The Father

[Fanwai's most reliable father]

That night, Pei Shaoze personally posted a Weibo: "@Cheng Xia My favorite baby, it's hard work. A family of four, I will try to protect you in the future."

A photo was posted on Weibo. He held Cheng Xia's hand with his big hand, and Cheng Xia's hand was holding the baby's small hand. The fleshy hands of the two babies were placed in the palms of their fathers. The netizens who saw them were so cute that they all expressed their congratulations: "A family of four, happy!" "Pei is a father, congratulations!" He must be a good father, a little envious of Mr. Pei's baby, is this reincarnation too good?"

Cheng Xia took a break at home after filming a workplace drama some time ago, and did not show up for half a year. Netizens still wonder what Cheng Xia is doing in the second half of the year. Only now did I know that he actually had babies with Mr. Pei, and gave birth to two at a time?

Omega actors have babies. Shu Yue had previously retired because of pregnancy. Although Cheng Xia's fans were happy that Cheng Xia had a baby, they were worried that Cheng Xia would leave the public eye. Many people said on Weibo: "Should Xia Xia not leave the circle?" "No, we haven't watched enough of your movies yet!"

Zhou Yan logged onto Cheng Xia's Weibo and posted a message: "I'm the agent Zhou Yan. Cheng Xia recently took a rest in the hospital. He asked me to tell everyone that he will not leave the circle. Acting is his favorite career. Rest. He will be back in a while."

The fans were relieved and left messages on Cheng Xia's Weibo to express their congratulations.

Cheng Xia recovered well and was discharged from the hospital within a week. Pei Shaoze took Cheng Xia and the children back to the Riverside Villa.

In order to welcome the birth of the child, Pei Shaoze completely renovated the second floor, creating a children's room for each of the two babies, and changed the back garden on the first floor of the villa into a small children's playground.

He was worried that Cheng Xia was too hard, so he hired a professional childcare nanny to take care of the children.

The two babies were pretty well-behaved, and soon adapted to the environment of their new home. They would not cry and wake up their father in the middle of the night. Under the guidance of professional childcare nanny, they gradually developed the good habit of eating regularly and sleeping regularly.

A baby sleeps for more than 18 hours a day, and Pei Shaoze walks lightly when he is at home, worrying about waking the child.

Every time he goes to the nursery, he sees two babies sleeping on the crib with their eyes closed, and his heart becomes soft.

A small ball, her white face is smooth and tender, her eyelashes are long and thick, her little hands and feet move restlessly, sometimes when Pei Shaoze touches them, they will consciously grab Pei Shaoze's fingers...

It's so cute.

When they were just born, both children were ugly with wrinkled faces, but after two months after returning home, their facial features gradually opened up and even double eyelids appeared. Both babies have big eyes, clear and bright, and they should have inherited Cheng Xia's genes.

Pei Shaoze can vaguely see Cheng Xia's shadow from the child, and loves the two babies more and more.


Time passed quickly. The babies gradually turned over, crawled, and walked. They learned how to call "daddy" with a milky voice. They also like to walk staggeringly, open their arms, and say with a smile: " Dad hug..."

Pei Shaoze would gently hug the child every time.

He is strong, and he is not tired at all holding two at the same time.

On one occasion, the paparazzi took a picture of a family of four going out shopping. Pei Shaoze was wearing sunglasses, holding a child in his left and right arms. The young father holding two children still walked in a steady footstep. Easy. Cheng Xia followed Pei Shaoze with a smile on his face, carrying only the toys he bought for the child.

Netizens couldn't help but ridicule: "President Pei is really considerate, worried that Cheng Xia is too tired to hold the child, so I hold two of them!" "Cheng Xia followed Manager Pei, laughing so happily!" "It feels like Mr. Pei has brought a baby, a baby, and a baby with him!

"Cheng Xia, did you buy this toy for your child, or did you buy it and play with it yourself?"

"I can see it. Three pieces of spliced ​​building blocks. The princess castle was obviously bought for my daughter and the plane was bought for my son. But I also saw a difficult spliced ​​sports car? This is not a children's toy, right!

"Cheng Xia honestly confessed, did you secretly buy one yourself for the reason of buying toys for the children?!"

Cheng Xia: "...I was discovered by you."

Anyway, go shopping in a specialty store, buy a castle for his daughter, and buy a plane for his son. Is there anything wrong with buying a car himself?

Pei Shaoze pampered Cheng Xia very much. He opened his eyes and closed his eyes when Cheng Xia bought a toy for his children.

Cheng Xia likes to take the two children to play with building blocks, and teach the children to make all kinds of interesting buildings. Every time Pei Shaoze sees Cheng Xia sitting cross-legged on the carpet as a teacher, with two babies studying hard next to him, he feels that the picture is particularly warm.

Netizens are right, he just took an older child and two young children.

His Cheng Xia has a childlike heart, and he likes Cheng Xia who maintains his childlike heart and is sunny and happy every day.

Under the influence of Cheng Xia, the two children also quickly learned to splice the building blocks. The building block display racks at home were not enough. Thanks to the big house, Pei Shaoze made another row of display racks for special placement. Toys made by children themselves.

The days went on peacefully, and the children soon turned three and were sent to kindergarten.

On the day of going to kindergarten, the two children hugged Cheng Xia's leg and Pei Shaoze's leg. They cried and refused to leave: "Dad, I don't want to go to kindergarten!" "I want to play at home, I want dad to hug!" "

Cheng Xia was very helpless. In the end, Pei Shaoze directly picked up the two little ones with one hand. While walking towards the garage, he said solemnly: "There are delicious and fun things in the kindergarten, and there are many children like you."

The two children wiped their tears and asked pitifully, "Really?"

Pei Shaoze: "Of course it is true."

The two personally sent the children to the kindergarten, and the children found out that there were so many children, and immediately burst into laughter.

In boarding kindergartens, children are only sent home on weekends. Pei Shaoze and Cheng Xia are usually busy with work. On weekends, they always make time to go home with their children. Cheng Xia is responsible for teaching children to play, and Pei Shaoze will patiently show them some enlightenment books for children.

However, as the age gradually increased, the son became more and more naughty, always turning the room into a scene where bandits entered the village to rob; the daughter was restless and liked to paint with colored pens, and once even took Pei Shaoze's The suit was painted colorfully.

Cheng Xia worried that Brother Pei would be angry with the child when he came back. Unexpectedly, when Pei Shaoze saw his colorful suit, only the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he turned his head and said solemnly: "Pei Niancheng."

Pei Niancheng immediately hid behind Cheng Xia.

Pei Shaoze took the child over and said solemnly: "The kindergarten will give you color pens for you to draw, not for you to paint at home." He took the child to the children's room and said, "I put the child in this room. The two walls are made into blackboard walls. You can only paint here in the future. You can paint anything you like. No doodles are allowed in other places. You will find it next time and confiscate your colored pens. Did you hear that?"

The daughter was frightened and nodded quickly: "I heard it! I can only paint here!"

Pei Shaoze put down his little daughter and went back to educate his son: "You have to clean up your own room. You can put things back as you knock them over."

The son looked to Cheng Xia with a grieved expression: "Dad..."

Cheng Xia touched his head: "Be obedient, go and clean up the room."

Although Pei Shaoze educates his children to be more serious, he never punishes them physically. He is serious about reasoning so that the children understand what is wrong. Cheng Xia also knew that she would only play with her children. If this goes on, the two little guys will become mischievous bastards. He believed that Pei Shaoze was a good father, so every time Pei Shaoze educates his children, he would not maintain it.

He respected Brother Pei and listened to Brother Pei very much. It was useless for the two babies to use him as a shield.

The two children seemed to have discovered this too. Dad Cheng had the final say on buying toys and where to play. However, it is Papa Pei who really is in charge of the family, because Papa Cheng also listens to him very much!

After discovering that the top of the right to speak is actually Pei Shaoze, the two children dare not be too presumptuous in front of Pei Shaoze.

Every time Pei Shaoze went home, the two boys were very behaved.

But once Pei Shaoze is gone, these two can tear down their children's room.


On this day, Pei Shaoze was looking at documents in the office, and the phone rang suddenly, and the other party anxiously said: "Hello, are you the parents of Pei Niancheng? Your baby has a fight with someone..."

Pei Shaoze's expression changed, and he immediately dragged to the kindergarten.

Being invited by a parent, this is his first experience, and his mood is very complicated.

Cheng Xia also came when she arrived at kindergarten, with a worried expression on her face. The two looked at each other and walked into the teacher's office quickly. I saw that the faces of the two children looked like cats, and the daughter's braids were all loosened, like a little madman, with mud and scars on the son's face.

Cheng Xia was so distressed that she hurriedly touched the children's heads, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Pei Shaoze said with a calm face: "What's the matter?"

The son said angrily: "They bullied his sister first!"

Pei Niancheng was also unconvinced: "Little tomorrow who is sitting behind me pulled my braids, and when school was over, he called two people to pull out my hair! They pulled my hair together, and my brother and I Called back."

Cheng Yize looked at Cheng Xia and said, "Dad said, if you are bullied, you can fight back. Can't you be bullied in vain? Dad also said, I am a brother and I want to protect my sister."

Pei Niancheng also said: "Yes, I called my brother here. Two of us beat them three. If they can't beat them, they will find the teacher to complain!"

Cheng Xia touched her nose with a guilty conscience.

Pei Shaoze: "..."

The world of children is really a headache.

What's more, these two fight so hard, it was taught by this big friend at home.

Seeing the scars on his son's face and her daughter's messy hair, Pei Shaoze still couldn't help but feel distressed. He turned around and looked at the teacher: "Since the other children are the first to do it, there is nothing wrong with my baby fighting back, right?"

The teacher was embarrassed: "I just fought back a bit too hard..."

At this time, several other parents took their children into the office.

Pei Shaoze saw that the eyes of the three children were swollen, one of them lost a tooth, the other two had bright red blood on the corners of their mouths, their noses were blue, and their faces were swollen. The injuries on his son's face were nothing compared to them. It can be seen that in the melee just now, the son didn't seem to suffer much, but the guys who bullied Pei Niancheng were beaten a little bit miserably.

The parent said angrily: "Your son hurt my baby, do you have to pay for the medical expenses and apologize!" "That is, how to educate the child, do it in kindergarten!"

Pei Shaoze's eyes were cold: "Didn't your child do it first?"

It may be that the Alpha in front of him was too strong. The parents' backs were slightly stiff, and they looked down at their son: "Did you do it first?!" The child saw Pei Niancheng and Cheng Yize and said "Wow". Scared to cry.

Pei Niancheng pointed at the other party and complained: "It's him who plucked a dozen of my hairs and it hurts to death!"

The teacher gave a light cough and came out to make a round: "We adjusted the monitoring. It is indeed your child who bullied Pei Niancheng first, and asked two friends to come and pull her pigtails around Pei Niancheng, and then Pei Niancheng asked her brother to help. Cough, even though they lost their feet when they fought back and beat your child to lose a tooth, the cause is indeed that your child is wrong. I think it's better for parents to reconcile."

Several parents suddenly felt guilty.

Pei Shaoze said indifferently: "I can compensate for the medical expenses, but please your children, don't bully us by reading oranges in the future."

Pei Niancheng is too beautiful, her hair is black and long. At this time, she looks a little embarrassed with her turbulent hair. Pei Shaoze beckoned and asked Pei Niancheng to come over and gently sort out her daughter's turbulent hair. Then he took out a tissue and helped his son wipe the blood from his face.

The surveillance was in front of them, and the other parents were too embarrassed to shame and led the children away.

After the matter was settled, Pei Shaoze took the two babies home. On the way back, Cheng Xia was a little guilty, and the two babies were very happy: "Dad is so handsome!" "I knew that Dad would help us out!"

Pei Shaoze glanced at Cheng Xia and saw Cheng Xia hide his gaze. He couldn't help but chuckle and said, "If you are bullied, you will fight back. You taught it?"

Cheng Xia blushed and said: "I was like this when I was a kid. I was short and was always bullied. After beating them, those talents became honest..."

Pei Shaoze nodded: "Well, it makes sense, the weaker the person, the more likely to be bullied."

He looked at the excitement of the two little guys in the back row from the rearview mirror, and said indifferently, "I heard that Dad is right. You will resist being bullied in the future, but you guys are doing too much this time. They were all swollen, and others' teeth were also knocked out."

The two children bowed their heads guiltily.

Pei Shaoze said: "You like fighting so much. I will report to you to learn about fighting skills. Also, learning fighting is not to bully your classmates, but to protect yourself. Don't take the initiative to beat people, have you heard? "

The two said excitedly: "I heard it!" "Thank you, Dad!"

Unexpectedly, the two children were so powerful in fighting that they became famous in the kindergarten.

Since then, the kindergarten students dare not bully them again.

In the hearts of the young Cheng Yize and Pei Niancheng, although they are usually strict, Pei Shaoze who stood up to defend them at the critical moment is really super handsome! Those parents didn't dare to refute, they were all honest when they were stared coldly by their father.

A principled father like Pei Shaoze is their biggest backer.
