Untie the Heart Knot

  "Kiana, you have to know that no one in this world can decide their own birth, the only thing we can decide is what kind of person we will become in the future." Kiana stretched out her hand and stroked Kiana head gently

  "The name is just a code name, whether you are Kiana or K423, what we know is not the so-called real Kiyana, but you, do you understand?"

  "Aunt Himeko..." Kiana stared blankly at Himeko, her eyes gradually turned red, "But I hurt a lot of people, if it's the real Kiana..."

  "Stupid, why are you still saying this Words?"

  Himeko knocked on Kiana's head directly, and stuffed her decadent words back.

  "Remember what I told you? A person's life can only move forward forever, and you can remember and recall everything that happened in the past, but you can't regret it, because once you regret it, you deny yourself life."

  "Kiana, do you regret coming to St. Freya Academy and meeting us?"

  "No, no! I have never regretted meeting everyone!" Kiana shook vigorously Shake your head.

  "That's all right?" Himeko smiled and said,

  "Kiana, look around you, Mei, Bronya, Theresa, do they care that you are k423? You have been with us before Time is not false, time and experience, friends and enemies, everything you have experienced in the past has created a unique you, do you still think you are fake?"

  "Everyone.. ..."

  Kiana looked at everyone, and she clearly saw that whether it was Mei, Bronya, or Auntie, or even Fu Hua, when they looked at her, there was no disgust or disgust in their eyes. It's disgust, only deep worry and concern.

  That's right....I am not fake, even if my identity is fake and my name is fake, but this experience of getting along with them is real.

  "Kiana, you said you wanted to protect us, and I believe you will be able to do it, because you are my student of Murata Himeko." Himeko looked at Kiana tenderly.

  "Teacher Himeko...everyone...I understand..." Kiana bit her lip, rubbed her eyes hard, her voice was a little choked up.

  "I'm the one who got stuck, I shouldn't have I thought everyone would hate me."

  "Stupid, why would my aunt hate you?" Theresa sniffled, seeing Kiana's heartbroken look just now, she almost couldn't hold back her tears, Fortunately, I held back.

  "Big aunt... Can I, can I still call you big aunt?"

  "Stupid niece, of course you can, don't you want to recognize me as big aunt?"

  Theresa stood on tiptoe and tried hard He raised his hand and touched Kiana's head.

  "Mei, Bronya..." Kiana looked at the two of them again.

  "Kiana, don't worry, no matter who you are, you are the Kiana I know, and I will always be by your side." Raiden Mei said solemnly.

  "The same goes for Bronya, Kiana." Bronya said softly.

  Finally, Kiana cast her eyes on Fu Hua.

  "Squad leader, thank you for telling me this. "

  "Student Kiana, you don't have to thank me, I just told you what you will know sooner or later."

  "But if you hadn't told me about it now, if I hadn't found out about it later, and I didn't have everyone by my side, I think I would have collapsed."

  "Really? ...So, now that you know your life experience, what are you going to do next? "Fu Hua asked.

  "I...I want to go to the Destiny Headquarters to rescue the real Kiana. "Qiana said without hesitation.

  Now that she already knows that the real Kiana is still staying at the headquarters of Destiny, it is impossible for Kiana to just watch and ignore it.

  "Do you think that with your current strength, you can follow the Destiny headquarters take her? "Fu Hua poured a pot of cold water directly on it.

  "Even Siegfried and the Principal back then couldn't take away the real Kiyana from the Destinyh eadquarters. Trust on purpose."

  "What's more, the real Kiana is not in the headquarters of Destiny now. "

  "What? Where is she then? "Theresa asked eagerly.

  "I don't know about this. Only Otto himself knows about her whereabouts. "Fu Hua shook his head.

  Theresa's expression suddenly became very ugly. In fact, she also knew that with their current strength, let alone take away real Kiana from the headquarters of Destiny, they even challenged Otto. they don't have qualifications.

  " But it's not like you don't have no chance at all. "

  "What do you mean? " "

  Fu Hua pointed to the bottom.

  "This question and answer space is your biggest hole card and capital. "

  "I never knew that there is such a magical space that can predict the future and reveal my secrets."

  "So if it is really so magical, about the whereabouts of real Kiana, you may know in the future. I will learn from it."

  When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

  That's right, isn't their biggest advantage now the question-and-answer space?

  As long as they continue to answer questions, they will only get more and more information, and the rewards they get from the question and answer space can also be quickly transformed into strength and enrich themselves.

  In time, they might have the power to compete with the headquarters of Destiny!

  "You are right, this question and answer space is our greatest advantage." Theresa nodded, and then said to Kiana, "Qiana, let's answer the questions first, and we will talk about the rest when we go out. Whether it's your matter or... her matter, we need time to discuss it slowly."

  "Well, Auntie, I understand." Kiana nodded, although her voice was a little hoarse, but There is a sense of calmness.

  In this short period of time, she seems to have experienced a transformation. Although this transformation is not obvious now, it is like a seed, which will bloom sooner or later.

  "So, let's go back to the question just now. What was the question just now? I almost forgot."

  Theresa rubbed her eyebrows, because her attention was focused on the second half of the question , What was the first half, she had already forgotten.

  "The question just now is: Why did Fu Hua, known as the Jingwei, join Otto's command to become a Valkyrie, and follow his orders to go to St. Freya Academy to monitor Kiana?"

  "Although our Attention is drawn to the following words, but the key to this question lies in the front half."

  Bronya said calmly, and at the same time looked at Fu Hua.

  "Squad leader, I believe no one can understand this question better than you. The answer to the question?"