't help but vomit: "I must definitely want a baby who looks like Brother Pei so much, and you want another one who looks like me. God thinks We were both in trouble, so we just gave two at once."

"..." Qin Yu laughed out beside him, "Cheng Xia's theory seems to make sense too!"

Pei Shaoze looked at Cheng Xia helplessly, his lover really had a strange brain circuit.

Qin Yu said: "By the way, I have just explained the process of Xia, and I will tell you that twins are heavier than a child. Shaoze, you have to take care of Cheng Xia and don't do too vigorous exercise during pregnancy. Regularly Check again, come to the hospital whenever you feel unwell, you know?"

Pei Shaoze nodded cautiously: "I understand."


That night, Pei Shaoze informed both relatives of the good news. Before the parents had time to be excited, Pei Shaoyan was so excited that he almost jumped up first: "I have a nephew? Or two nephews! Hahaha, I will hold one hand in hand and take them to play Have fun!"

Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia smiled at each other. The children should be very happy to play with this teasing uncle.

After returning in the evening, Cheng Xia was about to go up the stairs. Pei Shaoze directly stretched out his arms to hug him. Cheng Xia couldn't help but said, "Don't be so exaggerated, I'm not incapable of walking..."

Pei Shaoze said: "I just want to hold you away."

After returning to the bedroom, he gently placed Cheng Xia on the bed and poured a glass of warm water for Cheng Xia.

The two cuddled together. After a while, Cheng Xia said: "By the way, Brother Pei, the drama I took last year is scheduled to officially start in July."

Pei Shaoze thought of this: "Is that the workplace drama?"

Cheng Xia nodded: "Well, you also have investment. The crew is well prepared. As the lead actor, I can't put pigeons on the crew. So, I want to discuss with you. Although I am pregnant now, I want to make this drama. Finish."

Pei Shaoze frowned and said, "Are you okay with your body?"

Cheng Xia immediately assured: "No problem. In July, after 3 months, the baby is stable. This modern workplace drama is about the struggle history of an Omega in the workplace. I really want to act. I watched it. The script, there is no action scene, most of them are lines, which should not affect the baby."

Pei Shaoze was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I will follow the team throughout the whole process and take care of you myself."

It was Shu Yue's choice to leave the circle when she was pregnant. He would not let Cheng Xia give up her career for the child. What's more, the contract was signed a long time ago, because Cheng Xia alone affected the entire crew, and Cheng Xia would definitely feel sorry for it. Cheng Xia has always been a very dedicated actor. Even if he has taken a double actor now, he is very popular. He has always been serious in his work. There is no need to give up everything he prepared for the baby.

During pregnancy, he could not exercise vigorously. After that, Pei Shaoze had been very restrained. He gave most of the work to several vice presidents of the company and spared more time to take care of Cheng Xia.

When the new drama started in July, Pei Shaoze personally joined the team as a producer. He asked the crew to directly arrange a suite for him and Cheng Xia. Every night when Cheng Xia came back from filming, Pei Shaoze would gently help Cheng Xia squeeze her shoulders and massage. Click on the waist and calf.

Cheng Xia was thin and thin, and she couldn't tell if she was pregnant. The crew did not know that Cheng Xia was pregnant.

This drama is an urban workplace drama. There are no intense action scenes. In addition, Pei Shaoze greeted the director privately, telling the director not to overfill the announcement. The director only schedules Cheng Xia for a few scenes a day. Therefore, Cheng Xia this The filming was very easy.

After returning to the hotel in the evening, Cheng Xia will lean in Alpha's arms, watch a cozy movie, or talk about the baby.

Cheng Xia asked: "Brother Pei, our baby, what's the name?"

When he secretly liked Pei Shaoze a long time ago, Cheng Xia figured out the name of the child, and even the kindergarten that the child went to could make up his mind, but he was embarrassed to say so, so he asked Pei Shaoze for his opinion.

Pei Shaoze asked softly: "What name do you like?"

Cheng Xia blushed and said: "The boy's name is Pei Xiaoyuan, and the girl's name is Pei Xiaofang? Cough cough, it doesn't sound very nice."

Pei Shaoze: "..."

One round, one square, Cheng Xia's brain is really powerful.

Pei Shaoze held back a smile and rubbed Cheng Xia's head. Even if his Cheng Xia was pregnant, he could not help but pet him like a child. His eyes were full of tenderness, and he looked into Cheng Xia's eyes and said, "I have an idea. It is very hard for you to carry these twins. When the time comes, the two babies will have your last name and the other will have my last name."

Cheng Xia was taken aback for a moment: "Ah, this...Is this okay?"

Pei Shaoze said: "Very good. I will say hello to my parents in advance. The child belongs to the two of us, and it makes no sense that they will all have my last name."

Cheng Xia warmed her heart and nodded softly: "Brother Pei, you have the choice."

Pei Shaoze said: "As for the name, I thought of a couple, what do you think?"

He took out the hotel's guestbook and the attached black pen, and wrote two names on the paper.

Pei Niancheng, Cheng Yize.

After writing, Pei Shaoze added: "If it's a girl, it's called Pei Niancheng, and the boy is Pei Niancheng. For babies with the surname Cheng, regardless of male or female, the name Cheng Yize should be used."

Cheng Xia's face blushed slightly: "This...isn't this too showy of affection?"

Missing, memory, even the baby's name is full of love.

Pei Shaoze said: "The nicknames are called Big Orange and Little Orange in the order they were born. What do you think?"

Cheng Xia thought for a while. It was better than the Xiaofang Xiaoyuan she took, and she nodded in agreement: "Let's do it! Niancheng, Yi Ze, it is our child!"


After filming the workplace drama, Cheng Xia took a vacation and went home to recuperate.

As the child grew older, his body was indeed no longer suitable for work, and Pei Shaoze also took time off to take care of him at home.

In December, Cheng Xia was sent to Binjiang Private Hospital where Qin Yu was located.

The good time was the end of December, but on December 24, Cheng Xia was rushed to the operating room. After receiving the news, Pei Shaoze drove to the hospital and stood at the entrance of the corridor, so nervous that his forehead was full of cold sweat.

His heart seemed to be strangled by a rope and hung in the air. His favorite person was pushed into the operating room. He was really afraid that even if Cheng Xia had a little accident, he would not be able to bear the consequences.

A short hour is as long as a century.

Knowing that the door of the operating room was pushed open, and there was a loud baby crying in the room, Pei Shaoze suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly stepped forward to hold Cheng Xia's hand, his voice trembling: "Are you all right?"

Cheng Xia's face was pale, but there was a smile in her eyes: "It's okay, the two little guys are eager to see us."

Pei Shaoze sent Cheng Xia back to the ward in person. The nurse held the two children to show them: "A boy, a girl, the boy who came out first."

Cheng Xia was very happy: "That's my brother and sister! My brother is Dacheng and my sister is Xiaocheng."

The two children cried fiercely, and the puffy cry almost broke the eardrums, and they looked very well developed. Pei Shaoze stretched out his hand to take the child from the nurse, not sure if he was afraid of the majesty of his father, the two little ones calmed down instantly, and both curiously opened their eyes to look at Pei Shaoze. The daughter also carefully touched Pei Shaoze's finger with her little fleshy hand.

Pei Shaoze's heart suddenly softened, and he took the two children to the bed to show Cheng Xia.

Alpha's big hand gently held Cheng Xia's hand. In the heart of Cheng Xia's hands, there were again the baby's fleshy little hands.

The four people's hands are stacked together, and the picture is indescribably warm and harmonious.

Pei Shaoze leaned over and kissed Cheng Xia's forehead. From then on, the person he wanted to protect, besides Cheng Xia, had two more little babies.

He will work hard to be a good father.
